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written by reader Gold and Silver and Hard Assets after Trump’s Inauguration…2017

By hendrixnuzzles, January 23, 2017

This thread is a continuation of several threads posted previously by the author on gold and silver and hard asset investments. I am still a believer in hard assets. I also believe we are entering a period of inflation with continued dollar devaluation, higher interest rates, and a sluggish economy with chaotic dislocations. I believe there will be a lot of uncertainty and high volatility.

PURPOSE My intent is to find and discuss good mining and commodity ideas. Gold and silver remain a focus, but I want to achieve a more balanced approach still based on tangible commodities.

STEEL and IRON ORE…I believe Trump’s programs will benefit iron ore and steel. Stocks in this sector have been beaten down terribly but are rebounding. I am long VALE, a Brazilian company which is the world’s largest iron ore producer. I have been long Arcelor Mittal but do not have a position at the moment. Anybody know anything about cement and asphalt ?
COPPER, ZINC, PGM METALS…My very best conviction stock is Ivanhoe Mines IVPAF. I am completely comfortable with a large single position in IVPAF to cover these metals. However other investors may be uncomfortable with a small cap in sub-Saharan Africa. So I think it is beneficial to introduce other names even though I myself am not interested. Rio Tinto, Freeport-McMoran, Teck, Turquoise Hill, BHP and others come to mind. Travis, our host, is long Altius Minerals, and I have been also.
URANIUM…I’m bullish but the choices seem pretty limited. My top three investment-grade choices are Cameco first, then Cameco second, or my third pick would be Cameco. After that, you are speculating on small caps, or buying ETFS or funds comprised of Cameco and some small caps. At the moment, I am long Cameco and UEC.
LITHIUM…I am considering a long position in lithium. I have nothing to recommend at the moment, although I am strongly considering Galaxy, an Australian company. And I like Neometals, also an Australian, but it is difficult to get from my broker, who hates it when I want to buy obscure 50 cent companies on small foreign exchanges. If anybody’s got a great battery play, I am interested.
POTASH/FERTILIZER…very interested but they all seem pretty expensive. There has been consolidation but I have considered Agrium, Mosaic, and there is a German company whose name I forget at the moment (K&D? K&S?).
OIL AND GAS…I would like some very good conviction picks accompanied by strong reasons and decent research. This field is so big, we could get completely lost just tossing names around. I am somewhat worried about price weakness in the energy sector but feel that it is worthwhile to develop a point of view on a few companies. I have little experience although I made very good money in the past on XOM and CVX. Currently I would be interested in pipelines, LNG, or any other sector that someone knows something about. In natgas I like OGZPY.
SOLAR and WIND…really not too interested. The results depend too much on politics, the time frames seem too long. But I am not completely closed-minded on it if you have conviction on something.
COAL…same opinion as solar and wind, but the prices are low and depressed instead of hyped and high-flying. I am still stuck with some defaulted Arch Coal bonds that my financial advisor recommended. They went to ZERO. Now they are worth a Starbucks latte and a pastry. And no espresso shot in the latte, either.
AGRICULTURE…very interested. A large sector but really not too many choices if you rule out futures, like I do. I have a few obscure favorites, but no positions at present:
WHGPY (Chinese pork processor who bought Smithfield)
LAND (Gladstone Land, California farmland)
INCPY (Input Capital, a Canadian canola, streaming model).
Open to more conventional picks like ADM and DBA.
GOLD AND SILVER…my picks have been discussed at length previously. I follow these pretty closely. I am long royalty/streamers SAND, FNV, SLW, and OR; miners PVG, MAG; developers SA, CLASF, MRDCF, BALMF, KNTNF, and LXVMF; and I own PSLV and physical bullion. I swing trade big caps ABX and NEM.
DISCLOSURES. I am a retired executive and an amateur investor. I like both fundamental and technical analysis. I am a medium-term to long-term position player and prefer to discuss stock investment in that context. Please no minute-by-minute reports that oil is now 52.50 down 10 cents and the Iranians may suspend Ramadan next week so you are going long until the afternoon bell.

I am not an expert in any of the commodities discussed nor am I qualified to give advice.
Everyone makes mistakes and I make more than my share.Sometimes I change my mind.

When I post, I express my opinions and my positions. These are just that…they are my opinions and my positions. They are not advice or recommendations, which I remind you I am unqualified to make.

Opinions and positions are subject to change at any moment. That is quite unlike the pig-headed and foolish political convictions everybody carries around adamantly, and which change only rarely for unpredictable reasons that have nothing to do with logical thought or reasoned discussion.
Because of this, political developments can be introduced on this thread only when they have a clear bearing on the commodities or companies under discussion.

You are responsible for your decisions, and I am responsible for mine. Caveat emptor.

I would like to operate in a friendly, honest, and constructive atmosphere.
As thread moderator I reserve to myself the role of referee, censor, arbiter, and Grand Poobah, subject to the over-arching authority of Travis, who owns the site and who has on occasion exercised his right to ruthlessly censor and suppress my radical blatherings.

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.

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June 29, 2017 11:13 pm


Excellent article by Ted Butler on silver manipulation.

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👍 680
👍 9968
July 1, 2017 2:20 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The aim of doing away with cash is obvious…..its unaccountable so avoids/frustrates tax collection. I think gold is different. Theres soooo much gold squirreled away or just hanging around the wifes neck, that its starving the Indian economy of trillions of working capital. If that wealth was put to work, millions could be employed so taken out of starvation existance.

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👍 9968
June 30, 2017 10:03 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

They don’t necessarily have to “throw the US Constitution overboard”. I’ve seen2 or 3 different articles that advocate discontinuing the $100 dollar bill. What would that do to the black market. If the $100 could be discontinued the $50 wouldn’t be far behind.

👍 3700
👍 9968
July 1, 2017 1:44 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Spot on, HN!

Serious question: What can be done to force the government to go back to the Constitutional directive regarding money?

Just an aside: I wonder how much “money” the US actually has. We have lots of pieces of paper and electronic blips, but the fact that no one knows (to my knowledge) how much gold and silver the US has, I think we can be relatively sure that we have VERY little compared to what is issued as currency.

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👍 680
July 2, 2017 8:53 am

$NRG.V / $CMBPF (3/4 position) Nice little 13% move on Friday! Perhaps the next batch of results are ready to be made public? [Sorry. Having trouble formatting this post]

The other exploration play I had mentioned is Zonte Minerals. $ZON.V / $EREPF(full position) I didn’t write up much about it before, but for anyone interested in learning more, here is a board dedicated to Zonte on Ron Struther’s site: Actually, last time I posted a link the post never got through moderation so I will let you look for it yourself. Go to playstock . net and access the $$LOUNGE section. Then search for Zonte Metals. JimB has copied some posts there from a another site written by the guy who staked Zonte’s McConnells Jest claim and he is excited about it. I will copy one of his posts below.

“Ron Struthers, of course, gives us the professional insights into Zonte and why it is such a strategic buy. But looking back over hardrockclaim’s posts on yahoo, this one from February, 2017, is a great one to keep in mind, as hardrockclaim is Bill Carson who, as he says, originally recognized, staked, and advanced the claim. He did so with experience on the Victoria claim that neighbors their property. Quote begins here:

“Time to jump in !!

Rallies followed by adjustments are par for venture stock. I’m not a reliable source of info on the duration of the current rally. BUT on a longer timeframe I will share what is public knowledge. My thoughts relate only to the McJ property… anything from Columbia or Wings Point is certainly “live” and may play a very positive role though. I will share what the”public knowledge” as follows. I recognized, staked and advanced McJ… but prior to that I have had boots on the ground and spent time in the core shack at the neighboring Dublin Gulch property (Victoria Gold and Eagle deposit etc). Mc J has an Intrusion twice the size, mirrors the mineralization styles at Dublin Gulch, seems to have much stronger grab sample results, a higher concentration of vein systems and most importantly the “carapace: containing the Lions share of mineralization within these systems is contained there, within the brittle carapace. Results in the heart of the McJ intrusion are found only on the steep plunging sides of the intrusion at Dublin Gulch (Olive and Shamrock zones). The Eagle deposit itself is an upended block of said carapace that was spared from erosion. McJust appears to still be, at least partially, “roofed”. It has every chance of eclipsing the neighboring deposit. Who knows for sure until more work is done… but the clues from the science speak volumes. Add in the fact that McJ is very close to infrastructure, has high potential for other commodities (over printing from Keno Hill silver district), has basically an operating mine on either side of it and is in a highly stable and mining friendly jurisdiction… the clues, as far as I can divine, say go big and go long. Cheers.”

And one more:

“”Just the facts, maam”
Some facts about McConnells Jest to ponder. First of all it has infrastructure in place to the claims, a power transmission line nearby, it has an adjoining neighbor that has been an operating mine for around 100 years (Keno Hill and Elsa, currently mined by Alexco) as well as a permitted mine adjoining another border (Victoria Gold – Eagle deposit 6.3 M oz gold proven and probable), so crushing plants, power, roads, equipment, heap leach facilities and so much more are really already there. Now, add to that the fact that the geology at McJ not just mirrors the geology of the neighbor (Victoria Gold – Dublin Gulch) but sampling suggests it exceeds the footprint and grade (Eagle deposit is a glacially spared “upended” block of the original mineralized carapace of the plutonic intrusion, whereas McJ actually has the entire mineralized carapace intact). All evidence to date bears this out. The P. geo that has been deciphering McJ geology and data, also creator of the recent NI 43-101 report for McJ, was the Chief Geologist for the neighboring Eagle Deposit (Strata Gold then Victoria Gold – Dublin Gulch claims) and was instrumental in unlocking the knowledge of that geology and advancing the project to the permitted to mine resource it now is. We should factor in that Yukon has again become a very attractive and stable jurisdiction for exploration and mining. Several Major mining companies have swooped in recently and made acquisitions. This is a significant commitment on their part. McJ is an attractive target. We should also consider Kinross Gold, the mining giant that has a piece of the action next door at the Eagle deposit too. The final piece of the pie is that the extremely tight share structure of Zonte Metals makes it a very attractive takeover target. There is a lot of room to wiggle there. There has been no share dilution to speak of in order to raise cash. Compare the fully diluted amount of shares between Zonte and Victoria Gold, bearing in mind that scientific evidence indicates McJ has geology and results that suggest the deposit there is far bigger than the neighbors. But consider this, even if it were only HALF the size that would still be $4 Billion in the ground with infrastructure and expertise already in place to mine it. These are all facts that are public information. When you view them all together its tough to see much downside. “Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.” Best of luck and good management to you all, good folks.”

Sorry this got so long. Is what he says accurate? I don’t know, but he should know since he staked the claim himself. I’m invested here and betting he is right. The stock is still down nicely from it’s highs so not a bad time to get in. I’m still underwater with one of my purchases, but hoping the summer drill program will return promising results.

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👍 976
July 2, 2017 9:35 am
Reply to  niizajim

TSXV.ZON, $EREPF np – Website:

TSXV.NRG, $CMBPF np – Website:
Thanks for the presentation & DD Niizajim, HN and others.
Long Gummunity! Best2All

👍 11604
July 2, 2017 9:43 am

$ZON.V $EREPF full position

Another post worthwhile reading copied from playstock . net $$LOUNGE Zonte Metals board. (I’m not promoting anything here – it’s just that this is where this stock is well known and discussed. I am not a member, but all can read the posts)


Re the interview with McConnell of Victoria Gold, it says,

“Published on Jun 6, 2017
Company Update at the International Metal Writers Conference 2017”

A search shows that this conference was May 28 & 29 in Vancouver.

It is good to remind ourselves that the indicators are strong that the Zonte claims, which are next door to Victoria’s claims, are better than Victoria’s, perhaps significantly so. They are not proven up as are Victoria’s, but it seems to be a smart speculative bet, to anticipate that they will be.

Of course, they are also not as mature for production as Victoria, but this is the time to get in, for us to be in — before there is no doubt about what we have. We can suggest that smart money will invest at this stage, to see the multiple gains that should be there to bring it to the stage of Victoria’s.

Right now the Market caps are

Victoria: $287 million, fully diluted $327 million. (probably still a decent buy at that valuation)
Zonte: $ 13.5 million, fully diluted $ 17 million. (probably a truly super risk/reward at this price.)

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👍 976
July 2, 2017 10:23 am

And one more and then I’ll crawl back in my hole. Just a suggestion to read the write up on Zonte Metals on the Silicon Investor site. Lots of insightful information all in one place.

$ZON.V $EREPF – full position

Happy 4th to all!

👍 976
July 2, 2017 12:25 pm
Reply to  niizajim

$ZON.V $EREPF Silicon Investor site link with maps and DD.
Drilling expected to start July 2017:

👍 11604
👍 9968
👍 9968
👍 9968
July 3, 2017 11:52 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

NEW THREAD – Link to :”Gold, Silver, and Hard Assets Summer 2017″. Thank YOU HendrixNuzzles!

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👍 11604
July 5, 2017 3:56 pm

This post has been closed to comments. The discussion has moved over to the latest “Gold, Silver and Hard Assets” thread, which is the topmost one on the author’s Stock Gumshoe page.

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👍 165
July 16, 2017 6:37 pm

Keith Neumeyer | Silver’s “Flash Crash” on 7.6.17

0:05 Introduction of topic and guest
0:52 Keith’s take on silver’s recent flash crash on 7.6.17
3:00 Could a margin call even trigger such a flash crash?
4:44 The biggest losers of a flash crash & silver manipulation
6:03 London silver fix criminal incident last January 2016
7:42 Thoughts on regulation and silver manipulation
8:57 “Protecting your book” vs. manipulation
10:45 How can a mining CEO sell for the highest silver price?
15:29 Discussing First Majestic Silver
18:44 Keith offers mining stock investing advice

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👍 680
August 8, 2017 3:19 pm

From May 2017.


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👍 1233
August 8, 2017 5:53 pm


More psychic income for HN. One of my Gold and Silver mining services has just analyzed and picked SAND as its next pick.

Reco is buy up to $5.00.

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👍 1692
August 10, 2017 12:19 pm

$MUX – McEwen Mining to Acquire Black Fox From Primero

I’ve been in McEwen for a while now and Rob McEwen seems to make all the right moves. I know HN doesn’t like miners but I think McEwen has a small MC and wants to grow. Their SP is down, has it bottom I haven’t got a clue.

$MUX long

👍 3700
August 10, 2017 9:47 pm

$PVG – Pretivm Reports Second Quarter Results; Gold Sales Have Commenced
PVG np

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👍 3700
August 16, 2017 5:18 pm

$FYI $TSX.V:ISV Inventus Mining Announces Private Placement Financing with Rob McEwen

Here is Inventus home stating what they have’
“Pardo is a paleoplacer gold occurrence in conglomerate layers or “reefs” that are horizontal and typically 1-3 metres (m) in thickness. Reefs are laterally extensive and occur on or very near surface. Higher gold grades (over 10 gpt) occur concentrated in fluvial channels or “pay streaks”, and valleys in the footwall upon which the mineralized conglomerate was deposited. The style of gold mineralization is similar to paleoplacer gold occurrences found in South Africa’s famous Witwatersrand gold fields. For updates about our project please subscribe below.”

“Pardo Project, Ontario, Canada – The first important paleoplacer gold discovery in North America

The following two links are drilling reports with IMO some impressive results;

The fact that Rob McEwen has a controlling interest is all the recommendation I need. The only question might be when will McEwen buy it for his mining company. $MUX. The share price had a nice little jump today of 2 cents and was trading at close at CAD .18.

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