Friday File: Mampilly, Stansberry, Berkshire, Copper, and much more…

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | July 22, 2022 4:38 pm

A hodgepodge of stories and updates... plus the start of earnings season for the Real Money Portfolio, and one "buy the dip" purchase

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  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 61
    July 22, 2022 5:13 pm
    This was a really great Friday File
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 80
    July 22, 2022 5:33 pm
    Another good writeup, Travis!I tend to think that Elon Musk is in the driver's seat on the TWTR purchase...time will tell.
    1. Member
      ๐Ÿ‘ 22338
      Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
      July 22, 2022 5:50 pm
      As I understand the law he shouldn't be... but he usually wins anyway, I guess we'll find out pretty quick -- I think the trial is in October.
      1. Member
        ๐Ÿ‘ 92
        July 22, 2022 9:11 pm
        So Elon looked under the hood. Wouldnโ€™t you? Before you buy.
        1. Member
          ๐Ÿ‘ 22338
          Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
          July 22, 2022 10:17 pm
          Of course. But that's before you commit to the purchase and sign your name.
          1. Member
            ๐Ÿ‘ 92
            July 22, 2022 11:28 pm
            Maybe you are familiar with the sales agreement and what limits it set for discovery. Twitter lied.
          2. Member
            ๐Ÿ‘ 22338
            July 23, 2022 12:09 am
            I don't have a horse in this race, but my reading of the case is that Elon doesn't have a leg to stand on as he tries to back out. I'm not a lawyer or judge, and don't know whether the Delaware court will make him follow through on the purchase, or whether they might settle some other way -- it's certainly not a deal I'd try to arbitrage.At this point, it seems like Twitter is doomed either way, the agreement to sell to Musk already told us that management didn't have a plan or a strategy, and was flailing pre-Musk, and the fight is hurting their ad sales even more. They need a fat cat to own them and not care about ads... or they need to rethink monetization in some completely new way, I think.
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 1428
    July 22, 2022 8:26 pm
    Travis, it almost seems that the job description and characteristics of a newsletter author is quite similar to that of a used car salesman. No offense toward used car salesmen/women. Regards, Frank
    1. Member
      ๐Ÿ‘ 92
      July 22, 2022 9:08 pm
      Really astute. Sales experience?
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 56
    July 23, 2022 1:52 am
    Subscriber beware! There is a lot of juggling in the newsletter industry, and it may not necessarily be beneficial to the subscriber. There is quite a bit of changing the names of investment letters, quite a bit of changing the editors, relentless upsell to more expensive investment letters, and more upsell to a โ€œcomplete groupโ€ of letters. I liked the advice of Chris Mayer, and I upgraded because of him to Bonner & Partners Founders Club and Bonner Private Portfolio in 2016. Mayer left at the end of 2018. Bonner & Partners joined with Casey Research, Palm Beach Research Group, and Jeff Clark to form the Legacy Research Group in early 2019. I was given Legacy Lifetime status, which in my opinion did not really make up for losing Chris Mayerโ€™s investing advice, although it included โ€œaccess to all 22 investment advisory newsletters published by Legacy Researchโ€ and โ€œwill also have access to all future products launched by Legacy Researchโ€. Bonner & Partners is no longer part of Legacy Research Group and has been replaced by Rogue Economics with Nomi Prins and Eoin Treacy. Bill Bonner with Tom Dyson and Dan Denning left to form Bonner Private Research, which is independent of Legacy Research Group. I liked Bill, Dan, and Tom better than I like Nomi and Eoin. To top it all off, Legacy Research Group is not honoring access to all of their products. I do not have access to Earnings Trader, Jeff Clark Alliance, Palm Beach Venture, The Opportunistic Trader, and The S&P Trader. I rather doubt I would use these extra publications, but it galls me that they do not have integrity. They have twice denied that these are part of my subscription. Another subscription I had is the Bauman Letter, which I just extended in March. It was a decent letter with a modest price. I was informed this week that this is being replaced by the Green Zone Fortunes, as Ted Bauman is taking over a different product for Banyan Hill. It would have been nice to be given a refund as an option.
    1. Member
      cigar butt
      July 23, 2022 2:20 am
      You might contact Dan Denning through their Substack letter. They honored my lifetime subscription to Bill and Tom although I had paid for a year by then and don't think they refunded that. Dan said they didn't have access to previous subscriber rolls so people needed to contact them. I have not tried to contact Porter about honoring in some way the Alliance lifetime access I own. Has anyone else tried?
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 6
    July 23, 2022 11:58 am
    I really enjoyed the retrospective on the newsletter publishers and editors. My biggest problem with them is most of them are skirting the limits of ethics and morals- if not downright ethically challenged. Their biggest problem is that their business model heavily relies on suckers. And in a recession even the suckers grow smart quickly and the pool dries out gradually until the next bull market "rain." I have thrown a few of them a $49 dollars here and there to take a peek at what they be quickly inundated subsequently by their $5000 rip-off offers. For example Chaikin claims he has this super duper market monitoring tool and yet the guy can't offer one stock pick that can stay afloat during the bear market - not even one. When he finally suggested an oil play recently at the top of the oil boom, the energy sector decided to reverse course as people started to lose interest in the Ukraine-Russia war. The guys at Cabot always struck as reasonable. However, I parted ways with them because they refuse to publish their performance record for all to see. To my mind, a stock "expert" should at least be able to easily beat the S&P in a bull market and similarly do "better" on the down side in a bear market. Or at least have the integrity to divulge your portfolio's performance for your subscribers to peruse and make an informed decision. Otherwise, your newsletter is a waste of money or a down right fraud. And also, Cabot does not seem to have gotten the memo that we are in a bear market as their prices continue to rise in face of current reality. I have yet to see any $49 entry letter from them. On Bonner: he recently set up shop again with a few of his buddies. Collecting $99 for prognosticating and moralizing must be very hard to give-up- hence the multiple "retirements." I had been receiving his free emails. $99 was way to0 much for his mostly libertarian schtick. So recently, $99 became way too low for the exquisite stock-picking and right wing libertarian advice they dispensed. So they aimed their money sucking gun at the suckers...effective as of recently, they bumped the price to $299 or was it $259? At that point, I could not restrained myself and wrote them the following: "This is one steep price increase. For what? Buy gold, buy silver, buy utilities, hold cash. If one doesn't know that by now, one is a gambler - not an investor. I guess greed is a universal it's not just the predominant character trait of the "elite" - your favorite target group. Under the guise of inflation, even the cost-cutting, hold-on-to-your-wallet libertarians will show their true colors. Have you forgotten that you have been telling us not to be suckers? Does that advice apply solely when it comes to the "Feds"? Well in my libertarian book, your advice applies also to peddlers of hope and ideology. You have not yet earned a raise!" Travis, I am glad you are doing your best to help us hold on to our wallets. Proud of the work you do...keep it up! Junior Stockgumshoe Trainee :-)
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 88
    July 23, 2022 1:18 pm
    a good one about Twitter and Elon Musk:
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 111
    July 23, 2022 3:21 pm
    I've got to admit I'm really drawn to some of the commodity plays you mention. I read a report from Chris Machintosh going back to the last recessions showing how well a mixed basket of energy, agriculture, precious and industrial metals did compared to other equities and the yields are really attractive here to just sit and wait. Then on the other hand I look at Google and amazon and think maybe they are the new recession plays as they are so large and diversified they will profit more when the smaller tech companies struggle. Then I think bitcoin is cheap and should bottom first. Bloody hell I'm confused , maybe I should just have a lie down.
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 44
    July 24, 2022 2:54 pm
    Hi Travis, as a long time Irregular, I've been following your writings for many years, and for some reason, I just realized I know almost nothing about your background - not that it really matters, as I know and respect you enough now that I don't see myself ever cancelling my subscription, and I understand this isn't a blog about you or your personal life, but I guess I'm just curious how you became so good at all this, apart from just reading books, etc. Maybe I'm forgetting, but I don't recall you ever writing about this. Given your valuation skills, I would guess you have a background as an analyst, but your bio doesn't say anything about that. It says you were a university professor - of finance, I assume? Why'd you decided to go out on your own? Again, just curious. But completely understand if you want to keep your personal life personal.
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 6
    July 24, 2022 10:00 pm
    I believe Elon is on the hook for at least $1 billion, which would still be quite a deal for him given the mess he would be getting himself in by purchasing Twitter. He is so craven for attention, you wonder what he would not do to obtain it. At times Elon acts as if he is above the law; and his latest sleazy way to weasel out of a deal should not fly. I would not want to be a business partner of this man. He is a bit too Trumpian for my taste. I cannot wait for the market to start valuing TSLA as the automotive company that it actually is. The Fords, the Audis, the BMW's and the Benz's are on their way. Hopefully then the cult of personality will end, the cult followers will have learned their lesson and Elon's ego will have fallen back to earth. That will have been the best medicine for this man-child and for the rest of us. There is no question Elon can and has contributed a great deal to society...but so have many others without all this drama and annoyance. Take your med Elon or smoke your weed...but whatever it takes, leave us at peace for a little while. Ooof! Your success is our country's success. We will still cheer for you. All we ask is a little grace, class and humility in return. Oh, read Proverbs 16: 18-19 when you have a minute and give it some thought - even if you happen to not be a believer.
  • Member
    ๐Ÿ‘ 82
    July 25, 2022 2:11 pm
    So interesting about Mampilly , McCall and Publishers. Once the latter have your several thousand bucks, you're a lot less of interest to them. I don't worry about Stock Gumshoe because you are the sole Newsletter writer whose soul is professional objectivity--and you have a heart to boot!
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