written by reader What is Matt McCall’s, Investment Opportunities, of Investor Place, Pot Stock teaser to buy April 4th IPO

by steveflick | April 5, 2019 5:57 pm

Did anyone watch Matt McCall[1]’s teaser April 4th – Marijuana IPO[2]; I did not.
”This pot stock could soar … starting today (April 4th)
A little-known, but HUGE event is set to take place in the pot industry TODAY (April 4th). Get in early, and you could turn a tiny grubstake of $250 into a massive fortune. Here’s exactly what’s going on …”
What was the stock promoted?
Thanks much, steveflick

  1. Matt McCall: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/matt-mccall/
  2. IPO: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/ipo/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2019/04/microblog-what-is-matt-mccalls-investment-opportunities-of-investor-place-pot-stock-teaser-to-buy-april-4th-ipo/

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  • Member
    👍 186
    May 23, 2019 9:07 am
    Read A transcript of Matt McMall's Pot Stock Jumpers Yes the 1st Jumper is FLWPF, but what are the others? Here is the link to the FLWPF disclosure https://orders.investorplace.com/chain?cid=MKT402480&eid=MKT411205&encryptedSnaid=&snaid=&step=start&assetId=AST103257&page=3
  • Member
    👍 789
    May 27, 2019 12:02 pm
    Ted Ohashi most recent (free) enewsletter, Let's Toke Business, week ended May 24th, has a good article proposing a better idea than Matt McCall's pre-IPO Marijuana investing. To subscribe: To have your free subscription added, removed or to contact us with feedback, industry and corporate news email letstoke- business@gmail.com with your name and country. In Canada Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corp. (CSE: CGOC), in U.S. (OTC: CWWBF) Happy Investing.
  • Member
    May 30, 2019 9:54 am
    Any news about tomorrow's pick?
    1. Member
      👍 789
      June 1, 2019 11:32 am
      @cardano465e, @FRANK8MORRISS, What are Matt McCall's 4 new pot stock picks May 31st?, you said you would post on this microblog. Thanks, steveflick
      1. Member
        July 10, 2019 2:56 pm
        Dear Steve Flick If we could advance to today July 10th. The June 21st picks were tilt Medif Halo labs an d Mtec which changed its name to Akerna (KERN) Which I'm sure you know went ast $70.0 which I bought it for $10.16 which out of all of them is the only one that did anything which I am not coplaining a bit on. Thank:-: You FRANK8MORRISS
        1. Member
          👍 789
          July 10, 2019 4:53 pm
          I heard Matt McCall in July 8 Cash Calendar of his Investment Opportunities recommended HRVSF Harvest Health & Recreation. HRVSF had a couple bumps up last two days. I bought HRVSF Feb 4, it is now -27.65%.PS - did you notice, whenever I type a topic, the #topic ends up in the previous Commenters box. I have written Stock Gumshoe several weeks ago, still not fixed.
  • Member
    👍 13
    May 31, 2019 12:52 am
    I don't know what the stock is but I am amused at how there always is some earth shattering event exactly the next day to when you are reading the article. I have bought some pot stocks after purchasing another eletter. I am most excited about Charlotte's Web. We shall see!
    1. Member
      July 10, 2019 2:50 pm
      Dear Bloomingros I have found out that unless you buy the stock for under a dollar you are bound to do nothing but lose if you buy and hold these stocks. So I only buy a stock when it will do something like right now. SUNDIAL GROWERS and KUSH HOLDINGS are applying for the NASDAQ.Today is July 10th the info just come out Monday for SUNDIAL and Tuesday KUSH HOLDINGS. There are stocks that if they are under a dollar and are already getting recognition I will buy and hold those. Thank:-:/You FRANK8MORRISS
  • Member
    👍 31
    June 2, 2019 12:06 pm
    Dear GUM shoers I want to apologize, I never got the stock from Matt McCall. I was just thinking that he may have seen that I was going to give everyone here the stock, I don't know. But I have sent at least 10 emails to him but have not got a response from him yet. I am not sure what is going on. You would think he would say something, or being a businessman he would tell me why?. I don't know if anyone got the stock. So as soon as I find something out about what happened I will let you know. Thank-You FRANK8MORRISS
    1. Member
      👍 789
      June 3, 2019 11:09 am
      I doubt Matt McCall reads Stock Gumshoe. He nor customer service at InvestorPlace will not respond unless you spend thousand(s) $$ to subscribe to one of his several expensive services.
  • Member
    June 2, 2019 6:39 pm
    Greetings fellow Investors!! I just became a GUMSHOE member and I'm very grateful for all the comments I've read just in this thread alone! Someone else mentioned wanting to make it big w/penny pot stocks and truthfully - that is my primary goal!! I also listened to the 57 minute presentation from Matt McCall and almost jumped in.... but I think I'll follow this thread for a while first.. Thanks again for sharing all the great info!! FYI: This video I watched mentioned another announcement for July 8th and August 13th.
    1. Member
      June 2, 2019 7:50 pm
      And he also mentions June 21st!!!
    2. Member
      👍 789
      June 3, 2019 11:30 am
      Yep, that's what all newsletter teasers do......keep mentioning dates to try and sucker you in on giving them money. As you continue to read Stock Gumshoe articles, you will see pro's and con's of teasers on who to believe and who to be aware of / stay away.
      1. Member
        June 4, 2019 3:37 am
        Agreed and I'm super grateful for all the feedback I've read so far. At least the dates keep me aware of possible good things happening!
  • Member
    👍 31
    June 2, 2019 8:44 pm
    Dear Gum Shoer's I am as angry as you are, I did not get the stock from Matt McCall. I had paid for the Cash Calendar which was the program that was supposed to give me the stock. As you can see it was GREENLANE which went from .59 to $15.24, now I had $1000.00 I was going to use to buy the shares which would have given me 1695 shares which ends up to be a $4966.35 lose for me and whoever was following me. I apologize, but it wasn't my fault. I contacted Matt McCall on Twitter he said he was sorry and to contact customer service. So If he doesn't give me what I lost Matt McCall is going to have a lawsuit on his ass. Thank-You Frank8Morriss
    1. Member
      👍 789
      June 3, 2019 11:20 am
      Where did you see GNLN Greenlane priced at $0.59? GNLN IPO'd 4-18-19, closed that day at $21.10. Since first week May has been in the 16's and 15's, closing May 31 at $15.24.
      1. Member
        👍 443
        June 4, 2019 6:54 pm
        Looking at GNLN's chart, I don't see where the 59-cent starting point is, either. Perhaps this was a pre-IPO price which only insiders/institutions are privy to? What I do see is a collapsed IPO now trading sideways with nowhere to go unless a solution to the US-China trade war is arrived at soon.
    2. Member
      Normally Dubious
      June 3, 2019 7:09 pm
      Perhaps if you were to regarding the call as the biggest huckster since Robinson of money morning then you wouldn’t have such great expectations of anything he is pushing
    3. Member
      👍 443
      June 4, 2019 7:50 pm
      Your narrative speaks of a speculative gain which did not materialize because the name of the stock was not provided to you on time. However, GNLN's price chart does not show the stock every being $0.59 nor anwhere near that, so I don't see how you could've made the profit you mention. But let's assume I am not understanding things or missing info...GNLN is not a buy-and-hold- for-awhile stock as you will see below.What I find bothersome is that, while looking into GNLN, I found a Motley Fool article (educational, not teaser) which quoted the company's SEC filing on March 20th (i.e. before the IPO) stating:"A trade war between the United States and China or other government action related to tariffs or international trade agreements or policies has the potential to adversely impact demand for our products, our costs, customers, suppliers and/or the United States economy or certain sectors thereof and, thus, to adversely impact our businesses and results of operations."Therefore, the company already knew that the materials needed for its vape line which come from China would be affected by the tariffs, even before the IPO! This tells me that McCall's cash calendar is just that -- a calendar -- without conducting due diligence on the stock before hyping/peddling it to customers.And that is why Stock Gunshoe exists. Many members have been burned by such shenanigans in the past.
      1. Member
        👍 789
        June 4, 2019 8:34 pm
        you said it better than I; thanks bunion132. also thanks for the additional info on GNLN SEC filing.
  • Member
    👍 4
    June 3, 2019 5:35 pm
    Hey Travis,I invested in GRYN. The stock has been going bonkers the last week, up 67% in a down market. Only 35M shares outstanding and insiders own 67%. I can find no reason for the rise so I figured somebody must be hyping it as it wouldn't take that much demand to make it soar. So I figured Stock Gumshoe would have something but nothing. .Reading Stock Gumshoe for years, I've notes the hucksters hype a lot of pot stocks but NOTHING on GRYN.Has ANYBODY heard or seen anything?BTW, it's a lot more than a pot stock but I can find nothing on other aspects of the company either.Thanks,PF WagnerPS: Sorry to post under "10 Bagger" but your "Topic" scroll down doesn't scroll down past "Cognex." You have "coffee" so I figured you've have "marijuana"
  • Member
    June 11, 2019 12:12 pm
    Do you think the May 31st idea could have been for CWEB which began trading on TSX that day ? (previously on CSE)
    1. Member
      👍 789
      June 15, 2019 2:01 pm
      interesting thought CWEB, CWBHF. what do you think @cardano465e?, did you ever hear back from Matt McCall?
  • Member
    July 3, 2019 1:40 pm
    1. Member
      👍 789
      July 9, 2019 5:56 pm
      if not Whole Foods, what is the Whole Foods of Marijuana that McCall teased?, What stock did Matt McCall release/recommend yesterday on his marijuana Cash Calendar part of Investing Opportunities newsletter?
      1. Member
        👍 789
        July 10, 2019 4:57 pm
        I heard Matt McCall in July 8 Cash Calendar of his Investment Opportunities subscription enewsletter recommended HRVSF Harvest Health & Recreation.PS – did you notice, whenever I type a topic, the #topic ends up in the previous Commenters box. I have written Stock Gumshoe several weeks ago, still not fixed.
  • Member
    July 10, 2019 2:35 pm
    Hello All Gum Shoer's By now you all should know that SUNDIAL GROWERS and KUSH HOLDINGS have applied for the NASDAQ listing. SUNDIAL still without a price. But I am keeping an eye on that and will let you know. If you want to know about Matt McCalls Investing Opportunities you come to the right place, anything going on in the Market you will be informed about it, from car Batteries, to pot stocks its all there so join. I believe Matt McCall is the smartest Guru in this department. You will never have a complaint. So join. Thank:-: You FRANK8MORRISS
  • Member
    👍 243
    Normally Dubious
    July 10, 2019 5:47 pm
    Well Flower Power Didn’t seem to do much of anything since the recommendation three months ago - maybe he’s just guessing- glad I didn’t send him any money. His most Recent recommendation – harvest per another reader , well that doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere either.
    1. Member
      July 10, 2019 8:04 pm
      Hello, what were these last foolish recommendations especially that of 8 July thank you
      1. Member
        👍 789
        July 11, 2019 10:02 pm
        see my comment posted July 10, 2019 4:57 pm below.
  • Member
    July 10, 2019 10:50 pm
    How Do Gum Shoer's Now some of you are, your email is not working. rjelly lbdj nicksing 913man bromo Now the NASDAQ ones going on to are SUNDIAL GROWERS KUSH HOLDING FLOWR is completely ready since May 23 So that's what I have now Thank:-: You FRANK8MORRISS Anyone else wants to get on my email list cardano4.65e@gmail.com and let me know.
  • Member
    August 5, 2019 8:14 pm
    Matt McCalls Whole Foods of Pot for August 8th anybody know what it is ?
    1. Member
      👍 789
      August 18, 2019 1:35 pm
      Gman, don't know what McCall's Whole Food of Pot for August 8th is, but McCall's Investment Opportunities pot Cash Calendar reco on Aug. 13 is DXBRF Dixie Brands out of Colorado, for under$1. Dixie is linked to KHRNF Khiron out of Colombia - I really like Khiron. As others have mentioned above, Cash Calendar (of Investment Opportunities - introductory only $49 / year).
  • Member
    👍 66
    September 8, 2019 3:40 am
    @cardano465e or @FRANK8MORRISS or anyone else, do you know what are the 4 US pot stocks that Matt McCall is talking about in his ''America’s Top 4 Marijuana Moonshot Stocks'' report? Thanks
    1. Member
      September 8, 2019 11:08 am
      Hi tinskov, yes, if you are referring to the report he released on May 3rd, they are SVVTF (TILT Holdongs, MTEC (MTech Acquisition...was set up as a SPAC for merger with MJ Freeway now KERN), MEDIF (MediPharm Labs), TPB (Turning Point Brands)
      1. Member
        👍 66
        September 9, 2019 12:36 am
        Hi chislp, thank you for your response. I'm a bit suprised by the stocks you suggested, as they should be MJ stocks, but two of the stocks you told about are not MJ stocks, Kern is an I.T. company and TPB is a tobacco company. From my own research, and starting from McCall's clues in his pitch, I thought I had two probable stocks being DXBRF (Dixie Brands) and PLTH (Planet 13 Holdings), but they are not in the stocks you mentioned. Did you get those stock names in a report called ”America’s Top 4 Marijuana Moonshot Stocks”?
        1. Member
          👍 66
          September 9, 2019 10:24 am
          Oops, the american symbol for Planet 13 Holdings is PLNHF.
        2. Member
          September 9, 2019 11:54 am
          Yes that is the exact report. Btw, Dixie was his last cash calendar pick (aug 13). Akernia is developing cannabis-related software so yes, both KERN and TPB (cannabis will create demand for vaping papers/products, etc) are ancillary plays in the cannabis sector. Also, I like/own Planet 13 ... interesting unique model... Still very speculative though
          1. Member
            👍 66
            September 10, 2019 11:25 am
            @chrislp, thank you for the follow up information, very useful!
    2. Member
      September 14, 2019 8:05 pm
      Not sure if it's the same Moonshot Stocks Teaser, but the one I am referencing .....#2 is Planet13 (PLNHF). Still working out #1, #3 and #4. Think I know #1 and #4, but not 100% positive. #3 has been kicking my butt. Wife has been sleuthing and compiling facts separately from me and we are cross referencing them periodically to see where things intersect. Whatever we find is just our best guess based research. For example #1 references Tilray (TLRY) at $50 as part of his discussion. Well, TLRY was only at $50 between Jan 1'st and Feb 28th (rough dates), so with other things mentioned, we're using those dates as the possible range for pricing of other stocks, i.e if the price mentioned doesn' t fall in that date range, then it's probably not a candidate for his picks, if that makes sense. That's only 1 of many variables we have been using. What I have found out about MM is that he is very sharp. I don't believe his recommendations are about buy it today and your are rich tomorrow night; rather, buy it today because it is a very solid company and down the road (could be years), you will be able to cash in on it. We all need to be patient with these cannabis stocks. If you pick the right companies today, solid companies, they will pay off in the long run. Just my opinion.
      1. Member
        👍 22
        September 30, 2019 4:35 pm
        doesnt matter what the recomendations are - they are worth investing in - Cresco Labs, Green Thumb, Columbia Care and Jushi and Plus Products are the only investible names in the mkt - balance sheets in check , great growth , solid share structures, fantastic top notch management. the rest is burning your money
        1. Member
          👍 789
          December 26, 2019 10:55 pm
          thanks microcapwiz. I own some Cresco Labs and Green Thumb. I need to look at Columbia Care.
        2. Member
          Normally Dubious
          December 27, 2019 2:20 pm
          I don’t even see a symbol for Plus Products; of the others Crestor labs and green thumb had a nice peak over $10 around May and have been down ever since; Columbia care and Jushi look nothing but down all year. This just goes to further illustrate that I don’t believe in any of McCall’s great marijuana picks, so I’m certainly not inclined to buy the Power portfolio that he and Navellier are now Hawking, especially with the hint that none of their top 10 are commonly known...And it will cost near $2000 to find out, unless one of our fellow Gumshoe readers shares the information...
          1. Member
            👍 789
            December 28, 2019 11:30 am
            I'm not going to spend $2000 to subscribe to McCall & Navellier Power Portfolio with now 10 stock reco's for 2020. Any Gumshoers willing to share what the 10 stocks are???

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