written by reader Palm Beach

by coolsoupy | August 18, 2023 6:40 pm

Long infomercial scaring everyone on the upcoming CBDC and the BRICS meeting.
I watched the whole thing and they lied several times that they would give the stock free!
Anyone have this expensive Newslettter?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/08/microblog-palm-beach/

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  • Member
    👍 22345
    Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
    August 23, 2023 10:25 am
    Which Palm Beach letter is that? Everyone's been quite aggressive about fearmongering around the FedNow launch and a potential future "FedCoin" digital dollar.
    1. Member
      👍 5
      August 29, 2023 12:23 am
      This https://secure.palmbeachgroup.com/?cid=MKT744941&eid=MKT760103&encryptedSnaid=h6yseDKs%2Fq1%20230%2FoN8bdxAcLVIChqm%20Bslm4WPi21k%3D&step=start&emailjobid=5395360&emailname=230828-JMU-Free-2TS-PBL-Dollar-Recall-Ded&assetId=AST304697&page=2
  • Member
    👍 5
    August 29, 2023 12:23 am
    Yes, Teeka Tiwari spruiking a tech stock that will benefit from the banking swtich to CBDCs. Would be interested in knowing what that is.I think NVDA bubble signalled the end of AI run for the short term, and this is the next move to be on.Make no mistake, this is a historical change and seismic shift, where central banking takes over the role of normal banks. Your money will be eseentially held, tracked and monitored by your central bank. You will no longer have ultimate control over it.I do indeed belive we're got a market shock looming the timin gof which could be related to a push to migrate people's cash into the FedNow CBDC. This will be touted as the answer to the sliding US dollar as it loses more and more of it's reserve currency status. If US cash becomes worthless it will be a tool to migrate US debt holders all around the world into the US CBDC, and it can also help to shed some of the necessity to cover US debt - they will find a way to deevalue existing US cash and debt in the process.
  • Member
    👍 22345
    August 29, 2023 11:19 am
    Ah, this is just a mild update of Teeka's pitch from July -- he was trying to scare people into believing that the government would somehow announce a "recall" of dollars on July 26 and make your money worthless, and now he has just updated that to September 20 (yes, those are just the "Fed Meeting" dates). I posted a bit of an update on that here today: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/palm-beach-letter/whats-up-with-fednow-fedcoin-and-the-us-dollar-recall/The "tech stock" he was (and is) teasing as his "My #1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar" is FIS Global (FIS).
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