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Ask a Stupid Question…

Have an investment-related question, and embarrassed to not know the answer? A question about what the heck Stock Gumshoe does? Today's your lucky day!

Have a question in mind that you think is so dumb you’re embarrassed to ask it?  That’s what we’re here for today!

This bonus post was inspired by a reader who wanted to know “where to ask a dumb question” here on Stock Gumshoe… and while his question was not actually stupid, and I’m happy to see questions pop up in our comment threads anywhere on the site, I thought it would be a great idea to open the floor and be more welcoming for the shy, the embarrassed, or, yes, even the uninformed.

So this is a no-judgement zone… smart people do things we’d call “dumb” all the time: Warren Buffett didn’t invest in Google in 2004, Albert Einstein married his cousin, and I just had to go back and double check that I didn’t call him Alfred Einstein (which I’ve done before, in print).  So if you have that question that you can’t ask your stockbroker or your brother-in-law or Twitter without feeling like a dummy, let ‘er rip by submitting it below.  I’ll be nice… and we might all learn something.

And yes, the SEC is always watching, so I must remind you that I can’t give personal investment advice… but I’ll try to share whatever opinion or answers I can provide to any investment-related question you’ve got, though if we end up with a lot of them it might take me a little while to answer thoughtfully.

So please, let your questions fly using the friendly little comment box below… and thanks for being the best readers in cyberspace!

(I will moderate the discussion just to make sure we don’t get too much profanity or offensive stuff, or personal attacks, but I’ll use a light hand — you can be mean to me if you like, just don’t be mean to any other participants.)



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May 18, 2018 12:34 pm

do your members get stock recomendations

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👍 22353
May 21, 2018 12:54 pm

Wayne, as a paying member, I get to read Travis’ picks and his thinking behind them. Some of them I invest in myself if I agree with his views on the stock or sector in particular – in my case MPW and ATUSF were stocks he bought that I decided I wanted as well once I looked into them. I’ve even beaten him into a couple. But in the end, it all comes down to your own research, risk tolerance, and diversification strategy. After being a free member for a few years, I then bought the annual membership and then a couple of years later, I bought the lifetime membership. I can attest that Travis works hard to provide his thinking on individual stocks he invests in and in my opinion he has great integrity. When he gets it wrong, he tells you. I can’t ask anymore than that from him. Thanks for the hard work Travis.

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👍 67
May 18, 2018 12:41 pm

I am a subscriber to all of Stansberry products, some Casey, and a little Bonner. I still enjoy seeing you reveal the teasers they all send out, although I I don’t need to read them except for their interesting stories. Clearly, these large newsletter companies know of your existance. Have any of them attempted to recruit you since your analysis and writting style would fit very well in their stables. Is your background in copywriting for any newsletters (other than yours). I cross reference recomendations between publishers and always value your take.

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👍 4
👍 22353
July 4, 2018 5:56 am
Reply to  sst2plj

which stansberry product do you prefer? or would you advice?

👍 2
Hugh R.
Hugh R.
May 18, 2018 12:41 pm

Who is paying for Elon Musk’s tunnel under LA?

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Steven Roussey
May 18, 2018 1:23 pm
Reply to  Hugh R.

Elon Musk

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 12:42 pm

Why do some analysts initiate stocks they cover or upgrade a stock they cover to buy but the price target is still under the current price??

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👍 22353
William D Edwards
William D Edwards
May 18, 2018 12:48 pm

Anton Kreil and the ITPM. YouTube video kind of made me angry after thinking about how the system works as he explained it. Everybody gets a cut, brokers taking the other side of my trades, fees, commissions etc. question would be have you heard of him and is his explanation of how the system works true? Heard it called The cost of doing business, when was at Apiary learning to trade Forex.

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:01 pm

Do brokerage houses get a wholesale price for stocks they sell? in other words when I buy a stock did a pay a retail price and the broker got a price differential over and above the commission?

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 9:57 pm

Hi Travis. Really appreciate you ‘keeping things honest’ in this crazy world of investing.
I am curious, I have heard this term ‘market maker’ many times but still don’t know what it means. Who is this person? He sounds eerily like the bogey man – always out to steal a little bit of my money every trade I make.


👍 1
May 19, 2018 12:07 am
Reply to  egleyskip
👍 94
👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:01 pm

What do you think of seasonality? I’ve realized my account is at it’s highest level every mid Jan and then it’s downhill from there: I think exiting every mid Jan, getting in for a short time near April earnings and then out and entering near July earnings and then out until sometime in Oct. What’s your opinion?

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:07 pm

is denys gold advice belivable?

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👍 22353
Joseph Tyszkiewicz
Joseph Tyszkiewicz
May 18, 2018 1:07 pm

Thank you for your offer. I would like to find a source of financial info.
like, earnings dates, dividends, forecasts, comments ect.

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:13 pm

Travis, could you publish, on the real money page, how does your whole portfolio look like, including your passive and active funds investments? I mean what is your % allocation to growth/value stocks, HY, short/long duration bonds, gold coins, gold miners etc?

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👍 88
👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:39 pm

Hi Travis,
Why doesn’t Hawaii allow buying of crptocurrenices? I kept trying to open a wallet online to do so for months before finding out that it’s not allowed in Hawaii. Thanks for the many good articles, by the way!

👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:39 pm

Let’s say you open a Call Option on some decent company in anticipation of positive earnings to be announced. Let’s say earnings were decent, but the stock drops a few percent, sending the option down 50-75%. The option still has 60 days… If there are otherwise no signs of impending doom for the company, do you think it would be a decent strategy to buy a couple more options at the lower price to hopefully cut your loss from the original position?

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👍 22353
May 20, 2018 6:38 pm

Having been in the investment advisory business for decades, taken professional options trading courses, taken futures trading training and traded futures, I will make one statement for the new wanta be options investor: The person who most consistently makes money in options is the seller. Unless you have a deep understanding of time decay, interest costs, volatility and greeks in general, options trading will take all your funds dedicated to options trading. It may take months or even years, or happen in a matter of weeks. For me I personally sell ES futures (S&P 500) one month out and VERY much out of the money and watch the daily market like a hawk. They expire worthless and I keep the premium. One can make a few bucks every month with a very small investment and manageable risk. The % return annualized is very attractive.

There are some (one that I know of) resources that use a strategy of buying call options so deep in-the-money that the intrinsic value is at least 99% of the premium for a one month expiration. The theory is that if the stock price does not move or goes down the loss is managed due to the return of intrinsic value. The position is rolled over (saves commission) every expiration date. (Monthly options but I have seen weekly options also used ) There is more technical info to this strategy that I will not go into here, the point being that this is a very involved strategy designed by very knowledgeable options traders….. not for the newby.

Lastly, one other tip….buying an option position that is priced reasonable ( think well below the strike price) and longer than 6 months out to expiration, begins to work against us, as the seller will price enough time decay and volatility into the premium that even if the stock does increase in price to reach in-the-money, the seller will have erased so much of the premium value by vaporizing the decay and volatility and interest charges leaving the premium we can get on a sell of the position unable to make a decent return. (The only way to overcome this leverage is to again, buy deep in-the-money strike prices where the premium moves close to dollar for dollar with the stock price, and hope it does move up.) However, the best way to approach a long term call position is to buy 6 month or less expiration as deep in-the-money as you can afford and roll over the position every 6 months for the duration you want it.

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👍 72
👍 22353
May 18, 2018 1:46 pm

What is the stock associated with the “Internet of Things”, that Paul Mampilly keeps referencing on the internet?

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👍 22353
Michael Hassan
Michael Hassan
May 18, 2018 1:55 pm

Marijuana is building a new sector. I have confidence it will grow into a huge, stable industry in time with many catalysts along the way i. e. Volatile and periods of overvaluation. Additionally how does one invest in such a market when all investing rules created previously, must be violated if one wishes to enter?

My question is what new rules should I establish to continue investing in this sure fire but volatile tsunami of opportunity?

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👍 22353
May 18, 2018 2:07 pm

Wow, well, you asked for it Travis! How about giving us your opinion on a extremely unique investment which is under the “public benefits corporation” arena and the name of this entity is “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science” via former musician Tom DeLonge. One can invest with a min. of $200 @ $5/share and it will IPO at some point in the future. Fascinating and unusual topic to be sure but worth knowing about for the long term and lots of reasons. For you more “enlightened” readers, worth checking out the website and learning about this one of kind new venture. Would enjoy hearing back comments from members as well! (keep an open mind!) Thanks as always TJ!

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👍 113
👍 22353
May 18, 2018 2:07 pm

How do I turn off the notification? My mailbox is inundated!

👍 22353
May 18, 2018 2:12 pm

What is the teaser that shows a dime with an arrow? Has Gumshoe treated this one?

👍 22353
May 18, 2018 2:27 pm

I have two questions.

1) regarding Chinese tech stocks (and Chinese stocks in general)–knowing that China inflates numbers all the time, in every direction–there was a recent article about how they are lying about their GDP numbers–how can we know for sure that these companies aren’t lying about their financials? What would prevent them from doing something like that?

2) What is the best way to get a really great education in all things financial? But specifically pertaining to the market, with options/futures/etc.? I understand the basics, but I would like to take a deep dive into these topics and while I’m great with reading lots of things and tying them together, I would really LOVE a central resource that I can trust, but that seems quite difficult to find. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for what you do, I really appreciate this service and your insight.

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May 18, 2018 2:35 pm
Reply to  Des

Sorry, I wasn’t logged in to ask this question.

👍 22353
Wendy Dudek
Wendy Dudek
May 18, 2018 2:35 pm

No question today, even though I’m a noon at all this! Just wanted to say ‘thank you’d for all your great advice. When I first started researching, I signed up for dozens of ‘interesting’ emails and most of them quickly drove me crazy. Last week I went through my list and unsubscribed to all… Except yours! Thanks again for all the work, research and valuable info you share. I learn a lot from your emails and you’ve saved me from a lot of expensive mistakes. <3

May 18, 2018 2:37 pm

MedReleaf (MEDFF) was my favorite cannibus stock. Now it could be taken over by Aurora, a company I don’t like. What is your favorite Cannibus stock ?

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👍 9
👍 22353

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