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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings,Volume 2, 2018

By hendrixnuzzles, January 31, 2018

2017 was a year of tremendous accomplishment for Clean Teq Holdings in every respect.

We saw remarkable achievements in mine construction, in finance, and in market development, with landmark contracts in every business segment;

We saw a complex business appear as if by magic, including business offices on four continents, and the launch of business website in the water division;

We were informed of superb existing and newly-formed strategic partnerships,
with the likes of Airbus, Peng-Xin Mining, Chinese state and power entities, Chinalco, and Multotec;

We were witness to a major off-take agreement with a leading battery manufacture;

We learned of an astute acquisition of a controlling interest in a VRB business by Mr. Friedland;

We learned of deep and valuable research and development support at prestigious universities and manufacturers;
and we became sure of unseen low-cost manufacturing contacts and alliances.

And oh-by-the-way, we got a listing on the TSX.

The company inspires confidence and optimism. Robert Friedland has a deep long-term strategy, and he knows what he is doing.
I am not sure what is more impressive: His strategic vision, or his managerial talent in executing it.

Clean Teq is a company that is worth following. It is by far my largest position.
There are a lot of companies with good concepts. But Clean Teq has a deep and brilliant strategic concept which is at the heart of major world trends; a revolutionary technology; and a management that executes flawlessly.

1. CLEAN TEQ HOLDINGS, CLEAN TEQ WATER, and their interests, or related companies.

2. Miners and producers of COBALT, VANADIUM, SCANDIUM; also nickel, zinc, graphite, lithium, rare earths, silica, and manganese.

3. WATER PURIFICATION, especially when tied into mineral extraction therefrom.

4. “TECHNO MINERS” and other innovators in mining and material extraction

See notes below on thread and topic overlaps, which are unavoidable.
One year ago this week, I wrote an article on Clean Teq Holdings. It was a speculative company, but
one with a visionary and proven leader, dramatic potential in specific, attractive commodities,
innovative methods and IP for mineral extraction, and big ambitions in water purification.

Clean Teq Holdings defied easy categorization, and continues to do so.
One year later, Clean Teq has not disappointed. Clean Teq has exceeded all reasonable expectations.
If you need background on Clean Teq, I refer you to the predecessor of this thread: “Scandium, Cobalt,
and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings”, where you will also find the guidelines and rules for this
thread; and to the Clean Teq and Clean Teq Water websites, which warrant close examination.

This thread is for those who believe in the coming EV wave, light weighting of transport, and most importantly,
in the importance of energy storage and batteries of all scales;
and also, it is for those who believe that the disruptions caused thereby will be rapid.

Because of this opinion, it follows that the existing viable battery technologies and the materials needed
for them are important. We anticipate rapid change; we subscribe to the Tony Seba “Disruption Scenario”,
that suggests disruptiv changes are occuring faster.
If you disagree with the Disruption Scenario, or the eventual proliferation of EVs,
that is fine; but please do not debate it on this thread. The thread is for those who believe in the future of battery power,
and in the immediate opporunities in commodities related to batteries and energy storage.
We will be able to see in shortly whether we are right or wrong in this belief.
If it takes longer than we think, we will complain about ”being early.”

My perspective is for the next five years. That is “long term”. This is not a trading thread.
Occasionally short-term opportunities are appropriate to call out,
but short-term trading is not the emphasis here.

On the other hand should restrain ourselves from too much attention
to developments and materials for technologies that are likely to take longer than five years to have an impact.
We are looking for investable ideas, not 10 year forecasts on the Future of Civilization.
So let’s keep it down on hydrogen fuel cells and molten salt batteries for a couple of months.
Our assumption is that Li-NCM, VRB’s, and zinc batteries are going to be the main battery formats purchased,
installed or contracted for in the near-term, hence the commodities needed for them are of interest.

New battery technologies are better discussed on the #batteries thread ,
unless they involve a vertical commodity/battery producer.
We are interested in what is going to have an impact in five years.

For example, if you are convinced that Google is about to conquer the world with a molten salt battery,
then come on over here and recommend Morton Salt as a buy-out candidate.

But debate whether molten salt batteries have a future, and when, on the #batteries thread.

News that shows increasing penetration on solar are relevant,
as they confirm the importance of large-scale energy storage.
But we would like to know who is getting the contracts and what type of battery they are using.

There is going to be some unavoidable overlap. Nickel and manganese sources are swing metals,
sometimes they may be better discussed on the Hard Asset thread as base metals.

If you make a post on the wrong thread, don’t worry too much, there are
no fines or jail time. I do it myself all the time and I understand it can be confusing.
You can also use Travis’ new cross-reference gizmo.

Long $CTEQF $CLQ Clean Teq Holdings

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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June 10, 2018 5:12 pm

$FYI – Earth’s dismal water future, mapped

This article may take a couple of reads to get an understanding of the full extent of what the author is trying to convey. Just to say that blue areas are getting wetter and the read areas are getting dryer doesn’t give me a very good picture of what is happening. I’ve heard that in the southern California central valley there are areas where the land has dropped as much a foot due to the aquafir depletion for water during the drought. California is not the only place this occurring. Clean Teq will certainly have a place.

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👍 3700
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👍 9968
June 11, 2018 7:04 am

This relates to scandium, so posting here.

Metalysis is pleased to welcome a new partner. Australian Mines [ASX: AUZ]

Metalysis provides aluminium-scandium alloy R&D programme update
By Nuala Gallagher11th June 2018


12 month R&D overview of activities successfully addressing cost and supply challenges historically limiting scandium use;
New partner, Australian Mines, to provide scandium oxide for qualification in H2, 2018; and
High value AlSc alloy continues to pose excellent launch product potential for Metalysis’ Generation 4 industrial plant.
Metalysis (or “the Company”), the UK technology company with a solid-state process to produce valuable metal alloy powders, today provides an update on its high value aluminium-scandium (“AlSc”) alloy research and development (“R&D”) programme.

The R&D programme has affirmed the view that Metalysis’ process could address challenges that have historically restricted the industrial use of scandium despite its excellent properties.

Scandium has strength and light-weighting characteristics that make it ideal for alloys of great interest to advanced manufacturing applications including in the aerospace and automotive industries. Although there are primary production scenarios under development, it is largely mined as a by-product with little surety of supply. As an alloy addition, scandium can as much as triple manufacturing costs at current pricing. Cost and supply constraints are two challenges Metalysis has focused on.

As announced on 17 May 2017, Metalysis is using its modular, electrochemical technology to produce a scandium-rich feedstock addition, supporting master alloy production. The process can produce a wide range of powder alloys at lower costs and environmental footprints than traditional melting processes.

In H2 2017, Phase I proof-of-principle activities using Metalysis’ ‘Generation 1’ technology successfully produced the AlSc alloy feedstock addition. It is more than 15X higher in scandium content than the commonly available 2wt% scandium master alloy and was produced at materially lower comparable costs.

In H1 2018, during Phase II, the Company began qualifying scandium oxide to produce the high value AlSc alloy feedstock from new sources. This is part of efforts to address global production and supply concerns.

To continue to do this in H2 2018, Metalysis is pleased to welcome a new partner. Australian Mines [ASX: AUZ] is focused on production and supply of battery and technology metals to global markets and developing cobalt-scandium-nickel projects in Australia. Scandium oxide from Australian Mines’ Sconi project, in northern Queensland, will be evaluated and used for further AlSc alloy production.

The R&D programme has now benefitted from global partners leading scandium oxide technology, trading, supply and mine development/production. It is underway at Metalysis’ Materials Discovery Centre in South Yorkshire, UK, where the Company conducts commercial projects with corporate partners and academia to produce advanced materials of growing demand among automotive, advanced manufacturing and additive manufacturing applications.

The R&D programme is also destined to benefit Metalysis’ Materials Manufacturing Centre in South Yorkshire, UK, which houses its ‘Generation 4’ industrial scale production facility. Being modular, Gen4 builds on Generations 1-3 of Metalysis’ technology and is capable of producing hundreds of tonnes of speciality powder alloys. A high value AlSc alloy continues to prove compelling as a potential launch product when Gen4 commercial production commences later in 2018.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
June 11, 2018 7:20 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Who else have SK got mou’s with? They wouldn’t be solely relying on Auz.

June 11, 2018 8:42 pm
Reply to  John

No one, also hardly a mou, are you serious?

SKi are 100% AUZ, driven from the Mercedes end with all parties working together, especially BB sharing the Kimchi over there.

👍 1233
June 11, 2018 9:08 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Ok so SK are putting all their eggs in one basket? lol

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June 11, 2018 9:37 pm
Reply to  John

Seems that way, but then what do I really know?

Eggs might get broken, but sure seems all parties concerned going for a make it happen situation and of course only time will tell.

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👍 1233
June 11, 2018 10:01 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

what is an mou?

👍 644
June 11, 2018 10:04 pm
Reply to  tanglewood

Memorandum of understanding

👍 1233
June 11, 2018 11:39 pm
Reply to  tanglewood

You might think that memoranda of understanding sound suspiciously similar to contracts, but there are actually significant differences between the two. A contract is a written, private agreement between two parties that is legally binding and can be enforced by a judge.

Contracts spell out the nitty-gritty obligations of each party which, if breached, can spell dire consequences for the entity that breaks it. Contracts are necessary when there is any sort of exchange of money because they help to protect the interests of both parties and ensure trust.

MOUs are less formal than contracts, and typically include fewer details and complexities, but they are more formal than handshake agreements, sometimes called gentlemen’s agreements. All sorts of entities use MOUs to create guidelines for each party as they contribute their efforts and resources toward important projects. But ultimately, the reason that parties opt for MOUs is because they are simpler and more flexible than contracts.

June 11, 2018 11:43 pm
Reply to  rubberworm

That is a copy and paste. Myself MOUs mean little as they can very well go no where.

👍 9968
June 11, 2018 12:39 pm

$CTEQF – The Broken Hill District May Grow To Become Australia’s Premiere Cobalt Mining Center v – Includes: AMSLF, BHP, CBBHF, CTEQF, AUZ, COB,,,
by Matt Bohlsen

The Broken Hill surrounding district is showing signs of becoming a world class cobalt sulphide mining region.
Cobalt Blue continues to be a huge success in Broken Hill – Now several nearby juniors are trying to replicate their success.
A look at the juniors that surround Cobalt Blue’s Thackaringa tenements.

$CTEQF long

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👍 3700
June 11, 2018 6:04 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

CTEQF Long. HN, do you have short and long term price targets for CLQ?


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👍 398
June 12, 2018 1:44 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

My first price target is US$2. That was my original first target, and I haven’t touched my shares since I loaded up at US62 cents a year and a half ago. At $2 I’ll sell 30% of my shares to get back my original investment, and what will be left will be almost 2.5 times what I put up. Then my next big target is US$4, at which point I will cash out a bundle, and have a bundle left over to keep. That’s how I see it, and thats how I’m playing it. Up 30% after a year and a half, not crying, but time to get this train rolling. Big $$$ involved.

June 13, 2018 2:56 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN, our though processes seem identical – scary! Your approach to CLQ exactly mirrors mine to Varsarien, which has now six-bagged £50k for me and a few U.K. followers (with further blue sky prospects to come inshallah).

Very many thanks for your information on CLQ and now MGX which are becoming core holdings in my little portfolio.

Hey, didn’t I get out of VRB in the knickers of time? Suspended this morning on all that PEA nonsense. What a bunch of amateurs!

June 12, 2018 4:39 am

Scandium alloy….AUZ
Hn: This should interest you
Australian Mines Limited (“Australian Mines” or “the Company”) (Australia ASX: AUZ; USA OTCQB: AMSLF; Frankfurt Stock Exchange: MJH) remains committed to maximising revenue and shareholder value from the Company’s Sconi Project in Queensland, Australia through the commercialisation of the high-purity scandium oxide which is scheduled to be produced alongside the Project’s cobalt sulphate and nickel sulphate output.

Australian Mines is, therefore, pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership with United Kingdom-based technology company Metalysis, to support their continued research and development program around a solid-state process to produce a low-cost yet superior aluminium – scandium alloy for potential use by the automotive and aerospace industries.

The innovative solid-state process, originally invented by the University of Cambridge (UK) before being commercialised by Metalysis, has already demonstrated an ability to produce an aluminium – scandium master alloy containing 15 times the amount of scandium compared to conventional industry processes.”
The remainder is on the AUZ website

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June 12, 2018 8:52 am

We’re excited to announce our international research partnership to develop scandium alloy with @MetalysisLtd #AUZ #scandium $AUZ #Best

👍 11604
June 12, 2018 9:27 am

We live in interesting times !
IVN does a $750m deal with the Chinese. But on this Friday the DRC will sign their windfall tax etc into law saying rollocks to you miners. Should I buy or sell?

Well I think Ill buy …..the whole country ! I woke up this a m to find my IB account had gained 600 million $ overnight!!!
Do you think its possible theres been a software glitch?

June 12, 2018 9:34 am
Reply to  sarah

Sell 1mm and no one will notice…

👍 1692
June 12, 2018 10:00 am
Reply to  hedy1234

Hedy1234 – I’m replying here since I’m no longer an Irregular and can’t reply on the biotech discussion:

I also cannot get onto the Biopubkss site. I’ve tried emailing, different browsers, “contact us”. All to no avail. Any help bringing this to their attention would be appreciated. My contact info:
stephencmyers (on biopubkss site)

👍 191
June 12, 2018 10:02 am
Reply to  stephencmyers

Ok got it. Intend to send one list at end of day.

👍 1692
June 12, 2018 10:07 am
Reply to  hedy1234

Remember, the site is being built as a ‘love job’ by someone who already has a full time job. Software issues are always gonna be a problem especially when you have an ambitious and mercurial CEO.

June 12, 2018 10:40 am
Reply to  sarah

Don’t do it Sarah…..let it go.

👍 1303
June 13, 2018 4:31 am
Reply to  Lulu

Stephenc, Hedy, Lulu: Im loathe to go off topic on this great thread and I wont do it again….apologies to all others, but Im trying to help. Doc and I kissed and made up some while ago (Im starting to like being a gal 🙂 ) I told him about your troubles and he gave me permission to pass this on fyi:
”There is an issue many wordpress-based sites are having right now….one that has to do with relative incompatibility between the current version of Chrome browser and an aging wordpress plug-in that is about to be replaced by wordpress. It causes Chrome to have a website phobia til about the third try, when Chrome finally encrypts the SSL and all becomes good. Despite warning messages and clunkiness, people need to ignore those messages and press on.

In fact, people who do their homework know that getting malware via Chrome is very very difficult because of the small size of the Chrome sandbox anteroom by which it communicates with prospective sites before going to them.
Generally use of Mac Safari or Mozilla on PC’s obviates the problem.
If they will just be pushy, keep trying, at some point their browser WILL encrypt the site’s SSL. Believe me, it even did this with me for the first week. One just asserts oneself and muscles through. And again, one should look askance at warning messages that come via Chrome….Chrome will NOT ALLOW malware in, physically impossible. ‘
Hope that helps. NP Bio

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June 13, 2018 8:33 am
Reply to  Sarah

Sarah – my problem is not getting into the site. My problem is that I CANNOT get an email verification. Does not matter which browser I use – Chrome, Firefox, Edge. I can get in from them all. I keep trying to resend the email to do a verification from BIOPUBKSS. Never get one. I’ve even tried changing my email. Nothing works. So, as I see it, SOMEONE needs to reset something in my profile or simply just mark my account as verified. Otherwise, I am stuck. I’ve tried to communicate this multiple times via email, “Contact Us” on the website. The email accounts I am using I use for everything (even for stock gumshoe). I’ve turned off all / any kind of blocking. So, don’t know what else to do.

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June 13, 2018 8:52 am
Reply to  stephencmyers

I’ve DM’d on twitter Gene @jcoolbi0 who is trying to help others.

👍 191
June 13, 2018 9:18 am
Reply to  stephencmyers

Gene tells me the change in webmasters affected web email. They are on it.

👍 1692
June 13, 2018 9:38 am
Reply to  hedy1234

hedy, I appreciate all of your help (and all who are working to resolve this logon issue).

👍 846
June 13, 2018 11:52 pm
Reply to  d.mounts


My contact wrote and stated the following:

Tell deanbob he should try and log in. The webmaster just uninstalled our login plugin and updated it.

If that does not work the problem may be in the hosting servers cacheing.

👍 1692
June 14, 2018 8:54 am
Reply to  hedy1234

hedy, I no longer get around the “cookies” error. So, I think that issue (for me) is resolved. However, none of my ‘password’ attempts was successful; so, I am waiting for a ‘reset email. Thank you very much for you intervention and help.t curious. Did the webmaster say my/our emails requesting help had been received?

👍 846
June 14, 2018 9:17 am
Reply to  d.mounts

deanbob – there appears to still be an email problem. I’m waiting on ability to get an email verification. I’ve even tried changing my email address in my profile on the site.

👍 191
June 15, 2018 10:02 am
Reply to  d.mounts


I need your email address so that new password can be sent.

Send it to

June 17, 2018 9:54 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

hedy, I successfully logged on this after noon. Thank you for your hel to make that happen.

👍 846
June 17, 2018 11:26 pm
Reply to  d.mounts


👍 1692
June 13, 2018 9:43 am
Reply to  hedy1234

Yes. thanks hedy!

👍 191
June 12, 2018 9:59 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Well they can probably afford to buy a few politicians for that……and a lot of mercenaries to guard the mine 🙂 . While Im sure the news is already priced in, Im equally sure there will be a knee jerk reaction to the law being inked. Maybe Ill sell a few today hoping to buy back more lower on Monday?

June 14, 2018 9:18 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

That says CITIC will provide armed security for Ivanho’s mining operations to me.
If you are correct about all of Friedland’s operations and goings on, he now has insurance and a partner as well.

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👍 1073
👍 9968
June 14, 2018 9:48 am

$SME Sama Resources
Govind Friedland and Eric Finlayson becoming directors.

👍 38
👍 9968
June 14, 2018 1:35 pm

CTEQF The DFS itself is less of a worry for me than the market reaction to the DFS. How the market reacts in the days after the DFS release, will probably give us indication of what kind of 2nd half of the year we can expect.

👍 964
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👍 9968
June 14, 2018 9:22 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I think you’re setting yourself up for disappointment with the production time frames. But we’ve talked about that before. My expectations are for something in 2021, but earlier would be awesome. 2019 seems not even possible, but I’m no final say on this. I think once the FS is out, the other things you talk about will develop rapidly. But not expecting those announcements to be part of the FS. I’m expecting the basic numbers, and the details on the process, not off takes or financing.

👍 964
👍 9968
June 14, 2018 11:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

LOL. We have different styles, I manage disappointment, and you dream super big. Some of the answers are coming soon.

👍 964
June 15, 2018 3:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Actually the methods, objectives, and risk tolerances are quite similar, which is why we are in many of the same stocks. I’d say our differences are mostly my emphasis on entry points [over just finding a company that fits the criteria or peaks my interest], and my discipline of non partisanship. I save my passion for my women, and when it comes to investing, I’m a cold hearted killer.

👍 964
June 14, 2018 8:46 pm

Fluence awarded €3.9M contract for innovative wastewater-to-energy system in Belgium

-System to be designed and built for ArcelorMittal, the world’s leader in steel production
-Advanced system will produce biogas from steel mill byproducts
-First wastewater-to-energy project in steel industry for Fluence
MELBOURNE, Australia & NEW YORK– Fluence Corporation Limited (ASX:FLC), announced today that it has received a €3.9M contract for a wastewater treatment and waste-to-energy system for its customer ArcelorMittal. Fluence will design and build these systems for ArcelorMittal’s steel mill in Ghent, Belgium, using innovative anaerobic digestion technology to produce biogas from off-gas fermentation byproducts. The Fluence system is expected to be delivered, installed and operational onsite within 18 months. ArcelorMittal is the world’s largest crude steel producer, accounting for 90 million tons of steel per year.

This will be Fluence’s first wastewater and waste-to-energy system designed specifically for use in the steel industry. Steel mill byproducts are notoriously difficult to treat to a grade that meets government effluent requirements. Fluence’s team was able to achieve the client’s desired effluent using advanced anaerobic digestion technology. By adding waste-to-energy treatment to the system, the biogas produced will be used to power the steel mill’s operations, which will in turn lower the overall operating costs.

(Was not posted on their web sight as of yet.)

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👍 1073
👍 9968
June 15, 2018 2:46 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I expect this has been posted before, but it gives a good summary dated 28 April of MGX’s current activities. The flotation if ZincNyx and the dividend distribution to ‘shareholders of record’ applies to those on the register on 29 June. I’m accumulating MGX in anticipation.

alex frank mrozewski
alex frank mrozewski
June 15, 2018 5:00 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

got guy in California and western states for other projectsfor geothermal . visionary co. better get on board to go to the stars. ha ha GOD BLESS

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June 15, 2018 2:49 am

I suspect the world’s best cell manufacturer knows more. #cobalt

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👍 11604
June 15, 2018 10:17 am

Devils advocate on Clean Teq – CLQ

CLQ is a big position of mine, and have been for some time.

Could the company soon experience a drop in SP due to construction starting and initial production? During this time CLQ will focus on construction activities, that could drive short-term share prices lower. Sell now, after BFS or hold?

Any views?

👍 159
June 15, 2018 2:45 pm
Reply to  chrizcringle

Personal opinion is that there will be a rise after upcoming (hopefully) BFS, a loss of half the rise, and then held steady until next year IF there are no changes in CLQ’s lineup of businesses.
But things change so dang much,
Not that anything matters in today’s market.

👍 1073
June 21, 2018 6:23 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Crossing my fingers! 😉

👍 159
June 15, 2018 12:03 pm

This seems to fit here as part of Frielands’ bailiwick.

$FYI – Long time coming – 6/15/2018

This article was in this morns “Long time coming” from : Newsletter.
IMO this article is not that well written and confusing. What prompted me to post was th is “Already awarded is a contract for Rongke Power, which has a well-known subsidiary in the US, UniEnergy Technologies (UET), to install a 200MW/800MWh flow battery system in Dalian Province, with the company itself having emerged from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics originally.”. First it appears that UET is working with Pu Neng on the Dalian Project. UET is a small private company in the state of Washington that has been work9ing with VRBs for many years. They have also collaborative work with PNNL so I would say the UET is on the leading edge of VRB technology.

$CTEQF long

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👍 3700
June 15, 2018 5:26 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

There has always been a thought as to how advanced the technology was that was being used in China. That no longer exist with UET involved China has the best the USA can offer that was developed by Pacific Northwest National Labs – PNNL. PNNL developed an electrolyte that has 70% more capacity and UET has license to it.
In that issue there was also an article about sonnen and SunPoweer. SunPower makes an inverter to control battery storage and sounds like a nice one. The Sunpower inverters can be connected to form microgrids. Sonnen makes batteries but there is no mention of the type of battery they make. Went to web site and still could find any mention of their battery type. I sent them an email to find out. Both of these companies are suppose to top of the line.

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👍 3700
June 16, 2018 3:01 am
Reply to  Griffin

Griffin, thanks for a very useful link.
My take-away is that VFRBs will clearly be the’next Big thing’ after Li-ion for energy storage, but the relative lack of availability of Vanadium outside China, difficulty of transportation in bulk (I had not realised that it is classified is dangerous to transport) and rising demand outside China will mean that cheaper technologies such as zinc-air flow batteries may eclipse VFRB sooner than we think.

Thus, for the short term I’m long Largo, for the longer term I’m accumulating MGX and hopefully its subsidiary ZincNyx which is to be spun off from 29 June with the participation of existing shareholders of record on that date.

And of course, long CLQ and Ivan, but not principally for reasons of Vanadium.

Great thread HN and all contributors. Greetings from sunny Wales and keep the great posts coming!


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June 16, 2018 10:57 am
Reply to  Shavian

Thanks Mike, I wasn’t aware that Vanadium was listed as hazardous. I checked on the problem and it doesn’t appear that difficult. The real problem is with vandium dust or fumes both can be handled with packaging. The would be if there is an acident.

There are at least 2 locations for Vanadium in North America, Canada and Nevada. In Nv Clayton Valley has 2 developers $STNUF and TSX:PCY/PRPCF. In Canada there are several explorers, Vandium One TSX:VONE, and Permint Resources TSX:SRJ/SPMTF(?). VONE has a known vanadium project that they started drilling las Dec.. I have a position but it is very risky SP .05

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👍 3700
June 16, 2018 11:33 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

There is going to be a lot a lot of extreme verbage on the Cobalt shortage. Panasonic has said they are reduce cobalt in their batteries to near zero. All the experts I’ve read say it ain’t gonna happen. BioSolar $BSRC is an off shoot of a university in southern califor4nia their sole endeavor is a Polymer replacement for the Li-ion battery. I’ve been watching for a couple years and it ain’t happened yet (I don’t think). EVs have a knife in the back of battery metals and are slowly twisting it. 🙂

At some point (3-5 years) battery metals will push the price of Li-ion batteries up so that the only ones that afford to use battery metals will be automobiles.. The Li-ion battery that is being installed now will have to be replaced end of life cycle. I don’t think they will be replaced with Lithium. The flow battery whether its vanadium, zinc, or bromide will be the choice. There are other alternatives for batteries out there but they won’t change the cobalt problem.

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👍 3700
June 16, 2018 9:21 pm
Reply to  Griffin

That’s a coincidence, another company privately held, Ionic Materials has a polymer replacement that I posted on the battery thread. Look at the video, the battery still works after being cut.
And Bill Joy co-founder of Sun Microsystems is an investor

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👍 644
June 17, 2018 2:31 am

Anyone following American Manganese (TSX-V:AMY)? Into the recycling of EV batteries as well as developing IOCG and Manganese properties in BC and Arizona. They have just joined the Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI) as the 33rd member. I was not aware of this organisation, which includes the big cobalt customers like Apple, LG, Volvo etc. Read all about it here:

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