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written by reader Stellar Biotechnologies – The real deal or just more tulip bulbs?

By theblindsquirrel, August 21, 2013

DISCLAIMER: I am long shares of SBOTF and may add to the position at any time.
”Even blind squirrels find an acorn every now and then”
OK, I know .. there is already plenty of discussion re Stellar Biotechnologies (SBOTF) on the site. Since Travis posted the tease from Nick Hodge in early July, the stock is up a hair over 100% (my Special Situation account sends many thanks for that one!). The reason I’m opening this thread is because the majority of comments from those of us interested or already invested in SBOTF are being posted under another wonderful – yet mostly unrelated – thread by Doc Gumshoe that talks about Alzheimers and possible causes/treatments/cures. Great stuff, but not fully germane to the topic of SBOTF. So, tho seperate the two discussions, I thought I’d try this so we can focus on each of the topics independantly.
That said, here’s some commentary about SBOTF that I have gleaned from the original tease, tracking the price action since July, reading member comments on this site, and studying anything and everything I can find about the Company and it’s product, Giant Keyhole Limpet Hemogobulin, a/k/a KLH.
First, a little peeve I’ve developed; the actual name of this animal that is the central focus of the business. I’ve noticed a trend of sorts by readers to refer to the Limpet as a ”snail”, ”escargot”, or something along those lines. While some may be using this as a light-hearted way of referring to the animal, it is not any of those. Please, use the proper name – as silly as it might sound. New readers could easily dismiss the entire idea and be misled otherwise. No disrespect meant to any who have done this, but I think it’s important we stay on track.
Now, some factoids for you.
If you haven’t done your due dilligence yet, the place to start is right here on this page. In the upper right you’ll see a box that says ”Teaser Tracking.” Click on that. The page that comes up is a list of the teases which Travis has posted over the past many months. Second from the top is the one re SBOTF. Some good tidbits of info right there. But what you want to do is look all the way over to the right and click on the link to the original tease posting. Open that and you’ll get the full story that Travis wrote when he first uncovered this tease (produced by Nick Hodge) and is a solid foundation of info about the company. Read it – two or three times to get an understanding of what SBOTF is all about.
Next, if you can find it, try and get a post that has the original video that Hodge did to tease the company with. In it, he (Hodge) interviews a couple of the company’s top executives and takes the cameras outside the room totalk with another employee about the ”farming” process that SBOTF has spent years and millions developing and patenting. You’ll get a pretty good visual inspection of the plant itself, the ”grow tanks”, and the Limpet. Good stuff. By the end you’ll have a fair overview of the company and what it does. FYI, the video tease runs about 40 minutes. It’s the first 25 minutes or so that will interest you. The remainder is what all teases consist of, overblown and repetitive pleas to get you to subscribe to the newsletter service that the promoter has to offer. Save yourself time and money by skipping that stuff.
A few takeaways from the video and additional research:
SBOTF has been around since the late 1990’s, working on how to extract the blood from the Limpet without killing them (they have done that and gotten patents on the process) and how to raise them in captivity in order to ensure a continuious supply of the animals to work with. This ”farming” process has, for the most part, been perfected and SBOTF can now raise them from fertilization of sperm and egg to maturity. They have a lifespan of some 30 years, and coupled with the patent-protected process they developed for extracting the blood without killing the Limpet, the company can now say with assurance that they can provide the Big Pharma with all the KLH they need to conduct clinical trials and produce the drugs they develop once FDA approval is granted. And – this is a big ”and” – they are the ONLY company in existence that can do this at the present time. The many patents they hold may ensure that to be the case for years to come.
Did I mention that KLH cannot be synthesized? So far nobody has been able to do that, so the supply of KLH from SBOTF seems to remain the only game in town.
Stellar Bio has yet to turn a profit. Sales and not much to write home about. That is mainly due to the small supply available and that SBOTF has focused on R&D in the past moreso than actual KLH production. That’s my best guess – I can’t verify that but seems to be the case. It is changing, however. The R&D is still in full swing, but the ability to produce and sell KLH is starting to ramp up as witnessed by increasing sales volume. It’ll take time but those increasing sales are coming.
In the wild (ocean floor), the Giant Keyhole Limpet has never been found ANYWHERE in the world other than in the small colony (estimated to be about 100,000 animals) which is just offshore from the Stellar Bio plant in Ventura County, CA. The enviromental community has been getting more and more concerned about the harvesting of the Limpets from this colony since there apparently aren’t any more around. Whisper talk about possible extinction have begun to surface, although no official governmental action regarding a ”protected specise” has yet been issued. This is why the farming of the animals has been crucial and why Stellar has such a leg up on any possible competition. If the Tree Huggers get hold of that idea, the ability to harvest the colony could – and probably would – be severely impacted.
Recent price and volume action has been fast and furious. As more and more people are becoming aware of the company by means of Hodges’ tease and thing such as this discussion, volume has had days that were near three times the average six months ago (175K shares average vs. some days now running around 500K). And most of this is upside volume indicating increasing demand for shares of a small float. This of course leads to highr prices as we are witnessing as I write.
For now, the gravy train is tearing down the track. The question is, when will demand for shares be curtailed as investor thirst for a bite of Limpet pie become satisfied? When will Nick Hodge back off this promotion, letting the press subside and therefore lessening investor awareness (the stock is not covered by any analyst, anywhere, that I can find, nor is it held by any mutual fund or investment management company). If and when this interest backs off, what effect will that have on the stock price? Trees don’t grow to the sky … or do they?
I can’t answer those questions. Just like you, I can only hold ’um and not fold ’um – yet. That day may come, and that is why I suggest anyone long the stock keep a DAILY eye on it. I’m making no prediction whatsoever about where the price will go over the next several weeks or months. In the interest of full disclosure, I have already taken some money off the table just to partially protect the quick profits I made since purchase. I sold about 30% of my initial position when that part became valued around 50% of my original investment. What remains is valued today right at the same $ amount I first put in. The amouunt I pulled out gives me full protection of some 50% of my original investment. Would I be better off today if I hadn’t done that? Yes. I would, because the price continues to rise. Will I be better of for having made thaat sale if the price stumbles and falls in the near future? Again, yes, I will – if the price falls. Some wise man once said ”you can’t go broke if you take profits” and I believe in that. Me, I don’t care for the idea of going broke, so I’m perfectly happy with this concept. No regrets about putting actual money in the bank, so to speak.
Comments? Concerns? Insights? Let the fun began!
Your Resident Blind Squirrel
Jim Skelton

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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👍 192
Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
August 21, 2013 10:31 am

Trading halt, requested by the company as of the market close yesterday. That means some kind of news is forthcoming, no idea what or when but it’s rare for it to take more than a few hours. If you’re interested in the company, you’ll find much more news following their home listing (KLH in Canada) than the US OTCQX listing (SBOTF). Announcement of trading halt from yesterday afternoon is here:

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👍 22353
September 19, 2013 12:09 pm

Hi Jim, love your posts! I’ve been in stellar since it began and its a pleasure to read some intelligent analysis without an attitude. Since you were an analyst, i’d love for you to check out a company thats just starting to get some traction, that also has ‘game changing’ medical technology, and is still very cheap. I’m in it pretty heavily and would appreciate your analysis of it if you have some time, it might also put a new investment on your horizon. The company is Aethlon Medical (aemd). They’re making a device called the hemopurifier, that they can fine tune to remove various items from the blood, such as exosome’s, viruses such as HIV and Hep C. They’re getting money from Darpa for Sepsis, patents in Europe to remove viruses from the blood. Seem to be working with Battelle in the Sepsis battle.
Their website is:
Any comments greatly appreciated.

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👍 36
August 15, 2014 5:58 pm
Reply to  robertvince

Did you look at their profile on Yahoo? Humidifiers…small company 10 employees, Mkt.Cap 33M, low volume

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David Brown
August 21, 2013 12:32 pm

Jim–from Wikipedia: Fissurellidae, common name the keyhole limpets and slit limpets, is a taxonomic family of limpet-like sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs in the clade Vetigastropoda.[1][2].
Apparently keyhole limpets aren’t true limpits but are indeed “limpet-like sea snails.”
Go escargot go!

Of course, no matter what type of mollusk we have, the most important factors for an investor are the value of the material harvested to the biomedical community, the patents the company develops regarding their processes, the scarcity of the keyhole limpet and its sustainability.

Like you, I’ve done a lot of reading–mainly focused on the factors I just mentioned. I agree that this product has tremendous upside potential and the company seems to be well run and managed. KLH appears to have great potential for vaccines and other medical uses to treat diverse medical issues. I don’t think it’s snake oil, but it is a rather risky bet at this point given no true revenues. Let’s hope that you and I are true blind pigs who will not get barbecued soon in the market.

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August 21, 2013 12:42 pm

I have not lost any sleep over my keyhole pet investment, and do not feel compelled to sit by the computer all day. Last week when some of my other positions were down a little, Stellar was showing a profit, remember I bought @ .63 and as of today I am up 128.80, I have not taken any profit and still plan on holding. I spent hours researching the company , and the science behind KLH and bought prior to the name change. I get direct updates from Stellar, as I signed up for them.
I NEVER invest money I cannot stand to loose.

August 21, 2013 2:02 pm

I’m long on this one. My wife is a Biochem PHD student at UMC MS working on drug transport systems. It sounds like this company may be right up her alley of study and interest. I hope she will have that interview with these folks. I’ve done my reading on SBOTF like the rest of you and like what I see. The halt is disconcerting, especially if a buyout is pending, hopefully not. Along with the rest of you I’ve got one eye stuck to news feed and ticker and the other doing my regular work.
Other: LQMT, PLUG, OESX, F, Dell

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Jana B
September 18, 2013 4:21 pm
Reply to  rfrose

First, I’m not sure if a reply to a month old post will show up or not. Second , woo hoo we’re at $2!! And it hit this level BEFORE the Fed. announced its news. Third , this may be breaking protocol (and if so I’m sure I’ll hear about it)
Roger, can you direct me to a discussion page on PLUG? My curiosity has been piqued. Also, hope you don’t think I’m full of myself- really would like to make an investor visit at some point.

Roger Rose
September 18, 2013 6:07 pm
Reply to  Jana B

I would not think that your ‘ping’ to me is off protocol as long as the discussion of other stock does not overtake this thread. I would hope that the folks here do mention other stocks that they find ‘viable’. Find PLUG POWER on Seeking Alpha.
No, not full of yourself – just excited like the rest of us. If interest is shown for several to visit all the better (and more likely that we will get the tour rather than just one person). I will wait for all to go at once if the interest is shown. I think it would show a great deal of support to the board and to those other (institutional) investors that are waiting in the wings ready to pounce and hopefully push our stock value through the roof. NASDAQ, Splits – oh how my heart is a flutter 🙂

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Jana B
September 18, 2013 6:49 pm
Reply to  Roger Rose

Well, keep a defibrillator on hand just in case!!

👍 192
David Brown
August 21, 2013 3:30 pm

I have a feeling that a buy out is imminent. One of the big biotechs sees what the rest of us see. The good news is that we will make a nice profit. The bad news is that we wont have the fun of riding this wave for months/years to come.

August 21, 2013 5:32 pm

Here is what I got back from Stellar on my email inquiry. Not much but at least something.
“Dear Mr. Rose
Thank you for your email and your interest in Stellar Biotechnologies. Stellar has placed a halt on trading of our stock (TSX:KLH, OTCQB: SBOTF) pending a news release. We will release the news as soon as possible however the timing of the news release is not yet known. Trading of the stock will resume again after the news has been released. Thank you again….”.

Jim, nice recount on how you invest. I rode the wave during 2000 on day trading with the heart pounding by the minute each time I hit the ‘enter’ key. The best I did was with the folks that had the patent on thumb drive technology and the worst when Rite Aid tanked. We do learn our lessons. I do like the long shot startups and new technology stocks as I listed in a previous post. Usually I will have some knowledge of the industry or product process before investing. And like you, buy a bunch at sub dollar (not always but I try) and a lot to make it worth while if it goes in the correct direction. Also, I’m with you on ‘don’t do this unless you can afford it’, high risk can be high loss, but the thrill of high gain is the other heart pounder.
Hopefully some news before the open tomorrow.

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David Brown
August 21, 2013 5:39 pm
Reply to  rfrose

Logically, a partnership or a buyout is in the works–Stellar just announced all the latest research news in the past several weeks. What else could it be?

👍 192
August 21, 2013 6:55 pm

Jim, as I mentioned in a follow on post (which should have been a reply and not a new thread – apologies.) I’m hoping for, at the most, a partnership with an established Pharma. With a buyout, as you mentioned, would be ‘some’ quick cash but I like you like the joggers high, rather than the sprinters high. The buyout would, in all probability, be the IP and the rest of the folks fade away. (seen it, been there)
I’m wishing for the partnership.

August 21, 2013 5:57 pm

I hope partnership and with an established pharmaceutical or integrator. See the Presidents letter on Stellar’s web site.

David Brown
August 21, 2013 7:37 pm
Reply to  rfrose

Whatever the news it is very likely to be very good for the stockholders in the short term. Since the stock had come down a bit in the afternoon on 8/20, I added 25% to my holdings just 3 mts. before the market closed on Tuesday. That may have been my best gut instinct move ever!

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August 22, 2013 3:06 am
Reply to  David Brown

So I’m not alone? I added more right before too! We shall all meet for dinner hha

👍 192
Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
August 22, 2013 9:47 am

The news was a private placement, priced WAY below current market price ($1.05 for a share AND a warrant), absent other developments or news I would suspect that will probably drive the shares down: — there are no earnings to dilute yet, but that’s significant ownership dilution. Of course, that price WAS the market price just ten days ago, since the stock rose a good 40-50% since early August, so it’s not unreasonable from that perspective.

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👍 22353
July 22, 2014 12:41 am

This, undoubtedly, was one of Mexican businessman and CPA Ernesto Echavarria’s buys; I’ve been reading up on him and his dozens of what are described only as “Buys or Dispositions” of shares of Stellar. Unfortunately, they don’t give clear information on whether each transaction is a Buy or a Sell. Elsewhere, I did read that he holds over 20% of the float. He is also an insider (i.e., holder of at least 10% of shares) of several other companies–he seems to have a sweet tooth for Canadian Juniors–and has a controlling interest in Frank’s fruits and vegetables in Mexico. Several of the companies in which he is an insider have earned the attention of the SEC. I ran into a blogsite entitled “Neer do well Hall of Infamey” Here’s a link:

You’ll read, here also of many companies in which shareholders lost millions, such as:

Rye Patch Gold (RPMGF), Redhill Resources (ATWGF), Animas Resources (Sold to GoGo Gold, Copper Fox Metals. And there’s Solotro, Blackheath Resources. The list goes on and on, and the same people keep showing up.

Is Mr. Echvarria complicit in these deals? I’m not aware that he’s been charged, but I find it very suspicious that he seems to be an insider in a lot of these companies, where shareholders lost their shirts.

And I have to say that the massive selloff in Stellar, since early April smells of burnt investors.

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August 25, 2014 1:09 pm

That is old news from 2013 when they got on TSX and OTC….

👍 192
David Brown
August 22, 2013 10:13 am

We just got barbecued. It’s hard to believe that a company can legally manipulate it’s stock price to raise money when the market had priced it at 1.49 and rising. I’m furious. Given the details of the announcement, I don’t see this stock going much above 1.10 for the next three years–perhaps I am missing something. Help me out here.

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David Brown
August 22, 2013 10:39 am

It ticks me off that corporations can basically screw the small investor by manipulating their stock price so that the insiders can be positioned to make a killing while the common Dave gets creamed. This wasn’t a free market dip in the stock price Jim–it was directly linked to an action that will benefit the company insiders. At times like this, I wish I had a law degree. It just isn’t right. The free market should determine the stock price–not a dilution of the shares by the company so they can get more cash flow.

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August 22, 2013 11:55 am
Reply to  David Brown

David, you can always file a complaint with the SEC, your congressman or whomever else is in a position of authority to change the rules. Not that I don’t disagree with you, your point is well taken, the wealthy make the rules that’s why they are wealthy (and in politics).
Jim, I’m with you. I have not even looked at the stock yet this morning as my notification of updates to this blog was the first I read and came straight here to read what was going on. Why did I not jump straight to my ticker? As you say, it doesn’t make a hill of beans when playing in the ‘high risk’ market place. I will check the price after these comments are done and probably buy some more shares and average down my cost. I look at these types of positions as either profitable because they make it or they drop off the grid (as it were) if the management can’t keep the company going. Dollars spent, dollars earned, just depends on the net in the end.
How fun it is to see the panic, it just gives folks like you and me Jim the chance to average down.

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August 22, 2013 12:11 pm
Reply to  rfrose

I just read the announcement on the web site.
Jim, you will have more insight into this than I so your comment is requested.
Why would the company (or any company) that wants to raise capital not offer a discount share price to the current holders on record of the stock and (as per David) give current stock holders a chance at a piece of the tastier pie. And, the company would not have to pay 7% here and 5% there on commissions etc. I can already think of a few reasons but would like your perspective.

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👍 192
David Brown
August 22, 2013 3:18 pm

Well, Jim, I obviously know nothing and you know everything. If this was such an innocent fund raising venture then why when I just tried to get in on the “private offering” of $1.05 a share with the .5 warrant I was denied because I am not a an “accredited investor.” I had no problem buying shares at $1.49 a share on the afternoon of August 20 but I can’t get in on their sweet deal today. Why–because the odds are stacked squarely against the small investor and in favor of the rich and those with inside information. If you don’t think that there are people at Stellar who are padding their salaries and helping their buddies get in on a discount price then you live on a different planet Jim.

👍 192
August 22, 2013 3:42 pm

added 1000 @ 1.13 limit filled at 1.12xx averaged down some. here we goo

August 22, 2013 3:57 pm
Reply to  michael

I mean if you were buying the other day at 1.20-1.50

why wouldn’t you buy when on sale at 1.15+/-?

wish I hit that .999 this morning, lucky bastard! probably was you Jim!

David Brown
August 22, 2013 4:10 pm
Reply to  michael

Maybe I’m over reacting but it looks to me that the company’s private offering just about guarantees that the stock wont go much above 1.35 for the next couple years unless they get some incredible good news and/or earnings surprises. The presiden’ts optimistic letter in early August certainly gave no indication of a cash shortfall (and the stock soared after that). I feel duped right now. Hopefully, I am wrong and the coming days look much brighter for this stock (and my portfolio).

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August 22, 2013 4:00 pm

Bought at .55/ share, watched it go to 1.49. Now it’s about 1.15. I think were still on the gravy train. Folks didn’t put up $12,000,000. for window dressing. I see a Buy out at about $3-$4.00

David Brown
August 22, 2013 4:12 pm
Reply to  J. R. MCLEOD

I sure hope that you are right J. R. I’d love to have egg on my face after making money rather than losing it : )

August 22, 2013 5:25 pm

Thanks Jim for the education.
I don’t begrudge being paid for hard work, I just thought that it could save money, pay yourself instead of them, as it were.
David, hear ya are:

ac·cred·it·ed in·ves·tor

1.investor meeting certain standards: a person or organization judged suitable to undertake an investment, based on criteria such as experience, net worth, and income levels

What hurts is that had this same thing happen a bit ago with Liquid Metal (LQMT). I’m down (a bit) but not out – long term folks, this ain’t day trading.
Keep smiling and hope for the 3-4 bucks.

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August 22, 2013 5:30 pm
Reply to  rfrose

The three hour break we had was oh so wonderful. I haven’t heard anywhere if this was due to a hack. And wow if it was!

David Brown
August 22, 2013 5:42 pm
Reply to  rfrose

Perhaps Stellar suspended the NASDAQ pending an announcements LOL

David Brown
August 22, 2013 10:19 pm

Jim: Of course Stellar is playing by the rigged rules of the rich, if they are indeed playing by the rules. They have plenty of fancy lawyers to cover their tracks so that they can get away with this baloney–like suspending trading for a full day, sheesh.

So if I’m being protected now from myself so I can’t buy shares at $1.05 how come I could buy as many as I wanted to at $1.49 on Tuesday or as many as I want tomorrow for $1.14–there is no logic to that argument. It’s a rigged game. I must say that I have indeed received an education today and it’s made me a heck of a lot more jaded regarding the ways in which the rich get richer because they write the rules to benefit themselves. History repeats itself–the top one percent screws the 99% over and over again. I’ve been foolish enough to think that if I do my homework and stay on top of things that I can succeed just like those who write the rules to benefit themselves.
If Stellar was being such a stellar company, then why didn’t the president disclose that there are cash flow problems in his glowing optimistic letter from just two weeks ago. There is definitely a lot of manipulation going on, legal or not. Only a pompous moron would deny that.

👍 192
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