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written by reader Stansberry’s Greg Diamonds new offering for Ten Baggers?

By jrose, May 21, 2024

Greg Diamond is claiming that he has called all of the last major market moves for the last several years.
He will be willing to share his expertise with you for $2,000.00. What is your take on his offer?
James Rose

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May 30, 2024 4:30 pm

His offer? Waste of money and extremely da5to your financial health.

IIRC correctly, his wins in 2024 YTD have been gains % 18 40 20 10 5.5% ” let’s take this gain off the table” and most recently 6.5% on SOXS. These are all small gains that he routinely “takes off the table” whenever he gets one which is usually when one of his losing positions pops barely into the green for some reason. Meanwhile, his open positions are all negative and his 2 current options positions at this writing are on track for -100% losses.

He has already realized -100% losses this year on CAT and AMD.. Not only that but he holds positions for months and does not cut losses so you are slowly, agonizingly losing money. Note that his gains only add up to a to 100% barely enough to offset just one of his 4 or more -100% losses.

His service has been and is still advertised as recommending multiple 100% winners but I have not had one since I subscribed in 2021.

I rated him poorly on writing not because of his grammar and vocabulary but because he writes interminably about incomprehensible bullshit about Gann and Eliott Wave and how great it and he is. Other writins are his many “Game Plan Updates” where he tells us he is “waiting to see (whatever)” like the PCE update tomorrow. The other thing is his ridiculous excessively volubulous (like all his stuff) “Weeky Market Outlook “. If I recall correctly, the March 18 WMO predicted a bear market in precious metals because the silver chart was diverging from the gold chart.

Many traders know that silver actually lags gold, and don’t need Mr. Gann or Mr. Elliot to tell us that.
So if you listened to him you would have been out of precious metals and be missing the current record -break8ng rally.

Like all Stansberry “analysts”, he writes multiple pages, almost books, of bullshit instead of giving us good recommendations.
All my other seviecs give only the recommendation and/or limit the stuff I have to read to 1 page.

I am an active options trader. I use several options sevices all with an over 80%+ win rate. Diamond egotisticaly bragged about his 62% win rate that is little better than a coin flip.

Most of the wins range from about +60% to 100% plus, and losses get cut to about -50% or less. And the wins don’t take weks or months to happen. Diamond buys many options 4 months out. If the recommendation us good you shouldn’t need 4 months. If it is bad you should be out long before that.

Just yesterday I bought a TJX June 21 strike 103 call for $1.00, it was $2.50 today. That is from another options service. It is the kind 9f trade TST advertises but fails to deliver.

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👍 7
May 30, 2024 8:16 pm
Reply to  Robert43623

Sorry about the typos. Iam new here today and don’t know how to edit them out yet (or if I can?).

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👍 9
August 28, 2024 4:35 pm
Reply to  Robert43623

Robert, which option service alerts do you use and like? Are you buying just call or put options? I have a short list of services that I can share with you that I do like. The services I have used in the past use call or put options. Nothing fancy.

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👍 71
August 29, 2024 9:37 am
Reply to  garagedoor

I buy calls and puts, but I also sell naked puts and do spreads. I have a “short list” of services also, distilled from several years of experience and a fair amount of money lost.

I would like to compare and share lists. Email me at

August 29, 2024 11:19 am
Reply to  Robert

emailing you with my guru’s – hope to hear from you on yours

👍 24
August 29, 2024 2:52 pm
Reply to  Karen

Hi Karen, I just sent Robert an email regarding the option services I use and have used in the past with a complete explanation on each. I told Robert to include you and I on his email. Lets see how that goes.

👍 71
August 29, 2024 9:40 am
Reply to  garagedoor

Oops. Posted my answer without logging in, so it posted as “guest”.

👍 7
August 28, 2024 12:38 pm

And this one just hit my inbox: “Our friend and colleague, Ten Stock Trader editor Greg Diamond, is debuting a new free presentation that you won’t want to miss.”

Same old song or something new??

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