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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings,Volume 2, 2018

By hendrixnuzzles, January 31, 2018

2017 was a year of tremendous accomplishment for Clean Teq Holdings in every respect.

We saw remarkable achievements in mine construction, in finance, and in market development, with landmark contracts in every business segment;

We saw a complex business appear as if by magic, including business offices on four continents, and the launch of business website in the water division;

We were informed of superb existing and newly-formed strategic partnerships,
with the likes of Airbus, Peng-Xin Mining, Chinese state and power entities, Chinalco, and Multotec;

We were witness to a major off-take agreement with a leading battery manufacture;

We learned of an astute acquisition of a controlling interest in a VRB business by Mr. Friedland;

We learned of deep and valuable research and development support at prestigious universities and manufacturers;
and we became sure of unseen low-cost manufacturing contacts and alliances.

And oh-by-the-way, we got a listing on the TSX.

The company inspires confidence and optimism. Robert Friedland has a deep long-term strategy, and he knows what he is doing.
I am not sure what is more impressive: His strategic vision, or his managerial talent in executing it.

Clean Teq is a company that is worth following. It is by far my largest position.
There are a lot of companies with good concepts. But Clean Teq has a deep and brilliant strategic concept which is at the heart of major world trends; a revolutionary technology; and a management that executes flawlessly.

1. CLEAN TEQ HOLDINGS, CLEAN TEQ WATER, and their interests, or related companies.

2. Miners and producers of COBALT, VANADIUM, SCANDIUM; also nickel, zinc, graphite, lithium, rare earths, silica, and manganese.

3. WATER PURIFICATION, especially when tied into mineral extraction therefrom.

4. “TECHNO MINERS” and other innovators in mining and material extraction

See notes below on thread and topic overlaps, which are unavoidable.
One year ago this week, I wrote an article on Clean Teq Holdings. It was a speculative company, but
one with a visionary and proven leader, dramatic potential in specific, attractive commodities,
innovative methods and IP for mineral extraction, and big ambitions in water purification.

Clean Teq Holdings defied easy categorization, and continues to do so.
One year later, Clean Teq has not disappointed. Clean Teq has exceeded all reasonable expectations.
If you need background on Clean Teq, I refer you to the predecessor of this thread: “Scandium, Cobalt,
and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings”, where you will also find the guidelines and rules for this
thread; and to the Clean Teq and Clean Teq Water websites, which warrant close examination.

This thread is for those who believe in the coming EV wave, light weighting of transport, and most importantly,
in the importance of energy storage and batteries of all scales;
and also, it is for those who believe that the disruptions caused thereby will be rapid.

Because of this opinion, it follows that the existing viable battery technologies and the materials needed
for them are important. We anticipate rapid change; we subscribe to the Tony Seba “Disruption Scenario”,
that suggests disruptiv changes are occuring faster.
If you disagree with the Disruption Scenario, or the eventual proliferation of EVs,
that is fine; but please do not debate it on this thread. The thread is for those who believe in the future of battery power,
and in the immediate opporunities in commodities related to batteries and energy storage.
We will be able to see in shortly whether we are right or wrong in this belief.
If it takes longer than we think, we will complain about ”being early.”

My perspective is for the next five years. That is “long term”. This is not a trading thread.
Occasionally short-term opportunities are appropriate to call out,
but short-term trading is not the emphasis here.

On the other hand should restrain ourselves from too much attention
to developments and materials for technologies that are likely to take longer than five years to have an impact.
We are looking for investable ideas, not 10 year forecasts on the Future of Civilization.
So let’s keep it down on hydrogen fuel cells and molten salt batteries for a couple of months.
Our assumption is that Li-NCM, VRB’s, and zinc batteries are going to be the main battery formats purchased,
installed or contracted for in the near-term, hence the commodities needed for them are of interest.

New battery technologies are better discussed on the #batteries thread ,
unless they involve a vertical commodity/battery producer.
We are interested in what is going to have an impact in five years.

For example, if you are convinced that Google is about to conquer the world with a molten salt battery,
then come on over here and recommend Morton Salt as a buy-out candidate.

But debate whether molten salt batteries have a future, and when, on the #batteries thread.

News that shows increasing penetration on solar are relevant,
as they confirm the importance of large-scale energy storage.
But we would like to know who is getting the contracts and what type of battery they are using.

There is going to be some unavoidable overlap. Nickel and manganese sources are swing metals,
sometimes they may be better discussed on the Hard Asset thread as base metals.

If you make a post on the wrong thread, don’t worry too much, there are
no fines or jail time. I do it myself all the time and I understand it can be confusing.
You can also use Travis’ new cross-reference gizmo.

Long $CTEQF $CLQ Clean Teq Holdings

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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May 11, 2018 8:45 am

“$EUC so today we have started exploration drilling underground in Slovakia.
18 months ago we walked over the top of the waste dumps of material mined in the 1600’s. These adits produced the cobalt in that era. Let’s see what they they still hold”

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👍 846
May 13, 2018 11:30 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles


“In August 2017, Easpring signed a five-year offtake agreement with Clean Teq ( CTEQF ) for around 20 percent of cobalt sulphate and nickel sulphate output from its Syerston project in Australia.”

my apology if link already provided.

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👍 276
May 14, 2018 11:17 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

It could be that Easpring just raised the last of the money CleanTeq needs to finance their mine, and we’ll have a life of mine deal. Not sure about the battery precursor factory, and if that becomes part of the plan, not sure how much that would be worth to us. In any case, I expect more deals than Easpring before the end of the year, for most of the cobalt/nickel production. We’ll sell our stuff to somebody, so just a deal is not catalytic. If the deal includes exciting side goodies, that would be more what I’m hoping for. As far as “Mother of all Announcements” I don’t know, other related boards that go all “super-hype” have had reality slap the silly off their faces. I rather stay calm, and let events play out on the ground, its just my own way and the way I roll, but good luck to all.

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👍 964
May 14, 2018 11:20 pm
Reply to  renbycage

by the way HN, the DFS is due end of June, I suppose it could come out earlier in June, but 6 weeks latest.

👍 964
May 15, 2018 4:46 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: Your previous hope was that CLQ would raise capital via bank loans as that would be non dilutive. Wouldnt an Easpring deal (or any others for nickel/cobalt deal) be dilutive? They’d be parting with a chunk of the company and/or its future product.
In some ways the DFS is a forgone conclusion so priced in (ignoring the stock price manipulation). What would really move the needle is a scandium/vanadium take off deal as presently the value of those metals ignored.

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May 15, 2018 1:59 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanx Hn. Last question: Does CLQ hold treasury stock of any significance?

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👍 9968
May 15, 2018 5:01 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: We always said that PGM was ripe for a buyout and couldnt really understand why RF was dragging his feet when the stock was selling for pennies on the dollar. Im fairly sure RF needed to nail down getting capital/DFS for CLQ before committing to such a move. Id guess that a buyout is already agreed in principal and an announcement will follow soon after the Easpring deal is announced. PGM’s new MD is just a holding position……they didnt need to hire a star player. PGM doesnt have the management, infrastructure or capital to dig a mine…..a sell off is the only thing that makes sense.

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May 15, 2018 2:38 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Wow. PGM financials via Yahoo
Common stock 50,576.464
Retained earnings -18,392.14
Treasury stock -2,575.741
Capital surplus – – – –
Other stockholder equity -2,575.741
Total stockholder equity 29,608.583

Net tangible assets 29,608.583 !!

Couldnt resist. Im now a shareholder of significance
(A$500 🙂 )

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May 15, 2018 3:11 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

PGM Does anybody know how much cobalt they have and what grades [including them]? They stayed stuck as a scandium play, even after it became clear neighbor CLQ was going to produce 10X world supply, as a by-product, at almost zero cost. I was laughing at that company, and finally their board woke up to the fact their plan had zero chance of succeeding. If they don’t have high grade cobalt/nickel, that investment is worth zero, or whatever cash they have left until they run out.

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👍 964
May 15, 2018 3:53 pm
Reply to  renbycage

$PGM – Renby, according to an Ardea Resource chart in a recent SA ‘Cobalt miners’ report PGM has 9MT @0.15% Cobalt (11th in Oz by cobalt resource).

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👍 846
May 15, 2018 10:38 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

Yea, they now refer to themselves as a scandium/platinum project, doesn’t sound too promising to me.

May 15, 2018 2:23 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$PTNUF – Not to quiblle about a few mil, but Yahoo Finance has their MC at $13.742M. Also, $JRV, while MC is $84.556M, their property abuts CleanTeq.

👍 846
May 15, 2018 10:00 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN, you were correct in your MC for PGM. I just happened to look at the MC on Yahoo for $PGM in AUD and see the MC at $20.866m. I was not thinking of the MC difference between the 2 country’s dollar when I posted the MC of $PTNUF earlier.

👍 846
👍 9968
May 16, 2018 4:56 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

‘SKI 100% take off’. Im not surprised the price has tanked (I sold on the announcement thank heavens). With 100% spoken for, whats to play for? The gamblers will have lost interest and moved their money to greener pastures.

May 16, 2018 9:04 am
Reply to  sarah

If it was binding AUZ sp would be a lot higher. Hope no one fell for the comparisons with Clean Teq.

👍 9968
May 17, 2018 8:03 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Geology is not comparable – it’s a Australian HotCopper myth for new investors.

May 16, 2018 8:41 am


Water treatment at oil well sight to begin.

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👍 1073
May 17, 2018 7:39 am

Top 6 Cobalt Junior Developer Miners To Boom By 2021/2022 by Matt Bohlsen May 17, 2018| Includes: AMSLF, ARRRF, ARTTF, BAR, BKTPF, CBBHF, CSSQF, CTEQF, CUZ, ECSIF, FTMDF, FTSSF, GLCNF, GMRSF, HLPCF, KATFF, MLXEF, NDENF, NZRIF, RNKLF HendrixNuzzles seems to be at least a couple days ahead of Matt… 🙂 Great job! #Best2ALL! 🙂

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👍 11604
May 17, 2018 12:49 pm

Summary table of the top 6 cobalt juniors who can reach 5,000tpa production

Price Market Cap Contained Cobalt (ore type) Likely ~5,000tpa producer by
Clean TeQ 1.25 AUD 848m 132,000 (laterite) 2020/21
Australia Mines 0.111 AUD 282m 54,500 (Sconi only) (laterite) 2020/21

As speed to market being mentioned on this board being of great importance I’m more than fine holding what appears for now to be the top two to market.

Regards CLQ, they could buy any of these other area plays. One reason I also hold PGM. Of course AUZ bordering CLQ would seem to be the obvious choice?? But as a novice in these matters I’ve really no idea if such a thing would really be that beneficial or whether RF is even looking/aware of it…..

AUZ is now firmly under the SKI umbrella IMO and being honest they might well need to be. Don’t shoot the man down (see video below) but BB sitting somewhere within CLQ’s management would be just fine by me plus of course the extra CLQ shares I would be getting if any sale was done…

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 17, 2018 2:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Maybe RF should be sent an email via Sam Riggall, my suggestion would be buys the ones I hold first, then all the others. Then builds that MEGA plant there and off we go and all in a very safe jurisdiction, which after the DRC must be tempting. All this product can be shipped to China just round the corner. Of course this won’t happen will it….

Regards AUZ, SKI being on board makes me stay, might be wrong? but they need the stuff for their Hungarian plant and they have the muscle and incentives to see this through. They have a good deal sure but that’s big companies for you. Its also a long deal and IMO part of SKI’s longer term plan.

If I didn’t already hold a large position in CLQ I might see things slightly differently for sure. Agree BB is not RF, but you got to start somewhere. BB is after all a geologist foremostly.

I also find the animosity between the 2 camps on the forums a bit silly, hope it doesn’t spill over to here, just saying….

Best to everyone winning no matter what you hold SS.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 18, 2018 12:43 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$PTNUF I was reading the HC comments night before last and saw many who are not happy with management, their transparency, or the work ART is (supposed) doing in their JV. I gathered they were in a holding pattern, and that recent selling might be the point of capitulation. I am down 30% on a small position and was reviewing/re-evaluating. I like the proximity to Sunrise, their MC, the leverage of their share price, their approach of frugal and incremental ore processing, and the JV with ART. It is no Sunrise, but could become part of it!

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👍 846
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 8:11 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Not in Love with AUZ but in cheap enough and do feel it has upside from here. It could be considered to have naive management but I can live with that. Imo the Koreans liked BB plus got the deal they wanted, win win all round. The SKI deal plus the AUZ land package is enough for me to ride this out. If I lose so be it, always got CLQ to fall back on. Doubt it’ll ever go below my buy in, now said that it will Lol….SS.

Side note, BB has cut 2 great deals so far, namely, Metallis and SKI, viewing his recent video that’s impressive!!

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 20, 2018 6:47 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The only ‘political settlement’ I can envisage would be for China to send in a ‘Peace keeping’ force to guard the mine ! My bet is that China is in no rush to exploit the reserves (they have them tied up for the future so will focus elsewhere for EV cobalt etc). Then they will let the warlords experience a period of zero income/interest during which time they will not be able to afford modern weapons. Theyll simply sit back and wait for Field Marshal Whatnot to approach Ivanhoe with a deal to guard the mine/trains. Sorry HN but this is not the time to be significantly long IVN IMO.

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👍 9968
May 17, 2018 6:28 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Methinks the horrendous amount of Aussie shares is partly to blame for the dismal share price. And how many can you actually invest in, even if you have money?

Also, as you mention, in today’s society, it is ” what have you done for ME today?” People can’t hold attention to something for days let alone months/years. All those empty promises for 29475% gains in a month are eaten up by those eager to get something for nothing.

The stock market isn’t for investing anymore. IT is legalized gambling and filled with manipulators, naked shorts, betting on a variety of issues and charts, some self fulfilling by their own designs.

Cryptocurrencies? Don’t go there….

Nothing is tied to a solid, tangible “thing”, that SHOULD anchor the full faith and trust of individuals to it. It is a world of Video Poker games, Lotto’s, Gaming and Betting, and people (in General) have given up hope and belief in ANYTHING to trust.

Social Media. What a glorious heap of waste and obfuscation. People exchanging words without meanings thru magic! You don’t need to actually see anyone! WOW! How cool is that? Social meaning has been changed, like so many other words, into something that just might resemble something from the past, but is hardly social OR sociable, keeps you from actually discussing something with an actual person. Nice, huh?

How is THAT for a Happy assessment of how I see things and the market?
But I digress……………I need to go watch some George Carlin to bring me back.

Better write something about stocks so I don’t get disciplined! I am long

That’s my rant and I’m sticking with it! edski

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👍 1073
May 18, 2018 12:14 am
Reply to  edski

Well said Edski – it’s the way it is!!

👍 207
May 18, 2018 8:06 am
Reply to  edski

You hit the proverbial nail on the head!

One interesting aspect of wagering is that the odds in at least 1 game – Blackjack – can be improved markedly with card counting. I think the analogy can be applied to the knowledge and information shared by the members of this gummunity and success of getting into stocks early.

👍 846
👍 9968
May 17, 2018 5:10 pm
👍 1073
👍 9968
May 17, 2018 6:01 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes SIR!
This group (livewiremarkets) has joined the CLQ bandwagon and openly supports it.
Soon HN…hopefully Very Soon……..

👍 1073
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👍 9968
May 18, 2018 7:55 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$CTEQF As the world continues to grow, the demand for all that CleanTeq will offer should only grow (some areas like water, exponentially?). I feel good owning a small part of a company I believe help so many while producing early investors significant returns. Thanks for the opportunity to sit on or close to the front row.

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👍 846
May 18, 2018 10:17 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

CLQ – a big thanks HN….caught up on a bunch of your posts ( and others)…confident to be long CLQ for awhile now. Have a wonderful weekend et all.

👍 1303
May 17, 2018 10:10 pm

$NIOBF – U.S. Government Officially Declares All Three Superalloy Metals from Nebraska Project as “Critical Minerals”

note: I’m posting this for what it says about NioCorp and what IR knows about Rare Earths. There is also a link in the news release for the the list of priority minerals was developed in response to a White Houser Executive Order of December 20, 2017.


👍 3700
👍 9968
May 17, 2018 10:17 pm

$NIOBF – U.S. Government Officially Declares All Three Superalloy Metals from Nebraska Project as “Critical Minerals”

note: I’m posting this for what it says about NioCorp and what IR knows about Rare Earths. There is also a link in the news release for the the list of priority minerals was developed in response to a White Houser Executive Order of December 20, 2017. There is also the final list link just below it.


👍 3700
May 18, 2018 8:19 am

Posting here as relates to vanadium RF.

From GIL – Gold Investment Letter today.
No Position btw.
Eric Muschinski quotes RF re vanadium.

Cornerstone Metals CEO Interview

Good Morning,

It is absolutely worthwhile to give a listen to the interview I’m posting below and read through the power point to learn more about Cornerstone Metals (CCC in Canada and CCCCF in the US).

If you are a fund, family office, RIA/advisor, or high net worth individual that can buy low cap ideas, this one is for you because you’ll get it. Frankly, a monkey could see that this stock is utterly cheap and going higher, despite the fact that it has tripled in the past 9 months. The issue is simply that many investors aren’t aware of this story yet. GIL is early in this theme of vanadium and certainly in discovering CCC. I think it’s a 5-10 bagger….minimum! And very few of you likely have much exposure to their main asset….vanadium. Vanadium is a key component in steel but is also experiencing fast growing demand from the battery revolution. Vanadium redux flow batteries….well I’ll leave it in the words of Robert Friedland:

“We believe the electrification of the world economy is inevitable. We think there’s a revolution coming in Vanadium redox flow batteries. Larger-scale deployment over the ensuing five years in China will result in vanadium flow batteries revolutionizing modern electricity grids.”*

Vanadium prices have gone from $3 to $15 per pound in just the past 2 years and all signs point to sustainable strength. In fact, the Chinese government is requiring manufacturers to bump vanadium content by 20% in all production of steel starting in September. Pure plays in vanadium are hard to find and certainly not any as strong as Cornerstone, whose Carlin asset is in Nevada. They already have $4 Billion worth of high grade vanadium and the deposit will surely grow. The market cap? $17M CDN….insane.

This has a strong shot at becoming a very profitable vanadium mine and I see them getting bought out in 2020 ish for north of $100MM, which would be a steal for a buyer. A planned summer drilling program, metallurgy results, the impending China vanadium content hike, rising vanadium prices, and a further delineated resource will drive Cornerstone into the $1 plus level by January and much higher over time. Strong Buy.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 1:23 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Thx Squirrel, looks like this stock could be investment material, low market cap low share count and so bar 4B in vanadium with plenty of room to add to that..what is your thinking on it Hendrixnuzzles?

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👍 207
👍 9968
👍 1073
👍 9968
May 18, 2018 10:23 am

HN – thanks for beating the drum so loudly for CLQ. I bought last year then added near the bottom of the recent drop so the upturn over the past 2 weeks has been nice indeed.
Edski, your social media rant really hit home. Reminded me of an old Asimov book “The Naked Sun” from the Robot Series. I fear this is what we are coming to in the future. Luckily I probably won’t be around long enough to see it all.

👍 67
May 18, 2018 10:28 am
Reply to  cavemann

caveman: where can i find Edski’s social media rant, thanks?

👍 1303
May 18, 2018 10:53 am
Reply to  Lulu

Jeepers……Hey Lulu. it can be found above at May 17, 2018 6:28 pm.
You must hit the “read more” to access the full articles written, otherwise it is hidden.
I got carried away, but I still think it is part of the “Me first” and “gotta be quick” society we now live in.


👍 1073
👍 9968
May 18, 2018 5:33 pm

Edski n all: In a sense you are right that the stock market has become a legalised gambling/casino. But as HN has said; the way forward is to focus on a company’s fundamentals becoz others are better than us at reading the daily tea leaves. ….so ignore their maneuvering.
My problem is (and I invite comment) that after owning CLQ for 2ish years, the sp is similar to where I entered. I dont mind the money coz I have faith, but the waste of grey cells waiting and waiting kills me. So my question is, how should we play it and at what point should we enter?
My gut feel is to enter with 50 shares at .08 cents as a sort of watch-list…..theres so many ‘opportunities’ that its hard to focus and ignore the noise. So what if my investment goes tits up…Hey ho, I lose a burger and small beer. But if youre skimming the news and watching the charts, and are confident of the underlying fundamentals, youll see a ‘sensible’ time to big up your holding (See recent CLQ at 76cents).
I’ll be interested to get your feedback.

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👍 9968
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 5:09 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

My apologies HN if Ive misdirected you. First, my comment wasnt really about Cleanteq. I have read ALL your research and double checked some of it, so Im as convinced as you that it must eventually be a superstar…Im embarrassingly long. The 8cents comment was really just a way of saying ‘cheap’…..although CLQ was at 8 cents in 2014 for those with a crystal ball.
What I was trying to say was, all these shares take a long time to mature and (as youll know) require a good deal of nursing/monitoring. During that time the gamblers and fake news rumor mongers will play. As I think Edski said, someone has been manipulating the price by short or block selling, then (presumably) buying back lower. The recent fall to 88cents is a good example. With all we know about CLQ et al it was an obvious moment to load up….and I did big time. I just wondered whether anyone had a general timing strategy for entry. Mining is very different to bio. Bio is a pure rumor mill with a binary ending, whereas (as youve demonstrated) mining investment can be founded on tangible info. Tangibles are worthy of long term investment as eventually the pay dirt will be dug up irrespective of the gamblers short term noise. Also, once some sort of feasibility study data arrives showing theres metal down there, its unlikely that your investment will go to zero….unlike a phase 3 fail in bio. So altogether I feel far safer investing in mining especially if there’s a good guy at the helm.
Timing has been a long termfrustration for me. Some while ago you gave me some good advice re this. What you said was ‘perhaps you should keep a good proportion of your holding long but set aside another chunk for trading in and out’. Seemed like a good idea to me and it certainly relieves the boredom, so Ive followed it many times. What seems to work best for me is to set a 20 and 50 moving average line on the annual chart. When the 20 crosses up through the 50 buy. But as soon as the 20 crosses down thru the 50, get the hell out. There’s nothing new in this method and obviously it doesnt work every time or Id be a millionaire by now, but it helps. I wondered if others had their own thoughts for their trading proportion of their holding…….in particular respect of mining.
Thanks for all you do HN.

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👍 9968
May 19, 2018 3:57 pm
Reply to  sarah

Sarah, Can’t type much now,had an accident in the shop and sliced my fig3r tips. Not as good as Gr8Full at typing with one paw!

I think that you are saying that you are still in CLQ?

So you have been in CLQ over 2 years!?!? Nice! Most of my picks have gone belly up by 1 year, or reverse split themselves to death. Good for your find back then and keeping it. There is nothing for you to do right now, like HN says. If your question is solely regarding CLQ, sit and stay and watch carefully to make sure things are going the way you think they should.

You have heard nothing but good news about them since you bought in. If you did exit CLQ and want back in, N O W would be great.

Hopefully this is not what is troubling you! I think that it is maybe your previous comment about feeling that it is too good to be true. I had been married to gold for years and lost most of my money (total savings). I am NOT wealthy. But I keep trying to learn and not make rash decisions. I am in enough stocks to cover many areas of EV and Large Batteries.

At this point i my life,this is what I have chosen to in vest in, and two years waiting for a mine to open is killing me. They will be opening up when “the next big thing ”
comes into focus. But I have made my decisions and do n’t blame anyone else for past or future losses, but I’m saving blame for market manipulation.

The only thin g I would add is DO NOT put all of your eggs into one basket, no matter how pretty that basket looks……..just in case, ya know?

Best of luck to all of us. Oh! Don’t feel that you have to invest like the rest of us do.
We are all different and have different needs and investment philosophies. Be yourself, and be honest with yourself.


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👍 1073
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 12:14 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

New street sign up in Lachlanshire, New South Wales: SUNRISE LANE.

Saw that, was it real?

Sure is a lot going on and a lot more coming soon….

Going to be one hell of a year in the CLQ camp!

👍 1233
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 3:36 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes I saw the sign, looked real, just surprised.

Moving on, do we here assume that CLQ are aware of the other plays in the area? Answer yes very much so, definitely maybe! Might they be thinking of buyng any of them up to increase scale, remove the competition and also stop others especially oil companies jumping in….Note (the 2 most secure countries for mining are I believe Australia and Canada). Also China will lead the EV revolution which is a BIG +++ for Australia)

While CLQ for example consider say….PGM, might AUZ with SKI backing move in and snap PGM up? Does SKI have enough for their Hungarian plant through only AUZ as they have not secured any other offtakes.

PGM is without doubt the rudderless ship here but has a good resource and very cheap.

Is it worth dropping RF an email as previously mentioned?
Who here is best penned for this? Clue, answer – who was the best ever guitar player (now deceased) ha ha…

Just some ramblings……

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👍 9968
May 19, 2018 7:12 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Maybe off the wall but retail or otherwise, you never just know as he’s as open to anything new as anyone IMO assuming it can be put in front of him (Yes his cards are held very close) however nothing is cast in stone more every thing we see was once an idea only. That aside agree 100% PGM is there for the taking, if they don’t get it together soon it’ll be eiher history or hopefully bought out. Not anything I research much anymore. ..

JRV – I read recently that AUZ had an option on it? Looking at the map JRV land size is big assuming my map was to scale.

Best SS.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 7:39 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Clearly RF plays a close hand but it’s flexible on information received AND from whatever source. Being wise if a retailer was able to present him/her with open aware information then the wise man would notice.

Sprott comes to mind regards stockhouse aka the wild west otherwise known Shithouse, which has a wider democracy of speech than HC or CEO. This regards GGI btw.

Posting now as tablet or 5%

👍 1233
May 20, 2018 7:04 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

IF PGM is the dog you suggest, RF aint gonna offer much…..some CLQ shares at near market price and a minor directorship. I dont think the shareholders will see a bonanza profit.

May 20, 2018 7:23 am
Reply to  sarah

PGM: This especially when RF has already got more land than he needs, the heck of a head start in the race towards production and his needing finance by one means or other. The only risk is someone else with deep pockets will jump in. RF really only needs to tie up PGM before someone else snaffles it on the cheap. Then it can just sit there as a kangaroo reserve.

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May 19, 2018 4:06 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

If we all chip in for the bus, I’ll drive us to Australia! (OK no ethnic jokes)

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👍 1073
May 19, 2018 4:03 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HAAAAAA hahahahaha…..Man, you even spotted a new street sign!
Too much HN!

👍 1073
👍 9968
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 11:57 am

Interesting article posted on the HC AUZ forum regarding oil companies sniffing around the battery area.

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👍 1233
May 19, 2018 3:34 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

This story reminds me of alcoholic beverage companies looking into Pot companies. Smart Oil companies have been looking into EV participation as well. Good link!

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👍 1073
May 19, 2018 3:45 pm
Reply to  edski

Good comparrison!

These oil giants have MEGA funds and I think they know their days are numbered, regardless of their tying to slow down the coming revolution which is inevitable. Of course they could spend fortunes trying to find an alternative? But imo they will just think buy it up. BB mentioned that the risk will be far less for them in a years time, which might be the case. No doubt imo they would be monitoring the situation.

Interesting times….

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👍 1233
👍 9968
May 19, 2018 7:32 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Someone, you might be right, but I’m sticking to my current holdings regardless of buying “when there is blood in the streets”

If internal civil war breaks out I’d buy, that’s my risk level for the DRC…

What sleep I get is important ha ha. ..

👍 1233
👍 9968
👍 9968
May 20, 2018 6:10 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

With all the recent dots in place and joining up and major news imminent, I’d say – Things seem to be moving along VERY nicely since eleven months ago!

Makes me wonder just how big this could be in say 2/3 years time??

And to think that really hardly anyone out there is aware of this, outside of here and HC…..

👍 1233
👍 9968

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