written by reader Just getting Started

by Snow907 | September 17, 2024 6:48 am

To be trueful still very new to investing personally (since July this year) as before I just did tsp through work and still do and put it out of my mind. But now been cutting back on pretty much everything and so having a couple of hundred dollars a month extra I decided to try investing on my own through Robinhood[1]. Since I consider it disposable income I treat it like I do when I go to Vegas gain or lose it all it won’t hurt since it’s just money saved from not going out as often as I used to.

I did get FOMOed into Motely Fool Epic before I found this site and am so far okay with it.
I will admit I am suspectable to fomo so been trying to avoid emails with more subscriptions and put that money towards investing.

I am not looking for the quick buck. One of the things that drew me to Motely Fool was their investing philosophy. I am a bit on the aggressive side and don’t mind waiting for something to show profit even long shots but don’t really have the patience to do in-depth research on my own.
For instance my 3rd stock purchase was LASE at under $2 just because I saw a commercial and at that price I didn’t mind and thought it looked interesting.

So any suggestions on where I should go from here.

  1. Robinhood: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/robinhood/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2024/09/microblog-just-getting-started/

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  • Member
    👍 496
    September 17, 2024 1:29 pm
    I'm 907 too. I lost a lot of money on startups during my first few years of investing. Today (instead of toxic regret), I call that my cost of "tuition."Since you asked, my suggestion - what has gradually built me a livable retirement over the years - is don't buy any stocks that someone's trying to push on you. Don't read (or pay for) ANY "newsletters" at all (but do get a lifetime subscription to Gumshoe).Then build a portfolio of good quality, slow-growing companies when their prices are right. An easy way to identify some of these - look at the LARGER holdings in the Real Money Portfolio. This isn't necessarily "sexy" or "exciting", but you WILL be able to retire comfortably someday.Forget about FOMO, and don't listen to someone's get-rich-quick story. Just like Vegas stories, they probably didn't tell you how many times they had to lose, just to get that one big win.And don't judge by the share PRICE. A $100 stock is often a better deal than a $2 stock. It's ok to buy just one share.
    1. Member
      September 19, 2024 6:30 am
      Would you think it better to spread out at first or just focus on a few?

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