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Ask a Stupid Question…

Have an investment-related question, and embarrassed to not know the answer? A question about what the heck Stock Gumshoe does? Today's your lucky day!

Have a question in mind that you think is so dumb you’re embarrassed to ask it?  That’s what we’re here for today!

This bonus post was inspired by a reader who wanted to know “where to ask a dumb question” here on Stock Gumshoe… and while his question was not actually stupid, and I’m happy to see questions pop up in our comment threads anywhere on the site, I thought it would be a great idea to open the floor and be more welcoming for the shy, the embarrassed, or, yes, even the uninformed.

So this is a no-judgement zone… smart people do things we’d call “dumb” all the time: Warren Buffett didn’t invest in Google in 2004, Albert Einstein married his cousin, and I just had to go back and double check that I didn’t call him Alfred Einstein (which I’ve done before, in print).  So if you have that question that you can’t ask your stockbroker or your brother-in-law or Twitter without feeling like a dummy, let ‘er rip by submitting it below.  I’ll be nice… and we might all learn something.

And yes, the SEC is always watching, so I must remind you that I can’t give personal investment advice… but I’ll try to share whatever opinion or answers I can provide to any investment-related question you’ve got, though if we end up with a lot of them it might take me a little while to answer thoughtfully.

So please, let your questions fly using the friendly little comment box below… and thanks for being the best readers in cyberspace!

(I will moderate the discussion just to make sure we don’t get too much profanity or offensive stuff, or personal attacks, but I’ll use a light hand — you can be mean to me if you like, just don’t be mean to any other participants.)



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Graham Jenzen
Graham Jenzen
May 19, 2018 5:57 am

How can we stop all the rubbish that these services sellers keep posting ? If we did everything they said we’d all be trillionaires
Why don’t most people see if the promoters had all these winning “tips” they would simply invest in them ?
Your work is good.
Keep it up please

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 6:17 am

I am holding a large stake in MLP ETF AMZA. It is pretty volatile, but is it stable enough to continue to take the 18% dividend.

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👍 1
May 19, 2018 4:19 pm
Reply to  tiger23joe

That’s a helluva dividend! how long have they kept it up?

May 19, 2018 6:52 am

How can a stock be “oversold” when you need an equal number of buyers and sellers to make a trade?

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May 19, 2018 5:20 pm
Reply to  Tcostant

Investopedia is a great source for looking up the meaning of technical financial terms.

👍 94
👍 22353
May 19, 2018 7:59 am

For dividend stocks, is it better to take the cash or directly reinvest it in the company by getting more stocks? Historically what makes you a wealthier investor?

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 8:13 am

Aside from Yahoo Finance, what’s the best site for comparing 4 dissimilar stocks one is considering to purchase? I’ve already looked at all the fundamentals on Yahoo, but am looking for more analysis to help me choose one, from SHOP TTD AAXN & ADBE. The one I like the most has the highest insider selling, so I need an out of the box view.

👍 2
May 20, 2018 12:09 am

Don’t know about “best”, but these sites might help round out your analyses — and they’re free. You can type all 4 tickers in one shot so you see their ratings differences in one shot.

👍 443
May 23, 2018 6:38 pm
Reply to  bunion132

Many thanks

👍 2
👍 22353
Albert Eggert
Albert Eggert
May 19, 2018 9:41 am

Hello Travis,
Are Cryptocurrentcies completely unregulated like buy in the wild, wild West!

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 9:57 am

What are your primary sale triggers for equity positions? For example, the book value hits a certain level.

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 10:15 am

What is the new biotech that motley fool Canada claims that matsayoshi son is investing in.

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May 19, 2018 11:45 pm
Reply to  beaced

Think it’s MMJ related.

👍 22353
May 24, 2018 12:06 am

SFTBY…that’s it! When I saw the ticker symbol under Travis’ comment I remembered an article (NOT teaser ad) I read on the company almost exactly one year ago and copy/pasted notes on.
The article was written on May 26, 2017 by Keith Fitz-Gerald of Money Morning. To sum: Masayoshi Son’s company, SoftBank Group Corp closed the company’s venture capital entity named “Vision Fund” with $93 Billion (not a typo) in commitments, with the dollar amount expected to reach $100 Billion by fall of 2017.

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👍 443
May 19, 2018 10:17 am

Ha this is going to be a GREAT page, I’m retired so I have a lot of free time to ask dumb questions. I’m an active trader and have a tendency to gamble, some of you are asking questions about pot stocks, so let me share my thoughts. I have 2 accounts, one is my regular trading account and the other is in highly speculative stocks (Account I can afford to loose all LOL).
This second account is 90% in pot stocks and the rest in puts and calls. I’ve been lucky as some of my pot stocks are down 10 to 12%, some are up 120 to 150 %
One of the stocks I own Is $CVSI they just reported earnings the following is from TD Ameritrade.
Record Q1 2018 Sales of $8,071,000, an increase of 114% compared to Q1 2017
Record Q1 2018 Gross Profit of $5,562,000, an increase of 129% compared Q1 2017
Record Q1 2018 Cash Flow from Operations of $1,654,000, an improvement of 1,628,000 when compared to Q1 2017
Record Q1 2018 Adjusted EBITDA of $1,822,000, an improvement of $2,012,000 when compared to Q1 2017
Record Sales for Q1 2018 were $8.1 million
So occasionally there is a gem in all that coal. Other stock in that portfolio are $APHQE, $APRI, $BPMX, $CANN, $FFRMF, $KSHB $MJNA, $PHOT, $USMJ, $XXII. Obviously some of these will fade away to 0 but others ?
I have found this site helpful in helping me make decisions on pot stocks. (
The Green Market Report Index is a list of 30 stocks that have been selected based on market capitalization and revenue production, plus high standards of company operation. These companies must be predominantly focused
on the cannabis industry and the list is reviewed on a quarterly basis.
I am not recommending any of these stocks just showing what I have bought. 🙂

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👍 164
May 19, 2018 10:53 am
Reply to  Martin

Sorry 2 more $ACBFF and a pricy one $GWPH

👍 164
May 19, 2018 9:24 pm
Reply to  Martin

Hi Martin, For pot stocks, you might want to consider another couple websites that were referred to me by Gumshoe Guests derbydude and Shari in Travis’ April 30,2018 discussion “Casey’s “5 Tiny ‘Pot’ Stocks Set to Soar in 2018 Pot Boom” teased in “Become a Marijuana Millionaire in 2018””; from derbydude “I find Ted Ohashi to be excellent. He also has an excellent free newsletter that mostly covers the Canadian market but cannot help but include some US activities like Sunniva. It includes technical analysis of stock averages and specific company activities. You can sign up for his newsletter by emailing him your name and country at Tell him Derbydude sent you. ”
from Shari “ ”
Irregular roberthebel was a big commenter on that thread too – very informative.
you might also want to consider The Marijuana Index
Thank you for the suggestion of (, I’ll check it out.
I too am a small speculative investor, just a month ago $2k each in ACBFF, APHQF, CNTTF, CRON, GWPH, HYYDF, MEDFF, SNNVF, TWMJF, and a bit more $$in each of Travis talked about IIPR and IIPR/PR (Preferred).
I continue looking for US based vertically integrated with a good brand and marketing, like hopefully SNNVF Sunniva with their large new greenhouse in California – companies listed/ticker on US exchange.
Like you, “Obviously some of these will fade away to 0 but others ?” and “I am not recommending any of these stocks just showing what I have bought. ”
Be Well

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👍 789
Gary Sapp
Gary Sapp
May 19, 2018 10:20 am

My wife has done well with Paul Manpilly’s “True Momentum” publication. He now has a new publication titled ” Ten Million Portfolio” I would appreciate your thoughts on Manpilly.

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 10:39 am

Can we expect any coverage of St. Georges Eco Mining (CA:SX) or Gratomic,

👍 76
👍 22353
May 19, 2018 11:47 am

SX – blockchain plus mineral reserves in Iceland…
GRAT – graphene – specifically tires – they are some very interesting things in their pipeline

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👍 76
👍 22353
May 19, 2018 10:41 am

Avanir Migraine Drug approval just announced – any insight / side effects / etc. that can be offered at this time

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👍 76
May 19, 2018 11:28 am
Reply to  portland6

Now that was a stupid question – my interst is in Aimovig, made by Amgen and Novartis… any insight / side effects that can be offered is appreciated

👍 76
May 19, 2018 11:56 pm
Reply to  portland6

The result and possible effects on the two companies was written up in Fierce Biotech. Main question: is the price too expensive? Secondary: better for Amgen (challenged by some biosimilars) than Novartis (because of controversy abt that coy); Are there any near term competitors?

Fierce Biotech is a free newsletter.

May 19, 2018 10:58 am

MSCI new china stocks

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May 19, 2018 11:03 am

Why does this say that there are 232 comments, but I only see about 50?

May 19, 2018 11:06 am
Reply to  JayBee

At the bottom of the page you will see more pages to go to

Timothy R. Hall
May 19, 2018 11:04 am

Other than having to read less, what do irregulars get for the $ ?

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 9:33 pm

I highly recommend becoming an Irregular! I have been an Irregular for 11 months now and Travis has saved me $$Thousands from the teaser ads and their subscription services. yes, you can get some of that with the Guest and Daily commentary, but even more so with Irregular.

👍 789
May 20, 2018 12:44 pm

You get the good feeling that you’re sharing the expense of keeping the site up and running too. Travis has saved me from making impetuous buys, so it seems only fair to me to chip in and help with the cost.

👍 204
👍 22353
May 19, 2018 11:27 am

Can you buy or sell short the S&P 500 outside the futures market? How much does it cost one share of the S&P 500? This is my stupid question.

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👍 4
May 19, 2018 12:06 pm
Reply to  nando166

There is an ETF called SPY S&P 500 ETF and it is trading at $271.33 a share

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👍 164
May 19, 2018 11:58 pm
Reply to  Martin

Plus some inverse ETFs.

👍 22353
May 19, 2018 11:44 am

Approximately how much are you worth, Travis?

May 20, 2018 7:01 am
Reply to  pavioconrad

1. What year did you make your first trade or investment in stocks?
2. How much did you start with toward the stocks game?
3. An approximation of your sum of yearly profits you’ve taken to date, stocks?
4. The approximation of the value of your current stocks portfo? In 2 parts if you could: (a.) ~How much is your cost basis for your current stocks portfo?( b.)~What would be your cost basis + your profit if you closed out your entire stocks portfolio at this time?

May 20, 2018 12:54 pm
Reply to  pavioconrad

Questions 3 & 4 seem extremely out of line, and question 2 irrelevant.

You’re a guest, so you may not have read or noticed that Gummies do not use $$ amounts in discussing stocks, we use percentages or a term like “overweight” to express our position in a stock.

Please remember the manners you’d use as a guest anywhere (they probably don’t include asking your host how much he’s worth….)

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👍 204
May 21, 2018 9:32 am
Reply to  catherine

“they PROBABLY don’t include asking your host how much he’s worth” (antecedent obviously manners).

Now, if you’re not sure what constitutes manners, you’re sure to mess up occasionally.

This could be it.

The questions are very harmless, and meant in every way to learn something very keen to the track.

👍 22353
👍 22353
Sukh Toor
Sukh Toor
May 19, 2018 12:25 pm

Kyle Dennis SNIPER REPORT, SPECIAL TRADE ALERT teasing MASSIVE Cancer Treatment biotech stock will be releasing updated Phase 2b trial results at ASCO conference June 5th, 2018, this Billionaire’s latest stock pick could put you up $76,776.64, $153,553.29, or $383,883.24! What is the stock????

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May 19, 2018 12:26 pm

best index mutual fund … best closed end bond funds thx

Leo Wegerbauer
Leo Wegerbauer
May 19, 2018 12:26 pm

Please explain “blockchain”.

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