written by reader Stansberry Research Retirement Trader – Dr. David Eifrig, MD, MBA

by caviness | June 20, 2024 8:02 pm

What is your opinion of Dr. Eifrig and his newsletter? Many thanks!

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2024/06/microblog-stansberry-research-retirement-trader-dr-david-eifrig-md-mba/

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    👍 22083
    Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
    July 3, 2024 3:12 pm
    He has had long "unbeaten" records in his core strategy, which sounds like it is essentially just selling covered calls. That probably leads to stable returns, though I don't know what the results are relative to a more vanilla investment, covered calls typically provide a steady return but also typically mean that you miss out on some of the upside... which can have a big impact over time. The 2023 scorecard from Stansberry had Retirement Trader earning a 9.8% annualized return -- way under the 24.8% return of the benchmark (S&P 500), but still with a very high win percentage (90%). Over five years, Retirement Trader has an annualized return of 2.9%, also far below the 12.1% of the benchmark. So according to their own reporting, Eifrig has mostly successful trades and a very high win rate -- but probably because of the win rate, which means he isn't taking much risk, they aren't nearly successful enough to keep up with just owning the S&P 500.
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