written by reader The “Single Stock Retirement Play” from Oxford Club

by jjbritton | July 9, 2023 11:07 pm

OK, they sucked me in with big promises of “The Single-Stock Retirement Play”, “How to Retire on This Obscure $4 Stock” –Alexander Green[1], Chief Investment Strategist at Oxford Club[2].
I paid the price to buy the newsletter and receive the special report on the obscure $4 stock. Silly me.
The reason why the stock is obscure is that it only trades on the Taiwan stock exchange.
By the time you change your local currency into Taiwanese, find a brokerage firm that will buy the stock for you, and pay the additional foreigner markup (assuming you are not a Taiwanese citizen), the $4 stock ends up costing you a LOT more than $4.
Hoping someone will see this discussion and save themselves from paying top dollar to learn about a stock they will probably not be able to purchase. Easier to use iShares or an ETF.
Caveat emptor

  1. Alexander Green: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/alexander-green/
  2. Oxford Club: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/oxford-club/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/07/microblog-the-single-stock-retirement-play-from-oxford-club/

2 responses to “written by reader The “Single Stock Retirement Play” from Oxford Club”

  1. Fausto Guevara says:

    I am a subscriber to the Insider Alert. The Oxford Club is becoming like a restaurant, different dishes for different customers. They are always looking for ways how to sell other portfolios. I am fine with one and that is plenty since stocks being sold and bought. What I do not like is that there is no records of the many stocks that were sold at a loss in the past. Mr. Green talks about transparency, but I could not find any access to those stocks, but talks about the ones that made profits. I find his information positive, but the he needs to make his past recommendations more transparent. My opinion is not to succumb to the Oxford Club pitches about Upgrades and other subscriptions….they are very expensive and with so many portfolios you will be waisting your money, and they are annual subscriptions….besides you will be spreading your money like crazy and not able to control your investments.

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