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written by reader #4_z$FLKS_Shoez

By SoGiAm, April 24, 2016

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👍 11604
April 24, 2016 3:27 pm

$FLKS…thanks for getting things going again on FLKS, Ben. And it’s best to have the seminal notes from Doc at the masthead. Re-reading good stuff is a habit of mine and Doc’s introduction sure seems as good as it did over a year ago.

So what has happened that changes the scenario ? Well, it doesn’t seem like a while lot, other than the typical investor impatience after the IPO. “The darned thing hasn’t made
me rich and I’ve been waiting six, maybe even seven months now. I’m going to go invest in Turkish put options, I don’t have time for these guys to take on Gatorade and Coke.”
So for me, first things first. Monday I have to get out of my Turkish put options and re-establish a small position in FLKS. Will look at the charts and report back.

Then I’ll serve as referee for the thread, unless someone else wants the job.
Thanks for the idea, Doc.

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👍 9968
👍 11604
April 24, 2016 6:17 pm

This is a good shot of the landscape. 60 Billion sports+energy drink market, plus an equally large tea market. In sports/energy, Coke and Pepsi have about 46% of the market with another 20$ split among Monster, Red Bull, and two others. Leaves about 1/3 or
20 Billion per year up for grabs among the smaller players.

In the trade there is often a split between the sports drinks and the energy drinks.
I would think there is no reason for FLKS not to make a drink that goes after both.

In passing, I saw that FLKS has cinnamon as an ingredient. This is one of the flavoring components in cola drinks. No reason not to make it taste good.

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April 24, 2016 6:24 pm

It’s pretty encouraging that Red Bull and Monster have carved out 5% + market niches in a short time in the $ 60 billion dollar sports/energy market. These guys were non-existent a while ago and now have pretty important places. So it can be done.

If FLKS were to earn 5% share, this is $3 billion per year retail. Call it $ 1.5-2.0 billion wholesale. Say the margins are between 20% and 35%. This implies margin revenue of
$ 300 million on the low side, $ 700 million on the high side. Obviously a lot of possible slips between cup and lip…but not bad potential for a company that has a market cap less than $ 250 million.

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April 24, 2016 6:35 pm

Beverage industry…a few other things from the charts…
–the sports/energy class is a small subset of the beverage industry. Carbonated beverages are 350 billion, sports/energy is 60 billion. Water, teas and juice are bigger than the sports/energy group.

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April 24, 2016 7:33 pm

I think the things I like best about FLKS is first, the pure simplicity of their product, and the amazing team they have to make it a success. They just don’t seem to be the sort that takes defeat as an answer. Dr KSS also pointed out that “Legendary Fidelity Magellan Fund manager Peter Lynch put personal funds into $FLKS.” We’re in good company. Long FLKS.

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👍 2744
April 24, 2016 7:35 pm
Reply to  Esther

Oh, and I meant to say thank you to HN for taking on the responsibility of this thread.

👍 2744
April 24, 2016 8:07 pm

$FLKS…some basic stock data for those who have not been following along closely:

FLKS closed last week @ 12.43.

opened on January 15 @ $ 7.46 high 12.10, low 6.48, closed at 10.97
Since then:
hit a lifetime high of $ 24.82 in April 2015…MC about 500 MM
hit a lifetime low of $ 6.48 MC about 100 MM
slightly less than 18 MM shares outstanding
Institutional interest 60%
Short interest low single digits
Company pedigree per Doc’s article
Unnamed beverage not on market yet

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👍 9968
April 25, 2016 10:33 am

FLKS…long now twelve and change…whatever. Money and mouth are in synch.

👍 9968
April 25, 2016 10:51 am

Anyone thinking about FLKS or in it should see the website.

Doc and Sharon have alluded to the quality of top people in the company.
Both have understated the case somewhat. You’ve got a board chock full of successfull and high-profile people in research, consumer beverages, high tech, medicine, and Wall Street.

👍 9968
👍 11604
April 28, 2016 10:24 am

OK, I read through the above list. Sounds good. Somewhere the Doc talked about a presentation to be made between April 18-25. Does anyone know anything about that?

Also, I did find a negative article about the stock. Has anyone seen this? This guy makes fun of the simplicity of the product:

It was written way back when the stock had it’s IPO. So far, the guy seems to have hit the nail on the head, although I wish I would have invested back in January of this year!

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👍 976
👍 11604
April 28, 2016 4:00 pm
Reply to  niizajim

Feuerstein’s jaundiced view may have some validity and he may even prove to be correct. But I doubt it.

For one thing there are lot of FLKS backers besides NBA and NFL owners who are way more concerned with integrity, their own reputation, science, ethics, and other good things. Do you think a Nobel prize winner, a Harvard neurosurgon, Peter Lynch, the former CEOs of Apple and Pepsico are going to get sucked into and lend their names and reputations to a get-rich-quick quack enterprise ?

For another thing, a year later FLKS has actually engaged in an succeeded in a CLINICAL TRIAL for their formulation. They actually have provided an effective solution for a an UNMET MEDICAL NEED, albeit it is a need without the drama and urgency of pancreatic cancer or congestive heart failure.

As far as Westphal’s interest in promoting food as curative and beneficial, this is precisely the type of thinking we need to promote low-cost health solutions. The fact that the compounds are natural, hence unpatentable and “unprofitable”, is not not Westphal’s fault; but this is a root cause the medical industry must innovate with ever more expensive machines and compounds…they cannot profit from
folk remedies that may be more cost efficient to the end user and to society at large.

Last, let’s assume the worst and hypothesize that Feuerstein is essentially correct.
His interpretation does not rule out the possibility that FLKS may still wind up being a great success commercially. Gatorade, Monster, Pepsi, and Red Bull are all pretty successful in the beverage industry and do not have scientific pedigrees that come close to what FLKS is going to have.

Long FLKS. Concerning Feuerstein, when you take as many opinions in public as he does, some are going to be right and some are going to be wrong. On FLKS we just have to wait and see.

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👍 9968
👍 11604
May 3, 2016 6:09 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

I took profit @ $12.80 . Have stink bid in to re-enter. $FLKS. Now @ $10.49 and dropping.

👍 7797
May 3, 2016 9:20 pm

OK, I’m thinking about taking the plunge and getting in. I will look at the presentation tomorrow. Looks like a very low share count and rich in cash. Good science behind it and people backing it. Product coming out soon which hopefully will begin to bring in revenue. It’s sounding pretty good. THanks guys for the information.

👍 976
May 3, 2016 9:34 pm

I have a question. Doc said: ” It’s neither a science nor medical play from here forward….”

But looking at their website, it looks like they are actually doing phase 2 trials and have more things planned. Anyway, I didn’t get the impression that it is no longer a science or medical play.

So perhaps the drink aspect of it is what Doc was referring to? Aren’t there still science/medical aspects to this stock?

The pipeline sounds like it too could produce some real value in time if they prove medically sound. Any comments?

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👍 976
May 5, 2016 4:24 pm
Reply to  niizajim

They are pursuing real medical trials for cramping. But remember the stuff they are trialling is a “proprietary” compund, it may not be subject to patents. And the application is not exactly for a blockbuster disorder, though they do classify it as “an unmet medical need”.

The scientific and medical results, if they come, would give huge credibility to the consumer product and it will augment the value of FLKS. But the consensus is that FLKS can be a tremendous commercial success, without proven clinical evidence of the effect of their compound, and that the key issues will be in areas other than science and medicine.

Gatorade, Monster, Red Bull, and many other beverages have had success in the sports/energy drink market, and they have done it without Phase 3 clinical results better than placebo.

👍 9968
May 5, 2016 10:12 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks. I certainly understand that the main upside here is the drink.

However, I listened to their recent conference call and they talked about applying for patents on their treatment protocol in the future and doing more trials.

It seems to me that they would not be wasting time and money on further trials if it is for things they cannot patent. Maybe a longer term thing, but from their conference call, it does seem like there is a medical part to the play.

one thing I was not very happy about personally is the price of the drink. I think they mentioned somewhere north of $5! Monster, Gatorade, and Red Bull have carved out a nice little market, but not with a $5 drink. I really question how popular such a drink will be among athletes. Only the rich professional athletes/college teams etc are going to use this. I think they need to make it more accessible to the every day athlete who also suffers from muscle cramps.

How do the rest of you feel about that pricing?

I did go long but looks like one day too early and am down almost 10% already!

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👍 976
May 5, 2016 10:34 pm
Reply to  niizajim

If $5 was to high for a drink then Starbuck’s would be out of business. IMO

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👍 853
May 5, 2016 11:00 pm
Reply to  Lannas

I hope you are right. It’s just that you don’t see $5 drinks in the soda machine. Perhaps they are never planning on selling it like that or on the shelves of grocery stores. $5 is not too high for Starbucks drink, that’s true, but I doubt this is the type of drink you will buy at Starbucks either. Long $FLKS

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👍 976
May 6, 2016 4:01 am

My opinion is that with legitimate scientific justification for their product, the target market will support at higher prices than we are used to seeing. The drink will have prestige and the cache of something that really works. The target market spends huge money on expensive sneakers, tennis rackets made of space age materials, and loads of other overpriced stuff.

They can always lower prices if it is a problem. But they can’t raise them.

👍 9968
May 6, 2016 5:04 am

This is not your grandmothers tea and tennis drink. This is for those who push the limits, win the medals set the records. Those that exert to the limit and seek an edge to keep playing through the pain. The winning edge.
For weekend warriors you too can be weekend heroes without the pains you would normally experience. The WILL for that five yard sprint Thanksgiving afternoon to make cousin Clyde eat crow. Does it cost more than alligator wash ? You Bet but it is worth it if you want to win. What price for Bragging rights?
Stock up now. Normally $24.79 for the Six Performance Pak, Buy One Get One more for the same price!!

Just a sample ad of how this might be marketed.
Now do you think $5 per can could be sold?

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👍 7797
May 7, 2016 1:21 am
Reply to  arch1

Let’s hope it works! I’m not against a high price if it sells of course.

👍 976
May 6, 2016 9:20 am

$FLKS – Serious, painful nocturnal leg cramps are something many of my family members are plagued with. As my mother aged, her cramps got even worse and near the end, and I was up night after night with her, trying to do anything that might bring relief. In our search for a remedy (she took quinine pills earlier in life but that has been banned) I realized that she was not alone in “nocturnal” pain. Nocturnal cramps coupled with restless leg seemed to run rampant among the aging population. We would have shelled out plenty for a true remedy. Will Flex’s drink not address this sector as well? Long $FlKS

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