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Ask a Stupid Question…

Have an investment-related question, and embarrassed to not know the answer? A question about what the heck Stock Gumshoe does? Today's your lucky day!

Have a question in mind that you think is so dumb you’re embarrassed to ask it?  That’s what we’re here for today!

This bonus post was inspired by a reader who wanted to know “where to ask a dumb question” here on Stock Gumshoe… and while his question was not actually stupid, and I’m happy to see questions pop up in our comment threads anywhere on the site, I thought it would be a great idea to open the floor and be more welcoming for the shy, the embarrassed, or, yes, even the uninformed.

So this is a no-judgement zone… smart people do things we’d call “dumb” all the time: Warren Buffett didn’t invest in Google in 2004, Albert Einstein married his cousin, and I just had to go back and double check that I didn’t call him Alfred Einstein (which I’ve done before, in print).  So if you have that question that you can’t ask your stockbroker or your brother-in-law or Twitter without feeling like a dummy, let ‘er rip by submitting it below.  I’ll be nice… and we might all learn something.

And yes, the SEC is always watching, so I must remind you that I can’t give personal investment advice… but I’ll try to share whatever opinion or answers I can provide to any investment-related question you’ve got, though if we end up with a lot of them it might take me a little while to answer thoughtfully.

So please, let your questions fly using the friendly little comment box below… and thanks for being the best readers in cyberspace!

(I will moderate the discussion just to make sure we don’t get too much profanity or offensive stuff, or personal attacks, but I’ll use a light hand — you can be mean to me if you like, just don’t be mean to any other participants.)



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May 18, 2018 10:58 am

Right below the email for this “ask a question” is an ad from Harry dent proclaiming 700$ gold. Listen, Travis, if you advertise ridiculous crap like that you loose all credibility.

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May 18, 2018 11:48 am
Reply to  Tim

Three questions for Travis: Do you control what advertising appears? What do you think about your own credibility? How do you feel about people who asked questions in a snaky manner?

👍 1313
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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:00 am

I’m a newbie here, so still lurking in the shadows. I find your analyses quite compelling and insightful, so about to join as a bona-fide card-carrying, paying member. So my stupid question is: how do I proceed? Given that you can’t give “personal investment advice”, would you have some “generic” advice, or even a reference to an article or write-up that does?

May 19, 2018 4:25 am
Reply to  Nick

Paying members such as myself (Irregulars) get insight into Travis’ own stock holdings, and more importantly his musings about what he’s thinking about buying or selling every week and why, along with general thoughts on markets, companies, etc. It’s the best bargain in the investment world. Once you join you have access to every past Irregular article … there are hundreds of them, including many by other contributors. So curl up and start reading. There’s also something like five times as many free articles as Irregular ones, but those are mostly all about specific teaser solutions. You’ll never find advice, just facts and opinions for you to consider.

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👍 94
May 19, 2018 10:01 pm
Reply to  toff

toff, great summary – well said, “It’s the best bargain in the investment world”

👍 789
👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:02 am

Understandably stock selection companies market via teasers, and you do a great job investigating those. It all seems like a faddish way to build a portfolio, though. How much of your portfolio, say, could you trace to investments touted in these kinds of teasers? Versus how much of a healthy portfolio consists of unsexy things like blue chips, index funds, bonds, etc.?

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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:05 am

OK, Here are some dumbs question from someone who knows little about investing: What’s with all the doomsday predictions that forecast a complete melt down with stocks plummeting, cash being worthless, etc. The other day, I got a doomsday scenario teaser from Stansbury, via another venue I subscribe to. Other people send me this kind of stuff too. Everyone I know is nervous. In reading these “articles,” it seems like there is no hope. We are all getting older and don’t have time to recover from another melt down. In ’08, I listened to one of these well known investment advisors and they said I should sell my state tax-free bonds, so I did. Over the past 10 years, I have lost a ton of money on that transaction. Then I had an advisor though one of the big banks. By the time I paid his fees and suffered through his buying and selling costs, I didn’t make much money. I now try to manage on my own. I wonder “do I listen to anything others say, especially the doomsdayers, or do I just carry on and hope for the best?” Is there any good, reliable and stable investment advisor out there with a decent track record that doesn’t charge “an arm and a leg?” Would love to find one.

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Marlene Hollmann
Marlene Hollmann
May 18, 2018 11:05 am

Why does everyone keep saying “Don´t forget to take your profits.” You sell because they know better than you, and after a while the stock continues to rise to become too expensive to buy in again

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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:07 am

Hi Travis. Do you have a full time job? What is it? Or is this it ? Thx . Great info !

👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:07 am

Any indication of a market crash coming this year?

👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:07 am

I have stock in a company that is using a “Dutch Auction” to buy back shareholders’ stock. What is your opinion on the advantages/disadvantages to the shareholder?

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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 9:48 pm
Reply to  joselj

Must be Abbvie (ABBV). They want to tender $7.5B worth of their own stock. Sure makes me curious about buying, although how it’s funded and management’s reputation for capital allocation are worth researching.

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👍 73
May 18, 2018 11:09 am

Travis-interested on your opinion of the 3 main Gene Editing companies-CRSP EDIT & NTLA-full disclosure I I think although they are pricey they will all be huge beneficiaries of what I consider to be this game-changing Biotech Area & hold positions with a 5 year time frame-possibly longer. I also believe that with both Big Pharma & large Biotech cos. struggling to find new drugs with important expiring patent protection, it is probable that one of these 3 will be acquired relatively soon & the remaining 2 will move up in a commensurate fashion. They will have hiccups along the way, but more bullish than I was on BLUE 5 years ago ( who btw they will impact some of their programs-all imo

👍 64
May 19, 2018 1:02 pm
Reply to  gstuartm19

I bought into all 3 companies plus $BLUE in early Feb $CRSP has been my best performer and all the others are in the black

👍 164
👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:13 am

I exited the stock market and went all in on crypto. Foolish or smart?

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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:17 am

Hello Sir, I’m 27 and recently got into investing using about 250 USD per month to invest with. As of now, my target stocks have been large companies that pay some sort of dividend. I look towards China for my growth stocks because of the growing middle class in China. Do you think looking at China for these growth companies is a smart move? I know everyone is looking for the next Tencent or some sort of growth equivalent. In our research is there some companies to watch when it comes to China both new and older established companies (Don’t have to be dividend companies)? I just want to invest myself in a position that I know when old age hits me I’ll earn some sort of living from dividends or something.

Very Respectfully,

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May 19, 2018 1:05 pm
Reply to  Mason

One of my hopeful China stock just came out. Its $IQ no dividends yet but could have a strong future…

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👍 164
May 21, 2018 5:34 am
Reply to  Martin

Thank you I have been researching endlessly on China’s Market.

👍 22354
May 21, 2018 4:31 pm

Thank you so much for your words and I also bought most of those as well. I’m very lucky to have a few close friends in China that keep me up to date with new companies or opportunities. I just recently added NYSE: JP to my portfolio and really think they have a decent long-term future. If you want to take a look be my guest.

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👍 22354
May 21, 2018 6:03 pm
Reply to  Mason

$China stocks
FWIW Mason, my husband has been looking at $KBA Krane shares MSCI China A,
$CHKY China Merchants Bank, and
$PNGAY Ping An Insurance ADR
Bearing in mind that he gets these ideas from Agora/Stansberry.

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👍 1211
May 18, 2018 11:23 am

Are we going to enter a bigger correction given the bull market for the last 8 years? And Travis, thanks for your detailed analysis and I enjoy reading your articles.

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Bob P
Bob P
May 18, 2018 11:23 am

What would you say the key indicators are of a great company at a great price?

👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:24 am

Why do analysts tend to recommend a stock after it has clearly broken above its downward trend line and already made huge gains?

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tom panuccio
tom panuccio
May 18, 2018 11:25 am

It’s great that you “dope out” the information that newsletters push out and want the consumer to “bite” on taking out a subscription. But my “stupid” question is after you figure out what they are trying to sell , why don’t you create a’portfolio ” of your findings and keep a scorecard to actually see how well/bad your search was.

👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:25 am

I hear all these “technical” types yammering about charts and various patterns that supposedly predict future stock behavior and can be used to drive investment decisions. My overall feeling is that they might as well be prognosticating over a pile of goat entrails. Is there any actual evidence that “technical analysis” works any better than just paying attention to the usual fundamentals of a company?

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👍 60
May 20, 2018 4:02 pm
Reply to  sjdunham

I think this is a good place to start. There are viewpoints and evidence of the efficacy of charting and technical analysis. There is also evidence to its contrary. I haven’t been trading very long but one of my favorite books on the subject of trading (not investing) makes a good case for technical analysis. The book is Market Wizards, by Jack Schweiger.

👍 65
May 21, 2018 2:11 am
Reply to  sjdunham

I empathize with your quandary as I’ve gotten tossed back and forth between those opposing viewpoints on trading. There’s also an independent advice that states: to be in the market one must decide whether he/she wants to be an investor or a trader. An investor goes by fundamentals/ valuations, which is based on historical data. A trader goes by technical/chart analysis, which is what’s happening with the stock today and, very likely, the near future.

My personal viewpoint is: what’s wrong with doing both? As a first step, I listen to/read up on analyses of experts. They’ve been in the market for decades or have their own proprietary systems which analyze fundamentals. If I’m interested in the stock, I take the research process further by looking at its chart. Is it in the Supply (Sell/Overbought) Zone, or Demand (Buy/Oversold) Zone, or somewhere in between? So while fundamental analysis should not be ignored, chart analysis helps in determining when to enter or exit a trade, or just sit tight for now.

Like yourself, I would welcome the opinions and experiences of others not employed by newsletters and brokerage houses. Travis has already earned my respect — which is why I am now an Irregular. Reading others’ experiences is a definite bonus.

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👍 443
May 21, 2018 4:58 pm
Reply to  sjdunham

Apparently I *did* find a stupid question. 🙂

👍 60
May 18, 2018 11:28 am

Travis do have an opinion on WHO is a solid conservative INVESTOR coach, such as Motley Fool, Stansberry, Dent, Wyatt, etc.???? Is it worth paying for stock pick advice?

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👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:28 am

Do you have any thoughts on FNMA and FMCC and the legal proceedings regarding the net worth sweep being enacted by the government?

👍 22354
May 18, 2018 11:36 am

Is there any way to invest in Blockchain technology like an ETF that invests in a bucket of Blockchain technology stocks?

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👍 1
May 20, 2018 4:05 pm
Reply to  MICHAEL

I believe $BLOK is one of the more popular ones.

👍 65
Ninah H.
Ninah H.
May 18, 2018 11:39 am

I am 63, retired (but could return to work), and earn a small income from an Airbnb rental that supplements Social Security. Most of my savings is in an Edward Jones mutual funds account, fairly conservative with emphasis on income-producing, and couple of small Roth IRA’s. I am not touching them. However, I started dabbling in cryptocurrencies and some pot stock, in which right now I have about $2,000. I am following advice not to risk more than 1% of my assets or what I can afford to loose. I am doing this as much as for the education and enjoyment than expecting a huge gain, but that is certainly a hope. Am I crazy for putting any of my limited income into such investments or do you think my strategy is okay?

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