written by reader NEXT GENERATION CRYPTOS The next disruptive event in Value and Technology in the Crypto Coin world.

by birissac | July 25, 2022 6:55 pm

There are some Investment services that predict Bitcoin to eventually value $150,000.00 or much higher. There are some “Crypto Experts” who predict ETH to be the most valuable crypto coin in dollars and activity. Now come along other “Crypto Experts” who claim that already these Next Generation Cryptos are eating ETH’s lunch and will soon be more valuable that BITCOIN or ETH.. They explain that both BIT and ETH are early generation technology and have now been passed by superiority capabilities of the Next Gen. Cryptos. Sometimes referred to as four coins[1] or sometimes five coins.
Know anything about this development ?

  1. coins: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/coins/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2022/07/microblog-next-generation-cryptos-the-next-disruptive-event-in-value-and-technology-in-the-crypto-coin-world/

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