written by reader Bill Bonner 4th and Final Warning

by Sarge | January 9, 2023 6:03 am

Anyone have insight into this? Thanks.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/01/microblog-bill-bonner-4th-and-final-warning/

One response to “written by reader Bill Bonner 4th and Final Warning”

  1. brianr says:

    Watched it today. Sounds about right: Green energy good, but we’re not there yet, technologically, for a complete switch to renewables. Like all things in life, it is wise to use all available tools to accomplish a task. E.g. I would not buy a new set of screwdrivers that only have phillips heads, because that won’t be useful when I work on a project with flat-head or allen-head screws. Likewise, a mix of all sources of energy needs to be the solution. When it’s cloudy and the solar and wind don’t generate power, use the gas; that is wisdom.

    Coincidentally, I received the DOE’s report today on the Biden-Harris Blueprint to Decarbonize the Transportation Industry: https://www.energy.gov/eere/us-national-blueprint-transportation-decarbonization-joint-strategy-transform-transportation

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