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This email pitch from Dr. Kent Moors for his Energy Advantage newsletter seems to have hit just about every inbox in North America. It has come in under a bunch of different subject lines, from “stunning breakthrough set to make OPEC obsolete” to “$5 stock make OPEC obsolete” to “Say ‘Goodbye’ to Your Electric Bill… […]

Here’s the pitch that a bunch of readers sent me this week: “On June 28, 2011, a tiny Sunnyvale, CA based technology company, quietly made an incredible announcement. “In short, they’ve developed a new static random-access memory (“SRAM” for short) chip that drastically boosts online processing speeds. “Simply put, these chips are the fastest on […]

Hi folks — got an interesting one today that came in connected to the “Taipan chart of the day” — the chart itself was actually for Millicom, the fast-growing Latin American cell phone company, and they also talked about Vimpelcom, the phenomenally successful Russian cell phone company. But the meat of the ad was focused […]

This is a teaser pitch that we solved back in May of 2018, but folks continue to ask about it… and our older article is getting pretty stale, so we’re digging in for an updated look today. The headline of the ad pretty much says it all: “The little-known Washington D.C. financial “think tank” that […]

The folks at Money Map/Money Morning have really taken the “most aggressive advertisers” mantle from the other Agora affiliates of late — we can pretty much count on a new promotional campaign from this publisher becoming the “most asked about” pitch by our readers almost instantly, whether it’s Michael Robinson or Keith Fitz-Gerald or Dr. […]

Just from that headline, experienced investors and teaser-readers might well know that we’re looking today at rare earth minerals — you might also call them rare earths, rare earth magnets, rare earth elements or lanthanides (they’re usually pulled out of the period table and grouped separately on the bottom if you want the actual names […]

Having spent 40+ years in MA where 1/3 of the year is just cold and nasty.another 1/3 rain/drizzle with occasional good days so one can rake/repair stuff from the bad days and summers with some good weeks that never happen to be your vacation weeks Temecula CA is pretty good for my last tour on […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. His words and opinions are his own.] In A History of New York, Washington Irving opens chapter VIII thus: ”In which the author and reader…fall into a very grave and instructive discourse.” This may prove to be a more unleavened column than […]

“An opportunity this good only comes along once twice in a lifetime. “These 3 quick-action interviews with our Foolish investing experts (below) show how to prepare yourself for the $19 trillion revolution that’s swallowing up the Internet. And how to zero in on the 3 next-generation technology stocks that are best positioned to profit. “I’m […]

I’m REALLY new at this, so pardon if this is a dumb question …….regarding CPT Coalspur. I heard Ridley Island port, Prince Rupert is getting another influx of cAsh for expansion. Me thinks, it might be getting ready for the coal from Coalspur, 2016. The stock has been beaten of late not sure why cause […]

These are my notes and instant reactions from a presentation at the Value Investing Congress, the notes below might contain errors, paraphrases, incorrect quotes, or misinterpretations. Arnaud Ajdler runs a new special situations hedge fund called Engine Capital (he’s been at Crescendo for a decade and is an experienced activist investor, but moved to start […]

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