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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings,Volume 2, 2018

By hendrixnuzzles, January 31, 2018

2017 was a year of tremendous accomplishment for Clean Teq Holdings in every respect.

We saw remarkable achievements in mine construction, in finance, and in market development, with landmark contracts in every business segment;

We saw a complex business appear as if by magic, including business offices on four continents, and the launch of business website in the water division;

We were informed of superb existing and newly-formed strategic partnerships,
with the likes of Airbus, Peng-Xin Mining, Chinese state and power entities, Chinalco, and Multotec;

We were witness to a major off-take agreement with a leading battery manufacture;

We learned of an astute acquisition of a controlling interest in a VRB business by Mr. Friedland;

We learned of deep and valuable research and development support at prestigious universities and manufacturers;
and we became sure of unseen low-cost manufacturing contacts and alliances.

And oh-by-the-way, we got a listing on the TSX.

The company inspires confidence and optimism. Robert Friedland has a deep long-term strategy, and he knows what he is doing.
I am not sure what is more impressive: His strategic vision, or his managerial talent in executing it.

Clean Teq is a company that is worth following. It is by far my largest position.
There are a lot of companies with good concepts. But Clean Teq has a deep and brilliant strategic concept which is at the heart of major world trends; a revolutionary technology; and a management that executes flawlessly.

1. CLEAN TEQ HOLDINGS, CLEAN TEQ WATER, and their interests, or related companies.

2. Miners and producers of COBALT, VANADIUM, SCANDIUM; also nickel, zinc, graphite, lithium, rare earths, silica, and manganese.

3. WATER PURIFICATION, especially when tied into mineral extraction therefrom.

4. “TECHNO MINERS” and other innovators in mining and material extraction

See notes below on thread and topic overlaps, which are unavoidable.
One year ago this week, I wrote an article on Clean Teq Holdings. It was a speculative company, but
one with a visionary and proven leader, dramatic potential in specific, attractive commodities,
innovative methods and IP for mineral extraction, and big ambitions in water purification.

Clean Teq Holdings defied easy categorization, and continues to do so.
One year later, Clean Teq has not disappointed. Clean Teq has exceeded all reasonable expectations.
If you need background on Clean Teq, I refer you to the predecessor of this thread: “Scandium, Cobalt,
and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings”, where you will also find the guidelines and rules for this
thread; and to the Clean Teq and Clean Teq Water websites, which warrant close examination.

This thread is for those who believe in the coming EV wave, light weighting of transport, and most importantly,
in the importance of energy storage and batteries of all scales;
and also, it is for those who believe that the disruptions caused thereby will be rapid.

Because of this opinion, it follows that the existing viable battery technologies and the materials needed
for them are important. We anticipate rapid change; we subscribe to the Tony Seba “Disruption Scenario”,
that suggests disruptiv changes are occuring faster.
If you disagree with the Disruption Scenario, or the eventual proliferation of EVs,
that is fine; but please do not debate it on this thread. The thread is for those who believe in the future of battery power,
and in the immediate opporunities in commodities related to batteries and energy storage.
We will be able to see in shortly whether we are right or wrong in this belief.
If it takes longer than we think, we will complain about ”being early.”

My perspective is for the next five years. That is “long term”. This is not a trading thread.
Occasionally short-term opportunities are appropriate to call out,
but short-term trading is not the emphasis here.

On the other hand should restrain ourselves from too much attention
to developments and materials for technologies that are likely to take longer than five years to have an impact.
We are looking for investable ideas, not 10 year forecasts on the Future of Civilization.
So let’s keep it down on hydrogen fuel cells and molten salt batteries for a couple of months.
Our assumption is that Li-NCM, VRB’s, and zinc batteries are going to be the main battery formats purchased,
installed or contracted for in the near-term, hence the commodities needed for them are of interest.

New battery technologies are better discussed on the #batteries thread ,
unless they involve a vertical commodity/battery producer.
We are interested in what is going to have an impact in five years.

For example, if you are convinced that Google is about to conquer the world with a molten salt battery,
then come on over here and recommend Morton Salt as a buy-out candidate.

But debate whether molten salt batteries have a future, and when, on the #batteries thread.

News that shows increasing penetration on solar are relevant,
as they confirm the importance of large-scale energy storage.
But we would like to know who is getting the contracts and what type of battery they are using.

There is going to be some unavoidable overlap. Nickel and manganese sources are swing metals,
sometimes they may be better discussed on the Hard Asset thread as base metals.

If you make a post on the wrong thread, don’t worry too much, there are
no fines or jail time. I do it myself all the time and I understand it can be confusing.
You can also use Travis’ new cross-reference gizmo.

Long $CTEQF $CLQ Clean Teq Holdings

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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May 20, 2018 5:24 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Very interesting and regards vrb energy, if you click the Chinese symbol on their web site it still comes up –

May 20, 2018 7:37 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

‘Vanadium reserves worldwide exceed 63 million MT, according to the US Geological Survey’s latest report on the metal.’ ‘Which countries have the largest vanadium reserves? Interestingly, the three countries with the greatest reserves are also the largest vanadium-producing countries. ‘

‘1. China

Vanadium reserves: 9 million MT
China has the largest reserves of vanadium and produced 42,000 MT of the metal in 2016. The country also consumes the most vanadium and has the fastest-growing rate of vanadium consumption. Indeed, between 2006 and 2014, China’s vanadium consumption grew by 217 percent.
About 91 percent of vanadium produced in China is used to make steel. According to Roskill’s most recent Vanadium Quarterly Review, Chinese steel production will grow by 0.2 percent annually to 2025.

2. Russia
Vanadium reserves: 5 million MT
Russia, like China, extracts vanadium from slag produced by steel smelters or as a by-product of uranium mining. In 2016, Russia produced 16,000 MT of vanadium.
In April, Russia’s minister of industry and trade, Denis Manturov, told Metal Bulletin that the country’s government is planning to significantly increase the nation’s vanadium production. A spokesman for Manturov said it will achieve this expansion by paying subsidies to the country’s largest vanadium producers and providing tax breaks.

3. South Africa
Vanadium reserves: 3.5 million MT
Vanadium production in South Africa came to 12,000 MT last year, and was hindered by the closure of an iron and vanadium mine in 2015.
The mine closure forced a major vanadium product producer to suspend its operations, and left the country with just two major vanadium producers. Additionally, a private vanadium products producer in Austria that relied on imported vanadium from South Africa is expected to have reduced output moving forward.
Honorable mentions

Australia has 1.8 million MT of vanadium reserves and the US has 45,000 MT. The US Geological Survey notes that all of the US demand is met by imports from other countries, even though the US has enough domestic resources to supply most of its domestic needs. Data on the total amount of vanadium reserves in Brazil is not available, but the country produced an estimated 6,000 MT in 2016.’

Now I ask: if China already has so much Vanadium, why are they scouring the world for more? It can only be that they intend to build a huge number of batteries to power its more remote regions without laying a huge central spider web grid fuelled by other more polluting methods.

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May 26, 2018 2:14 am
Reply to  sarah

Very interesting Sarah., especially the tiny mention of Brazil, home to what is I believe the only pure Vanadium mine in the non-Communist world (please correct me if wrong). Largo Resources Ltd (TSX:LGO) has just raised funds for an increase in production at Maracas Menchen mine in Bahia state, Brazil. It produced 2,214 MT of V2O5 in Q1 2018, a 7% y-on-y increase . Maybe small by China standards, but at least its new supply. That’s my Vanadium play for 2018. Long LGO, IVN and of course CLQ

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May 20, 2018 7:41 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

This ties in with China’s “Ecological Civilization”

May 21, 2018 4:29 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

PU NENG/Sparton: While its encouraging that PU NENG has been awarded the China VRB contract plus significant funding by HPX, has anyone any idea what the value of their contract is or whether China is kicking the tires of any other VRB companies? It could just be a showcase loss leader hoping to tempt China into buying a gazillion of them. Chinese are fickle and tough customers. At this point in time, what’s the 18% Sparton owns actually worth?
I think there’s plenty of time before I’ll be inclined to increase my toe in the water position.

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May 20, 2018 10:12 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Talk about all the pieces coming into play….!!

May 20, 2018 12:22 pm

What would you do? I bought about 180,000 shares of PGM a while back and now it is worth about 1/3 of what I paid for it. I am thinking I should have sold when CLQ was down around $0.70 (US). At that point both CLQ and PGM were at about 50% of what I paid for them. If I had done that, Id probably be fine. Based on what I pick up on the shoe and HC, nothing but blue skies for CLQ. I am at the point where I should just hold on to PGM or sell and put the remainder in CLQ. The only reason I didn’t do it before is because it always appeared to be that PGM followed CLQ at about 10%. Meaning if CLQ was $1.00, PGM was $0.10. We all know markets can change in a very short amount of time as well. So, I have no Idea what to so at this point. My PGM is worth maybe $10,000. Peanuts as it relates to the $25K i’ve lost so far on it. I’m kind of new at this, so I kind of don’t know where to go with it. Obviously my mistake was not exiting PGM three weeks ago. What would you do?

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👍 18
May 20, 2018 12:37 pm
Reply to  gumdaddy

No point to regrets. Look at the 1 yr chart. Theres strong support at .08. My guess (and its only a guess) is that it can only head north.

May 20, 2018 12:47 pm
Reply to  sarah

Sorry, that should have been 2yr chart. But then youre left with a choice. Set an exit price and be happy if it makes it or hang fire for a buyout. In the end its your money….only you signed the check.

May 20, 2018 12:59 pm
Reply to  sarah

My feeling is that just as the stock tanked, it could rise with the tides just as well. PGM shareholders hear zero news from BOD, so its hard to tell whether the stock will wind up in the toilet or rise with the sector.

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👍 18
May 20, 2018 2:11 pm
Reply to  gumdaddy

$PGM … gumdaddy, a few questions to help you arrive at your own decision. Aside from the share price and the recent management change, have there been any fundamental changes in the company? How much of the price drop was more in concert with other Aussie resource stocks? If you apply technical analysis in your buying/trading, what do the charts (as Sarah mentioned) indicate to you? Have you attempted to contact PGM investor relations? On that last question, I saw some Hot Coppers posters received responses and some did not; but, you may get lucky. Please keep us posted on any news you get, as I also hold a position, albeit only a fraction of yours.

👍 846
May 20, 2018 2:46 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

Other than the departure of Robert Mosig, I dont think there has been a fundamental change. Maybe that was a significant change. I cant tell for sure. It appears the share price has dropped along with a lot of other miners for no significant reason, and possibly the sentiment on the HC forums is just frustration, for which we shouldn’t make “emotional decisions”. I’d agree with many, that we shouldn’t sell in an emotional manner. Its just at this point, I am pondering “is the $ best served where it sits, waiting/hoping for a rebound to the positive”, or, “am I better served with 10,000 more shares of CLQ”.

👍 18
May 21, 2018 11:56 am
Reply to  gumdaddy

It would depend on whether or not you only invest in the future hopes of small companies, or mix ’em up and also keep established or at least operating ones as well.
I lost most of my money chasing the dream, and should have kept a good mix in the portfolio. My mistake. But that is how I see it now, after my unfortunate decisions.

👍 1073
May 29, 2018 5:31 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks Nuzz. I’ve been thinking about this for the past few days, and overall the past several months as I watched this stock decline. I feel like the stock might decline a bit more, but eventually will come back as the market for the underlying assets matures. I’d like to move out of my position, however, if I do, then I’ve surely lost what I’ve invested. CLQ has two years before production and based on the movements of stock, both up and down, I am hoping for a point where CLQ moves down enough and PGM moves up enough where it makes more sense to vacate PGM and move $ to CLQ. My PGM is depressed so much that it might as well be considered a write off. Perhaps I wait for the next directors report which should be out in the next couple of months. Here is a link to last years. You have probably looked at it already. . I do want to thank you for all of your research and dedication to this thread. Your posts certainly help keep followers heads in the game while the SP goes through its ups and downs. I will be adding to CLQ over the next year or so in anticipation of year 1 production, hopefully finding the dips along the way. Thanks again for what you do. Cheers.

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👍 18
June 1, 2018 6:33 pm
Reply to  gumdaddy

Late reply but I’d hold for definite as can’t see this going much lower *famous last words* seriously though nothing has really changed FA wise imo. I’m not adding but am in other plays now. All this obviously dependant on how much your investment here is size wise overall. …

👍 1233
May 20, 2018 8:37 pm

$EUC Tolga Kumova @KumovaTolga tweet:

“The team is drilling away in the adits. Can’t wait to get up to site and see the activities.”

👍 846
May 22, 2018 5:12 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

Euc asx Deanbob interesting three months ahead of them.
Extra land site acquisition positive.

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👍 229
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👍 9968
May 22, 2018 4:56 am

News release from Cleanteq:
‘Dear Clean TeQ News Subscriber,

Bloomberg has recently published an interesting article titled, Gas Guzzlers Set to Fade as China Sparks Surge for Electric Cars, which discusses the rapidly expanding global electric vehicle market and the continuing importance of China in driving this growth.

Notably, the article quotes the author of a recent report as saying, “China’s EV policies are reshaping the corporate strategies of global car makers such as Toyota and helping its battery makers get into the supply chain for global automakers.’’

Clean TeQ believes that China’s ability to deliver on their stated EV ambitions will require deeper integration across the entire battery supply chain – from mining and raw material supply all the way through to auto manufacturing.

A link to the article can be found below:

Investor Relations
Clean TeQ

Seems to me that China is ramping up EV production in lock step with CLQ’s mine development.

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👍 9968
May 22, 2018 9:31 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The Bloomberg video shows a graph of the battery costs having halved and expecting it to go to 100 dollars (A$?). Even though CLQ ‘s costs are less than others, this must affect their profits.

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👍 9968
June 5, 2018 12:10 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$FYI – Pharmaceutical material shows promise for better grid-scale batteries

Having read the article I’m not sured if this is going to replace Vanadium or an additive to the VRB electrolyte. There is still a lot to be done/know with phenazine use in VRB electrolyte.

I was searching for HNs’ Vanadium post and found this instead to post this news from PNNL.

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👍 3700
June 6, 2018 4:29 am
Reply to  Griffin

Griffin VRB: It does indeed say ‘alternative’. However its very much in the experimental phase and theres many a slip twix’d cup and lip. I really dont think this should worry us. The need for mass storage is NOW. If we worried too much about whats being developed we’d never safely invest in anything…….science is eternally moving the boundaries and 99% fail to produce anything more than ‘interesting’.

May 24, 2018 11:09 am
Reply to  sarah

Any estimate of how much of each and the value (based on today’s spot) commodity goes into each battery?

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👍 846
👍 9968
May 26, 2018 8:52 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

And Exploding is the reason for NOT using Lithium in grid storage, thus changing to Vanadium or zinc batteries.

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👍 1073
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👍 9968
May 24, 2018 3:25 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Stanley Drunkenmiller said, “The mistake I’d say 98% of money managers and individuals make is they feel like they got to be playing in a bunch of stuff. And if you really see it, put all your eggs in one basket and then watch the basket very carefully.”

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👍 846
👍 9968
May 24, 2018 5:13 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

When I was working, I managed my 401K using that principle, even had it all in 1 stock for short periods of time. You can bet your bippy I watched the heck out of that egg!

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👍 846
May 26, 2018 8:40 am
Reply to  d.mounts

“Bet your Bippy”…..HAAAaaaa….. been a long time since I heard that!

👍 1073
May 24, 2018 8:29 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

Absolutely my approach, I’m usually super-mega-heavyweight with my #1, and right now I hold 4 stocks. CLQ dominates my portfolio right now.

👍 964
May 25, 2018 4:55 am
Reply to  renbycage

Eggs and baskets…..the odds of dropping a basket must be far higher if youre carrying 20.

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👍 11604
May 25, 2018 8:26 am
Reply to  sarah

Lookin’ good Sarah 🙂 hehe $Long $CLQ and $CTEQF 🙂

👍 11604
May 25, 2018 6:22 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm

XX Ben 🙂

May 25, 2018 10:19 am
Reply to  sarah

In a round about way, the many great people here and in the gumshoe community help carry the load.

May 24, 2018 8:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I’ve seen these FS’ can be catalysts in either direction, so I’m both excited and a bit leery. Its not like the market doesn’t already know what to expect, we’ve already announced 7 cobalt and 25 nickel production, so its really only surprises that would move the stock price. Costs could be a negative surprise, though the company has already prepped us for that, but how high will they be?. Anything over 1.5B could give us an Ardea effect. If anything, I think the completion of the financing package will be a bigger catalyst on the stock price than the DFS, as long as dilution doesn’t exceed acceptability.

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👍 964
👍 9968
👍 9968
May 25, 2018 12:04 am
👍 11604
May 25, 2018 7:38 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Very interesting. I am surprised that with a backlog of ~12K airplanes (between Airbus and Boeing), we are not hearing/reading about a company (esp a Chinese one) stepping up to fill some of the shortfall.

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👍 846
May 25, 2018 7:13 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hn: Does anyone know the ratio of scandium to aluminum needed to weld? If we did, we could work out the supply and demand.

May 25, 2018 7:21 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

As I understand it, the aviation weight reduction (thereby fuel saving) is not from the scandium/ally mix per se….its that the ally can be welded which saves the weight of the riveting.

May 25, 2018 10:00 pm
Reply to  sarah

“Around 10 per cent of the weight of an airplane is accounted for by the rivets used to maintain its structure. An Airbus A380 reportedly has an empty weight of 610,000 pounds. It is believed that using Al-Sc alloy in airplanes can reduce the overall aircraft weight by 10 to 15%, so the weight reduction is substantial and would more than pay for the cost of scandium over the life of the aircraft in higher operating efficiency.”

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May 25, 2018 2:24 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I looked at vanadium stocks late last year Vanadium Corp was one of them. Nice glitzy web site, but little real information. They want to do VRBF electrolyte with a new mfg process ‘Direct'(?).
I have a small position in Stina Resources/CellCube (thank you Cowboy 🙂 $STNUF. I was thinking of adding but decided to hold. Stina, American Vanadium $AVCVF CellCube(now Monitor Ventures), Glidemiester/CellCube, Prophecy Development Gibellini Project $PRPCF are inter related via CellCube and Gibellini and by default (common denominator) Monitor Ventures CEO Bill Radvak. Stinas’ part of Gibellini has higher grade but can they do better with CellCube. What is Stina really focused on Vanadium or CellCube.

I ended up taking a ‘flyer’ on Vanadium One $VDMRF they are an explorer. The have three projects, Vanadium known, Manganese known, Gold geology. They started drilling on the vanadium project last December(?). The drill assayes shoulbe due soon(?). The best investment I’ve seen in vanadium batteries is actually a mfg of inverters SolarEdge Technologies $SEDG but it is too pricey for me.

$VDMRF swing trade high risk

PS buy low!

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👍 3700
May 26, 2018 8:35 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I totally agree with you, but a while ago I purchased some and I can’t remember why, but now I have been thinking about selling my position and adding to STNUF.

Glitz, but “Where’s the Beef?” Right Clara?

👍 1073
May 26, 2018 8:16 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

They plan on being a vertical integration company from mine to product.
The skinny is there is no mine yet,years away. They DO have partners that make and sell VRFB’s. Here is their May corporate presentation:

The CEO said that a PEA would be forthcoming shortly.

Personally, I am very big on MGXMF. They are actually doing things now.
Personally, I am very big on AES. They ans Siemens have their own private company Fluence, but AES handles the information on the company:

Personally, I am very big on STNUF. Cowboy introduced it to us a while back and I like their strategy for vertical integration of product (batteries).

“”Can anyone tell me how to make a lot of money on Vanadiuim?””

Most likely will never come close to your CLQ 😉

👍 1073
👍 9968
May 25, 2018 3:14 pm

Cobalt Miners News For The Month Of May 2018 by Matt Bohlsen

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👍 11604
May 26, 2018 1:23 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Would the number of pounds of Vanadium in VRB electrolyte for one megawatt help. That should be available at Pacfic Northwestern National Labs. They developed an improved vanadium electrolyte with government funding of course should free.

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👍 3700
👍 9968
May 26, 2018 2:35 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

A lot of silver, collectively, is being put in solar panels that will not be recycled for many a year – if ever.

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👍 846
May 26, 2018 2:59 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Like I said earlier on the thread, my Vanadium play is Largo Resources Ltd, now increasing output to 1000 MT per month from its Maracas mine in Bahia state Brazil. It claims to be the only pure V2O5 mine in the free world. TSX:LGO. I hold

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May 26, 2018 8:48 am
Reply to  Shavian

I agree with you Shavian. Looks good! No money available on this end….
Question for you. Where is all of that Vanadium going up the conveyor belt going?
You hardly see anything falling off the other end…

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👍 1073
May 31, 2018 1:54 am
Reply to  edski

Good point Ed. The big VRB manufacturers are going to be Chinese , and I don’t have a handle on those yet. One small U.K. firm now starting to make progress is RedT (AIM:RED). Run by Aussie Monash grad Scott MacGregor, they have now sold a couple of dozen VRB units ( which come in various sizes) in U.K. and Africa and now have an Asian distributor. It has been a long struggle for them but they are getting there now, and I think their stock is cheap at about GBP 0.07. I hold a few and may add on further progress.

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May 26, 2018 3:46 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Great stuff on aerospace HM. While agreeing entirely on Scandium alloys for light-weighting, please take note of the other horse coming up on the rails – graphene. The addition of 1% of Graphene Nano Particles (GNP] to various polymers and carbon fibre has been shown to add up to 30% to tensile strength and therefore to potential weight reduction. It’s a long road from the lab to the production line in aero structures like wing components because of the need for rigourous safety testing, but graphene-enhanced plastics will appear much sooner than we think in aircraft seats, interior trim and aisle trolleys, all saving significant amounts of weight before we get into the actual wings and fuselages themselves. There is a huge amount of BS being spouted by graphene wannabes such as Aussie based Talga Resources , which has produced some graphene oxide in quantity (50-300 layers of carbon atoms) which is useful in strengthening concrete etc, but is worse than useless for aerospace -quality plastics. I won’t bore you with the dynamics of GNP, but for success in this field you need few-layer graphene – typically 3-10 layers of carbon atoms , and with the platelets of a given size. This is proving very difficult to achieve in any quantity, as most techniques just smash up the platelets rendering them useless . The only company I am aware of which has truly hacked this problem is a small U.K. engineering group Versarien plc (AIM:VRS), relatively unknown but which has already signed collaborations and received small orders from at least 6 global companies,. Israel Aerospace Industries is the only name revealed, but the others are understood to include GE, Unilever, Continental Tyres and Nike, because applications for this stuff and the associated graphene inks for 3D printing seem virtually limitless. VRS owns subsidiaries which are spinoffs from the Univesities of Cambridge (inks) and Manchester (GNPs). Manchester of course where where graphene was first isolated in 2004.

An agreement to build a production factory in Shandong province China seems close to signing as soon as IP protection is assured, and a senior official from the U.K. Govt has just been seconded to the company – the first time this has ever happened with an AIM-listed company. Take a good look and DYOR. I hold VRS and CLQ

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alex frank mrozewski
alex frank mrozewski
June 5, 2018 1:41 am
Reply to  Shavian

graphene to b used in new mgx minerals batterries in near future, see website.

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May 26, 2018 8:23 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: As an aside; it seems you are now the the new ‘gummy bounce’ meister 🙂 . All this recent chatter about Sparton suddenly bounces it 27% yesterday. Ease up guys, it’ll be cheaper next week.
Scandium: Thanks to Rubberworm for reprinting the scan/ally/rivets info. I accept that the market for sc is presently tiny, but that’s because few people can (presently) find a use for it. Wh’os gonna go looking for or digging up stuff you cant (presently) find buyers for?….Hmm, the crystal ball gazing RF ! But from whats been said about making an ally alloy, that may change quickly….fortunately CLQ is ahead of the game and PGM is ripe for real estate expansion.
Ally stuff can already be molded from sheets of course, but I can easily see how adding just 1% of sc to enable 3d printing, will change that whole game. Speed is the holy grail of manufacturing. Weight saving on rivets and components, plus increased strength/corrosion resistance is another BIG potential market. China apparently already consumes 1m tonnes of ally pa . If you believe this report the future for ally is rosy….and where ally goes, I suspect sc wont be far behind: ”Today, aluminium ranks number two in the consumption volumes among all the metals, surpassed only by steel. In the coming decades the demand for aluminium will continue increasing at unstoppable rates. Recent developments in the motor industry, the rapid growth of cities, new potential uses of aluminium as a substitute to copper in the power industry – these and many other trends mean that the winged metal is well placed to strengthen its dominant position as a key structural material of the 21st century. ”. If sc is is ally’s magic dust, even if only 10% of the future ally used has it added, thats one HUGE demand. And even if dozens of miners suddenly go digging, CLQ is so far ahead of the game I cannot see how my long term money is at much risk. Plus of course, sc is just one string to CLQ’s bow.
Very very long CLQ and sleeping well.

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👍 9968
May 26, 2018 12:39 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

True. But elsewhere we learn that ‘it is the 31st most abundant element on Earth’. So the 10 tonnes pa reflects the present demand rather than the rarity. When and if it gets adopted as an ally alloy, oodles could suddenly be refined….so long as you have an autoclave handy. That’s RF’s whip hand….a two year head start and production costs so low that any other miner/refiner will need to think twice before investing a dime.

May 26, 2018 8:28 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

You may want to consider another alternative to Pu Nang and Friedman, just BECAUSE it is an alternative source, if nothing else. I know you don’t like to think about that, but it is the first lesson of investing.

There are many companies making VRFB’s now. Some see the future of many micro grid applications all over the world, (think Africa) Monies saved by not having to run cables pays for their use.

I think that Vanadium and Zinc flow batteries will be the way to go right now.
I’m talking grid type storage and not automobile.

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👍 1073
May 26, 2018 10:10 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I asked Stockdale if CLQ has made any comments about Vanadium…his reply was
“We have not made any statements about Vanadium but it is an element that we have done quite a lot of work in recovering/separating with our ion exchange process.”

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May 27, 2018 2:28 pm

#FYI – Vanadium Miners News For The Month Of April 2018
by Matt Bohlsen
Vanadium spot prices were slightly lower in April.
Vanadium market news – Mining legend Robert Friedland states: “We think there’s a revolution coming in vanadium redox flow batteries.”
Vanadium company news – “Neometals vanadium resource a ‘massive’ 4x larger.”

I’m watching ASX:TMT & AVL because they are both in the Gabanintha vanadium project (don’t ask why) their sp seems to be in step. I thought I had posted in electrical storage.

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👍 9968
May 27, 2018 8:22 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks it’s so little compared to what you have done for us.

I did a search for vanadium demand and got a page of pricey reports like $2500-5000. There was one that was free but it didn’t have info to think about posting. The info is out there I’ll have to try and back door it through or some other group catering to miners. I think the above link to Bohlsen is the first issue on vanadium, I’m thinking it may improve with the next issue.

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👍 3700
May 27, 2018 8:44 pm
Reply to  Griffin

Agree 100%, many thanks hn SS.

👍 9968

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