What’s Your Favorite Newsletter?

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | February 26, 2013 11:17 am

Your fellow Gumshoe readers are crying out for your opinion -- please help!

That’s the question that I receive from readers more often than any other — and my response is always disappointing, because I don’t and can’t really have one.

And the real answer is getting to be a bit of an overused question here at Gumshoe HQ — a big “what do you think?” for the masses of Gumshoedom — but it’s at the core of what we’re trying to do.

OK, so most of what I spend my time at is sifting through investment newsletter teasers and finding the truth (and sometimes the gem) that’s buried beneath the pile of, well, fertilizer[1]. But we’re really all about people getting more fully informed, putting some of the hype aside, and making their own choices and sharing opinions — no newsletter is going to manage your portfolio for you, or make you rich, or turn around a sagging financial life.

But lots of them can help. I’m not anti-newsletter, I don’t think the folks who put out these missives every day or week or month are criminals or shysters … with some exceptions, of course — most of them, at least those from the major publishers that we see most often, are really trying to come up with good recommendations and helpful commentary. I don’t like the hype-filled promises of wealth that fill their ads, because I think those boasts and promises are what stick with people even as the more sensible and nuanced commentary that fills most of the actual newsletter issues is skimmed over or quickly forgotten by many investors. The big promises are what catch our attention, and they remain there in the lizard brain at our core, giving hope for ridiculously flashy financial salvation without work, research, patience, saving, discipline or sacrifice … or luck.

So when we look past the overpromising and the large type that promises 20% dividends[2] or 800% gains, which letters do people actually end up finding most useful (and hopefully profitable)? Is it the background or education that these letters provide, or the udpates on their portfolios, or the unearthing of heretofore unknown investment opportunities or particularly nimble skill in picking buy and sell points for stocks or options[3]? Or is it just the reassurance of having someone in your inbox each week, advising you to stay the course even if the headlines are freaking you out?

I can’t tell you that — I don’t subscribe to these ad-hyping newsletters that I write about, partly because there are too damn many of them, but mostly because it wouldn’t be very fair or sporting as I try to dissect their ads and unearth their “secret” ideas with the help of the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator.

But your fellow readers can tell you — that’s why, in addition to sharing the teaser picks we unveil, we collect reader reviews of newsletters and allow for lots of free and open commenting on our articles. And we collate and average those reviews to give rankings of the newsletters — not rankings based on my opinion or on any measure of actual portfolio performance, but rankings based on what subscribers actually think of the letter.

So… wanna know what the “best” is? You can simply go to the Newsletter Rankings page[4]… that will let you browse by ranking, or to filter them alphabetically by title… or even to search for particular publishers or authors.

We haven’t been calling the reviews to your attention much of late, so for many of these newsletters the subscriber reviews have gotten a bit stale — they might reflect a surge of pessimism from 2009, for example, or a particularly good few months from 2008 or 2011 that made folks love a letter … so we need your help.

If you’ve ever subscribed to a newsletter, please review it for us.

As we’ve seen from many, many comments in recent months, readers are overwhelmed by the number of letters, their crazy marketing aggressiveness, and their inability to keep up with dozens of email updates, so folks clearly want help in separating the wheat from the chaff. Can you help?

If you’ve subscribed to a newsletter, just click on it on the ranking page[5] or search by title (search box is at the top right), and on each newsletter page you should see both some “stars” that you can use to give a ranking to various aspects of that letter, plus a comment box below for submitting anything else you want to say about that newsletter.

Reviews are moderated to try to cut down on spam, so your review might not show up instantly. And though we add new letters and trading services frequently there are some newsletters in the cast of thousands that just aren’t in our system yet, so please contact us[6] if you’d like to submit your opinion of a newsletter or service that you don’t yet see on the site and we’ll cheerfully add it.

And I’ve got an extra inducement for you today.

The person who submits the most thoughtful and helpful reviews over the next couple days will either get upgraded to a lifetime membership in the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars (a $200 value, if we do say so ourselves), or, if you’re already a lifer, I’ll send you or your favorite charity a check for $100. They can be positive or negative reviews, and you can submit one or two or a dozen or more, whatever you have time and inclination to share.

So please, think of the letters and services you find helpful and useful, and those that you’ve found frustrating and disappointing, and share your opinions with us. Not only will you be helping your fellow investors to sift through the fog, but you might even earn a little something for yourself. And while you’re at it, hop on over to the most recent plea for help from one of our valued readers[7] and let them know what your top two or three newsletters are with a brief comment.

Thanks for participating in this great adventure, and thanks for reading and commenting and reviewing and sharing your experiences with the great Gumshoe community — you make my work a daily delight, and I do appreciate it.

  1. fertilizer: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/fertilizer/
  2. dividends: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/dividends/
  3. options: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/options/
  4. Newsletter Rankings page: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/newsletter-rankings//
  5. click on it on the ranking page: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/newsletter-rankings/
  6. contact us: http://stockgumshoe.com/contact/
  7. hop on over to the most recent plea for help from one of our valued readers: http://stockgumshoe.com/2013/02/microblog-too-many-newsletter-information-overload/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2013/02/whats-your-favorite-newsletter/

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  • Member
    👍 14
    December 22, 2013 11:36 am
    I became a Reserve member of the Agora service in 2008. Overall the service has good newsletters and actively works to improve the offering. My favorites are Chris Mayer's newsletter Special Situations and his Capital and Crisis letter - you have to use your own experience research and judgement in any of these letters. I also like Neil George's Income on Demand and his Lifetime Income Report. Before Neil the Lifetime Income Report was written by Jim Nelson. I made good money with his recommendations.I have taken advantage of some trade suggestions from their services and made money. Others were bad, but overall am ahead.I like the steady hand that Jonas Elmerraji of the Storm Signals Elite provides for trading ideas, and a loud shout out goes to Greg Guenther of the Rude Awakening Pro also for steady trade advice and interpretation of price action.
  • Member
    👍 8
    May 13, 2015 8:09 pm
    I've been with Dick Young/Intelligent report for 10-12 years i've done well but now he's selling just about everything not like him at all. Any ideas on a dividend type conservative newsletter for a core port. Sincerely, Al Coburn PS I just joined hope to have fun.
  • Member
    oplia opliauskas
    June 23, 2015 8:20 am
    My favorite is www.specialsituationinvestments.com. I am a small investor and it covers exactly these arbitrage opportunities which are suitable only for smaller amounts of money (total investments in the range of $1000-$10000). Covers odd lots, going private transactions, some merger arbitrage and etc.
  • Member
    July 17, 2015 12:42 pm
    Great website mgcarlos3@yahoo.com
  • Member
    Jerry, Kailua, HI
    June 1, 2017 3:32 pm
    I have used over dozen-plus letters over 15 years but only one letter has given me substantial returns ~ Nate's Notes, only since December 2015. Of his four recommendations, two I have seen my portfolio of 100K then now 150K. His other two returned as did the canceled other letters had done.
  • Member
    👍 22
    June 6, 2019 3:20 pm
    i love most of the Motley fools newsletters. Currently, I am subscribed to The Stock Advisor. Pretty strong results.
  • Member
    Val F
    February 2, 2020 7:05 pm
    I like Nates Notes and Motley Fool Also. Must get Seeking Alpha in here.
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