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Natural gas has to be the least favorite commodity in the United States right now — it’s dirt cheap even after it recovered from recent lows below two dollars, local communities in some areas are harrumphing about earthquakes and water pollution in the areas where hydrofracking is producing this cheap gas, and the gas developers […]

Natural gas has to be the least favorite commodity in the United States right now — it’s dirt cheap even after it recovered from recent lows below two dollars, local communities in some areas are harrumphing about earthquakes and water pollution in the areas where hydrofracking is producing this cheap gas, and the gas developers […]

After watching the Senate today on there 59- 41 wait till next years vote, I still think it will get more than it needs and would not doubt that they get the magic number so Obama’s veto can’t happen, but a lot can happen and they just gave the middle east more time on the […]

As the stock market continues on its spiral downwards, drowning investors in the sea of despair forecast over the past year by Stansberry, Stockman and other pessimistic stock advisory writers, we constantly look for something to give credence to the old adage “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” The problem is how? […]

These are my notes and instant reactions from a presentation at the Value Investing Congress, the notes below might contain errors, paraphrases, incorrect quotes, or misinterpretations. Arnaud Ajdler runs a new special situations hedge fund called Engine Capital (he’s been at Crescendo for a decade and is an experienced activist investor, but moved to start […]

I might have missed it but, Travis or any irregulars that might have the scoop on the octopus technology teaser for oil drilling, we had the waterless fracking and some other techniques, it seems every drilling contractor has there preference or is it what they can afford for that part of the drilling phase but […]

Dear Reader, Today I rip the cover off my company’s secret weapon. I call him the “reluctant millionaire maker.” Talk about operating undercover. This guy’s living it. He craves privacy… he’s been lying low for the past decade… yet his Wikipedia page has 47 footnotes. What gives? For a long time, he has run in […]

Natural gas has to be the least favorite commodity in the United States right now — it’s dirt cheap even after it recovered from recent lows below two dollars, local communities in some areas are harrumphing about earthquakes and water pollution in the areas where hydrofracking is producing this cheap gas, and the gas developers […]

Natural gas has to be the least favorite commodity in the United States right now — it’s dirt cheap even after it recovered from recent lows below two dollars, local communities in some areas are harrumphing about earthquakes and water pollution in the areas where hydrofracking is producing this cheap gas, and the gas developers […]

I’m REALLY new at this, so pardon if this is a dumb question …….regarding CPT Coalspur. I heard Ridley Island port, Prince Rupert is getting another influx of cAsh for expansion. Me thinks, it might be getting ready for the coal from Coalspur, 2016. The stock has been beaten of late not sure why cause […]

The latest ad from Louis Navellier for his Growth Investor newsletter is a doozy… full of images of Louis Navellier driving his midlife crisis Porsche supercar around and showing off the red “turbo” button, with that serving as a “you’re too dumb to get it otherwise” metaphor for the tremendous potential of 5G wireless. We […]

Comments from Motley Fool 9/7/13: ”But there’s one rather surprising (and highly lucrative) secret you probably haven’t heard about these new iPhones… and as this eye-opening investor exposé reveals this strange-but-true fact could help smart investors like you make a small fortune — but only if you get all the details and act now!” Anyone […]

The Resveratrol Bust Disappointing, but unsurprising, I say. At this point I’m willing to stake my bet that the wonderful promise of resveratrol isn’t going to pan out. What’s resveratrol? Let’s take a little journey back in our time machine About Resveratrol It goes back at least 70 years, to the discovery by Japanese investigators […]

“This is the only company in the online higher education industry that’s creating a win-win for everyone. Which means it’s the only one with long-term staying power. The sad truth is, most online colleges exist for one simple purpose. To suck away federal loan dollars from Uncle Sam. These “diploma mills” don’t even care whether […]

Ed. note: Here is the third article from longtime reader Myron Martin. Again, we’d love to hear what you think of this feature in the comments section. Myron has agreed to our trading restrictions (he won’t trade the stocks he mentions for three days), but we have not reviewed, approved or screened his stocks or […]

“Yesterday, I sent you an urgent briefing regarding China’s dangerous “Internet Army.” This situation is already moving fast. “The small tech company critical to crushing China’s attacks just won another contract for an undisclosed “data center”… its third multimillion-dollar contract in less than a month. “This is quickly turning into exactly the kind of win-win […]

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