written by reader Keystone Investment Club aka KIC

by stosun | March 17, 2023 5:26 pm

I received a YouTube ad saying something was coming up on a specific day in March (eg – a Federal Reserve announcement) and that the day BEFORE this service was sending an alert (ie – impliedly related). They’re careful not to directly promise, but the images etc make it like a promise that those in the know will become rich. I looked up and found HORRIBLE reviews / scam comments. It took awhile to find anything at all (as the terms brought up other unrelated items). I guess earlier they promoted crypto / cryptocurrency / bitcoin? So, to help the community, here’s a link:


And here’s the site itself:


Notice the lack of personal names on it.
Of course if anyone knows different, or has more to add, please post.

  1. Home: https://keystoneinvestor.com/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/03/microblog-keystone-investment-club-aka-kic/

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