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What are Charlie Shrem’s “Buy THESE Tiny Altcoins Now” Picks?

We point the Thinkolator at Investorplace's new cryptocurrency offering, Crypto Investor Network -- what are the two tokens they're teasing today? Are there really "Crypto Cash Calendar" dates to watch, starting with March 22 and April 17?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 22, 2022

The Investorplace folks have launched a cryptocurrency trading service headlined by Charlie Shrem, who I mostly remember for being an early Bitcoin enthusiast who was also convicted and sent to jail for a year or so for somehow being part of the Silk Road illicit marketplace, back when people were (rightly) concerned that Bitcoin was being used mostly for money laundering and illegal trade (weapons, drugs, etc.). I don’t know anything else about him, other than I think the Winklevoss twins also sued him for something (presumably that’s a bit of a rite of passage in the tech world), but he still brands himself as a Bitcoin advocate and pioneer, and says he has the best system for picking and trading the next emerging cryptocurrencies.

And he and Investorplace are now selling that system, as something they call the Crypto Investor Network, which is their “entry level” subscription ($99/yr) — so that means this will be the gateway drug for higher-end crypto subscriptions (right now Investorplace is also pitching the more expensive Ultimate Crypto, also touted as featuring Charlie Shrem’s best picks, at $2,500/yr). That is the core business model of almost all financial publishers, first convince people to pay a little bit, $50 or $100, then bombard them with upgrades to lifetime or higher-end services where most of the profit comes from.

(I don’t want to harp on this too much, but Investorplace is part of the publicly traded Marketwise (MKTW), which was built on that marketing funnel perfected by Porter Stansberry and the Agora folks, so whenever you find yourself in that funnel it can be healthy to look at MKTW as an investment — it gives some good perspective. That’s what most financial publishers do, to be clear, not just Investorplace and MarketWise, but they are the ones who have investor presentations that describe their model, so we get to see that almost the entire business depends on getting 1-2% of their free readers to eventually upgrade to ultra-expensive products or bundles… which explains why they push the upgrades to mercilessly.)

The first ads I’ve seen for this Charlie Shrem product have focused on the huge gains that are possible by betting early on newly-launched small cryptocurrencies, so a lot of the pitch is about this “Crypto Cash Calendar” that will track the launch dates for new coin offerings or new listings on popular exchanges. The first date on that calendar is today, March 22, so I figured we’d take a look at the pitch and see which cryptos he might be recommending right now.

Ready? Let’s start with a little taste of the ad:

“Being one of bitcoin’s earliest millionaires, I eat and breathe this stuff… and my team and I have recently developed a new crypto-picking system that makes it super-easy.

“We’ve already identified TWO newly listed cryptos that are primed to soar…

“But even bigger news could drop on TUESDAY, MARCH 22….

“This calendar predicts MAJOR crypto movements WEEKS before they happen…

“The Crypto Cash Calendar

“If you can circle these dates on your calendar, you’ll know which tiny cryptos to buy at the right time… and could set yourself up to make incredible gains.”

And probably none of us really need the FOMO examples, we’ve seen them every day from friends and family who happened upon a 10,000% gain on one little altcoin or another, but that greed is what really fuels all these new projects and gets speculators excited, and Shrem drops a bunch of examples for us — here’s one:

“In the wave of widespread acceptance, tomorrow’s blockbuster coins are being listed on the major crypto exchanges right now…

“Oftentimes for just pennies… or a few bucks per coin.

“It happens almost every single day!

“For example, a cryptocurrency called The Sandbox (SAND) hit the exchanges in August of 2020… trading for just 5 CENTS per coin. It recently hit $7.78.”

That’s true, The Sandbox rode the metaverse excitement last Fall and did hit $8 or so (it was teased by some mainstream newsletter folks at the time), though it also fell 60% or so in the few months after that and is now at about $3.

So the general push is that he thinks you need to get in on crypto projects when they are newly listed, generally quite small, and relatively cheap (though making any kind of valuation judgement about almost any cryptocurrency project is a head-scrambling exercise).

And he says he has four “critical rules” for picking new cryptocurrencies:

“What I’ve found over the course of my career is that just about every successful crypto launch – the ones that go up the highest and the fastest — follows 4 critical rules.

“Once a new crypto project hits all 4 – I know it’s a screaming BUY.”

So, naturally, he dangles a couple that he seems to believe have hit that “screaming BUY” level. What are the rules? Here’s an excerpt from the ad:

“Cryptocurrencies are NOT some new type of “fantasy internet money.”

“Buying an altcoin is like buying an early stake in the types of software programs that made the internet so revolutionary!….

“Critical Rule #1: It Must Have Inherent Value….

“I want to know what kind of value this new crypto project adds to the economy and society.

“It must solve a real-world issue… and move the technology forward in a meaningful way.

“Critical Rule #2: They Must Tackle a BIG, Addressable Market….

“Owning cryptos is just like taking early-stage ownership stakes in fast-growing blockchain technology projects.

“And like any other early-stage venture – the wider net it can cast… and the more lives it can impact and improve… the more money that will be made.

“Critical Rule #3: Visionaries and Innovators….

“When you’re looking to back a new altcoin or blockchain project, you need to make sure there’s an amazing team in place to maximize growth.”

And “Rule #4” is a somewhat more vaguely defined “buy it at the right time” — which is when he starts to push the “cash calendar” idea that he’ll be able to predict when these cryptocurrency projects which tick those first three items on the checklist become worth buying.

Which gets us to the two he’s actually teasing, the two altcoins that he says have passed his criteria and become buys now:

“I don’t want you to miss out on another opportunity.

“That’s why right now, I have the 2022–2023 Crypto Cash Calendar in front of me.

“Buy THESE Tiny Altcoins NOW

“I’m looking at two red-hot crypto opportunities our team has been researching… which have recently triggered the proprietary BUY indicator.”

What are they? Here are the clues that he drops for the first one:

“I strongly recommend you get in on them immediately – while they’re still cheap, still small and still unknown.

“The first altcoin, for example, is using blockchain-based technology to allow sports fans to become a ‘part owner’ in their favorite sports franchises.

“Essentially, they’ve created a stock market for sports teams.

“Right now, you have to pay to watch sports…

“But thanks to this groundbreaking crypto project… you can now get paid to watch sports!

“Are you a huge fan of the New York Yankees… or the L.A. Lakers?

“This is your chance to ‘buy into’ these franchises…

“And, just like how companies reward big shareholders with big dividends and voting power in the stock market… teams reward big stakeholders with exclusive merchandise, perks, and even a voice with respect to team affairs.

“Imagine getting to decide which jerseys your favorite team is going to wear… or what song will be played after a big win.

“It’s all going to be a new reality for die-hard sports fans.

“And our newest addition to the Crypto Cash Calendar is at the epicenter of pioneering this amazing future.

“The best part… this tiny altcoin is currently trading for about 30 CENTS!

“You can own it right now BEFORE everyone else finds out about it…”

The Thinkolator sez that’s almost certainly Chiliz ($CHZ), a decent-sized project (at roughly $1.9 billion in “fully diluted market cap,” it’s the 72nd largest cryptocurrency right now, according to, which is building platforms for selling what they call “fan tokens.” CHZ is an ethereum-based token that effectively powers the app, which lets users buy a crypto-based “fan club” token that connects them to their favorite team. It’s pretty easy to buy, should you be so interested, it’s available for trading on Coinbase and Binance and lots of other platforms, and right now it’s at about 21 cents (it was at 30 cents, as teased, earlier this year).

There are some more ambitious sports-related projects on the blockchain, too, including Krause ($KRAUSE), which is trying to actually build a community and platform and legal framework that can eventually create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to buy and run an NBA team, as well as a DAO formed to try to bid for the NFL’s Denver Broncos last month, for example, not unlike the DAO that was seeking to buy and tokenize an early copy of the US Constitution a while back (it’s hard to imagine the NFL would be open to something that disruptive, or that a DAO of fans could raise $4 billion, but one never knows). Chiliz is not really an “ownership” token in that way, their ambitions are quite different.

The main visible product of Chiliz right now is, which is effectively a platform to create and trade tokenized “superfan” relationships, in a way similar to the socios who are “sort of” democratic owners of some big football clubs like Real Madrid (effectively passed down through generations, with massive waiting lists to get involved, Real Madrid Socios are sort of like seat licenses — if you own a share you get to buy season tickets, but you also get to attend some events and vote in some club decisions). That kind of relationship is probably a lot more practical than real distributed ownership of a sports team where the shareholders try to actually make management decisions or enjoy economic returns from the team — it’s more like a fan club that has some voting power over relatively inconsequential decisions (which jersey they’ll wear for a special game, etc.). The token, CHZ, is the currency that is used on the app — so you have to buy CHZ, and use CHZ to buy your Fan Token(s) for Juventus or Manchester City or whoever you fancy.

The focus is primarily on European football teams right now, though they do include other sports and organizations. For example, Chiliz has created the $ITA fan token that can be bought on, in partnership with the Italian Mens National Football Team, that will allow fans of the team to “buy in” to the fan club. That club, with shares recorded on the blockchain, will give token owners the right to “exclusive discounts” as well as the right to vote in polls, but it does not, of course, represent ownership of the national team in any way. Here’s how they describe it:

“Fan Tokens are collectible digital assets that give sports fans access to a new digital service provided by their favourite clubs through the app. Benefits include the right to take part in decision-making processes by voting in polls, access to exclusive discounts and the chance to earn unique prizes and rewards through games, competitions and other features.

“During 2021, Fan Token partners launched over 300 Fan Polls, with fans voting on kit designs, squad numbers, inspirational messages and other fan-related decisions. More than 5,000 Fan Token holders were rewarded with signed jerseys, tickets and VIP experiences through the app. This year is aiming to reward over 17,000 users.”

And what’s the specific appeal of this particular $ITA fan token, which was sold through what they call a Fan Token Offering a couple weeks ago? You get a reward of some kind of food item (partnered with Deliveroo, which is similar to DoorDash but stronger in Europe), and you get to vote on the inspirational message that the Blues see in their locker room, and the celebration song that will be played after a goal in one of Italy’s World Cup qualifying matches.

It’s kind of an interesting business, and you can see how it could grow — though whether that means the Chiliz tokens or the platform will increase in value as a result of the potential growth of this kind of marketplace is anyone’s guess. I can see how tokenization makes sense as a potential way to monetize sports fan relationships, particularly if it becomes connected to things that have more obvious economic value, like permanent seat licenses or season ticket rights, lots of sports organizations have tiers of fans and give their superfans extra perks even if there’s no particular reason why they should have to use the blockchain to track those fan accounts (and, of course, whether those Fan Tokens trade with any enthusiasm probably depends on whether they choose to limit the number of tokens issued, and what benefits they assign to those token holders in the future).

Tan clubs have been around for centuries in one form or another, ever since humans began to realize that there are especially gifted people who are really good at things that we find socially valuable (more attractive, more skilled on the soccer pitch, a better singer, etc.), and who’s to say what kind of economic form that fan relationship might take in the future? There are lots of other crypto projects in the sports and entertainment worlds, too, from star athletes or musicians who are trying to tokenize their contracts to celebrities who are simply endorsing cryptocurrencies, so maybe we are just at the beginning of a new way to monetize relationships and fandom.

As with many cryptocurrencies, CHZ is focused on building a platform… and less focused on explaining what the economics of token ownership or that platform might be. The primary utility of CHZ as a currency seems to be that it will be the currency you have to use to purchase fan tokens on What’s that worth? As always, whatever someone is willing to pay for it… which probably means it will go up if there’s a huge surge of interest in buying fan tokens, and will wither and die if the business remains very small.

Big football clubs, like teams in the Premier League or La Liga, are not necessarily great investments when it comes to things like profitability or cash flow, so maybe we’re not missing out on much if we’re not getting real “ownership” with these fan tokens… they do tend to rise in value as billionaires compete with each other to own these ultimate toys, but it’s not like they pay a big dividend or distribute income to their junior owners (for example, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea FC as a faltering Premier League team for about $100 million, 19 years ago, and is trying to sell it now for about $4 billion — so he would obviously make money on that asset inflation, but he very likely has also spent more on building Chelsea up to perennial championship contention than he has taken in from TV rights and ticket and merchandise sales). Professional sports teams in the big, popular sports are occasionally profitable when TV rights money surges, and sometimes the fluctuating share of revenue between players and owners tilts in ownership’s favor if they hold firm to things like salary caps or, in the Premier League, “financial fair play” rules, but that profit is usually very quickly spent as teams compete with each other to win on the field… and often fades when a team goes through a weak few years or loses a lot of games.

You can buy some teams that are publicly traded in the conventional way, like the New York Knicks and Rangers (Madison Square Garden Sports (MSGS)) or Manchester United (MANU), but a look at their financials will remind you that they’re not often particularly profitable… they’re valuable because they’re rare and unique assets, collectibles for the superyahcht set — MSGS is valued at ~$4 billion not because they have great earnings, but because if you held an auction you’d probably find a billionaire somewhere who would be delighted to spend $5 billion to own the Knicks.

But great sports teams and leagues are great fun to watch and root for. And I suppose I’d be willing to spend some money to buy a fan token for my favorite team… though I wouldn’t do it as an investment, it would be more like buying a ticket or a jersey to experience the shared community of sports fans.

What’s that worth? And what’s the token that you have to use in order to buy your team’s token worth? I don’t know… right now, the market says that idea and the currency for that nascent marketplace (though not necessarily ownership of that app or platform) is worth about $1.8 billion, or about 20 cents per token. And the value of the few Fan Tokens that have gone live is all over the map — driven by popularity, as you might imagine, so the tokens for Manchester City in the Premier League or Juventus in Serie A are available to buy for about 30 $CHZ, which translates into about $6, or less popular sports organizations like the Alliance esports team are available at the moment for about 2 $CHZ, or about 60 cents. I assume that there’s probably some perceived value in owning multiple tokens, too, probably the offerings from different teams are not all the same, but I didn’t look into the details that closely.

So… kind of a cool idea, and they’ve apparently raised about $60 million in venture funding and somehow turned that into a value of $1.8 billion as a traded cryptocurrency, despite the fact that the cryptocurrency, while it does represent a piece of the currency that will be used on their platform, does not seem to offer any actual ownership of the company that is managing or of the Chiliz platform itself. That is always my hangup with cryptocurrency projects, since it means it requires a leap of faith to guess at any future value for the currency that is used by that nascent platform, but it doesn’t have to be your hangup — especially if you’re just playing with small amounts of money that you’re very comfortable losing.

I spent more time on that than I expected, mostly just because I’m a sports fan so I think it’s interesting (I’m waiting for Socios to sell Fan Tokens for the Brentford Bees or the Detroit Lions, I seem to always be attracted to the strivers at the bottom of the table), but let’s move on to see what else Shrem is pitching.

Here are the clues for that second altcoin:

“The second small altcoin that just moved into BUY range is a new project we like to call ‘the internet of blockchains.’

“This crypto is widely considered the leading decentralized cross-chain marketplace in the world today.

“The platform supports over 262 apps and services, controls over $169 billion worth of assets, features industry-low transaction fees of $0.01 (a penny!), and has industry-best transaction times of just seven seconds.

“And right now – behind the scenes – this altcoin is working to solve one of the biggest challenges facing the crypto community.

“It’s something called ‘Interoperability,’ which is just a fancy word for the basic ability of different computerized products or systems to readily connect and exchange information with one another.

“I believe the reward for solving Interoperability could be worth hundreds of billions. Maybe more.

“My team and I have read the white paper. We’ve reviewed the project. We’ve talked to industry insiders.

“And our takeaway is that this small crypto could easily be worth $90 billion .

“That would be an 18X return… but you have to take action today!”

OK, so that’s presumably a project that’s about three times as valuable as Chiliz right now, since 1/18th of $90 billion would be $5 billion.

That blows my mind just a little bit when I step back, mostly just because I recall how crazy it seemed when Bitcoin went past $1 billion in total value (it’s about $900 billion now).

But back on track… which one is this? That, sez the Thinkolator, is Cosmos ($ATOM), which does indeed boast one-penny fees and seven second transaction confirmation times on its website. Cosmos is one of several fairly high-profile projects that aim to create connections between different blockchains, allowing different tokens to talk to each other, and I have not read the white paper and do not have any expertise in assessing which of these projects might end up being superior — but yes, right now the circulating value of ATOM tokens, which are the base token on the Cosmos platform, are trading at about $28, with a market cap of roughly $8 billion, so we’re also pretty close to Shrem’s hints on that front (the other matches are exact, there’s not much doubt here).

And Cosmos is an “altcoin,” I guess, but it’s not a particularly small one — depending on the day, says ATOM is one of the top 20 coins by market valuation.

There are a lot of platforms that try to offer interoperability and smart contracts between and among different cryptocurrencies, and the more I talk about them the clearer it is that I’m out of my depth, but the ones that I see most often mentioned in the same breath with Cosmos are Polkadot, Cardano, Solana, Chainlink and Tezos. They’re all pretty big, all hold out for the big potential of being that “next Ethereum” idea, and I have thrown a few dollars at all of them.

I don’t see why March 22 would be of particular importance for either of these two favorite altcoins that Shrem teases in his pitch, but those are your matches — out of the thousands of cryptocurrencies out there in the world, and the few hundred that might be reasonably easy to trade for most US residents with Coinbase accounts, Shrem highlights ATOM and CHZ as the most compelling altcoins. Will he be right?

Well, I’ll leave that call up to you. It is, after all, your money. Please do share your thoughts with a comment below.

P.S. If you want my crypto background, it’s simple and embarrassing (I’ve never owned a Lamborghini or gone to jail or been sued by the Winklevii): I continue to have a hard time wrapping my head around how cryptocurrency tokens relate to ownership of projects or match other old-fashioned ideas of investment valuation, like earnings and cash flow, but I put a small chunk of cash into Bitcoin and Ethereum back in 2013 because it seemed like a fascinating world, and sold most of it way too early but did leave a bunch of the profits in my Coinbase and other accounts. I’ve thrown some of those windfall profits at one project or another over the years, without much trading — my crypto speculations today are roughly 50% ethereum, 30% bitcoin, and 20% split among dozens of little ideas that caught my attention at one point or another… I was fortunate to dabble early on, but I ain’t no crypto expert, so I don’t often write about my particular holdings because I don’t want to steer you wrong.

P.P.S. Anyone want to write a cryptocurrency column for Stock Gumshoe to save me from my ignorance?

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May 17, 2022 11:57 am

“Yes, it’s a total scam” – Elon Musk

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👍 36
April 1, 2022 10:03 pm

yea I had those 2 pegged as well .. still curious to see what the “calendar” has in store for the rest of the year, however…might try it out

April 6, 2022 6:42 pm

Hi Travis, What service would you recommend to buy these coins and other crypto from?

👍 136
👍 22347
April 18, 2022 2:10 pm

Coinbase Pro; that way you can get out on a stop loss or get out on a peak

👍 1
P. Mikoll
P. Mikoll
April 7, 2022 7:27 pm

I subscribe to Charlie and Luke’s Crypto Investor Network and these are all correct. He also recommends highly Audius (AUDIO) claiming it will explode as music artists get on board and people want lower cost music. Has anyone heard of Nomi Prim and her “#1 stock for America’s great Distortion”? Blessings

April 13, 2022 5:10 pm
Reply to  P. Mikoll

ChargePoint Holdings (CHPT) is an American EV
infrastructure company at the forefront of the
electricity revolution.
It built the largest network of EV charging stations
in North America and Europe.
In July 2017, ChargePoint had 35,900 charging
“spots.” By 2020, that number had grown to 114,000
spots in 14 countries.
ChargePoint’s reach is so wide, a driver connects to a
ChargePoint station every 15 seconds.

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April 26, 2022 2:01 pm
Reply to  P. Mikoll

Does anyone know what Charlie’s “The First Wave of Tokenization: 5 Platform Cryptos Set to Soar” might be?

👍 23
colonel Valter
August 29, 2022 9:10 pm
Reply to  P. Mikoll

Action to Take: Buy, to open, the MP Materials (MP) MP US January 20, 2023 $40 calls (MP230120C00040000) for about $5.90 and up to $7.20. My six-month target is $15.

👍 1
P. Mikoll
P. Mikoll
April 7, 2022 7:29 pm

Hey GUMSHOE, I subscribe to Charlie Shrem and know a bit more than the average human but less than a tech geek. I know some up and coming sites and try to stay abreast of what Crypto’s are doing if you would like some input I am willing. Blessings.

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April 26, 2022 2:45 pm
Reply to  P. Mikoll

would love to get Charlie’s recomendations. Please post them here

👍 184
November 5, 2022 3:14 am
Reply to  P. Mikoll

how do I contact P.Mikoll? to corroborate on some Crypto ideas?
T. Trim

👍 2
November 20, 2022 12:38 pm
Reply to  P. Mikoll

Hi P. Mikoll.
I have compiled an “Email List” of a group of over 75 friendly gumshoers which we share recommendations in cryptos and stocks from all sorts of subscriptions different members have. (this list is growing by the day, by the way).
If you’d like to be added to this valuable “Email List”, please provide me with your email address here, and I will add you to the list. If anyone else is reading this message, too, and would like to be added to the list, please provide me with your email address, so I can add you. I personally have Jeff Brown’s lifetime total UNLIMITED subscription of EVERYTHING he recommends in ANY sector…. the TOTAL package of everything. I also have Charli Shrem’s “Crypto Investor Network” subscription, as well as a few other subscriptions from other analysts. I (and other members of the group) are constantly sharing latest recommendations in any and all sectors with the entire group in the “Email List”. We “give and/or take” recommendations in the group which saves everyone from hefty subscription fees!

If anyone is interested in joining the group (for free, of course), please provide me with your email address here, and I will add you to the list. Please do not just ask me to add you to the list without providing me with your email address. Obviously, I need your email address in order for me to add you. Thanks.

In the meanwhile, if you (P. Mikoll) or anyone else has Charlie Shrem & Luke Lango’s “Ultimate Crypto” latest crypto recommendations, would you kindly share them here? Sharing their portfolio of the “Ultimate Crypto” would be greatly appreciated.
(Specially, Charlie Shrem & Luke Lango’s “Crypto Burn Code” recommendations that they’re teasing in today’s video pitch in their “Ultimate Crypto” package). Thanks.

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👍 778
November 21, 2022 11:25 pm
Reply to  kazito

HI, Stock Gumshoe family! So grateful to learn that everyone here is so willing to share their knowledge and I love the “Give and Take” spirit !
I am new and please add me to your gumshoers list , this is my email address
I am a subscriber of Sector Focus of TMI.

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November 22, 2022 6:09 pm
Reply to  Pauline

Hi Pauline.
This is Kaz. Thank you for your participation in the Gumshoe family “Email List”. I just added you to the list. Welcome on board.

👍 778
November 23, 2022 10:12 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you so much, Kaz! Will certainly look forward to hearing from you all.

Douglas Rentmeister
Douglas Rentmeister
November 23, 2022 12:49 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito
I would like to be added to the list as well, much thanks!

December 8, 2022 5:42 pm

Hi Douglas. You’re added to the list. Thanks.

👍 778
November 25, 2022 4:56 am
Reply to  kazito

I would like to be added to the list

December 8, 2022 5:53 pm
Reply to  3pour7

Hi 3Pour7.
You’re added to the list. Thanks.

👍 778
February 25, 2023 2:58 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, I am kinda new here and came across your comment regarding the email list. My email is I have the Crypto Investor Network service as well with Luke Lango and can share articles. Please add me to the email list. Thank you

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February 25, 2023 4:39 pm
Reply to  wikisi1395

Hi Wikisi395. You are added to the mail list now. Thanks.

👍 778
February 28, 2023 8:42 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hello Kazito,

I’d like to be a member of your email group, and can add The Motley Fool’s Digital Explorer portfolio (Alas, only the 2022 version!).

Email address:

Kind regards,

👍 3
Kazem Sadati
March 21, 2023 8:58 pm
Reply to  Andy

Hi Andynuup. You’re added to the list.

March 21, 2023 9:56 pm
Reply to  Kazem Sadati

Thanks, Kazem!

March 22, 2023 7:10 am
Reply to  Andy

You’re most welcome

👍 778
Steve Wallerstein
Steve Wallerstein
March 21, 2023 1:23 am
Reply to  kazito

Hello Kazito: Will you please add me to your group’s “email list”? Thank you, Steve.

Kazem Sadati
March 21, 2023 8:56 pm

Steve, i need your email address to add you to the list.

March 23, 2023 9:21 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, Can you please add me to your crypto email list thanks
sd2u at sd2u dot com

👍 24
March 23, 2023 10:30 am
Reply to  sd2u2018

Sure, you’re added to the list. Thanks.

👍 778
March 24, 2023 9:43 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, would be go grateful if you could add me to the list..thanks a bunch!

March 24, 2023 11:23 pm
Reply to  cmctrx

Hi cmctrx. How can i add you to the “Email List” without having your email address?!?
I will need your email address to add you. Please provide me with your email address here so i can add you. Thanks.

👍 778
March 25, 2023 7:56 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, would you please add me to your list? Thanks!!

👍 3
March 25, 2023 1:42 pm
Reply to  lcswlv

Hi Icswlv. You’re added to the “Email List”. Thanks.

👍 778
March 26, 2023 7:45 am
Reply to  kazito
Kazem Sadati
March 26, 2023 2:52 pm
Reply to  Loki

You’re added . Thanks.

May 2, 2023 6:31 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi, not getting anything through by email

still waiting – Thanks

👍 24
May 2, 2023 6:58 pm
Reply to  sd2u2018

Hi sd2u2018. We have been sending out emails to the entire group regularly. But, every time we sent out these emails, we’ve been getting a “No delivery” to your email address. Apparently, your email address is not a working email. So, please give us a working email address! Thank you.

👍 778
January 1, 2024 12:51 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi, does anybody know if Kaz is still is still running his email list of like minded people sharing recommendations? If so how often do you receive email correspondence?


👍 71
January 2, 2024 10:02 am
Reply to  garagedoor

Hi garagedoor. This is Kaz. Yes, indeed, I am still running the “Email List”, sharing recommendations with like minded people. If you’re not already on my list, please give me your email address here and I will add you. Thanks.

👍 778
January 3, 2024 7:57 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hello Kaz, Can you please add me to your like minded email list.


👍 71
February 10, 2024 9:49 pm
Reply to  garagedoor

Hey Kaz, Have you sent out any emails recently? I haven’t received any emails yet. Not sure if you added me or not. Please check when you get a chance.

👍 71
January 4, 2024 6:20 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kaz, if you can please add me to your list my email address is I have a few subscriptions including Palm Beach Infinity which gets me most of the content from Teeka. Thanks, John

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👍 3
January 5, 2024 4:13 am
Reply to  johnwluoma

Hi Lunar3
Just added you to the list.

👍 778
January 7, 2024 4:20 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kaz
I would love to be added to your email list. Thks

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New interest in crypto
January 7, 2024 5:17 pm
Reply to  Lou

I need your email address here, so I can add that to my “Email List”.
Thank you.

👍 778
March 10, 2024 5:50 pm
Reply to  kazito

id love to participate in your group. I bring over 20 years profession career investment background and subscribe to many pro level subs

March 28, 2024 4:05 pm
Reply to  kazito

Please add me into the list. Thanks,

March 28, 2024 4:06 pm
Reply to  kazito

Please add me into the list. My email id is

April 25, 2022 10:44 am

where is a good place to start investing?

👍 1
May 17, 2022 9:26 am

Join discussion Cryptocurrencies

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colonel Valter
August 29, 2022 8:34 pm

Dear friends,
Does anyone have any guesses as to what the little $3 or so crypto coin linked to Ethereum was before it was listed on Coinbase /around 15.09 during Ethereum’s move to Proof of Stake/ that Chris Reilly, Executive Editor teased at RiskHedge Venture. My pension went to pay for newsletters that only swallow money and so far have not brought me any benefit.
Be healthy and successful in everything
Colonel Valter

👍 1
November 20, 2022 10:37 pm

[The following was a footnote to a discussion about how Adderal may or may not have played a part in the FTX debacle. I have modified certain words to avoid offending those not familiar with how the vast majority of trading professionals actually talk. It was originally posted on the Astral Codex Ten substack…]

The head of Nootropics Depot, MisterYouAreSoDumb, made a comment on the situation, which I reprint here in its entirety:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy ducking phit! I just looked him up. Totally a customer of ours… Crypto Bernie Madoff was our customer. LOL

What a ducking asshole! Illegally stealing customer’s deposits to gamble on phitcoins through his Alameda Research fund! He’s the reason BTC was depressed this bull cycle. Sam is the reason I am still here watching ducking depressing crypto news instead of being completely out and having lower blood pressure… and he is a ducking customer of ours! What a weird ducking world this is.

LET ME REPEAT THIS FOR EVERYONE AGAIN: phitcoins are bad, and you should feel bad if you trade them. Get the duck out of the phitcoin casino you dumb ass gamblers! Solana is garbage. TRON is garbage. Exchanged-based coins like FTT are garbage. Coins with ducking dogs faces are garbage. Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency you should hold. Maybe ETH. Hedge your bets there. You need to CONTROL YOUR OWN KEYS. Don’t lend your coins out to charlatans promising you 5%, 8%, 15%, or 20% “risk free” returns. They are all scam Ponzis. There is no such thing as risk free 20% returns. It doesn’t exist. Stop chasing it. If you don’t control your private keys, it’s not your crypto. If you trust an exchange based in the Bahamas ran by a jabroni who thinks he needs SIX MONITORS, you are in for a bad time. I’ve been in cryptocurrency since 2010 when BTC was 81 cents. I lived through the MT GOX implosion. I have had more crypto stolen from me in hacks and exit scams than you probably have ever even seen. Learn from my experience. Listen to what I am saying. TWELVE YEARS now I have been in crypto. This too shall pass. duck all these frauds stealing everyone’s phit. We will all be better off with them out of the industry. However, you all have to learn from this phit. CONTROL YOUR OWN KEYS! Stop gambling on phitcoins. You are being used as exit liquidity for idiots.

The reason cryptocurrency has changed the world, and will continue changing the world, is not because a ducking Shiba inu coin went 10,000%X because a narcissistic man-baby tweeted about it. It’s because decentralized sound money has value. I’ve seen crypto build up from literally nothing. Even buying bitcoin was next to impossible back then. I mined BTC with my laptop at first. I stopped because I “only” mined 5 BTC per night, and it was using too much power. My first BTC I ever bought was when I met a fat dude wearing a Super Mario Brothers T-shirt at Home Depot. We met in the garden section and sat on a bench to talk about how bitcoin worked, how it was going to change the world, and how to transfer between wallets. I still have the wallet I setup and used to buy that BTC from him. Through all the craziness that has happened in the crypto space over the past 12 years, I have always been able to access my private wallets. Store your crypto in your own cold storage wallet unless you are actively trading. The moment you “lend” your coins out to someone for yields, it’s already as good as gone. You’ve missed the entire point that Satoshi tried to get across so many years ago. Not your keys, not your coins. If you lost money in this phitshow, don’t worry. This will all pass, and we will all be stronger for it. Just learn from it all and move on. Buy BTC and ETH, hold it in your cold storage wallets, and wait for the next bull cycle. Watch out for thieves and frauds trying to convince you into “the next big coin.” They are all liars and thieves. Real cryptocurrency will endure. For it to really flourish, the phitcoin casinos must die. If you buy some new ducking Frodo Baggins faced phitcoin in the future and lose it all, you only have yourself to blame.

I never wanted to still be sitting here watching all this crypto drama, but people like SBF ducked this cycle up. I feel everyone’s pain. I’ve lived through many crashes now. I am more dead inside than I was, but it is never easy to watch phit crash. If you want real sound crypto, you have some good buying opportunities here. Mid 2024 we will go through the ups again. Ignore all the morons saying this time is the end. I’ve heard that every crash since 2010. The next time we hit the bull market, stick to sound crypto projects and control your own private keys. Don’t let frauds like SBF have your coins. You control your crypto, or you don’t own it.

[Hoping you will DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH,

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👍 11
October 17, 2023 12:14 pm

Started having a lot of issues with the company dripcoin after I placed a withdraw order for the $270,000 usd I had with them. The account manager disappeared, the support didn’t respond to emails and I thought it was over cause I made the payments in crypto but didn’t give up though. Searched online and got referred to the agency ( by a lady that got back her bitcoins from another company with their help so I filed a complaint with them, did all they asked and waited for result. They flagged the company dripcoin, took more serious actions against them and got all my money back. The agency is highly recommended if you need help.

January 7, 2024 6:43 pm

Hi everyone. Happy Near Year. Kaz here.
Hope you’re all starting out your new year on the right foot and right track 🙂

Below is a bunch of recommendations from TWO people:

1. Colin Tedard for his “Near Future Report” of Brownstone Publication ; AND
2. Jon D. Markmann for his “Disruptors & Dominators” AI Stocks ; (from the Weiss Ratings Publication Company).

Please do your own research & due diligence on whether you wish to buy the stocks, and/or Buy-Up-To prices.

A. Colin Tedard for his “Near Future Report” of Brownstone Publication:

1. “My #1 AI Stock… Google’s Secret Supplier” : Broadcom……Ticker: AVGO
2. “The Amazon of AI” : Shopify…. Ticker: SHOP
3. “The #1 AI Stock” ….How to profit from Elon’s Final Move” : Advanced Micro Devices….Ticker: AMD
4. “Retire Rich as AI goes Mainstream” …. (Two stocks recommended here):
Salesforce…. Ticker: CRM
Accenture……Ticker: ACN
5. “The Next NVIDIA” : Advanced Micro Devices….Ticker: AMD
6. “The #1 AI Adopter to Buy Right Now” : Uber….Ticker: UBER
7. “The AI Moonshot” : The name of this company is “Inflection” and the name of its AI software is Pi. The company is founded by Mustafa Suleyman who was the co-founder of Google’s DeepMind. Unfortunately, the company is still private, so we cannot buy shares on any stock exchange platform, just yet. That’s why Colin Tedard has placed this company on his “Watchlist”.

B. Jon D. Markmann for his “Disruptors & Dominators” AI Stocks ; (from the Weiss Ratings publication Company):

1. “#1Stock for 2024 to Buy Now” : Cadence… Ticker: CDNS
2. “My pick for the #1 AI Software Stock Today” : Palo Alto Networks……Ticker: PANW
3. “My pick for the #1 AI Stock for Big Data” : Arista Networks ….. Ticker: ANET
4. “My pick for the #1 Pharma Stock powered by AI” : Medtronics….Ticker: MDT

Two Bonus AI Stocks from Jon D. Markmann :
1. Super Micro Computer ….Ticker: SMCI
2. STMicroelectronics …..Ticker: STM ….(Note: This is the company that Jon D. Markmann says it could bring AI to 100 Million American households).

Well, there you have ’em all 🙂

By the way, if any one of you have the names of the AI stocks that Luke Lango has been teasing these days, I would really appreciate it if you would please share them with the rest of us.
Thank you so much, and best of luck & good investing to all.

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👍 778
March 11, 2024 7:55 pm

When was this written? Today is March 11, 2024. There isn’t a date on this article, so from my perspective it seems like you’ve written into my future.
Thanks for your insights and historic context. I am coming to this late, and trying to figure out best investments going into the future. So far I like some of what I find in Investorplace. Luke Lango seems mostly accurate, however the pearls seem to be somewhere else, he simply points the way, then I do more research and then put some money there.
I’ve just had nurp send me infomercials as well.
What I learn is some of it is pretty accurate, and then some can be tossed out, like the scientific method.
Mostly I cross reference the green arrows on Yahoo Finance. That kept me out of the recent NVidia drop.

The current investing news seem to think investments in some cryptocoins makes sense. Luke Lango had explained now is ideal because that market has four phases, and the fourth phase is the phase to wait for.

My concern is, you have to get out near the peak, as it takes a precipitous drop when it finally relieves the suspense.

Can you suggest any other source of information?

I’ve just Googled: Forbes: cryptocurrency to take off in 2024

And the reply is Ethereum, Dogecoin,Solana, and four others.

What Market can these be safely purchased in?

i ask you because the internet can sometimes “toss” an answer and it may not be the one you’re really looking for.


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March 28, 2024 3:08 pm

Count me in! I would like to join the email group as well! I am fairly new to the world of Crypto and stocks . Stock Gumshoe, you have been such a great help to me. I trust and greatly appreciate your insight! Thank you!

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