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“Billion-Dollar Mountain of Silver Trading for Under $1!” (McCoach)

Sniffing out "The Most Explosive Junior Silver Stock of 2012" teased by Greg McCoach's Mining Speculator

When it comes to resource stocks, the way to get people excited is by saying that you can buy a massive stockpile of X (oil, silver, gold, lead, whatever) for a fraction of its real value. If you can make that kind of promise, you’ll get at least some investors excited … even if the market is uneasy or even if commodity-related stocks are getting clobbered (as most of them are now).

So that’s what’s happening here in today’s tease from Greg McCoach. McCoach was fairly early to what is now a crowded marketplace of mining stock newsletters with his relatively low-cost Mining Speculator, which launched right around the time of the tech bubble’s burst a dozen years ago and therefore caught on to at least some of the excitement of gold’s almost constant rise over the past decade. He’s picked and teased some stinkers and poor performers, to be sure, including stocks like Canadian Zinc that illustrate the potential difficulty of permitting and building mines even in mining-friendly countries where a deposit has already been identified, or MetalCORP, which is one of the many metals explorers that never recovered from the 2008 crash … but he has also teased a few stocks that did very well (at least in the short term) and one or two longer-term winners.

Frankly, mining is a terrible business, particularly at the bottom of the pyramid where the tiny startup companies are operating — rife with failure, delays, cost overruns and funding challenges and filled with companies run by pathological optimists … but, of course, it’s also one of the few sectors that offers investors the possibility of short-term returns of several hundred percent or more, with the bonus that commodity explorers are also generally leveraged to positive moves in commodity prices. So junior mining speculators take the good with the bad, research obsessively as they scan the latest core samples or drilling results or water rights disputes, and hope that they’re smart enough or lucky enough to sift out the winners … or, at least, that they’ll have enough winners to make up for the fact that they’re destined to choose some stocks that don’t find valuable resources, can’t produce those resources or can’t produce them at a low enough cost, or turn out to be scams.

So after that cheery intro, how do you feel about finding out who Greg McCoach’s new silver favorite is? We’ve come this far, might as well actually reveal the deep, dark secrets.

The underlying promise, shared in the emails that link to McCoach’s ad as well as by McCoach himself, is that silver is going to go up … and probably go up a lot … even more than gold, which every mining newsletter also believes will eventually resume its rise. That’s based on the fact that silver went up more dramatically than gold over the last couple years, and on the historical gold/silver ratio that is still out of whack because of Gold’s much more dramatic rise over the long term.

I don’t know whether silver will return to the historic price of roughly 1/16th the price of gold (and I mean really historic, based on some pretty sketchy numbers going back centuries), partly because it’s the ultimate in supply-side thinking and doesn’t take into account the wildly varying demand for gold and silver in the “post-real-money” era (meaning, ever since gold and silver stopped being widely used as money — which is roughly the last 50-80 years, depending on where you draw the line). You could also argue that silver, as the more useful metal, is the one that’s priced more rationally, which would mean gold would have to come down dramatically to return that ratio to historic norms. I don’t know that we should rely that much on a ratio that has wavered from 10 to 100 over the last 100 years, but there are plenty of people who do put a lot of stake in it as the “real” ratio because it reflects the roughly 10 or 20-1 ratio between silver and gold in the earth’s crust, and the similar ratio in the numbers of ounces of in-ground reserves that have been identified by miners.

I do own some gold and silver personally, and I’m not arguing that they should go up or down right now, or that it’s impossible for silver go to to $100 in the near future … I’m just throwing a little bit of sand in the works to slow down the gears enough that you can think it over. Nothing is as easy or as predictable as the enticing price projections and charts that most newsletter ads use.

But anyway, that’s the short argument: Silver has gone up more, and it will go up more, says McCoach (in his words, “junior silver stocks are poised to skyrocket even higher than junior gold stocks”). And silver has certainly been far more volatile and exciting than gold. So what’s this silver miner that he thinks you should buy?

Well, he tosses out a lovely supply of clues:

“An Opportunity SO Rare, Most Investors Will Only Have This One Chance to Cash In…

“Billion-Dollar Mountain of Silver Trading for Under $1! ….

“Major buzz is starting to filter its way through the mining community…

“Just 15 miles southwest of a huge $5 BILLION silver deposit in mining-friendly Peru, one tiny exploration company has hit the precious metals jackpot…

“Having staked 46 claims in a site that spans 25,291 acres, they’ve quietly uncovered what could be a huge mountain of silver.

“It’s a massive 35 million ounce silver discovery currently valued at an impressive $1.1 BILLION — and growing quickly.

“In fact, I think this mountain could hold several hundred millions of ounces of silver.

“Even better, you can scoop up shares of this explosive stock right now for under $1 a share…”

Rare, explosive and under a buck? Well, who can resist?

Some more details about this company that we can toss into the ol’ Thinkolator:

“… not only does this company have exclusive 100% rights to what could be one of the world’s largest remaining untapped deposits of silver… but it’s also one of the richest silver finds on the planet….

“… small company with a market cap just shy of $35 million…. You could see gains of 2,496% once investors catch wind of this fast-moving small cap situation, turning every $5,000 into $124,800 …

“… all 15 holes they drilled except for one came up with high-grade silver. So we may have a conservative estimate here….

“It’s one of the richest silver belts on the planet… and it’s home to several world-class silver mines.

“In fact, to the southwest of this company’s site is Cerro de Pasco, Peru’s fourth largest silver mine and one of the biggest in all of South America.

“Plus this company’s site is mere miles from a massive $5 billion silver deposit that’s currently being exploited by Buenaventura Mining, a ‘senior’ gold and silver producer. So this is an area that’s absolutely teeming with mining activity.

“Currently, our tiny silver company is exploring two separate mineral zones at its vast site.

“The first zone contains the massive 35 million ounce deposit of silver, which, as I said earlier, is just the tip of the iceberg.

“The company’s CEO says mineralization has a width of 100 meters near the surface and extends as far down as a whopping 200 meters.”

So … that ought to be enough clues and enticement, right? What’s the company?

Well, in the clues go — the Thinkolator is humming along nicely, not too long now … and there, our answer comes spitting out: this is Tinka Resources (TK in Canada, TKRFF on the pink sheets).

And yes, as teased, it is teensy, with a market cap now of about $36 million and a share price just over 50 cents — so if you decide you love it, be careful. Over the last three months this stock has traded less than $100,000 worth of shares most days (and far less than that on the pink sheets), so it wouldn’t take too many Gumshoe readers, who are undoubtedly at least as wealthy as they are witty and good looking, to move the stock price if they decided to buy the shares. I don’t know when McCoach first mentioned this one to his subscribers, but we’re right in the middle of the 30-70 cent range it has bounced around in for the first half of this year and volume picked up considerably in February and March (which also coincided, to be fair, with some a bunch of news — mostly drilling results).

The big silver project that McCoach is teasing is the Colquipucro project in Peru, which is a potential silver, zinc and lead mine — and the basic info that McCoach teases is an exact match for how they describe themselves on the website — 15 drill holes, all but one finding pay dirt (or pay rock, I guess); 46 claims over 25,291 acres (though the company uses hectares as their measure, so it’s the equivalent 10,234.85 ha — seems McCoach’s copywriter was trying to throw us off the scent by converting units of measurement, a common tactic); and the general descriptions of the rich veins of silver mineralization found. So I’m quite sure the Thinkolator’s answer is correct this time around.

Though it’s worth noting, the company itself so far claims only about 20 million ounces of inferred resources in their official NI 43-101 filints (which themselves are four or five years old) — though I have seen vague commentary that they think there’s at least enough possible resource to bump that first site up into the 30-35 million ounce area, so I suspect that’s what McCoach is using as his source for the 35 million ounces.

We know, of course, that silver spread throughout rock under a couple hundred feet of dirt isn’t as valuable as silver that’s been turned into a coin or a lovely piece of flatware, so it’s absurd to go straight to the 35 million “possible” ounces of silver in the ground and say that number should be multiplied by the price of silver, about $30, to say the company is worth a billion dollars. Absurd … but also, of course, the kind of lust-inducing verbiage that pretty much all the mining newsletters use. All explorers are worth a small fraction of the theoretical value of the metal (or whatever) in the ground, and always will be (why? Uncertainty about what’s really there, the cost of extraction, the long time it takes to get permits and build infrastructure and build a mine, the cost of processing ore, the uncertainty about what prices will be in ten years when they actually produce metal, the fact that almost all miners dilute like crazy to raise money for development, etc. etc.).

But that doesn’t mean the company isn’t worth checking out — it just means that the idea that there’s a “real” value of a billion dollars hiding in this explorer is ridiculous (and yes, if the share price rose by the teased possible 2,496% noted above, it would be right up around a billion dollars in market capitalization … assuming they hadn’t also sold more shares along the way, which they almost certainly will). So that’s not going to happen … but is the stock worthwhile?

Well, it’s early days and I’m no mining expert — but they are in a big silver mining district and they do have a large area to explore with some good drilling results so far. That doesn’t make them unique, but there is some “there” there — whether it’s worth $35 million right now, or more or less, is your choice to make (it’s your money, after all — and many of you know a lot more about mining than I do). If you want an optimistic snippet the Gold Report folks have summarized a few of the pundit commentaries on Tinka here (including McCoach’s), and the company itself is very self-delighted (as they all are) in their presentation here.

Personally, I’ve recognized that I don’t want to learn enough about geology to become a junior mining stock expert or ride in helicopters to stare meaningfully at core samples (that’s largely why I tend to invest in the more diversified financiers, prospect generators and royalty companies instead — so with silver I’d probably look first at Silver Wheaton (SLW), though I don’t now own it) … so I’ll just ID the stocks for you that the mining letters are teasing, and open up the floor for comments. Anyone think Tinka looks good? Bad? Don’t be shy now …



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September 6, 2012 10:38 am

Bear Creek Mining fell drastically because the Peruvian government withdrew the licence Bear Creek had obtained (people 250 miles south of their new mine barricaded roads, etc because they believed the mine would poison the environment. BC are taking legal action against the Peruvian government. Who knows ….

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
September 18, 2012 4:13 pm

Six magic words ” Fool and his Money soon parted”
If ya want a good BIO Pharma on the NASDAQ and not some PUMPED crap OTCBB , Pink or Canadian LOOK into ANTH …… BIG MONEY can be made with this one …..not some pipe dream crap! Do your own research on ANTH!

Brother Jim
June 1, 2013 12:11 pm
Reply to  Slick Rick

Meanwhile, seven months later, ANTH has lost about half its value. Just sayin’.

October 3, 2012 8:53 am

Speculating to me is like fishing, the thrill the bite ,the sweet words fish on, your senses go to a new level, the words call over to you don’t let him turn keep the line taught and everyone who has used that word has a different meaning then you hear get the net easy he’s seen us he’s making a run keep the line taught new meaning now ,new senses also don’t let him got the net right here, turn good job you got him boy it’s a big one how can you tell the water is so dark cause it is heavy oh yeh gotta be keeper heavy , oh my gosh got him it’s a turtle yeh a turtle you hooked hi in the back leg, I knew it was heavy well cut him loose, heck no that fishing guide said 3 dollars if we catch him a turtle. Back at camp guide says you got turtle good here’s your 3 dollars Canadian ,guide gives turtle to son tell mom to cook hey how did that fancy finder fish thing work seen lots of fish they just where not biting, guide says no fish in lake just turtles good eating you did not want a guide cause of new finder a fish box, just turtles here you don,t see any little ducks , but we wanted some fish but you did not want guide I wold have got some fish, where are they, you want guide now yes we want guide . W e eat good fresh turtle then catch fish. After lunch and rest guide says we go catch fish now get your truck about 1an half mile down road lake has lots fish we go now, but why do you camp on this lake well he says like turtle soup, then they go catch lots of fish . Know your geologist well or turn many locals especially when playing with local dirt and the local land! (NYSE) SAND , PPP, PZG, TGW AND LOTS OF DUE DILIGENCE.

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November 27, 2012 2:30 pm

Travis, this is a thank you for your insights. You have actually saved me hundreds of dollars. You give me “the other side of the story”. I tend to get caught up in a well-written , rosy view newsletter teaser. I need the voice of reason and you provide that for me. Thank you so much. Alison

👍 22351
December 8, 2012 10:14 pm

Everyone will have noticed the gold buying establishments that are sprouting up all over the place and funny enough in every country.
When you quiz them as to how much they are paying for your bent or broken gold its a fraction of what the current at the time price for gold is, everyone should be concerned about this as the poor working class are being stiffed monumentally on this scam, and come the 1st of January 2013 all will be revealed to that unsuspecting general public.
We are going back to the gold standard, all banks and governments will be required to hold gold in their vaults, and so the banks are vacuming up the loose gold out there from said public, if they were to openly buy on the international market the price would go thru the roof as it will post 1st January. As it is the gold buying by variouse governments has seen the price go up to $1700 an ounce and the projections are post January $8000 eitht thousand an ounce, so if you have broken bent gold, its still gold and at the moment $1700.
Think what will happen in say Greece or Spain with 25% unemployment and the people who have let their gold go for peanuts, when the 1st january happens and they realize theyve been had by the banks once again, to say revolution would be putting it mildly, and to know that the Establishment in variouse countrys has been in the know and quietly taking advantage of this inside knowledge, were in for some very interesting times.

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Andy Smailes
Andy Smailes
January 4, 2013 6:14 am
Reply to  healthscare

McCoach is seriously out in his melodramatic calls for silver to go higher. When it approached $50 dollars a year or so ago he was shrieking for it to double in a month. I question what his own holdings are.

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Jack Russell
Jack Russell
January 20, 2013 7:16 pm
Reply to  Andy Smailes

He was early. But time will tell how prescient he is. Of course, you don’t have to be a seer to figure out that gold and silver have quite a run ahead of them. All you have to do is look around and see if anyone is printing ‘money’ out of thin air.

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McCoach is a liar
McCoach is a liar
March 4, 2013 2:22 pm
Reply to  Jack Russell

true but there is timing then theres timing. We all ultimately know the price will rise with time but a broken clock is right twice a day. He needs to qualify a timeframe

March 2, 2013 11:02 am

interested in buying silver stock shares,what do i do next…thank you.

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March 2, 2013 12:48 pm

good day,please advise me on how do i go about purchaseing silver stocks as an investment.

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May 25, 2013 12:09 pm

CAREFULLY with lots of DD!!!

👍 18
March 24, 2013 1:03 pm

BUY PHYSICAL ON DIPS. I feel relatively certain that holding an ounce in your hand is much better than buying a stock in a country that could nationalize reserves in the ground and leave you with nothing. The added costs in smelting will also weigh heavy on the miners as we go forward. Inflation, which is what is needed to advance precious metals, will also cause energy cost to advance increasing the production costs that limit the profit margins on even the most efficient miners. Of all the paper mining investments I would only choose one with a royalty program like Silver Wheaton where the cost of mining has less of an influence on company profits.

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April 23, 2013 1:32 pm

Thanks for saving me 50 dollars on the MS news letter.

May 25, 2013 12:14 pm

Hey Travis – Someone on the Tinka Resources (TKRFF) says you’re touting Tinka as a way of selling your newsletter. Is this true?

👍 18
June 1, 2013 10:23 am

Just had to say “Thank you” once again for saving me from jumping into a subscription that was useless (have many of them) Keep up the good work .

June 27, 2013 9:51 am

Great site guys. I have a pretty good junior mining stock pick myself. I have gone the whole 9 yards on this little baby. TAG OIL. They have hit Black Gold in New Zealand. They have 11 wells and counting. I certainly think this small mining company is going places. All the best of luck to all you Savy investers. Lol From OZ

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Myron Martin
June 27, 2013 10:15 am

Nice to get confirmation from a local re TAG OIL, see my article coming out to-morrow for the irregulars re N. Zealand black gold. Not to be outdone, will be profiling a great Canadian pick with natural gas holdings that are highly profitable even if price retreats to $3. range.

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September 30, 2013 10:48 am

The Tinka story—it’s baaaaaack.
The price of TKRFF has subsided to about 50 cents after hitting ~1.20 back in April.

October 1, 2013 5:41 pm
Reply to  Dave

TINKA is not back, it never left. The promo from McCoach has been running for years with very little change. I agree with an earlier commenter that McCoach needs to quantify his timing, but in fairness, the last 18 months are unprecedented as a market experience.
The KEY is separating company fundamentals from market sentiment. Junior miners have to be assessed very differently from the way establishment analysts rate regular stocks. McCoach is very good at identifying early stage stocks, but it takes a lot of patience and sometimes nimble trading to realize profits when the market is as fickle as it has been the past 18 months. These are essentially “trading vehicles” as opposed to buy and hold stocks you may find in dividend paying long established profitable companies. There will be some very happy campers when Tinka finally gets developed into a mine, but it may take a great deal of patience to see that day, and maybe some “sitting out time” at various stages of its development. Sone very astute analysts other than McCoach see a potential for a deposit reaching several hundred million oz. of silver, and WHEN (not if) the market turns positive those holding a few thousand shares at to-days prices will be happy campers indeed.

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👍 418
October 1, 2013 2:34 am

Beware of the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing. Always do your own research & be very careful of any pump & dump stocks. Beware of any patterns in any newsletters that seem to pump these stocks. Those who read more know more. Knoledge is priceless$$$$$

October 1, 2013 5:50 pm
Reply to  Bosko

I think the most important thing you said was; “Those who read more know more.” but having recommended TAG OIL myself 6 weeks or so ago, the fact remains that any stock in the junior field in particular can make a U turn in either direction and frequently do so!
Any stock you want to talk about, somebody will be cursing an analyst because their TIMING was not perfect, even though the stock itself may pay off big IF it is bought at the right price and also SOLD at a profit when available instead of hanging on indefinitely.

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👍 418
October 2, 2013 5:40 am
Reply to  takeprofits

That’s very true. Tag Oil first got my attention when it was at just $2.73. I think their is alot potentional in this little baby.

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Alan Coburn
October 5, 2013 10:39 am

just got back from peru again amazon jungle. you people do a wonderful service but there’s always a but. why would you promote a person like mc coach he belongs in prison for the people he’s misled.
ps i even looked for him in mirsflores the only real safe place outside of lima. i should have gone to the markets to see if anybody was in trying to sharpen darts
al coburn
ps i have a couple of sreen doors for sale for submarines call me after you try them if they don’t work i’ll even pick up the shipping

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October 6, 2013 1:59 am

First of all. Who the hell is mc? & i dont need any submarines screen doors. But a millon dollars would be nice. I do my own research on these stocks & i believe that Tag Oil is on the right track but dont take my word for it. People should always do their own research. I have been watching this stock for well over 6 months. Like the old saying goes. Its not all gold that shines. One thing i got taught was never trust politions & ceos large coperations.

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October 6, 2013 7:54 am

I don’t disagree with anything you have said, McCoach is largely irrelevant, it is really the fundamentals of the company that actually count, and those who have done their homework are probably the ones who found a good entry point and have made money with Tinka.
The disgruntled analyst bashers are probably the ones who invested blindly on a glowing report that failed to evaluate market sentiment at the time, or they did not have the patience to hold until the thesis was proven up. As for screen doors for submarines, there is a product on the market than you can spray on screen doors to make them waterproof, their ads even show them sailing a leaky rowboat with a screen door sprayed with their product as a patch.

👍 418
October 13, 2013 4:41 pm

Have done a little further research given all the comments on McCoach and Tinka:
There has been quite a bit of chatter on the website about Greg McCoach and his Tinka recommendation and I see a tendency to focus in with a very narrow and short term view while ignoring the BIG PICTURE. I have been stressing that investors need to separate company fundamentals from current market sentiment, while holding a long term view!
In hockey terms, Wayne Gretzky’s perspective of skating to where the play is going rather than where it is, and by analogy that is what we as investors need to do, anticipate the play and position ourselves for profit. In fairness to Greg McCoach I think he has precisely that kind of perspective and here is some excerpts from an interview where he expresses his frustration with the current situation as well as I could myself.
I can find little fault in his perspective, he acquits himself very well, and neither do I disagree with his stock picks and evaluations, I hold most of them myself, but not on his recommendation except for Tinka, others I planned on profiling when I see a good buy point for the ones still on my watch list.

“TGR: You have recommended that investors reduce their portfolios “to just a few of the highest quality stocks as we await the recovery.” What are the criteria that determine the highest quality stocks?
GM: Companies with plenty of cash on hand that don’t need to raise money right now. It is almost impossible to raise money in this sector at this juncture. Look for companies that are producing from high-grade projects with low costs, companies that will make money even if gold and silver go down further from current levels.

Even with companies like these, there is always something making things more difficult. There are a lot of great companies I like in Mexico, where the politicians are trying to change the laws to charge more taxes. Politicians have an insatiable appetite for other people’s money. It will affect companies in Mexico with low-grade projects to the point it may force them out of business.

TGR: When do you think the market will turn around?

GM: Things are not going to get better at least until 2014, and in the meantime a lot of juniors hanging by their fingernails are going to go out of business. That will solidify the market for the survivors. Maybe that is as it should be. I do believe that monies we’ve lost in this sector in the last two years can quickly be made up if investors maintain a position, or build positions, during these low times in the highest quality companies. Because when the market does recover, it is going to be a screamer.”

These are only a few paragraphs from a lengthy interview you can find @

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👍 418

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