Friday File: Pangea’s Wizard for Gold Riches?

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | September 13, 2024 7:28 pm

Daydreaming of a little gold royalty company with a trophy asset? Me, too...

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  • Member
    👍 111
    September 14, 2024 6:49 am
    Thanks Travis,always enjoy your gold analysis. I think it plays into my overall pessimistic view of the other market valuations. It's probably why some 7 years ago when I first started reading your posts Sandstorm was the first stock I bought (oh why didn't I buy your biggest position Berkshire instead :-( ) I think you were talking about Hot Maden then. I'm losing hope that it will be running before I leave this mortal coil :-)
    1. Member
      👍 22317
      September 14, 2024 4:38 pm
      That one has certainly demanded some patience. I remain somewhat assured that Nolan Watson has been saying that they've already bought their growth, so they'll likely just be paying down debt and holding off on major deals for a while... but there's always some danger of a big cowboy move.Bad luck comes to all the big royalty companies from time to time, as we've seen with Franco-Nevada and Cobre Panama most recently, but they're also the only gold companies that I feel comfortable holding for a long time -- they're not as inherently value-destructive as most of the established mining companies. Of course, they also don't go up as fast when things are booming, usually.
  • Member
    👍 87
    September 15, 2024 10:24 am
    AMRK was my best pick in the gold sector this year, well above RGLD.
    1. Member
      👍 22317
      September 16, 2024 10:41 am
      That's a different type of firm -- more of a commodity trading company, right? Interesting call, sort of a play on the interest in gold rather than the gold price itself.

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