written by reader Joel Litman’s (along with Rob Spivey) latest: “Credit Cash Flow Investor”. Primarily corporate bonds: secondarily stocks w/his Altimeter with bonus reports, etc.

by coylent78 | September 28, 2023 4:58 pm

Anybody see his pitch 9/27? It’s kind of a “Sky is Falling” prediction but has intriguing info on bad credit ramifications to arrive soon. It’s a new (and pricey) product from him. At $2500,
which is half off the full price. So next year it’s $5000?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/09/microblog-joel-litmans-along-with-rob-spivey-latest-credit-cash-flow-investor-primarily-corporate-bonds-secondarily-stocks-w-his-altimeter-with-bonus-reports-etc/

4 responses to “written by reader Joel Litman’s (along with Rob Spivey) latest: “Credit Cash Flow Investor”. Primarily corporate bonds: secondarily stocks w/his Altimeter with bonus reports, etc.”

  1. Mark says:

    Hi coylent78,

    Are you talking about this presentation?


    You can buy and sell these bonds in any brokerage account – Fidelity… Schwab… Vanguard.

    As far as money to invest, it’s up to you – but if you don’t have at least $10,000 or ideally $20,000 to deploy, you might be wasting your time.

    Just like with stocks, you need to diversify for the best results. And most bonds have a contractual value of $1,000, even though they can trade above or below that number. So, for real diversification, you’re looking at $10,000 or $20,000.

  2. Amy says:

    Has anyone read this article? Is it worth it?

  3. Pat says:

    What kind of bonds are they referencing?

  4. Mark says:

    These are individual, corporate bonds issued by just about every company in America. You can buy and sell them just as easily as a stock, in any standard brokerage account.
    More here in the Q&A section:

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