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written by reader Teeka Tiwari Picks Are In

By blockchain, November 11, 2020

Well ladies and gentlemen we are back a year later to circle the wagon. I hope life has been kind to everyone considering all the mayhem that is going on.
But tonight we witnessed another loooong webinar from the longwinded teeka and he kept everybody on the edge of their seat for the free coin pick and let me tell you he didn’t disappoint he is batting 1,000 when it comes to the overall picks, I will give him the benefit of the doubt this last run because of covid, but anyone that invested in LINK saw very very good gains and he has consistently pick for the last 3 years the best coin ( XRP, BNB, LINK) so you guys that didn’t make anymoney being cheap and speculative last year…shame on you…If you want to change your life before the wealth transfer and the new order and digital takeover. contact me and let’s get wealthy gumshoe gang.

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November 12, 2020 3:31 am

whats stocks and crypto currencies did Teeka Tiwari picked on his November 11 webinar

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November 12, 2020 5:17 am

I started to watch this, but as time went by, my concentration vaned. It was by far toooo long and he repeated himself too many times. So, does anybody know what were those 5 coins? The free one was DASH, I heard that in the end.

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👍 10
November 12, 2020 11:25 am

So, how do we contact you and get wealthy?

November 12, 2020 2:42 pm

I can confirm that Teeka’s ‘free pick’ is DASH — I just wasted 2 hours and 3 minutes of my life to learn this!

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👍 58
November 12, 2020 2:49 pm
Reply to  tonyg99

Incidentally, I bought some Dash over two years ago, when Teeka recommended it on a video he did (bizarrely) with Glenn Beck — that position is down 86% currently, even with the 10% ‘Teeka bump’ over the last 24 hrs!

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👍 58
November 24, 2020 9:03 pm
Reply to  tonyg99

How is your dadh position now, the price has been up as high as $118 approx in the last 24 hrs, back in roi or did u buy it at very high price 2 years ago?

👍 2
November 24, 2020 8:57 pm
Reply to  tonyg99

If it makes u rich id say 2 hours 3 minutes well spent

👍 2
November 12, 2020 6:21 pm

I paid for his Palm Beach Newsletters, took his tips, invested and lost or stagnated. Glad he works well for you. As to XRP, do further research. It’s only moved down then crept back to a quarter a bit again. Ripple has hinted about moving away from it after JP Morgan’s techs created a rather similar platform. Some analysts say “stay the course” while an equal number of others have calculated it will slowly, slowly, slowly decrease in price. I sold all my shares and converted them to Bitcoin, which is already up 30%. In the meanwhile, I’ll just observe it.

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👍 29
November 12, 2020 6:30 pm

Mr. T and Mr. McCall posted recommendations in their newsletters. XRP, DASH, LINK, UNI, DOT, TRON and ETN. I bought into four. Sold off XRP for now. The others are just hanging… a little up, a little down. Once they drop below 20% for me, they’re gone.

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👍 29
November 12, 2020 6:34 pm
Reply to  aquarius59

Are the ones you just listed the ‘catch-up’ picks, or are they from an earlier promotion of Teeka’s?

November 13, 2020 4:22 pm
Reply to  Mark

DASH is the only one I know to be a catch up. I’ve head/read nothing on current opinions on XRP. McCall is still gung ho on the others.

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👍 29
November 14, 2020 1:37 pm
Reply to  aquarius59

he does recommend to buy xrp now in his portfoli. you just arent looking in the right place. id post a picture of it but i cant

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November 24, 2020 9:07 pm
Reply to  ivan

Xrp has a buy upto price of 0.30 cents recommended, its 0.66 cents atm

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👍 2
Leon S. Gillis
Leon S. Gillis
November 17, 2020 2:15 pm
Reply to  aquarius59

Bitboy the crypto influencer made a youtube video on the 6 picks.. they were pretty solid; all ranked in the top 100 with the exception of one that was ranked #161 on coinmarketcap.

albert ginolfi
albert ginolfi
November 14, 2020 11:20 am

I took the bait w/james altcher ( spell check please) then was bombarded w/e-mail regarding his philosophies and stand up adventures as a comedian in comedy clubs (he sucks) . Then cam the barrage of palm beach cronies who all will help you get rich for $5k…..wait don’t leave, just for you, $2k.
Teeka is paying the same game…..looks like a con game and a waste of money as the offers from all the Palm Beach crew are clogging up my inbox. This group is getting rich playing on our hopes & dreams. Every time I log on to ‘this is your last chance” it renews the countdown. Last night the offer was only good for 3 hrs….
this morning I punched it up and I have 3 DAYS + to decide. ha,ha ,ha. I’m dumping these parasites today. Do you realize how much money they are scamming at $2k/hit ?

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November 14, 2020 1:41 pm
Reply to  albert ginolfi

focus on the bigger picture here… sure they are getting rich off us but if you dont know how to take advantage of the information then i understand why youre so negative. youll make youre money back if you know how to look at the positive. download everything then ancel youre subscription for your full refund if youre on time

November 17, 2020 12:03 pm
Reply to  ivan

From what I know from watching teaser videos and reading the transcripts of these newsletter offers, esp. involving Teeka Tiwari, almost all of them do not offer any refund. Instead, they offer a “My Personal Guarantee”, which is if you’re not satisfied, they will give you one extra free year of the newsletter, which is bogus. Many of their recommendations are “pump and dump.” If you go on Trust Pilot and type “Palm Beach Research” in Search as I did, you will literally see complaint after complaint of people who feel they got scammed, and several who are threatening to sue the company.

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👍 12
January 17, 2021 4:06 pm
Reply to  jetrbby80316

Under $100 memberships are always money back guarantee, just gotta wait a month to prove you tried it 30 days, the expensive ones are not refundable… VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS

👍 2
January 17, 2021 4:05 pm
Reply to  ivan

That’s what I do with every membership I’ve gotten all the exclusive newsletters for free. Only kept technology profits cuz they send it in the mail and I like their shit, and George gilder who I hate for his political bs but his in depth analysis of the technologies is second to none and hes prepping us for 10 years from now shit, which nobody else does. Those are my recommendations. And what you said, anybody who doesn’t know that and pays is either dumb or so rich they don’t care

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👍 2
November 17, 2020 12:07 pm
Reply to  albert ginolfi

Absolutely. From what I know from watching teaser videos and reading the transcripts of these newsletter offers, esp. involving Teeka Tiwari, almost all of them do not offer any refund. Instead, they offer a “My Personal Guarantee”, which is if you’re not satisfied, they will give you one extra free year of the newsletter, which is bogus. Many of their recommendations are “pump and dump.” If you go on Trust Pilot and type “Palm Beach Research” in Search as I did, you will literally see complaint after complaint of people who feel they got scammed, and several who are threatening to sue the company.

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👍 12
November 17, 2020 12:48 pm
Reply to  jetrbby80316

100% agree!

👍 19
November 17, 2020 10:22 pm

Six Projects…

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👍 15
November 18, 2020 8:48 am
Reply to  markpumel

Are these Teeka’s ‘Catchup Cryptos’ from the webinar a few nights ago, or, are these your own picks? Thanks!

November 18, 2020 10:09 am
Reply to  Mark

Not mine…although I own ZCASH and Cosmos. These were offered as the 6 Teeka picks from a couple of nights ago by Bitboy on his Youtube channel. You should be able to search Youtube to watch it…

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michelle cornacchia
michelle cornacchia
November 30, 2020 7:44 am
Reply to  Mark

Mark – how has Zcash and Cosmos done since your purchase?

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November 30, 2020 10:45 am

Hi Michelle…

I purchased these assets a long time ago. They are both up at least 100%. These were not purchased based on the recent Teeka presentation. I believe they are both solid projects although, as things progress, I am having some reservations in regard to privacy projects. Still holding for now…


January 9, 2021 3:02 am
Reply to  markpumel

Blockstack is very interesting as they are also trying to tap into the creation of contracts on Bitcoin, which has been difficult. Happening more w ETH

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👍 36
Pascal Lambert
Pascal Lambert
November 18, 2020 12:11 pm

They are getting rich using the picks and shovels strategies just like during the gold rush.

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Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
November 18, 2020 2:20 pm

While all discussion is welcome, we do attempt to block comments about reselling information and taking discussions off-site to buy and sell ideas — there has been too much scamming of readers brought to our attention over the years by folks who are promising, in our discussion areas, to buy or sell (or resell) stock tips.

If you want to discuss “secret” ideas and teasers, offer suggestions, come up with other ideas, solve teasers, or debate the merits of particular newsletters or investments, that’s always A-OK and open discussion is always appreciated and often educational for all of us … if you want to sell ideas to other readers or engage in similar kinds of buy/sell/trade marketplace behavior, we don’t wish to host or endorse that on this site and we’ll block that behavior when we see it. I hope that clarifies things, thanks for reading and participating in Stock Gumshoe!

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👍 22352
January 28, 2021 10:09 am

Any knowledge of Teeka’s Blueprint tech IPO? Says it’s a .50 entry and plenty of VC’s are purchasing.

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January 28, 2021 11:05 am
Reply to  Brian

Agreed, caught the new Palm Beach Venture push as well saying they have the perfect pre-IPO for only .50 entry and (8) other hedge funds already involved self-funding their own capital. I would really like to learn more as well. If anybody in our community has his program or knows what he’s referring to please let us know… Thank you

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February 21, 2021 4:01 am
Reply to  GoFunding

That would be Cloudastructure

👍 292
January 28, 2021 12:17 pm
Reply to  Brian

I have his Palm beach confidential, but it’s not part of that newsletter’s access, so I couldn’t tell you, unfortunately. But I watched the video and am certainly curious as well!

January 28, 2021 2:54 pm
Reply to  SINISTAR

Appreciate the reply, thank you. I hope that you’re having success with your crypto investments as well.

February 2, 2021 8:41 pm

Genesis Technology… ? Is this real or just teaser smoke?

👍 55
February 2, 2021 8:49 pm
Reply to  pnerjr

Travis got into this in April 6, 2020. If anyone has anything new, please toss it in.

👍 55
February 12, 2021 11:04 pm
Reply to  pnerjr

Cloudastructure is the company on pre ipo

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GoFunding Capital
GoFunding Capital
February 15, 2021 4:48 pm
Reply to  Whiskers

Thanks for sharing @Whikers – Does everyone else believe this is the one?!? Very excited IF it is and desire to go in on it!

Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
February 19, 2021 9:09 am

I hope you guys are right. I just put $500 in it.

February 19, 2021 10:38 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

What is the ticker Symbol?

👍 15
Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
February 19, 2021 10:50 am
Reply to  sandatalytics

No ticker. Try here or Someone posted a link to something like that I used, but I can’t find it now. You can’t buy it like a regular stock thru your regular website. Discalaimer: I’m not sure cloudastructure is the company Teeka is talking about. Whiskers says it is. I rolled the dice on that post.

February 21, 2021 4:05 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

it is I’m a member and bought $1000 in it

👍 292
Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
February 21, 2021 8:53 am
Reply to  glove77

Thanks glove77 for that confirmation! I feel a little better now. Hope it works out for all of us.

February 21, 2021 10:18 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

I would be careful about Cloudastructure. I thought I recognized them, and then went back and saw that they raised money in a funding in July 2019 on and then on Wefunder in March 2020. And now they have this funding which (if you check their paperwork) is from mid 2020 as well. They are going all over the place looking for money.

If you look in their paperwork (on the invest.cloudastructure site that Mark posted) you see that they only have financials through 2019. And those financials show they only have $77,000 revenue in 2019, DOWN from $130,000 in 2018. In their disclosures they note that nearly 40% of that revenue comes from University of Santa Barbara. If you look at the funding papers, they are looking at a valuation of $28 Million- that’s 363 times sales! (And shrinking sales to boot)

They may be big news, but they did not attract huge interest in two previous fundings and they don’t have very good or growing revenue. COVID caused them to pivot from enforcing security at a building to prevent tailgaters, to promising some sort of social-distancing or mask wearing enforcement. I don’t realistically feel like this is a product offering for the future, which gives me a whiff of desperation.

I hope it works out for all of you, but imma have to pass on this one.

👍 59
February 21, 2021 11:38 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Thank you for sharing

👍 11
February 21, 2021 11:33 am

I went to the portal and it wants my Social security number to register. Is it safe to give this site my Social security number?

👍 47
February 21, 2021 11:37 am
Reply to  mcarey

I think it’s safe I did it

👍 11
Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
February 21, 2021 2:07 pm
Reply to  mcarey

I did it too. A few of us on this thread have done it. I guess it’s ok.

February 21, 2021 12:31 pm

What 5 Cryptos did Teeka mention on “The Crypto Catch-Up” ?

👍 11
Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
April 1, 2021 10:12 am
Reply to  mikenen

Anybody know what Teeka’s new “trillion dollar coin – 6 alt coins” are? The big reveal of the trillion dollar coin(ETH) was last night. You have to buy the Palm Beach Confidential subscription to get the 6 alt coins

April 2, 2021 12:42 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Unfortunately, no. I let my Confidential membership expire a short while back but would also LOVE to know what the newest (6) pics are as well (other than ETH of course) which has been pushed for quite some time now. I would be open to networking and partnering with value add. I have been in the Crypto space since 2017 and doing okay, but would really love to stay in tune with what ol’ Tika is offering. Many thanks to the provider in advance…

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April 2, 2021 2:16 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Yeah- they are mentioned on another thread here

👍 88
Fabian G Noronha
Fabian G Noronha
April 2, 2021 3:29 pm
Reply to  andysurg

where are they mentioned?

April 2, 2021 6:47 pm
Reply to  andysurg

No, those are the “old” pics.

The ones being request just came out the other night. We are in hopes to seek access to his new Trillion-Dollar Coin Portfolio (the 6-Alts) that accompany ETH in the Bull Run this year 2021′.

Crypto’s next Trillion Dollar Coin plus 6 Alts, LOL

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Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
May 12, 2021 9:24 pm

Anybody interested in buying Teeka’s “Super Halving” 6 altcoins thru his “Palm Beach Infinity” membership? $3500 Maybe some of go in together??

May 12, 2021 9:41 pm
Reply to  Mark Underwood

I am Interested. Does anyone know how his claims are ? Are they True

Joel Cutting
Joel Cutting
May 13, 2021 12:40 pm
Reply to  aparabhava

Don’t bother with Teeka Tiwari – his picks can be found for free on You Tube from BitBoy Crypto, Altcoins Daily. Better picks are available from these plus Eliotrades and Cryptobanter – all for free: it’s a movement with an ethis

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May 13, 2021 7:26 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

I’m sure they’ll pop up on YouTube eventually, I’m s very small investor so I can’t be going out throwing thousands of $$$ into a membership,, I’d put it in BTC or ETH first ( I’m still trying to find more money to put into COMP & MIR..those are good projects) – Out of all the so called experts, I do like Teeka the best, he is VERY long winded (I have ice cream listening to him ) but he is usually right on the money, he never claims otherwise anyway- words of advice… read articles on decrypt, medium, CoinMarketCap, Twitter, YT, etc you’ll find some good material and always do your own research, watch out for too much hype of projects that are meaningless (I.e. DOGE, SHIB, etc ) I doubled my money on SHIB but got out in time (it was a game with me) – I t’s really not rocket science – I use crypto dot com for an exchange & built in wallet, their DeFi wallet hasn’t gotten exceptionally rave reviews so I just stick with the original app. you can access the exchange, buy, sell & read articles all within their app, rates are cheaper than the other exchanges…just sayin , with ETH (network) transfer prices so high, works for me, I got some other crypto but transferrin g it from 1inch into my mew wallet cost me half of what I paid for my coins! – another thing I’ve noticed lately with these investments “crypto” newsletters is they are all (crypto revolution, Weiss, now Teeka) coming out with “lifetime” access newsletters, doesn’t that tell you something? It should. The bull run will be over sometime in the Fall if it goes like the last 3 halvings, then it’ll basically be dormant (there will be new projects but who knows what’s going to happen with all this institutional $ pouring in) next 3 years until the next halving (2024) How else are they going to make their money in this sector, nobody is going to be interested except for the newbies who have never heard of BTC but if what Teeka just said about BTC , he’ll probably move on to DeFi exclusively…another newsletter Good luck everybody

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👍 10
May 13, 2021 7:27 am
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Mark, I’m interested! Honestly, I’m close to pulling the trigger on the infinity membership because …. I bought Alpha Edge last month for $1.6k, and I’ve already broke even on the membership (which was for 2 years!). I dove into Crypto Confidential at the end of March(?) and yeah, I’ve already covered that membership too.

👍 255
May 13, 2021 4:17 pm
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Mark, if you all go in on the membership, as long as ONE of you is a current member of any of his newsletters you get it for I think $1500, I left the presentation when they pitched this…better than paying full price…just sayin – heck I’d be interested, I’m a confidential lifetime member (by winning a contest)and his Letter (I really don’t know why I got that) someone come up with a plan and we should meet on , IDK, some msg app? How would one go about this. I’d probably feel better giving out an email or phone # (I never answer my phone anyway) but do answer texts…I am so curious…I found ICP and the exchange I usually use just listed it so I don’t have to bother with transfer fees…yeah…it’s the new internet, check it out at (open source project) it just made it’s debut on 5/7, but had I seen it before, could’ve gotten airdrop, would’ve been wicked nice – I’m over 60 and just starting to learn how to code (something I always wanted to learn) python, Jscript, and rust to begin with…this project really has peaked my interest, I believe its been 5 years in the making…I need something to do instead of hanging out at the old age pool …lol

👍 10
May 13, 2021 6:41 pm
Reply to  Mark Underwood

I would be interested too

👍 1
Mark Underwood
Mark Underwood
May 14, 2021 3:09 pm
Reply to  tiggs19

I just called to verify. If you’re already a member of Alpha Edge or one of the other premium subscriptions, the price to join Palm Beach Infinity is $3500. If you’re not a member, the price is $5000. So, if you’re still interested oldladyinvestor, let us know and we’ll see if we can put enough people together to get you the $3500 you need to upgrade to Infinity and get the 6 new coins Teeka is pushing for the Super Halving. We probab;y need to hurry though and try to get in while the market is down a little. Anyone have any experience with doing something like this, and how best to get funds to someone, please speak up. I don’t know if we’re allowed to give out our email address or phone number in the comments or not??

May 14, 2021 3:26 pm
Reply to  Mark Underwood

Thanks, haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but I did some sleuthing and batting my big brown eyes, and here’s what I came up with – all stocks:

not sure what the buy up price is. Someone had mentioned HSSHF late yesterday, and I jumped on it, up over 50% today. I bought VYGVF a couple weeks ago from a suggestion on one of these boards. MARA was been talked about a lot as well. So, everyone hurry, market is only open for another half hour!

👍 255
May 13, 2021 11:27 am

voyager is a great coin. Could see BNB type gains in future (this is just a guess tho, so do your own DD). 222M total supply and actually a really great product. Voyager is my favorite exchange along with Kucoin. Voyager is no fee crypto xchange. Although I’m hearing it takes up to 12 weeks now to get verified for trading on it which is absolutely nuts.

Another coin I think is worth getting into is Telcoin. It’s still early enough to get in (current price $0.04). Telcoins project is what makes it legit and not just another $h$t coin. It’s the first Telecom crypto project. If you aren’t familiar, I totally rec reading its white paper. I was very lucky to buy a lot in January but the future of Telcoin is extremely bright.

So imo, voyager, mirror protocol and Telcoin are the coins Im loading up on.

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👍 1
May 13, 2021 5:17 pm

Teeka tikwari bécame personally involved in Defi Finance DEFTF.
Google it in you tube and you will find his videos on DEFTF.
Interesting company with swiss subsidiary Vault selling bitcoin zero and ethereum zero etf.
They just reported 100 million aum.
It also exchanged shares with Hive blockchain the biggest ethereum miner.
Theh also have a Bermuda subsidiary with a portfolio in defi related altcoins.
They also offer treasury consultancy for companies to invest in altcoins.
It just has a 200 million marketcap.

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👍 36
May 13, 2021 5:20 pm

The aave coin is very interesting.
The project offers complete defi banking activities on ethereum .
Took a posituon a while ago it is up more then 100% but in my opinion more room to grow

👍 36
Carla Carter
Carla Carter
September 12, 2021 6:23 pm

Have Teeka’s picks from this presenation panned out?

September 13, 2021 12:06 am
Reply to  Carla Carter

Which presentation are you referring to?

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