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written by reader Storage of Electricity – #Batteries & BIG image

By SoGiAm, July 29, 2016

This discussion provides the current and future of of Li, G, NAM; H2O and more…
After Fukushima REBECCA JOHNSON 24 March 2011

LONG TSX-V: GGG $0.25 OTCQB: $GPHBF $0.19, July 28, 2016 Graphene 3D Lab Introduces New Type of Single Layer Graphene Material:

$GLFN – and #Gummune

Author: arch1 Comment: New development for battery research to make electric vehicles practical and cost competitive…
Best2You ~ Benjamin @H0U3

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👍 11604
👍 11604
March 26, 2018 5:55 am
Reply to  SoGiAm
👍 11
March 9, 2018 1:15 pm

$FYI – Time To Buy Some Cobalt Miners
by Matt Bohlsen

Estimated year of production to start added to some explorers.


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👍 3700
👍 11604
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👍 11604
March 13, 2018 1:59 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Nothing new, Simply an electrolysis unit combined with a fuel cell.
Split off Hydrogen and recombine it in the fuel cell.
Still needs a source of electricity for the hydrolysis, with same inherent losses

👍 7797
👍 11604
March 26, 2018 6:04 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Well YEA…time is the question here though isn’t it?
I mean… it’s the only thing we can freely waste in life that can NOT be gotten back in any way, shape or form.
Petro chemicals have already doomed our species. Batteries will only prolong the agony.
2/3’s of all the known species of animals on this planet have already died as a direct result of our industrial ‘revolution’…break out the fiddles! The fire has become a conflagration so it’s time to party. Have fun while you can, fate is an aweful thing….as the bow sank beneath the lapping waves, the band played on.

👍 11
👍 11604
👍 709
👍 11604
March 13, 2018 10:22 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Your not just blowing smoke, are you Ben? Hope you, er…it goes higher and higher.

👍 1073
March 13, 2018 10:40 am
Reply to  edski

That deserves an $ARRRF, $ARRRF, $ARRRF!

👍 846
👍 11604
👍 11604
👍 11604
👍 11604
March 13, 2018 10:21 pm

Simple, mega amounts of vanadium and a great uranium resource….

Ask ASX why bots operate incognito?

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March 13, 2018 11:47 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

SS great calls on ASX KRC & AEE, LP on both.

👍 11604
👍 11604
March 19, 2018 3:47 pm

STNUF/SQA— Considering buying… After 3 days of leg up above my Heart after surgery, little good sleep and plenty of Hydrocodone’s..I think I’m gona make it. Still swelling and pain in the knee but this is slowly goin away. I ran across this little stock when I was awake. I was looking at Vanadium stocks and found Stina Resources. They have a large high grade Vanadium deposit in Nevada. In early February they bought the assets of Battery Manufacturer Gildemeister…Prior to its insolvency, Gildemeister Energy Storage GMBH has been a world-leader in development of vanadium redox flow batteries since 2000. After extensive research and development, Gildemeister developed the patented CellCube battery, with now over 100 battery installations in use around the world. CellCubes are used for a variety of purposes including grid storage, micro-grids; off-grid storage for solar and wind power storage, diesel power replacement; back-up power systems; farming applications, electrical vehicle charging stations; industrial plants and office building applications, emergency power sources, and many other uses. Gildemeister holds 19 active patent families including 40 filed patents for its core intellectual property which was fully developed by its in-house research and development team. One of the key design factors that Gildemeister has developed is the plug-and play model which enables scaling to larger sizes just by plugging in additional units.Gildemeister Energy Storage GMBH has been a world leader in the development of VRBs since 2000 and has over 100 installations worldwide. The largest number of installations are in Europe (63); but as energy storage has become increasingly important new installations have been done in Australia/New Zealand (3); South America/Caribbean (3); Africa (5); Asia (5) and single installations in many other areas including Canada and the USA. In late February Stina Acquired Jet Power & Controls, Adding To Its Integrated Vanadium Flow Battery Team. Jet Power and Controls is a leading-edge provider of custom and off-the-shelf electrical equipment and systems. It has been providing innovative and high quality products for over ten years to heavy power users, pipeline companies, refineries, manufacturers, municipalities and infrastructure providers. It offers a “one stop shop” to its customers in terms of complete turn-key engineering & electrical solutions and equipment. Its key products include electrical switchgear, motor control switchers, and solar power inverters. Jet Power and Controls will be able to provide not only entry into the vast North American market, but will also be able to provide installation, monitoring and service of the CellCubes, tasks previously conducted from Austria. We are looking forward to working closely with the Jet Power and Controls team as they will allow Stina to offer a broader range of products and services in the energy storage industry, particularly in North America,” stated Stina President Brian Stecyk. “We value their engineering and design expertise and are eagerly anticipating a strong and productive relationship.” This was taken from Stina news releases from here… They want to become North America’s first vertically integrated producer of vanadium & vanadium electrolytes for the energy storage industry. A one stop shop for VFB’s it looks like. Lots of Warrants outstanding. 83,683,205 shares outstanding with 36,428,394 reserved for issuance. Stock up 3 cents today to .29. Just seeing what yall think about this North American play on VFB’s. …. Cowboy

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👍 709
March 19, 2018 4:31 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

#STNUF/SQA Cowboy, nice find. Do you know why they went bankrupt?
Good to hear the surgery is behind you and you’re doing well (all things considered!). Did they give an estimated recovery?

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👍 846
March 19, 2018 4:52 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

I have not dug that far yet Deanbob. Between phone calls and Family comin by I haven’t had a chance to see why the original went bankrupt. Maybe they had a good thing just before it’s prime time ? I would like to know why. Hopefully we can find out. As far as the recovery time….I go back to the Dr Thursday to check the knee and set up the Therapy visits. Early on they said 4 to 6 weeks before I could climb again after the Surgery. We shall see… Cowboy

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👍 709
March 19, 2018 5:15 pm
👍 709
March 19, 2018 5:29 pm

STNUF- NP….Found this too on Gildemeister about halfway down the article… …Cowboy

👍 709
March 19, 2018 5:47 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

Unfortunately from the date on the article and mention of the CEO of American Vanadium Corp in the article this is old news. Gildemeister is still in business but American Vanadium is no longer. The AVC CEO Radvak went after the VRB market to soon when he perhaps should have put more effort into mining Vanadium. Radvak did get Cell-Cube battery installed in the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority office in New York and that may have been the high lite of his endeavors.

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👍 3700
March 19, 2018 6:00 pm
Reply to  Griffin

Yep.. it was old news Griffin. I was looking for some of the back ground on, and the reason for the bankruptcy of Gildemeister GMBHr. Gildmeister is a big company. Machine works mostly it looks like. I guess the battery sector didn’t fit well with the rest of the company ?….Cowboy

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👍 709
March 21, 2018 11:41 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

I’m thinking Gildemeister GMBHr may be to big to fail. Where as Gildemeister Energy Solutions, DMG Mori AG (GIL: GE or MRSKY: OTC) could be closed and assets sold off. Gildemeister Cell Cubes had a controller that would provide 3 phase electrical I haven’t seen anyone else advertise this feature. I would be interested in knowing what you find.

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👍 3700
March 22, 2018 1:35 am
Reply to  Griffin

I noticed the story was from 2014 as well. Without being presumptuous that I can help, where would you suggest ‘we/I’ look….Griffin.

👍 1303
March 22, 2018 12:25 pm
Reply to  Lulu

Never do I consider a request to help or for help presumptuous. I can only hope to not sound condescending in trying to establish a path of communication. I have at one time working on computer help desks.

3 Phase electrical is typically used by large (i.e. 5 HP or better) commercial and industrial motors because it is cost effective. You may have heard that is cheaper to run a electric clothes dryer on 220 volts than 110. The idea that more voltage is cheaper is pretty much a constant. There are limits to what is usually run for electrical equipment in a residence. Hence you won’t find many solar panel installers advertising 3 phase. I have known several machinist that had big Bridgeport Mills in their garage. That’s probably more than you want to know but kind of shows the problem.

👍 3700
March 22, 2018 10:32 am
Reply to  Griffin

STNUF–Small long…. Decided to get a little bit on the 19th. Got in for a little under .29 ! Up nicely so far. I haven’t had much time to dig deeper Griffin. The 3 phase controller is interesting, like you, I haven’t seen this from anyone else. And I agree that Gildemeister is too big to fail. I hope to have more time to look closer for the reason of this division’s shut down. I’m giving it a shot because it is one of the very few public companies to invest in for VFB’s and they are trying to do it all in house, start to finish. So far…a good move !

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👍 709
March 22, 2018 11:22 am
Reply to  Cowboy

$STNUF no position. Just received this Advertorial by Keith Schaefer in my email. Sorry for the length but this was in my email, so no way to post a link.

Timing is everything in the Markets.

And that’s what I think makes Stina Resources one of the most compelling investments of the next year.

You see, they’re buying one of the world’s leading vanadium battery suppliers, just as large-scale energy storage is starting its growth curve.

This couldn’t have been scripted better for investors.

The founder of a large global machine tool company in Europe – Gildemeister —used a vanadium battery in his own solar plant factories. He liked it so much, he took on developing and marketing vanadium batteries as a pet project.

And he met with great success! They built a very efficient battery, with many different sizes, and sold more than 100 units. They are now installed in Singapore, Siberia, Colorado and the Kalahari Desert—among dozens of other locations.

But the battery company didn’t make money—because it wasn’t run like a business. It was an ethical R&D project for a wealthy businessman.

So when the big Gildemeister machine tool company was sold, the new owners didn’t want the energy market side, and put it up for sale.

Now Stina Resources is taking it over—just as large scale energy storage is becoming one of the biggest investment themes of our time.

To this day, Gildemeister batteries—being rebranded as Enerox—is one the leading vanadium battery companies in the world. There’s a management team in place—with over 30 employees—ready to burst out of the doors to chase down and close dozens of sales leads on vanadium batteries around the world.

While Gildemeister/Enerox sought financing…the Market came to them. A buzz started developing around vanadium batteries, which are more accurately called Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, or VRBs.

The world is realizing it needs this large-scale energy storage to make the push to renewables—wind and solar—economic.

I spoke with the new CEO of Enerox, Stefan Schauss, asking him where the biggest short term opportunity is for their VRBs.

“We see one big vertical market is the PV plus storage (PV = PhotoVoltaic, ie solar),” he said over Skype from his office in Vienna, Austria. “It goes very well in the combination. The solar plus storage is everywhere, because people have seen how solar can wreak havoc if it means uncontrolled delivery of energy to the grid. Storage is now mandated in many, many public tenders.”

Schauss says Enerox is well positioned for growth, with a pipeline of more than 100 projects worth about Euro 430 million (US $530 million).

Now, nobody should think little Stina will generate 400 million or even 100 million Euro in revenue this year. But it does speak to the demand the company is seeing for its VRBs around the world. Especially with global projections for energy storage in the range of US $18 billion by 2023.

“With the vanadium redox flow battery, Stina is putting together the portfolio that we can deliver for the whole value chain in order to bring assets completely as a turn-key solution into the grid system.”

Being a research company for so long, the new Enerox has 19 active patent families, all developed in-house.

The result is a plug & play “cube”, like you see in the picture above. There’s big ones (up to 10 MW) and small ones (100 KW) and customers can put as many of them together as needed—it’s called ‘clustering’—to store as much energy as required. It’s got a small footprint yet it’s very scalable, and what Schauss says that is really important is that it’s flexible for any environment. They have installations in both arctic and desert conditions.

I’m not sure I’ve got across to you how different VRBs are from lithium and cobalt batteries. The energy in a VRB is in liquid form, an electrolyte, and as this fluid goes back forth across a membrane, it loses or gains electrons, generating electricity.

It was developed in the mid-2000s, then trialed and tested in the early years of this decade and has been getting early adopter installations since 2015.

VRBs are discreet, they’re scalable, they last for 20 years with little or no maintenance, they can be recycled to then go another 20 years. They create very green electricity for remote communities — and they let renewable energy be seamlessly integrated into the modern world. So they can be used everywhere.

VRB’s are much bigger in Asia right now than North America. The most notable vanadium-flow battery is probably a 200 MW system being built on the Dalian peninsula in China, which will serve 7 million residents.

Costing $500 million, it’ll be used to peak-shave approximately 8% of Dalian’s expected load by 2020, which means the VRB system will be used in peak usage times instead of building expensive and huge gas-fired “peaker” plants. This battery system will be the world’s largest, and it will single-handedly triple China’s grid-connected battery storage capacity.

Azure International in China says the market projection for VRB demand (by MW) in the top 10 countries is growing at an 80% CAGR from 2013 to 2020, which means there is more than 7,000 MW of vanadium-flow battery capacity needed in 2020.

I want to tell you a couple other quick points about Stina before you go back to your trading day.

1. The public company management team is right now in the process of closing the Enerox CellCube purchase.

2. They also recently bought a power control company in Edmonton that will do $15-25 million in revenue in the next 12 months and internalize a lot of the work Enerox does in North America.

3. Stina actually owns one of the largest, highest grade vanadium deposits in the world, located in Nevada. At some point I can see that getting spun out, giving shareholders two companies for the price of one today.

And that alone could be worth the market cap of the company today, as the price of vanadium is already rising as fast as lithium and cobalt are.

I’ve got a big position here—over 1 million shares and warrants combined—because I see management thinking BIG. They’re buying Enerox for a song just as VRBs and large-scale energy storage hits The Big Time. There’s a huge sales funnel full to the brim, and a large-scale energy storage market that is coming around to meet them head-on.

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👍 398
March 22, 2018 11:30 am
Reply to  Cowboy

$STNUF no position. Just received an Advertorial by Keith Schaefer on this stock in my email which I posted and is in moderation.

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👍 398
March 22, 2018 3:40 pm
Reply to  denton

You da man Denton ! Thanks for posting. Looks like the info I have been lookin for. I’ll be grabbin me some more shares….Cowboy

March 22, 2018 6:38 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

STNUF–Long….I meant to say, I will look to pick up some more on a pull back to at least the 50 dma. That advertorial will pump it probably more than it has already. I just happened to get in before it come out…Lucky me ! The stocks always seem to come way back down after a advo like this, so depending how much farther she goes up, I may sell half and wait for the decline to get back in and then get some more. I would prefer the 100 dma to get in. I did the same with CTEQF and MGXMF….Cowboy

👍 709
March 22, 2018 7:15 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

$STNUF , NP Thanks to all for all of the info. How many businesses that use 3 phase are likely to have solar or clean energy generation that may require large battery storage? Cowboy, after looking at the charts, I was think I should have enough time to research and do DD before deciding on a potential buy plan too.

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👍 846
March 22, 2018 8:59 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

You should have time DB. In response to the 3 phase question you have DB, most customers in my service area that have 3 phase power. The 3 phase used most is 120-208 voltage. Examples of these customers are..Wal Mart, Walgreens, Sonic Drive in and Kroger. Mostly lighting and light load motors like A/C units, freezer compressors and electric cookers as examples. Heavier users would be the railroad yards and shops, pipelines ( big compressors ) , Caterpillar (welders ) and etc. These places use mostly 480 volt power. We make a little money off all of everyone’s electrical usage. Where we make the most, is off of their electrical Peak Demand. Their highest usage day of the month. Their bill will be based off of this for the whole month. If these customers can reduce the peak demand of their bills, their bills will be lower. Some of our largest customers have bought large generators for power outages AND peak demand reduction. These mostly use natural gas, but a very few use diesel. They run these at peak usage times, 2pm -7pm on very hot temp days. These are days that even us, as electric suppliers, have to go out on the open market to purchase extra power( to meet the demand from our own customers ) from other power suppliers at top money. We pass these extra costs on to all our customers. Check your residential bill this summer. It will be itemized on your bill somewhere in the charges. I believe if the prices get right on these battery storage systems, more places like Wal Mart and such, will roof top solar panels for energy storage in VFB’s to off set, or reduce, Peak Demand and for power outage usage when needed. A lot of businesses don’t want the expense of the fossil fuel generators. They have a lot of maintenance expenses like fuel and oil changes. I believe the time is coming soon for this to be feasible….Cowboy

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👍 709
March 22, 2018 9:27 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

Great info and very helpful.

👍 846
March 22, 2018 10:49 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

I’ll second that DB and I thought Cowboy was just a linemen.

Now the question is how will the Federal Energy Regulating Commission FERC lifting regulations on energy storage affect the picture that Cowboy has given us. Power utility companies were given a year to sort out their new found freedom. Then the IRS allowing deductions for the addition of storage batteries will help too. Changes are coming. 🙂

👍 3700
March 23, 2018 12:10 am
Reply to  Griffin

Electric deregulation set the pattern for future regulations in power…..LOWER cost to consumers. I see any future Federal regulations continuing in this fashion. I see solar, wind and Battery storage as ways to do this, cost efficiently, the more main stream it becomes. The more money saved by consumers, the more money into the National economy. With all this trade war stuff coming, China may stop all exports of strategic minerals to us. I’m trying to find what may be available here in North America to invest in before this happens if I can and invest accordingly. STNUF could fit the bill for the future on several levels…Cowboy

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👍 709
👍 709
March 23, 2018 12:43 pm
Reply to  Cowboy

I’ve been thinking of storage batteries for power at peak demand and this article is confirming that. Of course it’s a good article. ;^)

March 21, 2018 11:50 am

$FYI – Sunnova now offering solar + energy storage in California

This is not a recommendation of this product. I am happy to see solar AND battery being offered as a package. I’m not finding what kind of battery is being used. It maybe a VRB since the 25 year warranty is longer than the Li-ion battery life. Unfortunately this is a private company.

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👍 3700
March 21, 2018 11:17 pm

$FYI – GE Announces Energy Storage Platform Called the Reservoir

👍 3700
March 26, 2018 1:45 am
Reply to  Griffin

The big guys don’t highlight their battery chemistries but I found one article that indicated the GE Reservoir units were Li-NCM.

No position GE.

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👍 9968
March 26, 2018 5:42 am
Reply to  Griffin

I’ve read the free Porter Stansberry NL’s for years. He has warned about the serious debt (that he believes/believed would lead to the demise of the companies) of a few companies during those years. Toys Are Us and GE are 2 of those. That being said, divisions of any bankrupt companies ware usually be sold off.

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👍 846

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