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written by reader Marc Chaikin – The Power Gauge Report

By snielsson, January 7, 2022

Just came across this:

and the transcript here:
Any one having knowledge of this?

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January 7, 2022 7:48 am

I have recently become a member of this service. Its ok, maybe im not using it to its full potential but I have yet to find any real value in it, time will tell.

👍 2
April 6, 2023 11:11 am
Reply to  MrRed

Are you using options or normal trades?

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👍 66
👍 6
April 6, 2023 11:12 am
Reply to  snielsson

The video is over an hour. These videos are mostly telling you how great they are, it is sickening.

👍 66
January 7, 2022 8:13 pm

This is my feeling about most newsletters. But I keep trying.

👍 7
January 11, 2022 12:43 pm

Don’t waste your money on Chaiken.

I am a full paying to his service and on average I am down 28% on his recommendations.

👍 101
February 9, 2022 3:48 pm
Reply to  barton

When I realized he was in bed with Stansberry I knew he was jut another bullsh1t peddler.

January 18, 2023 5:16 pm
Reply to  Jim


April 6, 2023 2:00 pm
Reply to  Jim

You got that right!

February 14, 2022 3:13 pm
Reply to  barton

thanks, Barton

👍 28
April 6, 2023 11:14 am
Reply to  barton

Thank you for busting their bubble. He relies on companies misreporting their earnings to find his stocks.

👍 66
January 14, 2022 6:00 pm

I listened to Marc Chaiken’s” promotion of his Power Gauge Report. I tuned him out when he told us his wife lost half of her 401K in 2008. He was a major stock analyst back then and had already invented his algorithm. But he was unable to keep his own wife’s portfolio above water?

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👍 17
darth saddius
darth saddius
January 16, 2022 1:16 pm

So to those who are in, do you mind sharing these amazing picks he’s touting?

👍 9
February 14, 2022 3:14 pm
Reply to  darth saddius

digital turbine? was mentioned but don’t think it’s the pick

Last edited 2 years ago by birches
👍 28
April 6, 2023 11:15 am
Reply to  birches

Latest was AMD

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👍 66
February 18, 2022 1:24 am

Are Bloomberg and the others actually using his system to generate the Buy-Hold & Sell messages? If so, shouldn’t there be something to the pitch. Yes/No??

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👍 55
January 17, 2023 5:52 pm
Reply to  pnerjr

the short answer is no!

he is just monetising his fame. If a system is blindingly good, you use it yourself,
if it is borderline good or doesnt work you make money by selling it instead!

No BUY-HOLD-SELL recommendation is ever guaranteed, because nobody knows the future,
eg nobody knew there would be a covid shutdown, and apart from secret service people who could directly see, nobody knew Putin would invade Ukraine until it happened.

ALL indices are heuristics and have false positives and false negatives. You CAN make money from the markets, but from cultivating your own MO, from a combination of experience, a lot of trawling through data and info, from off the cuff remarks from other people, and from deduction from all these.

rather than share advisories, a much better MO is to subscribe to quality charting software,
where you can scrutinise high resolution graphs. Publicly available graphs are generally no use.

THE best charting software I have found is Sharescope, its expensive but not as expensive as various Stansberry advisories.

with Sharescope I filtered out all the US ticker codes that increased during the covid crash,
ie from 12th Feb 2020 to 23rd March 2020. There were about 124, but most were duds from then till now (Jan 2023). I found about 6 which were ok. This means virtually no shares will evade a crash AND be good when you look much further before and after a crash. This means you need to sometimes move out of shares. In a crisis the 2 best investments are cash and allocated gold. And the big question is when to be in cash and when to be in gold.

what I have found is that the key thing isnt the graphs of shares or stock market indices, but macroeconomic graphs and data, eg the base rate, inflation, house price indices. The most important thing in the UK and US economies are mortgages. If you read the book “Liar’s Poker”, the guy has his shenanigans
as a shares trader, but at the bank, there is the mortgage department, and those guys are in a different league.

mortgages are ginormous and easy money, and its what the big boys do!

the central bank dances to the tune of the mortgage sector!

the previous financial crisis was caused by the mortgage sector, their shenanigans wrecked the stock markets, and caused mayhem for everyone. You might buy say an Apple i-phone, or streaming from Netflix, but you do all this in a house, and the house is worth 200 i-phones and a long era of Netflix!

Other economies might be different. For the UK and US, the central bank’s top priority is to tame inflation, it does this via the base rate, this then decides the mortgage rate, and this decides house prices.

if you arent looking at these things, then you are sailing blind!

Anyway, those things are the frame of reference for business and investment, anyone who doesnt consider such things will eventually end up in crisis. Same way that for clothing, you need to know the latitude, the month, the time of day.

eg far northern latitude, June, midday: very hot, dress light,
far southern latitude, June, midday: cold, midnight: even colder! wear a warm jacket, thinsulate gloves,

trading shares right now is outright foolish! and signing up to share advisories foolisher!

its like buying a beach ball in midwinter.

in the UK right now, if you want to play it safe and arent savvy, best thing to do with your money is put maybe up to 80000 per savings account, as savings here have an 85000 guarantee per provider group, so its kind of risk free.

alternatively the government’s “National Savings” is the only venue with a bigger guarantee,
up to £2 million AND you help the government out of its debt crisis.

there are better things you can do but you need to be savvy, and there isnt any guarantee, and DO NOT TRADE SHARES!

high interest rates are in fact excellent as you can move your money to savings and have regular income rolling in month after month rather than the eternal danger of the stock market.

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January 17, 2023 6:31 pm
Reply to  pnerjr

I should add also that there is some superb free charting software which in fact also
has 3 chaikin indicators on it, I would strongly advise to not subscribe to the commercial version
as it has minimum trading requirements for risky trades,

the software is called ProRealTime

if you watch a Stansberry presentation and then press pause on the video any time they show a graph,
and have a look at the graph on the free version of ProRealTime you’ll realise you are being duped
via selective timewindows. With ProRealTime you can get it to display a larger time window by
opting for larger time quanta eg week , month etc.

anyway, its best to make investment decisions via quality charting software, with gold investing you dont need to subscribe with money, by looking at freely available data on the internet.

what I do is sometimes for a month or two subscribe to Sharescope Plus, which costs £59/month,
if you browse around with that, you can start to discover all kinds of strange stuff.

as an example, I recently filtered out the mining shares with the best PE ratios, these were as follows:

ticker PE

SBSW 0.5
EQX 3.7
IAUX 4.9
CGAU 6.8
NGD 8.5
CMCL 9.1
SSRM 9.9
GORO 10.4
BTG 11.1
FSM 11.1
OR 15.2
SVM 15.2
GOLD 18.2

using Sharescope filtering is just so much better than signing up to a share advisory!

all the share advisories are doing is using a Bloomberg terminal to filter out stuff, and then they
spin a yarn about the ticker codes they found. But a normal person cannot afford a Bloomberg terminal,
but maybe can afford Sharescope! if not, then use ProRealTime free version.

As mentioned, ProRealTime free version has 3 chaikin indicators, but the truth is I dont use any indicators at all! As I find them all a bit wishy washy!

instead, do you know what the base rate is right now? do you know what the most recent value of inflation is?
do you know what the graph of these is?

if you dont, then you are investing blind.

if you trawl through different commentary on the internet, at certain points you hear insights.
and eventually you can piece together different insights into an MO to make money.

a great insight I heard was “where there’s a tip there’s a tap”, which means where a professional is pushing a tip, they are tapping into the money when people buy in!

if an amateur eg myself gives a tip that is different, but as soon as someone is blatantly a professional eg an advisory or a bank or a stockbroker or a magazine, then where there’s a tip there’s a tap.

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February 18, 2022 1:45 am

This may be “standard” but I see red flags when I read that he “does not recommend the purchase of any stock, ETF or advise on the suitability of any trade.” So, then what value are his Bullish, Neutral and Bearish ratings?

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👍 55

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