written by reader Market Hero/ Steven Brooks

by bogartdawg | September 5, 2018 8:22 pm

I’ve recently seen a few teaser webinars from Steven Brooks for his Market Hero trading service, through StonyBrook Securities. Mostly options[1] trading. Cannot find any info on web re this Steven Brooks, other than YouTube videos. Seems there was another person with this name a few years ago who ran a scam. Is anyone familiar with this or able to offer insights or experiences? Thanks!

  1. options: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/options/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2018/09/microblog-market-hero-steven-brooks/

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  • Member
    πŸ‘ 5
    January 2, 2021 8:09 am
    Regarding Market Hero and Steven Brooks, I have never experienced such a rare over delivery of VALUE and DESIRE to see every single member be successful. Steven has helped me personally identify my own sticking points to consistently increasing my P/L. The program provides immense insights, training and a plethora of different options trades where you can choose the time window and style of trade that feels most comfortable to you, from a couple days to a couple of months. I only wish I had learned of Market Hero 4 years ago, but hindsight is always 20/20. You do not need to know ANYTHING about trading to benefit from this service... the education curve is fantastic and starts as if you know nothing. I can wholeheartedly recommend to you that this will be the best investment that you have ever made.
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 501
      January 23, 2021 6:44 pm
      Growthcapital, absolutely agree. It is an incredible straight education on options, and actually everything in the marketplace, with such common sense, understandable easy to understand charts and dialogue. Some lessons, I had to go through twice to get his point, and it always impressed.
      1. Member
        πŸ‘ 501
        April 19, 2022 10:00 am
        I need to make a change here. For some reason Brooks has practically disappeared. When we hear from him it seems to consist of just another sales pitch for yet another expensive product. No idea what is going wrong with him.
        1. Member
          πŸ‘ 63
          April 19, 2022 10:15 am
          Yes Frank, that was what I was trying to convey earlier. Steven got his subscription money and that is what is most important to him! He is probably in the wind by now.
          1. Member
            πŸ‘ 501
            April 27, 2022 12:59 pm
            Agree with you jerubaal, at first he was delivering daily advice and stocks to look at, very good education and advice , and now all he does is create newer and more expensive services, while the ones he has already created rarely sends out anything anything useful that is not another sales pitch. Very very disappointing.
          2. Member
            April 27, 2022 4:30 pm
            The only question now is : Where is Michael Douglas Whitehead and Growth Capital, when we need to hear from them most! Time did tell. I guess Irina was right in the end; they really were just Steven Brooks’ shills.
    2. Member
      February 16, 2021 10:05 pm
      over delivery of marketing bs yes. i agree
    3. Member
      πŸ‘ 63
      April 27, 2021 9:18 pm
      Still feel the same way growth capital? Or are you a shill?
      1. Member
        Michael Whited
        April 28, 2021 10:15 am
        What is wrong with you? You label why? Because you cannot control yourself or your trading and are losing? I am steadily growing my P/L through a redesign of my risk parameters still due 100% to Steven Brooks. I bet if I saw your last 60 days trading you would be all over the map and overleveraging your account. Look in the mirror my friend... there are the answers
        1. Member
          πŸ‘ 63
          April 29, 2021 10:51 am
          Dear Michael. A couple of points: First, congratulations on growing your P/L. Nothing spells success like growing your bottom line! Second, you said you will bet that I have been all over the map and over leveraging my account for the past 60 days. Great! I will take that bet. $200 seem okay to you? That will be the easiest gain ever. Third, given that you are doing so well, where is all this hostility coming from? You should bask in the sunshine of your success and not feel the need to lambast those of us who have a different take on this than you do. Fourth, you have no idea how I trade or how successful I have been. You have only been relying on half baked ignorant premises to draw your conclusions. Fifth, everything I have written above is true and you know it is true. Or you should know it by now. Market hero is censoring negative comments in the Facebook chat. There is a proliferation of systems, indicators and trading subscriptions that are watering down the original Market Hero subscription value and some of the new systems are an outright bust for a lot of people. Someone like yourself who gives a disproportionate and exaggerated hostile reaction to someone like myself who has offered an honest appraisal of Market Hero must indeed be a shill. I can't think of any other explanation.
          1. Member
            Michael Whited
            April 30, 2021 11:07 am
            Wow... seemed to have hit a nerve. I am responding to the misinformation and the insane conclusion drawing you have exhibited by using the label> shill. Do you have any idea how ignorant this is? Labeling , denigrating and deleting is mindless. So I shared my truth regarding Steven Brooks Trading DISCLAIMER - Do not enter a trading endeavor of any kind unless you are ready to take full responsibility and are willing to own all your choices... instead of finding someone else to blame for your misfortune... I did this for years until I began to look within... spend some mirror time.
      2. Member
        Michael Whited
        April 28, 2021 10:20 am
        Also my account has now more than doubled since the original post
  • Member
    January 2, 2021 1:50 pm
    I have been a very happy member of Market Hero and Consistent Trader programs. MH is more educational with some trade setups and CT is more specific trade setups and much more straight forward and following directions. There are weekly Q&A and education webinars. Steven is always looking for ways to improve the programs and is open to suggestions. Joining the programs were one of the best decisions I have made!
  • Member
    January 10, 2021 6:23 pm
    Do not believe any of the positive reviews. The guy is apparently great at getting shills to post reviews. I actually got into both programmes and they were a total disappointment. The trade setups are as juvenile as they can be. Using moving averages and other simple indicators to trigger an options setup. If only things were as simple we would all be millionaires. Also asking him about a trading statement yields nothing. He made his money selling crap to gullible people. That is why the signup is lifetime - because he knows he cannot maintain customers so migh tas well charge them a one time big fee. He also does NOT give a trial - guess why?
    1. Member
      January 11, 2021 7:12 am
      I want to comment on this comment. I joined this program 3 months ago. My P/L has increased over 50% since joining...why? Because through the coaching and wsidom of Steven I learned that I was over trading. Which is a disease that strikes over 95% of traders. Both programs have been fantastic as have the win rates of both programs. I have joined a number of services like this and I have never met anyone who is as dedicated to your success as Steven is. I am so sorry that Irina has not found success... but usually the reason success eludes us traders is first we have not learned to own the risk that we have put on when we enter a trade and second the myriads of bad habits and actions that we have acquired. I would suggest looking within or Irina please message me in the FB group, I would be happy to share with you the things I have corrected that have helped me iummensely. Lets open a dialogue and turn your situation around.
    2. Member
      πŸ‘ 501
      January 23, 2021 6:51 pm
      Irina, I think you may have confused the Steven Brooks Market Hero, with a different course with a similar name. He really doesn't use moving averages nor other "simple indicators" at all.
      1. Member
        February 16, 2021 10:08 pm
        No i did not. It's market hero steven brooks. And I know you are shills for him.
        1. Member
          Michael Whited
          April 28, 2021 10:22 am
          A shill when my account has doubled since October? Really? You should quit trading... until you look in the mirror and find your answers.
        2. Member
          πŸ‘ 501
          April 27, 2022 1:04 pm
          Irina, over a year later, I now agree with you. And I guess that means that I am, unfortunately, one of the crap buying gullible people you described.
      2. Member
        February 16, 2021 10:13 pm
        The fact you say he doesn't use simple indicators belies that you have no idea about the course. The consistent trader course which deals with options uses simple indicators with simple statistics of when options trades were successful in the past. The system is so simplistic it is no surprise it does not work. Also things like buying some seasonal patterns like christmas rallies etc (which never work). If something that simple worked we wouldn't need quants. It's all just shit wrapped in a nice marketing package. I give him that though - he is awesome at marketing. And the upfront one time charge of 1,000 to get in with no refunds - genius! As nobody would stay for monthly subscriptions.
    3. Member
      Michael Whited
      April 28, 2021 10:17 am
      You also Irina... same comment >>>What is wrong with you? You label why? Because you cannot control yourself or your trading and are losing? I am steadily growing my P/L through a redesign of my risk parameters still due 100% to Steven Brooks. I bet if I saw your last 60 days trading you would be all over the map and overleveraging your account. Look in the mirror my friend… there are the answers
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 63
    April 27, 2021 9:15 pm
    I began two years ago with Market Hero and made back my lifetime subscription for the program using specifically, what Steven posted.. That was the original program offered by Steven Brooks. He put in a lot of education and materials designed to help traders. In view of that, I thought it was a good value, especially since I was not out any money in the end. Since then, Steven has been upselling the hell out of an apparent endless supply of new programs , new indicators and new systems. One of the benefits of the program was a Market Hero Facebook traders group where we could ostensibly share our questions, concerns, trade ideas, successes and failures. That worked out well at first also. Since then, I and many others (according to Facebook) have felt cheated. The new programs have made Steven Brooks a lot of money with new subscriptions. However the earlier programs seem to have suffered from neglect and the original attention we enjoyed with Market Hero is essentially gone as resources are clearly extended over all the new programs, i.e. Consistent Trader, Traders Bullpen, GPS, and The Big Three and who knows what else? Its all about greed and not so much about what Steven consistently preaches: That is , he really cares about the success of all of his clients. And now, to add insult to injury, our Facebook traders page is being screened and monitored by the Market Hero staff. So we can't even post the things that we are concerned about or interested in, if it has any negative feedback on Market Hero. If you want to publish positive things, you get in. Otherwise, you are shut out. Not a good trend.
    1. Member
      May 4, 2021 1:42 pm
      He took a step into the dark side... I mean hey, he says it himself... I want to make as much money as possible... The endless promoting of the latest and greatest is pathetic and sad...
  • Member
    April 28, 2021 12:21 pm
    I believe this is a clear evaluation. I am moving on to better. Earlier I made money, now I am being sucked dry. Its time to go to better services.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 63
    February 1, 2022 7:49 pm
    The Last time I wrote on Steven Brooks was April 2021. How have things "progressed" with Steven Brooks since then? I noticed that the shill, Growth Capital, on Stock Gumshoe, is strangely silent now. A lot of other enthusiastic supporters of Brooks (Market Hero, Consistent Trader, Big 3 , BulletProof Trader, etc) have not been posting lately. I wonder why? Maybe it's because for them the light has finally dawned. Those on Stock Gumshoe who were so excited about, say, Bullet Proof Trader, have not weighed in lately. That's because Brooks just dropped BulletProof trader and stopped supporting it. The same has happened with nearly all of his programs. He gives lip service to Consistent Trader and Market Hero, but the things he promised to provide when we signed up are simply absent. He gets people to subscribe and pay up front and then does not support his "can't miss" scams, er strategies. If anyone wants more detail I am here.
    1. Member
      Michael Douglas Whited
      February 2, 2022 5:18 pm
      Take responsibility for your choices, your greed and fear... stop blaming others for what is going on inside of you. This is what I had to do. My P/L continues to trend higher with Steven Brooks. It was Steven who has coached me to trade smaller stay in my comfort zone... don't chase or revenge trade with a solid method on how to do this.At the end of the day when we press "execute" the question is... Are we taking responsibility for our actions? Or do we look for someone else to blame for our actions and choices.... only you know the answer to that question.
      1. Member
        Michael Douglas Whited
        February 2, 2022 5:20 pm
        I guess this is the place to whine and cry... pitiful
        1. Member
          πŸ‘ 63
          February 3, 2022 12:20 pm
          First off, I never trust a man who uses three names for his signature, when really only one is needed. Second, I never trust a man who responds to not one of the concerns I have posted about a self professing stock guru but choses rather to blather on about totally irrelevant issues at hand. Third I have problems with a man who does not seem to keep the β€œbig picture” in mind but would rather spew his bile. My mission on posting the above, was not about my losses, trading style or even whining, as the distinguished Michael Douglas Whitehead has charged. I was simply trying to help subscribers and readers of Stockgumshoe. I have been in a situation before where I really wanted some experienced fellows who had gone before me in to some advertised trading service or paying good money for a stock guru teaser. It was often helpful for me to hear from folks who β€œtook the plunge”. I believed I needed to let folks on this website know ahead of time what they will be getting in to, should they decide to give Brooks a try. I listed a number of problems that are resident within the Brooks trading systems, none of which were addressed by Mr. Whitehead. These back and forth postings should help those unfamiliar with the service to make a more educated decision going forward. They should also help serve as mounting evidence that Mr. Michael Douglas Whitehead is a shill.
          1. Member
            Michael Douglas Whited
            February 3, 2022 5:25 pm
            Looks like I hit a nerve...
          2. Member
            πŸ‘ 63
            February 3, 2022 6:41 pm
            No Mr. Whitehead, not at all! Like I said and you apparently failed to read: My purpose for posting was to give people who read Stockgumshoe some information on this particular Stock Guru so that they can make better informed decisions as they weigh the pros and cons of joining up. As far as you personally are concerned, and "hitting a nerve" I simply consider the source. Your words, Mr. Whitehead, have no power or relevance even. Like your name suggests, you are merely a blemish on the face of the trading community. Perhaps you can depart these hallowed "trading intel halls" and go shill somewhere else.
  • Member
    August 23, 2022 11:28 pm
    FYI, there is or was a Steven Brooks who offered the Brooks Blueprint. He was or is a scam .
  • Member
    June 28, 2023 10:21 am
    Just attended webinar for Steven Brooks last night. He is offering an expensive system called daily dividends whereby he claims he selects SPX and SPY support and resistance levels accurately based on an algorithm he developed. Any thoughts? I can't seem to find any reviews on this guy and only 1 poor Trustpilot review. Pls comment if you've profited or been ripped off by his courses. Thanks!
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 22353
      June 28, 2023 10:31 am
      Don't know that particular product, but my general comment is this: If it's an algorithm that generates a predictable profit, it is almost impossible for it to work for very long -- machines find patterns much better than humans do, and every hedge fund has supercomputers throwing themselves at that challenge every day. The folks who specialize in quantitative investing and come out of MIT every year say that it is getting harder and harder to find patterns and numbers that give an edge to an investor... and that when they do find one, usually by thinking outside the box in some way, those edges tend to disappear within months.
    2. Member
      June 28, 2023 10:16 pm
      I just watched the Daily Dividends webinar. He is a smooth talker. He says he developed this algorithm based on all the options traded on the spx and spy that comes up with levels where the option sellers have to defend their positions. Sounds plausible or sounds like another gimmick to suck in buyers. He says the major levels have reactions 97% of the time. Once you have these levels he has several systems to trade off those levels. Lots of positive testimonials that he shows. Would be nice if someone here can give a first hand review of the product if they spent the $1997.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 63
    June 28, 2023 2:26 pm
    Run , Do Not Walk, Away from Steven Brooks
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 63
    June 28, 2023 2:27 pm
    d and taking your money but does not stay with you to provide what he promised.
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 501
      June 28, 2023 7:57 pm
      He has started several different expensive programs and after a while closed them down, and kept the money. Fact.
  • Member
    July 1, 2023 6:18 am
    Man I am glad I caame by here, Brooks almost got me with his newest pitch! I should know better
    1. Member
      David Newell
      July 1, 2023 9:16 pm
      Also , beware of Steven Brooks' shills that defend him here on Stock Gumshoe. Look at previous threads on this subject in Stock Gumshoe and you will know what I mean. Also pass the word as much as you can to fellow trader / investors.
      1. Member
        πŸ‘ 17
        November 2, 2023 11:10 pm
        I was a member of Market Hero for a while. In the beginning I followed some of his alerts and made money, but then the alerts started failing more and more and then they started becoming fewer and fewer. When I started asking questions about them I would get no replies and then I started getting dropped from his online chats if I asked anything. Previous to this I did an online interview about my results ( at that time I was actually getting some) with him and after the interview I was promised by him ALL future products and services by his company as a reward for the interview. I received ONE service after but it was a very cheap service that they discontinued in less than 6 months. After that When I tried to get any of their services or products he would say he had no idea what I was talking about. This finally opened my eyes about Steven Brooks and his company. When I defended him on this site I did believe he had a reputable company and services, obviously I WAS WRONG!
        1. Member
          πŸ‘ 501
          March 18, 2024 5:27 pm
          I had the same experience.
      2. Member
        πŸ‘ 501
        March 18, 2024 5:25 pm
        Yep, and one the most obvious shills uses a fake 3 names.

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