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Velocity Trader

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Rating: 2.2/5. From 33 votes.
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Rating from 147 votes
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Rating: 2.2/5. From 33 votes.
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Daniel Paterson
Daniel Paterson
February 7, 2010 11:58 am

I would love to know exactly where I find this “turbo cap niche market”? I have never in all the time that I received solicitations from from Taipan or Agora seen such misleading drivel as I have from this service. Making claims of +1000% returns, what a load. How many of you options traders have ever had consistent returns of over 1000%? How pathetic that they resort to this type of misleading advertising to draw people in. Call this service what it is, an option service. Turbo Caps!!! Grow up you guys, you should be ashamed of yourself, and Zach you should be a little more attentive to what you lend your name to, if I was one of your clients Id be questioning my decision to let you handle my money.

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April 1, 2010 11:14 am

when cooper was running death cross trader, he called the top of subprime, the fall of the dow through 12,500 (despite Taipan idea that the Dow was going to 16k), and called for the UK economy and its banks to implode. they should seriously bring cooper back. made a ton of money with him. Zach’s track record is full of -100% losers.

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defrauded joe
defrauded joe
September 21, 2010 4:03 pm

What a loser this is I wish I had read the reviews before I subscribed. I could have lost less money if I had chosen stocks myself. What an idiot the guy running this is. He reminds me of a con man salesman. And idiot that I am I fell for it but only for a few months. I feel sorry for those who do subscribe and I doubt that it is around much longer. What a waste. Even when I asked a question it was ignored and it took 4 emails to cancel the service. At least they did refund me the subscription for the unused time. Still I feel sorry for subscribers who listen to his pronouncements. HE is quick to say one has doubled their money but has nothing to say about the multitude of losers.

defrauded joe
defrauded joe
September 21, 2010 4:08 pm

This is a con operation as far as I am concerned. I should have read the comments here before I subscribed. I marked consistency so high because it was consistently bad. WE should all get together and tar and feather Zach. I do not see how he can continue to spout out his enthusiastic choices. HOW can he live with himself??

Dave Schneider
Dave Schneider
January 4, 2011 7:08 pm

Just finished a year with this guy and if you invested $1000 in each option he recommended (and sold at the exact time his e-mail hit your in box), you would have made 58 trades during the year and walked away with an ROI of -12.5% (worse if you didn’t get out exactly when his “get out now” e-mails arrived)! And that was with a lucky streak in the past 3 months because he was horrible in the first half of the year. If you want to make money with this service, just do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he recommends. I did it a couple of times to great benefit. Other than that, he’s just a guy with opinions trying to get lucky like any gambler. What irritates me most is that when he does get lucky and has a decent gain, they’ll ignore all the failure and tout what a great service it is (another 145% winner!). Meanwhile, you’re likely losing your shirt.

November 22, 2018 8:24 am
Reply to  Dave Schneider

Sorry for your loss, but these kind of creatures don’t give a s—t about what they do to others finances, just as long as they collect their $$$$$.

It’s all about finding a way to get others to release their money and people like Jim Finks, Harry Dent, et. al., etc have found their way into our wallets and selling us their bull—it that makes them a fortune and leaves us standing in the mist of WTF!!!!

I also worked with him and lost my ass. I did’t have one winner, all losses, but you don’t see these kind of post displayed.

E-mail marketing is frought with scum bag marketers feeding on investors just looking to make their fair share of winning investments. With Jim Finks, loosing is the norm and winning investments are far and few between.

Investors, RUN, don’t WALK away from these garbage peddlers because the only ones making real money is them.

Common sense tells you if they have such a great system they would be keeping it to themselves and/or friends and family, not the general public.


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January 14, 2011 4:54 am

I tried one of their services and missed this little line in the sign-up:
“If you aren’t completely thrilled with the service, just let me know and I’ll give you a prompt refund… minus a 10% registration fee… no questions asked.”
10% “registration fee”… So who makes money on this deal? The writer of the service! Now THAT is a no lose trade!

November 22, 2018 8:28 am
Reply to  Carter

10% to press a button on their keyboard, such bull—-t The money grab never stops.

December 30, 2019 4:42 pm
Reply to  Carter

I clearly read in the Velocity Trader pitch email the exact same line, and can 100% attest as these guys are 100% frauds. Signed up for Velocity Trader and within 2 weeks realized it’s complete BS. I called to cancel and I evidently have a “personal liaison”, in other words the guy who signed me up for the service. He promptly informed me that they would happy to cancel my subscription, but SORRY NO REFUNDS. I brought up the aforementioned line in the email, and he not only denied that it existed, he stated I agreed upon signing up as to their NO REFUND POLICY.
So, now it’s under dispute with VISA.
Avoid these scam artists.
See my post on HOW Jim Fink operates, and how it’s easy to spot once your in their clutches.

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👍 62
May 30, 2011 11:00 am

I always wanted to be involved with options and a newsletter by an experienced trader made sense. You know, just let them do all the work. Long story short, it’s been a disaster. I’ve had one or two soso’s but mostly losers. I’ve noticed however, that when a recommendation is made it almost always looses value immediately before starting to rebound. The latest recommendation to buy “OPEN” July 80 puts up to $6.50 was currently trading for $4.70. I watched it for a few days and sure enough, you can currently pick them up for $3.20. I’m still hesitant though since Netflix and others were total disaster recommendations. It’s a crap shoot no doubt.

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kevin weddington
April 7, 2012 10:36 am

This service stinks. Poor picks that go south as soon as I bought them. They do appoligize
a lot. I canceled after 2 months of losses.

February 10, 2018 3:24 pm

Was Velocity Trader formerly called Death Cross Trader ?
I looked it up. Death Cross was doing poorly, so it was
renamed Velocity Trader.

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👍 173
January 25, 2020 8:53 am
Reply to  jillsami

No it was never called Death Cross Trader. It was initially named Velocity Trader and still is.

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August 22, 2018 12:12 pm

Don’t waste your money on Velocity Trader. I’m down $5,000 including the subscription fee. A very expensive lessons in vertical spreads that are much cheaper and easier to learn. Occasional iron condor. Also, the chat section is so punitive to newbie questions…all you see are fill confirmations and then the occasional curt reply to the “idiot” that asks a question that’s been answered before.

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Chris Stubbs
Chris Stubbs
October 13, 2018 10:25 am
Reply to  James

Hi James
I agree don’t waste your money. I have autotraded Velocity Trader for 2 months and Im down $8,000 trading conservatively as suggested by Jim Fink.

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Chris Stubbs
Chris Stubbs
October 13, 2018 10:27 am

Don’t waste your money on VT. The reality is not what think. I have had very poor results. Down $8K in 2 months following advice on position sizing from Jim Fink.

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October 30, 2018 9:17 pm

Horrible service and Jim is extremely rude and not helpful at all. The forum deletes any questions that Jim instructs them to delete. He is also quite rude when he does respond. Also the service has produced extremely poor results. I have lost more than $6K in 3 months using his system. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY WITH VELOCITY TRADER.

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Allan Jiracek
March 26, 2019 9:23 pm

Does this system have something to do with warrants? I was thinking it has to and you can’t trade warrant with every and any stock. All’s you have to do is ask your broker if the stock offers warrants.

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December 30, 2019 5:03 pm

Hopefully this post will help someone avoid this trap, Velocity Trader, an absolute con job.
The initial pitch is enticing, trade recommendations for options with a history of 100% winners. Double your money on these recommendations from an experienced millionaire trader.

Here’s the thing folks. Velocity trader is simply this – recommendations on credit and debit spread options, period.
But, the recommendations are losers. It doesn’t take long, 2 weeks for me, to see the writing on the wall.
Every Tuesday the “recommendations” are sent out, typically on short term option spreads.
But, here’s the kicker. A close look into the active options portfolio of Velocity Trader shows an alarming trend through the service. Spread roll overs into new spreads, a very high percentage being losing spreads rolled into higher (I.e. more money out of pocket on top of that lost in the initial trade). This is the ONLY consistency I found in the portfolio, and only one recommendation showing a 20% gain after multiple such roll overs.

So, I started trading the recommendations in my paper trading account. Overall, I would have been down 17% so far, however if I had followed the additional recommendations it would have been another 22% into losing spreads.

And like clockwork those roll over recommendations flow out like clock work, losers every single one.

I did find a couple of 100% winners after looking through the portfolio though. However, that 100% win came after multiple rollovers which might have brought the overall trade to break even.

Terrible system, failed recommendations and unethical sales and customer support. Avoid these people.

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👍 62
June 7, 2020 5:13 pm
Reply to  lburson

So would it be profitable to simply trade exactly opposite Jim’s recommendations?

Jack Brehmer
Jack Brehmer
January 11, 2022 8:19 am

Velocity profit multiplier

Danny Erskine
Danny Erskine
February 9, 2023 3:16 pm

Jim Fink, Velocity Trader, so glad I found this out before I fell for his investment practices.

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May 30, 2023 8:03 pm

I made the BIG mistake of subscribing to Jim Fink’s Velocity Trader April 2023 and I am here to tell you what Iburson wrote in the above initial comment on 12-30-19 is still totally true! Nothing has changed from what he wrote. This option service is the worst I’ve ever encountered. The complex 4-leged options spreads he comes up with are almost always losers which he then has you ‘roll’ the losing contracts with new plays on the same stock to “have a chance of getting closer to break even”. Right, that’s what I spent $1000 for so I can maybe break even on bad trades. This is usually throwing good money after bad.

I started to worry I had made a mistake the day after I subscribed for one year at a non-refundable $1000 and I got a call from my ‘rep’ who gave me a full-court press to spend another $1000 to upgrade to a lifetime subscription. They did this wisely before I had a chance to even place my first trade! They bait the upgrade hook with the promise of a one hour one-on-0ne consult on how to make the best use of the service. When I declined because I wanted to try it out for a while first, my customer service rep would not answer even basic questions I had (like ‘what’s an iron condor trade?’ that Fink uses a lot). No lifetime upgrade = no customer support.

I do not act on any of Fink’s new trades as most weeks I get an email with instructions on rolling four recent losing trades. You’d think by now he’d figure out that his ‘system’ is broken. I have no idea how they stay in business except to con newbies into lifetime subscriptions. If only I’d checked Gumshoe before wasting my $1k. But you, friend, have now been warned!

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👍 66
July 31, 2023 8:19 pm

This is about Jim Fink’s program called Velocity Trader published by Investing Daily which is apparently managed by Phil Ash, the interviewer in their video ad. By the way, Mr. Ash opens the interview pretending to be a neutral third party who reviewed the claims of Mr. Fink.

Mr. Fink’s idea sounds simple. He claims he was an attorney working for a large though unnamed law frim near the stock exchange. There he encountered traders who dealt in contracts for large option trades. These contracts depend on the price of the underlying stock going either up or down by the next Friday or the following Friday. To achieve their profit goals, they “deliberately create price moves” in the direction they need to make money. He claims to have figured out how to identify the contracts that depend on manipulating the market in this specific way. And, he figured out how to sell that information to people who pay him.

I chose not to pay almost $1,000 for only 1 year of this service because:
1. “Jim Fink” and “Paul Ash” do not offer a cash refund. Instead, they offer one more year free of what did not work the first year.
2. There is no verification by a neutral third party of the claims in their advertising video.
3. There are the poor ratings and comments on Stock Gumshoe.
4. Fink and Ash say they will give us FREE gifts or bonuses but only if we subscribe to their service. Paying for a service is paying for everything included in their offer. There is nothing FREE for a customer who PAYS for what is included in an offer.

As they say, every investment carries risks and I did not think their unverified claims justified the risk of my losing my money to them.

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robert powell
robert powell
August 21, 2023 9:32 pm

velocity trader offered at 995 but charged 1499. what happened

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