written by reader James Altucher’s 2nd Apple Prediction is about what?

by Gary7 | February 1, 2024 8:48 pm

What company with a $2 stock and a $500M mkt cap is the supplier of chips for the Apple Pro Vision?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2024/02/microblog-james-altuchers-2nd-apple-prediction-is-about-what/

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  • Member
    Chuck Frohberg
    February 10, 2024 2:35 pm
    Same, nothing but repetitive presentations to sell you another subscription that you thought you had already bought. JA is simply a conman.
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 1
      February 13, 2024 4:26 pm
      No shit. I keep buying his bs only to learn he has said everything he keeps selling. By the way, the new term in this racket is "mastermind"
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 7
    February 10, 2024 5:09 pm
    What is the Apple Vision Pro tiny stock?
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 2
      February 14, 2024 9:28 am
      Any answers yet ?????????
      1. Member
        March 1, 2024 10:54 pm
        I found ZEISS but they are at about $172 today
  • Member
    Steve Roth
    February 12, 2024 11:31 am
    JA is one persistent salesman.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 2
    February 12, 2024 12:16 pm
    I see a lot of guesswork re James Altucher's $2 stock supplying Apple's Vision Pro, buy has anyone "confirmed" the exact company ?????
    1. Member
      March 1, 2024 10:57 pm
      ZEISS maybe but they are at $172 today
  • Member
    February 12, 2024 2:37 pm
    I’m new to this and just joined his network, also to be turned off by the β€œ30 second video” that you can’t fast forward with no reveal. Though his advice still seems sound and I liked the top 10 AI picks workbook, etc. I’m debating whether to go for the refund - for people who have/had the subscription, what are you getting? It says you’ll get top picks, potential buyouts, etc every month in the newsletter. Is it true? Also does anyone have an alternative person they follow that give you good info, especially in AI and tech sphere? Thanks so much for your help!
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 18
      February 29, 2024 3:45 pm
      It would be easier to give you a list of those I despise!! I do like Jeff Brown, not always great stock choices, but he is an interesting read in the tech space for me, a scientist geek. His articles always give me areas to investigate on my own, or to take his word for it. Same for Jason Bodner with Tradsmith. As a rjle I try to avoid anyone that falls under the Stansbury rainbow. They have 2 that make me want to jerk my toenails off rather than listen to their revelations, but these tew make me listen enough to be curious. If there is anyone you have followed for advice in the cryptospace, as in not Teeka, I would love to know it. Excellent question!! I am following hoping you get some good responses.
      1. Member
        February 29, 2024 7:35 pm
        Thanks so much! I’ll look into these :)
  • Member
    February 12, 2024 10:31 pm
    If you have ever been in a time shares presentation, they spend 8 hours telling you how you are fixin' to buy the bees knees. Before the ink is dried they tell you what you just bought is next to worthless (and over time that is true as they rent out the units to VRBO or AirBNB) so you just need to buy more points or time or whatever. Very unscrupulous. I'm hoping I'm hoping Stock Gumshoe will cough up the ticker - or maybe he is falling prey to what he has been raging against?!
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 22296
      February 12, 2024 10:36 pm
      Best guess is that he's teasing Kopin (KOPN), but also that Kopin doesn't really have anything to do with the Vision Pro. https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/paradigm-mastermind-group/friday-bonus-altuchers-apple-market-disruption-event-today/
  • Member
    February 13, 2024 3:26 pm
    Altucher and his gang just keep talking and talking about all the plays they have made in the past, and try to sell you upgrades for special groups of investors...always fishing for $$$$ smells like con men. also I keep getting emails from Paradigm who keeps shoveling GOP friendly emails that I never asked for. Irritating.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 1
    February 13, 2024 4:22 pm
    Does anyone know what James is taling about?
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 2
      February 14, 2024 9:31 am
      Any answers yet ????????
  • Member
    February 14, 2024 10:03 am
    I wouldn't hold my breath, waiting for an answer. There were a few guesses early on. But I haven't seen any movement in any of the companies mentioned here. Meanwhile I was on hold for an hour trying to get my subscription canceled. no success yet.
    1. Member
      February 14, 2024 11:36 am
      If trying to cancel..I got a response and a cancellation in a day by emailing them. Try that instead of calling! Meanwhile..I’m still on hunt for this AI 2.0 tip!
      1. Member
        March 31, 2024 7:45 pm
        Probably easier for camel to pass through the eye of a needle that for you to get a refund!
    2. Member
      πŸ‘ 37
      February 27, 2024 3:12 pm
      cancel it at your c.c co. they will do it for you.
  • Member
    Steve Roth
    February 14, 2024 11:10 pm
    The stock in question remains a mystery. I think KOPN is still a decent guess, although it's not clear if they manufacture components for the AVP. They do specialize in AR/VR components, especially microdisplays, but they do have a "pancake" aspheric lens meant for use in VR/AR devices, and JA hinted about this exact type of technology. Also, their stock price is in the right range. And they do have over 200 patents (actually over 300 per their website).One of the most compelling arguments for this being the mystery stock is the fact that the trading volume was insanely high on Friday February 2, the day after the JA Apple Disruption spiel. The trading volume was over 26M that day, with almost all previous activity under 1M. Yes, they did get some contracts recently, including military, but this seems way too high and way too coincidental to have such trading on that very day. It would be nice if we could prove that this company's component(s) are actually in the AVP - that info is not easy to find, actually... Anyone know for certain?One last thought. Could this stock be international, particularly Taiwan or Chinese, since companies there seem to have contributed several components to the AVP. I lookup up a few of them, and one or two have stock price equivalents in the approximate $2 range, so who know. I seem to recall JA stating during his presentation that he "will show you how to buy" the stock, almost suggesting that it's not a straightforward process, such as with Asian stock markets. Young Optics (3504.TW) is one such company on the Taiwan market, trading at 69 TWN (about $2.20 USD), and they had a bit of a trading volume spike (on 2/1 in the evening, so possibly coincides with the presentation?). I did find a chart from last summer listing various AVP suppliers - I'm not certain which of these manufacturers are still in the "game" with Apple, though.Interested in hearing others' thoughts, as always!
  • Member
    Marv McHarn
    February 29, 2024 1:27 pm
    I thought I would throw in this link regarding KOPN https://patents.google.com/?q=(kopin)&oq=kopin it shows several related type patents.
  • Member
    Jeffrey Furlong
    March 4, 2024 11:52 am
    How about Hon Hi ?
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 11
    March 21, 2024 4:06 pm
    James Altucher is part of Paradigm Press, which seems to recirculate the same fanatical right -wing echo chamber. The worst of the bunch is Jim Rickard's, who for months slandered Biden claiming again and again that he is senile. He kept up that line all the way up to the State Of The Union Address. Then, when the portion of the country that bothered to watch the address could clearly see for themselves that Biden suffers from no such ailment, Jim Rickards explained that "Biden was on drugs for the address", and went on to speculate which drugs they were. If Biden were in fact senile, and the drugs Jim theorizes made him cogent enough to deliver a blistering address, maybe Jim should be pumping pharmaceutical companies. It's just a sick advisory sinking to the lowest level possible to appeal to afing angry white guys with disposable income. And the younger crop of personnel at Paradigm for the most part parrot Jim's political views. Unfortunately, whatever you think about Jim rickard's politics. it's a poor substitute for sound financial advise. Some might even speculate that Jim Rickards is senile!
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 2
      April 14, 2024 8:09 am
      and a 1 trick pony still awaiting his day in the sun....
    2. Member
      June 8, 2024 11:08 am
      Do we really need to bring politics into trading?
  • Member
    Glenn Sims
    June 7, 2024 7:17 pm
    Hello, I'm fairly new to trading
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