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written by reader THC Breathalyzer (Cannabix Technologies inc. ticker CNSX)

By riskfactor, October 13, 2017

Hi Everybody, i think this is worth a review and can use peoples opinion and research skills!
With all the legalization and taxation happening and about to happen, its only a matter of time before the tickets for impaired driving are going to hit the streets.
Let me know your imput and any ideas you can add on this topic. AND GO!!
Travis, What you think?

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October 14, 2017 8:39 pm

OK, I’ve got a bit of experience here as we’ve toyed with doing a start-up in this exact space for the past couple years. NMS Labs (private co.) in Willow Grove is the “Cadillac” of drug testing in the US – including THC. The CEO is a friend who understands this area extremely well.

There are a number of challenges. Cannabix may have addressed them but I’m not sure how far they’ve gotten.

First, as of today there is no federal or state standard to measure THC levels. As I understand, unlike the .08% alcohol blood content, no standard exists in pot, and there are reasons for that, for example people process THC differently and get ‘stoned’ at different levels whereas alcohol levels may be more predictive of impairment. At some point, a standard will exist but not today.

Second, once the standard is established, the test needs to be fast/rapid (as in seconds/minutes, no more); and third, the device miniaturized to fit in patrol cars where space is at a premium (anyone looked in the trunk of a state police car lately?). While the science is there, I recall the test at NMS takes a few (several?) DAYS to perform and report. That’s simply too slow – you can’t lock someone up in a cell for 3+ days simply because you suspect they’re stoned – that is WAY TOO COSTLY since the city/town foots that bill and eats the cost if wrong (and possibly subjects the district to a lawsuit for unlawful arrest, etc with penalties for lost income if you miss work, etc.). As of today, police forces do not want to fill their jails with pot smokers. Lawyers, weigh in here. I believe there are ways to advance the speed of the test but with current tech, it’s probably some hours, not minutes as of now.

Next, it needs to be miniaturized to fit in a police car. That is the market where you get volume. by placing systems in every police car. It’s not enough of a market to put a single device in a police station or hospital ER – it’s got to be portable and fit in the patrol car so it needs to be miniaturized. Right now, the systems used would take up the space in an SUV – that’s WAY too large.

So, as of today, the test takes too long, there is no measurement standard, and the systems are too large and not POC (point of care) sized. And I haven’t mentioned cost for the system. Cities/towns can’t afford to spend $5,000 per device per police car so you have to make it not only small, but at a cost point that makes sense. Our research suggests that price is $500 or less for the device and then you sell the disposable test/assay. This too needs to be cost effective. Unfortunately, it’s unclear as to the appetite the police would have for this – unless it is very affordable. Given the budget issues in MI, CA, IL, CT, RI, etc. this needs more research too.

Agree 100% that is a GREAT investment idea if the challenges can be addressed. Now, those challenges can ALL be overcome with time and money. The test can be shortened, equipment miniaturized, price points met, etc I personally feel the best partners are the companies already making and selling the blood alcohol devices used in police cars already. They have the market access. Ideally you embed this new system in the existing blood alcohol devices.

Hopefully that’s enough to get the discussion started.

On a final note, this is a company for which I could immediately recruit some outstanding talent to lead the effort. There would be (already is) solid interest in this.

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👍 163
October 15, 2017 10:01 am

The stock symbol listed above: CNBX is for the company called Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, NOT Cannabix Technologies, Inc.

You will find the company of which you refer at (and I love this symbol): BLO (It trades in Canada , and on the OTC under the symbol of BLOZF
Several months ago, maybe 6 or seven, I researched this very topic, and found a company based out of Burnaby, BC (Vancouver) with a very similar name. I was pretty confused as to whether they were the same company or not. The one I eventually took a small position in was BLO. (Currently no position.) It has a compelling story and should they get FDA and other regulatory approvals could be a huge success.

An Overview:

Cannabix Technologies Inc is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in Marijuana Breathalyzer development for law enforcement and the workplace. The Company is developing breath testing technologies in the pursuit of bringing durable, portable hand-held tools to the market to enhance detection of marijuana impaired driving offences on roads. The Company offers Beta 2.0 Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer. The Company is developing drug-testing devices that detect the psychoactive component (THC) of marijuana that causes intoxication-using breath samples. The Company also develops breath-testing devices for detection of use of THC, in contrast to urine testing for THC metabolite that requires an invasive collection and reflects use days or even weeks earlier. The Company’s breath-testing devices are also useful for other practical applications, such as testing employees in the workplace where intoxication by THC can be hazardous.



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👍 24
October 15, 2017 10:15 am

$BLO fp Government releases legal limits for drugged driving but can’t say how much pot is too much

👍 64

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