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written by reader Storage of Electricity – #Batteries & BIG image

By SoGiAm, July 29, 2016

This discussion provides the current and future of of Li, G, NAM; H2O and more…
After Fukushima REBECCA JOHNSON 24 March 2011

LONG TSX-V: GGG $0.25 OTCQB: $GPHBF $0.19, July 28, 2016 Graphene 3D Lab Introduces New Type of Single Layer Graphene Material:

$GLFN – and #Gummune

Author: arch1 Comment: New development for battery research to make electric vehicles practical and cost competitive…
Best2You ~ Benjamin @H0U3

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February 22, 2018 4:12 pm

Vanadium stocks on the ASX: The Ultimate Guide
By John Beveridge – February 22, 2018

The world’s largest battery: Rongke Power’s 800MWh vanadium flow battery factory in Dalian,

Very few industrial metals are thought of as being beautiful but vanadium is one that is.

Capable of being found naturally with a wide range of bright colours as different compounds, vanadium’s name traces back to its exotic heritage, being named after the Swedish Goddess of beauty and fertility Vanadis.

Now, however, it is investors that are belatedly finding a lot of beauty in vanadium, not for its usual role in producing high strength specialty steel alloys but as a battery ingredient that shows immense promise in providing emergency power and stabilising electricity grids around the world.

Elon Musk has shown what is possible
Elon Musk’s large lithium-ion battery plant in South Australia has shown that there is serious money to be made in stabilising the power grid by storing power when it is plentiful and cheap and discharging it during price spikes.

Experts believe vanadium flow batteries, also known as vanadium redox batteries, show even more promise in stabilising power grids in an era of waning coal generation and rising renewable energy.

While vanadium might not have a high profile entrepreneur such as Elon Musk advancing the technology like lithium batteries do, the unique properties of vanadium flow batteries are seen as being so superior that they will emerge as a strong alternative anyway.

What is vanadium?
Vanadium is a fairly scarce transition metal in nature, which is perhaps why it had a couple of false starts before finally being recognised.

Originally discovered by Andres Manuel del Rio in Mexico in 1801, what was then known as brown lead then lost recognition after Manuel was wrongly convinced by other scientists that he was actually looking at various compounds of chromium.

It was rediscovered and named in 1830 by Nils Gabriel Sefstrom but it was not until 1867 that Henry Enfield Roscoe obtained pure vanadium metal, which is hard although malleable, grey and silvery and oxidises on the surface readily, protecting the metal underneath.

Vanadium would go on to achieve world-wide fame, being used in the steel alloy chassis of the first mass produced Ford Model T to reduce weight and increase strength, as well as being used in many racing cars.

It is as an alloying agent that Vanadium is still predominantly used today, with 85 per cent of production going to make items such as axles, bicycle frames, crankshafts, gears and a wide range of high speed tool steels.

However, it is the use of vanadium in vanadium flow batteries that has really caught the attention of investors recently, pushing the price of the metal up by more than 130 per cent in the past year – a bigger price rise than for other “hot’’ battery metals such as cobalt, lithium and nickel.

The price has been driven by tight supply and strong orders from the steel industry, plus the opinion of many experts that vanadium flow batteries will eventually overtake lithium batteries for large scale uses such as grid stabilisation battery plants because of longer life and greater stability.

Vanadium also shows potential to be used in other forms of batteries, with lithium vanadium oxide a potential high energy density anode for lithium-ion batteries while vanadium phosphates could be used as a cathode in lithium vanadium phosphate batteries, another form of lithium-ion battery.

Which battery is better?
While it is always difficult to sift through the competing claims for battery or any other technology, particularly before it has been effectively commercialised at scale, there are some clear reasons why vanadium flow batteries will eventually dominate in large industrial uses such as stabilising power grids.

As vanadium flow batteries use a liquid electrolyte rather than the more familiar solid “cell’’ construction, they are very easy to “scale’’ up or down – you simply change the size of the plastic tank used to house the electrolyte.

Vanadium redox flow batteries can last for 20 years or more, retain their capacity even when fully discharged and charged, and scale up easily to megawatt levels.
That means you can double the size of a vanadium battery and actually reduce the cost of electricity storage while if you did the same thing for a lithium battery that storage cost would have doubled.

Other advantages of vanadium batteries are a much longer lifespan of 20 years or more, a lack of overheating and other thermal issues, ease of manufacture, greater efficiency over time and during variations of temperature and the ability to source more vanadium from environmental hazards such as mine tailings, depleted oil wells and oil storage depots.

Which companies own vanadium?
Vanadium is a little unusual because it is rarely mined on its own, often occurring in vanadium-bearing magnetite iron ore, with most current production coming from South Africa, China and Russia.

Vanadium is also found in bauxite (used to produce alumina and finally aluminium) and in deposits of crude oil, coal, oil shale and tar sands.

That is why supplies could be found in mine tailings, depleted oil wells and oil storage depots, should the demand for and price of vanadium remain high enough to attract investment for vanadium extraction.

That means that a lot of current vanadium deposits are owned by companies whose main purpose is to mine or extract something very different such as oil, bauxite, iron ore, gold, copper or uranium.

Bear this in mind when looking at our list of ‘vanadium’ companies, given that many may produce it as a by-product, some might not even acknowledge they have vanadium and they may have no plans to extract vanadium at this stage.

For example, both BHP (ASX: BHP) and Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO) both own large amounts of vanadium and extract some but it would be a long bow to draw to buy shares in either global mining giant in the hopes of getting a price bump on vanadium, given the much larger scale of their other operations.

However, a sustained lift in demand and the price of vanadium would certainly cause even these mining giants and others such as Alcoa (ASX: AAI) and Bluescope Steel (ASX: BSL) to revisit their plans and perhaps increase or begin vanadium production should it be economic.

Vanadium stocks on the ASX
Let’s dig a bit deeper and see the various vanadium companies listed on the ASX and their unique stories.

Aura Energy (ASX: AEE)
Aura Energy has large uranium and poly-metallic projects in Europe and Africa and it is one of those in central Sweden that looks interesting for vanadium.

Häggån is one of the largest undeveloped vanadium polymetallic projects in the world, containing a resource of 7,870 M lbs V, 1,640 M lbs Ni, 2,230 M lbs Zn, 1,070 M lbs Mo and 803 M lbs U3O8.

Located in a sparsely populated area of swamp and forest used mainly for commercial forestry, the project has the advantage of Sweden’s clear regulatory position, which establishes a path from exploration to production.

One of the keys to the project is bioheap leaching, a method widely used in copper and gold industries with some application to the battery metals and uranium industry.

Australian Vanadium (ASX: AVL)
Formerly known as Yellow Rock Resources, Australian Vanadium is now heavily focussed on developing its Gabanintha deposit in Western Australia.

The latest mineral resource figures for Gabanintha is 179.6 Mt at 0.75 per cent vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), made up of a Measured Mineral Resource of 10.2 Mt at 1.06 per cent V2O5, an Indicated Mineral Resource of 25.4 Mt at 0.62 per cent V2O5, and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 144 Mt at 0.75 per cent V2O5.

Australian Vanadium also has a technology company subsidiary VSun Energy that is marketing vanadium flow batteries for a wide range of applications including grid storage for renewable power such as wind and solar and as backup power.

VSun claims that the big advantages of vanadium flow batteries is that they are scalable, have a 20 year lifespan, release energy immediately with a charge retention of up to a year and the ability to discharge fully with no damage or loss.

VSun also says the batteries are inherently safe, being non-flammable and non-explosive and can be cycled many thousands of times with much less capacity degradation compared to alternatives.

Golden Deeps (ASX: GED)
Golden Deeps is exploring extensive leases in northern Namibia using modern mining methods.

It is looking for ore extensions from current mines, which include globally significant copper, zinc, lead, silver and vanadium mines.

The region is well served by sealed roads, high voltage power, telephone and water, rail to port and is close to major towns and mining processing facilities, including the Kombat copper concentrator and Tsumeb Smelter complex (one of only five operating smelters in Africa).

Its Grootfontein Project has a number of significant prospects near historical production centres located on its licence package.

These include the Askevold copper trend, the Abenab/Nosib copper-lead-zinc-vanadium trend and the Khusib Springs copper trend.

King River Copper (ASX: KRC)
King River’s Vanadium project at Speewah in the Kimberley area of Western Australia is claimed to be Australia’s largest vanadium in magnetite deposit.

Measured, inferred and indicated mineral resources reveal 4,712 million tonnes at 0.3 per cent V2O5 and 14.5 per cent iron.

Advanced metallurgical test work has successfully produced high purity titanium dioxide and vanadium pentoxide products, the latter of which is capable of being used in vanadium flow batteries.

The company envisages using an open pit mine on the central deposit and separation, leaching and precipitation processing to produce a vanadium product suitable for vanadium flow batteries.

Neometals (ASX: NMT)
Neometals and its partners have started production at the jointly owned Mt Marion lithium mine and are also developing the Kalgoorlie lithium hydroxide facility.

However, the soaring price of vanadium and titanium has not gone unnoticed and has greatly increased the attraction of its Barambie project in Western Australia.

It is one of the world’s highest grade hard rock titanium projects but also contains a higher grade vanadium deposit in the central zone.

Neometals is now looking at a variety of options including direct shipping of ore to China with a focus on either titanium or vanadium or producing a semi-finished product including both metals itself.

Protean Energy (ASX: POW)
Protean Energy is heavily involved in various energy storage and generation methods including wave power, compressed air storage systems and a stake in a company that has developed a vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system.

The batteries employ vanadium ions in different oxidation states to store energy in the form of two liquid electrolytes which can be designed for highly specific energy and power requirements.

The batteries are an ideal solution for broadening the availability of renewable energy generation sources such as wave, tidal, solar and wind.

Protean is also developing three projects in South Korea through its 50% holding in Stonehenge Korea Limited (SHK).

SHK owns 100% of the Daejon, Miwon and Gwesan projects, which are being targeted for both vanadium and uranium.

Sabre Resources (ASX: SBR)
Sabre Resources is another company similar to Golden Deeps which is active in northern Namibia and is exploring for a wide range of minerals.

Its exploration portfolio covers two licence areas totalling more than 800 square kms which contains more than 60 known copper, lead, zinc & vanadium occurrences.

Sabre’s prospect areas range from grassroots geochemical targets through to resource delineation at the Guchab mining centre and a move to feasibility on the zinc-lead deposits on the Pavian and Hoek Trends.

Sabre is hoping to establish copper and zinc-lead resources for future development but it would not be a surprise for a vanadium discovery to occur for a potential polymetallic mine.

Technology Metals Australia (ASX: TMT)
Technology Metals Australia has been quick to recognise the growing market for vanadium and particularly the metal’s unique ability to exist in four different oxidation states, which is the key to the excellent performance of a vanadium flow battery.

Its Gabanintha Vanadium Project is located 40km south east of Meekatharra in Western Australia and is on strike from and covers the same geological sequence as Australian Vanadium Limited’s Gabanintha Vanadium project.

TNG Limited (ASX: TNG)
TNG’s main focus is an iron-vanadium-titanium project at Mount Peake, about 230 kms north of Alice Springs in the highly prospective Arunta Province of the Northern Territory.

The deposit was discovered in 2008 when TNG outlined a magnetite-bearing gabbro containing high-grade vanadium, titanium and iron, with shallow mineralisation making it suitable for open pit mining.

Mount Peake currently has a total JORC Resource estimate of 160Mt @ 0.28 per cent vanadium (V205), 5 per cent titanium (TiO2) and 23 per cent iron (Fe), 118Mt of which is a Measured Resource status.

A feasibility study finished in July 2015 forecast a 20 year mine life, cash flow of A$11.6 billion, a net present value of $4.9 billion and a pre-tax internal rate of return of 41 per cent.

The project is strategically located close to existing power and transport infrastructure, including the Alice Springs-Darwin Railway, the Stuart Highway and the LPG pipeline.

Venus Metals (ASX: VMC)
Venus Metals certainly lives up to its name with a wealth of different metals in a variety of projects, including nickel, gold, copper, lithium, tantalum and even iron ore.

However it is its Youanmi Vanadium Project that is of most interest to us.

Located about 42 kms southeast of Windimurra in WA, the area was drilled by Australian Gold Resources in the late 1990’s.

From that sampling a Pre-JORC Inferred Resource of 136 Million Tonnes grading 0.42% V2O5 (cut-off 0.27% V2O5) was arrived at, with further drilling confirming thick layers of Vanadiferous Magnetite.

Widenbar and Associates have since produced an inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for the Youanmi Vanadium Deposit, showing two high grade mineralised domains, with low grade domains lying between and above them.

Long AEE.
Long KRC.

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👍 11604
February 23, 2018 2:01 pm

$FYI – 2/23 – PV mag

Study: FERC ruling will spur development of 50 GW of energy storage
First Solar sold out well into 2020 – $FSLR SP 2x in last year
Solar tracker market could reach 20 GW this year – and more solar company
Solar Energy Technology Startup Renewz Opens Online Orders for Residential Smart Solar Canopy
Ygrene Expands Financing Program into San Francisco and Surrounding California Communities

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👍 11604
February 27, 2018 11:53 am

$FYI – Lithium Junior Miner News For The Month Of February 2018
by Matt Bohlsen

Lithium spot and contract price news – Lithium prices remain steady.
Lithium market news – Junior lithium stocks down on average ~35% from their 12 month highs.
Junior lithium miner company news – Millennial Lithium announces their PFS result of after-tax NPV 8% of US$ 824 million.

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👍 3700
February 28, 2018 12:52 pm

CCCCF–Small long… US Vanadium Project news… … Gona need Vanadium for all those Vanadium Flow Batteries soon….Cowboy

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👍 709
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👍 11604
March 1, 2018 12:55 pm

$EGTYF – Eguana Announces 1st Fiscal 2018 Quarter Financial Results and Provides 2018 Outlook

A Gummie posted Eguana sometime time ago it looked interesting and I subscribed to their newsletter. They have since gone big in Hawaii and are working with a German auto maker. I’m thinking it maybe about time to get in.

👍 3700
March 1, 2018 1:19 pm

$FYI – PNNL helps form international energy storage organization

“Nearly 300 energy storage leaders from several nations — among them, the United States, China, Spain, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Korea — came together in Dalian, China on January 17 to formalize the coalition’s role. The event was hosted by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.”

“According to Greentech Media, the energy storage market is zooming towards $3 billion by 2022, a tenfold increase from 2016. And, it’s so important to the nation’s power supply that DOE’s Energy Storage Program has funded PNNL since 2008 to advance the state of the art in battery technology for the electric grid.”

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👍 3700
March 1, 2018 3:11 pm

MGXMF–Long..Nice over view on U-Tube from Jason Lazerson ( 2/25/18 ) on the Energy future. Zinc air batteries mentioned. About 4 minutes long. MGXMF is getting back in the buy range near its 100 day moving average… …Cowboy

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👍 709
March 2, 2018 8:03 am
👍 1073

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