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written by reader Gold and Silver and Hard Assets after Trump’s Inauguration…2017

By hendrixnuzzles, January 23, 2017

This thread is a continuation of several threads posted previously by the author on gold and silver and hard asset investments. I am still a believer in hard assets. I also believe we are entering a period of inflation with continued dollar devaluation, higher interest rates, and a sluggish economy with chaotic dislocations. I believe there will be a lot of uncertainty and high volatility.

PURPOSE My intent is to find and discuss good mining and commodity ideas. Gold and silver remain a focus, but I want to achieve a more balanced approach still based on tangible commodities.

STEEL and IRON ORE…I believe Trump’s programs will benefit iron ore and steel. Stocks in this sector have been beaten down terribly but are rebounding. I am long VALE, a Brazilian company which is the world’s largest iron ore producer. I have been long Arcelor Mittal but do not have a position at the moment. Anybody know anything about cement and asphalt ?
COPPER, ZINC, PGM METALS…My very best conviction stock is Ivanhoe Mines IVPAF. I am completely comfortable with a large single position in IVPAF to cover these metals. However other investors may be uncomfortable with a small cap in sub-Saharan Africa. So I think it is beneficial to introduce other names even though I myself am not interested. Rio Tinto, Freeport-McMoran, Teck, Turquoise Hill, BHP and others come to mind. Travis, our host, is long Altius Minerals, and I have been also.
URANIUM…I’m bullish but the choices seem pretty limited. My top three investment-grade choices are Cameco first, then Cameco second, or my third pick would be Cameco. After that, you are speculating on small caps, or buying ETFS or funds comprised of Cameco and some small caps. At the moment, I am long Cameco and UEC.
LITHIUM…I am considering a long position in lithium. I have nothing to recommend at the moment, although I am strongly considering Galaxy, an Australian company. And I like Neometals, also an Australian, but it is difficult to get from my broker, who hates it when I want to buy obscure 50 cent companies on small foreign exchanges. If anybody’s got a great battery play, I am interested.
POTASH/FERTILIZER…very interested but they all seem pretty expensive. There has been consolidation but I have considered Agrium, Mosaic, and there is a German company whose name I forget at the moment (K&D? K&S?).
OIL AND GAS…I would like some very good conviction picks accompanied by strong reasons and decent research. This field is so big, we could get completely lost just tossing names around. I am somewhat worried about price weakness in the energy sector but feel that it is worthwhile to develop a point of view on a few companies. I have little experience although I made very good money in the past on XOM and CVX. Currently I would be interested in pipelines, LNG, or any other sector that someone knows something about. In natgas I like OGZPY.
SOLAR and WIND…really not too interested. The results depend too much on politics, the time frames seem too long. But I am not completely closed-minded on it if you have conviction on something.
COAL…same opinion as solar and wind, but the prices are low and depressed instead of hyped and high-flying. I am still stuck with some defaulted Arch Coal bonds that my financial advisor recommended. They went to ZERO. Now they are worth a Starbucks latte and a pastry. And no espresso shot in the latte, either.
AGRICULTURE…very interested. A large sector but really not too many choices if you rule out futures, like I do. I have a few obscure favorites, but no positions at present:
WHGPY (Chinese pork processor who bought Smithfield)
LAND (Gladstone Land, California farmland)
INCPY (Input Capital, a Canadian canola, streaming model).
Open to more conventional picks like ADM and DBA.
GOLD AND SILVER…my picks have been discussed at length previously. I follow these pretty closely. I am long royalty/streamers SAND, FNV, SLW, and OR; miners PVG, MAG; developers SA, CLASF, MRDCF, BALMF, KNTNF, and LXVMF; and I own PSLV and physical bullion. I swing trade big caps ABX and NEM.
DISCLOSURES. I am a retired executive and an amateur investor. I like both fundamental and technical analysis. I am a medium-term to long-term position player and prefer to discuss stock investment in that context. Please no minute-by-minute reports that oil is now 52.50 down 10 cents and the Iranians may suspend Ramadan next week so you are going long until the afternoon bell.

I am not an expert in any of the commodities discussed nor am I qualified to give advice.
Everyone makes mistakes and I make more than my share.Sometimes I change my mind.

When I post, I express my opinions and my positions. These are just that…they are my opinions and my positions. They are not advice or recommendations, which I remind you I am unqualified to make.

Opinions and positions are subject to change at any moment. That is quite unlike the pig-headed and foolish political convictions everybody carries around adamantly, and which change only rarely for unpredictable reasons that have nothing to do with logical thought or reasoned discussion.
Because of this, political developments can be introduced on this thread only when they have a clear bearing on the commodities or companies under discussion.

You are responsible for your decisions, and I am responsible for mine. Caveat emptor.

I would like to operate in a friendly, honest, and constructive atmosphere.
As thread moderator I reserve to myself the role of referee, censor, arbiter, and Grand Poobah, subject to the over-arching authority of Travis, who owns the site and who has on occasion exercised his right to ruthlessly censor and suppress my radical blatherings.

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.

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March 8, 2017 7:44 pm

I guess since I was talked to like an idiot, [on the scandium blog], I would like to point out this contribution I made to this board on sunday night, february 12th, which was the exact date of the end of the 8 week rally before a sharp downturn. I’m not just posting “look at how great I’m doing”, I’m telling you in advance my moves, i’ve told you everything I own, and if you follow me, you’ll see I kill the market by a large percentage. I tend to call the turns often to the day or week, and to be totally honest, i have no idea how I do it, lots of complex mathematics going on inside my head, its a rainman thing. But who knows, past performance is no guarantee of future results. If you read thru my posts here, you will find at least 3 other decisions I told you about when I made them, and you can see for yourself how it worked out.

This from feb 12
I am armed for bear if gold rises, but also taking leverage off after this beautiful run. I know this is basic, but friends, nice long rallies can be a great time to take a few profits, then buy the dips. To illustrate how powerful that concept is, my gold and silver portfolio, which I initiated in january/16 [yes, the renbycage neurosensorytingle strikes again] is presently very close to my highs, even with gold about 140 dollars lower than its high during this interval. That is because of small adjustments I do, selling the rallies and buying the dips. These… Read more »
2 REPLYFebruary 12, 2017 11:33 pm

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March 8, 2017 9:45 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

“we tend to avoid the one-shot digs, insults and put-downs” As a guest for many years, I have seen very little of this type of behavior/writing.

March 8, 2017 10:15 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thank you. Its all good. For a few moments, I got kind of pissed, was like WTF, some guy jumping on me, but honestly, who cares.

👍 964
March 9, 2017 1:04 am

– my largest position (being a Canadian most of them on TSX or TSX.V) is IVN.TO, adding on any pullback, most of it in my TFSA (aka IRA), some accounts from $1.8 and some up to $3.2
– others: ERD.TO is 2nd by size, after IVN, avg from 0.35 to 0.78, multiple accounts, recently bought more for 0.83; tightly held shares, doesn’t drop as much with GLD pullback. These guys are still drilling and defining the resource, nice grades
– MOZ.TO, buying from 0.61, recently added when it went below $1
– other, smaller size plays are BCM, GRG, OOO, TUO, GDM, BEX, all canadian tickers

This carnage in GDX/J we are seeing will end soon, planning to add KL.TO, Sheritt, and a few more in the coming days/weeks

👍 1
👍 9968
March 9, 2017 3:56 am

Jim Rickards says that Trump will raise the US debt ceiling on March 16, which will cause the price of gold to “explode”. Is there any truth to this?

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👍 22
March 9, 2017 8:23 am
Reply to  jameshmwebb

James- Why would raising the debt ceiling cause gold to explode this year when it did not last year or the year before that or the year before that or the year before that… I think you see where I’m going. Why is this year any different?

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👍 1768
Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
March 9, 2017 12:31 pm
Reply to  JoeS

Lots of folks talking up the debt ceiling fight as it may impact either bitcoin or gold, though when it’s a newsletter doing the talking you can be pretty sure that they’re exaggerating the importance of a particular date because they know you need a hard and scary deadline to make you subscribe to an expensive newsletter. Here’s what gold and big gold miners did during the last two hotly-debated debt ceiling raises, FYI:

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👍 22341
March 9, 2017 1:35 pm

Thank you Travis, for putting the big issues into an appropriate perspectives. By helping to educate us, you are preparing us to make better investment decisions.

March 17, 2017 2:10 am

Thanks, Travis. Brilliant and clear as always.

👍 9968
March 9, 2017 8:58 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I don’t see the debt ceiling as consequential in any way. Its just a tool for conservatives to hamstring democratic presidents. When a republican is president, its more like shhhhhhhhhhh, nothing to see here. Not sure whether Trump will be inflationary, but probably. I kind of see more winners and losers, and a lot of unintended consequences that are very difficult to predict.

March 9, 2017 9:53 pm
Reply to  renbycage

I agree. However, it is just 1 of the many things that each side complains when the other’s is in office but not when theirs is. I am disappointed that both sides are not doing much to deal with the rising debt – especially the unfunded debt.

March 10, 2017 4:28 pm
Reply to  deanbob

no sh*t. World debt, government debt, corporate debt, individual debt….. is exactly why I have a huge allocation in gold.

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Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
March 10, 2017 5:16 pm
Reply to  renbycage

Indeed, bery logical and I mostly agree in the big picture (and buy gold pretty regularly)… but be careful about perspective and timing — Debt was also rising and out of control in the US and elsewhere, at least according to the norms we had then, throughout the 1980s — and that was not a particularly good time to make an aggressive switch into gold (the price generally trended down from 1980 or so until the dot-com crash (and brief recession) in 2001).

Debt has been obviously unsustainable for decades, predicting the end of the empire of debt is a cottage industry that has grown nicely without, so far, actually helping anybody.

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👍 22341
March 10, 2017 8:35 pm

Great point. At the least, the smart investor should be aware of the vulnerabilities, and have a strategy to do well, or at least be OK, under all conceivable circumstances. I like gold better than dollars for many specific reason I’ve already shared here, but I still hold a significant cash allocation, as well as a few other asset classes. My own feeling is the consequences to all this unsustainability is getting closer. I’m not screaming its coming tomorrow, but my sense of the over/under is about 5 years, and it could hit any time.

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👍 964
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 9, 2017 1:32 pm

Mar 9th 2017

Mining companies have dug themselves out of a hole

Electric vehicles and batteries are expected to create huge demand for copper and cobalt

Mentions Ivanhoe….

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👍 1233
March 9, 2017 2:28 pm

Ivanhoe Mines recent video….

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March 11, 2017 9:16 am

Just some more general thoughts about gold. I like gold for a lot of reasons, mostly as a hedge against paper money. To me it is a pretty simple formula…. if they are printing and distributing dollars [and other paper currencies around the world], in order to stimulate the economy by encouraging more spending [and debt]…. that means that currency relative to gold, which cannot be printed [or created digitally], will go down. The formula really boils down to, at the end of the day, something which is in limited supply will go up in value relative to something that is in unlimited supply, when those two items represent the same thing. So just from this perspective, I feel the odds are pretty low that gold is going to come crashing down in paper currency terms anytime soon. I do however, fear the vulnerability of the dollar crashing, I would put at least a 15% probability of a major crash event happening in, lets say, a 10 year time span. If it happens it could wipe out 90% of people over 50, with no chance of recovery. Between my large gold allocation, and my ocean-front condo in costa rica, where if I want or need to, i can live for basically the cost of food, I think I’ve covered myself against a variety of quagmires. If the world somehow keeps itself glued and paper clipped together, then I have no problems, I can continue teaching doctors into my old age.

So while the above forms the fundamental principle why I want a percentage of my money in gold, there are actually a whole other mess of reasons why I think gold may significantly go up in dollar price, in the next 3-7 years.

The first is just its cyclic nature. 14 months ago it just came off a very long bear period, and to me, the gestaldt of things points me to the view that what comes next is a long bull period.

I also view the vast differential between the paper money gold, and the available physical gold, as a time bomb. If that bomb goes off, meaning somehow even a small % of the paper money wants to take hold of the physical, that blast could send gold up like a rocket at the speed of light.

I am not an expert on this topic, but if I am reading the tea leaves, China is going to become a lot more influential in affecting the price of gold, and I believe they are also setting up new gold exchanges in Shanghai and London. My projection of this development is gold is now traveling a path that may begin to dis-entangle itself from the powers that presently manipulate it. And again, if my understanding is right, these powers have tended mostly to suppress its price. So dis-entanglement could set it free for a very different valuation.

I am pretty certain the future of money is digital, no more pieces of paper, just cards with chips, phones with chips, and eventually they just put a chip inside you, and then someone just swipes a credit card down your butt crack, and it debits your account displayed at the back of your neck. How this will effect gold is something I really haven’t figured out. I’m considering both positive and negative potential affects.

Anyway, I continue some other time, that’s enough thoughts for now,.

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👍 964
March 11, 2017 9:31 am
Reply to  renbycage

Thanks for posting renbycage, agree with your observations.

You never quite know what is round the corner, hopefully nothing to much regards fiat, but the writing is on the wall. How long they can keep printing is anyone’s guess. Complex but simple subject in many ways.

Regards digital (the future no doubt) and gold, well pressing a computer button applies to both, but digital they can control “all things” much easier IMO….

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👍 1233
March 11, 2017 1:05 pm
Reply to  renbycage

I agree. However, over 3 decades ago, before I knew or understood the amount of silver manipulation that was or would occur, I purchased a bag of junk silver coins. I reasoned that the coins would serve duel purposes – a store of value (inflation hedge) and coins that could be used as practical ‘real money’ (denominations small enough to use for many/most transaction.

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👍 9968
March 12, 2017 12:14 am
Reply to  renbycage

Interesting and valid observations, Renbycage.

I’m betting on gold and silver, and I wish I had a condo in Costa Rica. (I seriously considered buying property there when BHO was elected to a second term because I was very worried about the direction the country was taking. I didn’t have the funds at the time, but maybe someday…).

If all “goes well,” digital currencies (anything from debit cards to bitcoin-type currencies) will probably become more popular. Most people don’t tend to think much; they’ll go for the immediate convenience and not bother to think about the government-control aspects of a move away from physical “cash.”

HOWEVER (and it’s a big however), anything that depends on an electrical or digital infrastructure is neither secure nor guaranteed to be available when you need or want it. Grids are too easily destroyed and computers are too easily hacked. Random, planned, or catastrophic interruptions in those systems can either temporarily or permanently–and without notice–part you from your money. That is true with today’s banking system and will become more so as the powers that be try to get rid of physical cash and centralize and track all financial transactions. Even bitcoin–although decentralized and not government controlled–cannot exist/function without the electrical grid and computers.

On the other hand, as long as you have physical possession of them, gold and silver aren’t going to be turned off and aren’t going to disappear if the lights go out, if the banks turn off their computers, or if an enemy (internal or external) maliciously messes with the system. Gold and silver are not ink splotches on pieces of paper or electronic 0’s and 1’s on a computer; they are actually “there.”

The most important attribute of those two precious metals is that they seem to have staying power. They have outlasted ALL other forms of money for thousands of years. Salt, beads, furs, paper currencies, etc., have all come and gone–but gold and silver are still with us and are still considered to be valuable. And silver has industrial uses–at least at present.

On a tangential note: The “at least at present” is important for any commodity other than the precious metals that have a 5000+ year track record. Investors sometimes tend to forget that the future might be very different than the present. For example, I have a small position in a lithium miner because I foresee increased demand for lithium batteries. BUT, tomorrow someone could invent a better battery that doesn’t use any lithium, and the lithium market could go poof. At one time, investing in buggy makers and horse-shoe makers probably seemed like a sure bet. We need to be aware of our “current moment” bias.

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👍 680
👍 9968
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 12, 2017 8:05 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I believe Cesar’s political advisors suggested that he distract the populace by giving them Bread and Circuses, which the crowds readily accepted. I suspect we are now dealing with the technological equivalent – but the purpose is the same – to control the opposition. Ah, the price of progress.

👍 1540
👍 9968
March 16, 2017 3:54 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN – I think history often provides us with answers to today’s problems – hence our references to the Romans and the Colosseum. Sir Walter Scott also made his contribution when he said. “”Oh! What tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive”. One deception will inevitably follow another, until Reality becomes a distant memory.

👍 1540
March 19, 2017 12:06 am
Reply to  petervr

Good point, Petervr.

Gee…why does Sir Walter Scott’s comment remind me so much of our federal government and its media accomplices of the last several decades??

Without the alternative news outlets, we’d likely know next to nothing about much of the corruption and lies–including gold and silver manipulation–that are coming to light. I shudder to think how much propaganda we’ve been fed in our lifetime. (Julian Assange deserves a medal of freedom.)

The problem is figuring out which parts of the information that we are being fed are meant to distract us and which parts are truthful and important issues.

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👍 680
👍 9968
bud mrozewski
March 12, 2017 3:32 am

gold,silver -thanks travis. what is current take on mariana resources? seem the assets with having especially Hot Madden and others . best of luck and God bless you for everything youv done.

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👍 9968
👍 9968
March 13, 2017 9:02 am

Colorado Resources up date:

March 13, 2017
@marketwired Colorado Resources Expands North ROK Property to Include ROK-COYOTE Copper Gold Property $CXO

Long CXO

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March 13, 2017 9:08 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Link here –

Here is a link from end 2014 regards last drill results from ROK Coyote, I guess they thinking something is there having completed a deal?

Firesteel Announces the Withdrawal of OZ Minerals from the ROK Coyote Option Agreement and Releases 2014 Drill Program Results

November 14, 2014

Firesteel Resources Inc. (“Firesteel” or the “Company”) (TSXV: FTR) today announced that it had received notification from OZ Exploration Pty. Ltd. (“OZ Minerals”), (a wholly owned subsidiary of OZ Minerals Limited [ASX:OZL]), that it is withdrawing from the Option Agreement concluded on February 3rd 2014 (the “Agreement”) on the ROK Coyote property (the “Property”) in northwestern British Columbia.

👍 1233
👍 9968
March 13, 2017 3:16 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks for the insight hn, appreciated…..

👍 1233
March 13, 2017 10:53 am


$CLASF long

Oops secretsquirrel posted where is second coffee

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👍 3700
March 13, 2017 11:13 am
Reply to  Griffin

Ha ha, but yours in better laid out/easier to read….

Seems to have been positive regards the SP so far today.

👍 1233
March 13, 2017 11:44 am

Should I take a 5% loss on $IAG and use those funds on $IVPAF or some other miner. I’m liking Uranium too. Thanks for all the great insight.

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👍 3
March 13, 2017 12:08 pm
Reply to  crusadercliff


Not sure anyone but you can make that call without knowing a great deal more about your holdings, investment goals, etc.

Each of us has to make our own call based on these factors. Personally I have never been a fan of IAG but it is likely far less speculative than Ivanhoe given the size of the companies. Remember “ALL MINERS SUCK” 😉

👍 1692
👍 9968
March 13, 2017 2:38 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

No disagreement. Cliff needs to decide what is best for him. Companies he asked about are not comparable.

👍 1692
March 13, 2017 2:40 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

Full position in Ivanhoe.

👍 1692
March 13, 2017 4:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thank you for the reply. This community is awesome. I just started a little account with fidelity in October because I knew Trump was going to win so I wanted to make some bets. My account is basically gambling money that I can afford to lose but I would love to see some explosive gains ($NAK and $SING took me for a nice ride) When I look at the chart for $IVPAF I get discouraged because I feel like I missed out on the party. But you all seem to be pretty high on them so maybe I will just show up late to this party.

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👍 3
👍 9968
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 14, 2017 12:23 am

Very interesting interview with James Turk…

When Silver Breaks $50, that’s when Bull Market Begins! – James Turk Interview – YouTube

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👍 680
March 14, 2017 10:39 am

$NMKEF – Nemaska Lithium Produces up to 6.65% Li2O Concentrate from DMS Modular Mill at Whabouchi

Nemaska Lithium Inc. (“Nemaska Lithium” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:NMX)(OTCQX:NMKEF) announced today the results of its initial production of spodumene concentrate from the Whabouchi Mine, using a mine representative bulk sample. The plant is running continuously at half its capacity, 12 hours per day since March 7, 2017. Operation is steadily ramping up and should reach a throughput of around 150 tpd.

Note, From this article 6% is the min for deliverable Lithium to battery mfg Memaska has just started production.

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👍 3700
March 16, 2017 12:57 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks hn,

For interest – Mining pastor unearths 706-carat giant diamond in Sierra Leone

The diamond presented on Thursday, once confirmed by experts, is expected to rank among the largest. A 1,111-carat diamond was discovered at a mine in Botswana in 2015, the biggest find for more than a century.

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👍 1233
Jeffrey M
Jeffrey M
March 16, 2017 1:09 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: thank you for the thorough analysis as always.

Does anyone know how it works with respect to the dividend payments for holders of $LUCRF (i.e., the Nasdaq OTC version of the stock)

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👍 775
👍 9968
March 16, 2017 2:52 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Clear and concise write up. Just curious if you buy many/most of your resource picks OTC, or make directed buys on the original listing exchange (if you don’t mind sharing that info). I have really enjoyed this thread. Thanks to all contributors.

👍 9968
👍 9968
March 17, 2017 2:09 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks HN. Much appreciated.

March 17, 2017 6:47 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Nice work HN.

March 17, 2017 4:56 pm
👍 1233
👍 9968
March 18, 2017 1:54 am

HN: another diamond share you and fellow gummies may like to look at is Lucapa Diamond ASX LOM currently .38c AUS

👍 9968
March 19, 2017 5:13 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Lucapa was recommended by one of the Port Phillip newsletters I think.Have been following it trading between 35-40 cents Aussie.

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