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Search Results for: uranium stocks

Maybe the scariest thing I can tell you is, “I’m not selling everything.” The drumbeat in my head continues to be one of worry, I continue to be a little bit surprised at how high stocks are going, and how resilient stocks are. But thankfully, I haven’t been acting on those macro worries — because […]

“Why Are Trump Insiders Pouring Millions Into This Mysterious Energy? “One that history has shown could mint all-new millionaires. “But NOT in fossil fuels or renewals. Instead, it’s an unusual kind of fuel that’s critical to his energy plans… his climate plan… even his foreign policy… “This kind of fuel has boomed ONLY twice before […]

Ed. note: Here’s the latest installment from longtime reader and junior miner man Myron Martin. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, and we have not reviewed, approved or screened his stocks or ideas, and the opinions he expresses are solely his own.  Many of the stocks Myron covers are microcap “penny stocks” that can move dramatically […]

Hi Guys, Meb Faber has researched and written about sectors that have been down multiple years in a row. He writes: For sectors, we find three down years returns 60% over the ensuing two years. Four years jumps to 91%. Five years returns, 138% For industries, down 3 years = 59% returns; down 4 years […]

This article was originally published on June 6, but the ad is running heavily again now as a “recession-proof stocks” pitch so we’re re-posting to answer reader questions. Neither the ad nor this article have been updated since early June. Whitney Tilson has rejoined the nuclear power parade, launching a new teaser pitch recently for […]

Here’s the intro to Adam O’Dell’s latest ad for his 10X Stocks service ($1,495/yr, no refunds), which looks for small-cap stocks that have the potential for a 10X return in a year… so no “widows and orphans” stuff here, these stocks will presumably be risky and volatile. “AI will require 212X more power… And one […]

Here’s the intro from Whitney Tilson’s latest ad for his Energy Supercycle Investor ($995/yr, no refunds — 30-day window for publisher credit if you don’t like it): “An Urgent New Prediction from Financial ‘Prophet’ Whitney Tilson “Washington’s Secret “Project E-92” “This groundbreaking new tech/policy initiative could trigger the greatest moneymaking opportunity of the 21st century… […]

Here’s the intro to the latest teaser pitch from Nomi Prins… it’s a doozy: “Declassified Government Energy Experiment Set for Commercial Release on March 22 at 9 a.m. ET “‘SMR’ fuel hid in government shadows for 68 years — but it’s about to unlock a new $4 Trillion energy market… and this tiny Oregon firm […]

We’ll start at the end today, this is from the order form for Casey’s International Speculator… “It’s a $33 billion rollout of liquid electricity across the nation by big business… and several government agencies. It’s a historic opportunity backed by Executive Order 13817, and big fish like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson […]

This is a late continuation of the predecessor thread titled: “Gold, Silver, and Hard Assets…FALL 2017”…from which, I quote: “Everyone makes mistakes and I make more than my share.”  Well, I nailed that one. In 2018, overall my picks were not successful.  Many of the mining speculations were duds. Plus the commodity price landscape was […]

We can usually count on Dr. Kent Moors to come up with a bombastic big-picture tease for his latest favorite energy stock, and this one’s no different — though it’s less an energy stock and more a steel-industry stock. The spiel for his Energy Inner Circle ($2,000/yr) tells us that this “dull gray powder” is […]

The next wireless standard to be adopted by telecom service providers might be the biggest one since 3G enabled the first real “high speed” data and reasonably useful internet access by smart phones. And new wireless standards are always of interest to investors, not least because the growth of smartphones has tracked the improving networks […]

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