written by reader The Million Mile/Forever Battery

by pach62 | January 6, 2022 3:05 pm

For those of you asking the name of the company I’m 99.9% sure it’s Sila Nanotechnology Inc. The reason I say this is due to all of the research I’ve been doing for at least the past 2 years. Another tip off pointing to this company is the CEO and Co Founder who years ago was the 7th person hired by Tesla to work on creating the battery[1] they have been using up to present day. However; he realized there needed to be massive improvement to batteries which are short lived, reaching mostly no further than most gas powered vehicles and taking up to 24 hours to charge. The other issue with Lithium Ion batteries is their ability to catch fire and/or explode. For example, have you ever noticed when you’re charging your phone or using a computer for a long period that they heat up and sometimes to a considerable heat and they’ve been known to start on fire. Well the current battery in use is the reason. Gene Berdichevski has developed a new way of making a safe, longer lasting battery which takes no more than 15 minutes to charge, if that. Below is an email I sent to Stockgumshoe and was advised it would be a good post for this discussion group. It will explain my dilemma in getting the answer I need which is: has the company gone public and if not when? I’ve gotten conflicting info so I’m just looking for correct info and the ticker symbol. This is my email:

Happy New Year which I hope continues throughout 2022. I’m wondering if you know anything about when Sila Nanotechnology Inc will IPO[2]? Everything I’ve read including from the company website either hints to or says outright they will IPO in the 3rd or 4th quarters of 2021 or at least by the end of the year. They didn’t, so I’m not sure now when they will get into the market. But contrary to that info I have also found articles that say they recently went public so why can’t I find a ticker symbol? They have their new battery in a Fitness monitor (Whoop) like the fit bit so they definitely are moving forward with the new battery but I can’t find any info beyond what I’ve already mentioned, unless I want to pay ridiculous subscription fees in order to get the “free” name and ticker symbol. Just hoping some of you possibly have more info on Sila Nano, specifically the ticker symbol of course?
Jean Pachkowski

  1. battery: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/battery/
  2. IPO: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/ipo/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2022/01/microblog-the-million-mile-forever-battery/

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  • Member
    👍 17
    January 9, 2022 8:19 pm
    I guess that this isn't the $3 Forever Battery Dynamo stock that Luke Lango is pitching. https://orders.investorplace.com/?cid=MKT583263&eid=MKT602418&encryptedSnaid=&snaid=&step=start&assetId=AST207437&page=2
  • Member
    👍 22306
    January 10, 2022 9:36 am
    There are several "forever battery" pitches that make the rounds, the two most heavily pushed ones seem to still be Luke Lango/Matt McCall's pitch for a forever battery/jesus battery/quantum battery, which I covered most recently here. That's pointing at a R&D microcap stock as the lead idea.And yes, the other pitch is for Sila Nanotechnologies, in "forever battery" teases by Paul Mampilly that have also been running, with some updates, for a couple years. As when the ads began, Sila remains private and apparently resisted the many suitors who tried to get them to go public through a SPAC merger over the past year. So that ad is mostly a bait and switch, teasing Sila's technology but then, since you can't really invest in Sila, touting some other battery plays in the end. I last updated my thoughts on that ad back in August, when it was being teased as the "12 million mile battery"Remember, the ads you see running over and over are running not because the idea remains the best idea ever, but because that ad has been proven to be the most successful ad for that newsletter. When publishers find something that catches readers' attention and inspires some of them to pull out those credit cards, they will bend over backwards to find ways to keep running those ads.
  • Member
    👍 1
    January 12, 2022 5:27 pm
    Hello friends, I was just watching the promotion movie for Alpha Investor from Charles Mizrahi. The topic was "The Forever Battery". They talk about a company that has developed a "Solid-State Battery" and supposedly this company holds over 200 patents. The following link shows the presentation. If somebody could come up with some information or ideas, that would be highly appreciated. https://pro.banyanhill.com/p/WMC-CMZBATTERY-001/LCMZXA64/?h=true
    1. Member
      February 27, 2022 8:02 pm
  • Member
    👍 2
    January 12, 2022 8:20 pm
    I believe it's talking about Sila Nanotechnologies... I have been following them for a while. They haven't gone public Yet. Pre ipo investments are being taken with a minimum of $100K with a couple making over $300K a year( I don't qualify, though I want to invest). You can go to Silanano.com. a small version of their batter is being used in the wrist monitoring device WHOOP..
    1. Member
      Jean Pachkowski
      January 12, 2022 9:34 pm
      This is exactly what I said in my article at the top of this thread. I've been following and researching them for a long time also. They applied for acceptance into the market and at sometime in the near future they should IPO. If not there is a small Canadian company that are partnering with Tesla and is the battery going to be made in Tesla's Giga factory in Germany. Their name is ROCKTECH LITHIUM INC, Ticker RCK.V and they make Lithium Hydroxide using Hydrogen which closes the loop with the Lithium to make a solid state battery that lasts and costs less. Tesla is said to be announcing a partnership with a battery company is it Silanano or Rocktech?? I guess we'll know sometime near the end of January. Jean Pachkowski
  • Member
    👍 2
    January 12, 2022 8:32 pm
    Jean, I too have been seeking when Sila Nanotechnologies will go public. Those saying they have gone public list Sila Holdings(foreign market BGN) Ticker OJXL.. but I'm sure that's not what we are looking for... I've sent FORGE emails as well as Silanano.com but haven't heard Anything back. Can't wait for it to hit the market!!Eric C. Bradshaw
  • Member
    Karl Welsch
    January 13, 2022 4:37 pm
    So many other battery companies to choose from such as Solid Power (SLDP) today @ $7.60, Novonix (NVNXF) today @ $7.01, and ILIKA (ILIKF) today @ $2.37.
  • Member
    👍 184
    January 24, 2022 10:47 am
    QUATUM SCAPE is the one watch. its research is meeting all its goals as anticipated
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