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Today we take a gander at a pitch from Mark Skousen, who has been a newsletter guy for decades with his Forecasts & Strategies newsletter (he’s also an itinerant economics professor, and runs the big “freedomfest” conference in Las Vegas each year, among other things). And the headline of his latest “presentation” pretty well sums […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medical topics and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, and his thoughts and words are his own. Enjoy!] Here we are, solidly in the postmodern 21st century, “so late in the goddam day,” as one of novelist Martin Amis’s characters says, and what […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for our Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. He has agreed to our trading restrictions. Visit his Stock Gumshoe page for more.] Bacteria are prokaryotes. Animal cells, fungi and plants are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes tend to be acellular and […]

A new study Push Telecommunications for Tele-Medicine (PTT) and M-Health: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021. The 2015 study has 815 pages, 259 tables and figures. Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as the push systems are used inside telemedicine systems and m-health apps to move patient and clinician communication […]

This microblog is not for a discussion of stocks – it’s for telling fellow Gummies and Gummie-esses about WEB SITES THAT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH INVESTING that you find useful. To start with, has 60 historical charts ranging from topics like …..A Gold to Oil Ratio Historical Chart ….tracks the ratio of the […]

This microblog is for stocks that do not fit neatly in or To get started, Thomas Kelly mentioned NVIV on the “……by-hendrixnuzzles blog “: “…. The Neuro-Spinal Scaffold is an investigational bioresorbable polymer scaffold that is designed for implantation at the site of injury within a spinal cord contusion. The Neuro-Spinal Scaffold provides […]

BIOTECH IN A Dr. KSS-LESS WORLD Welcome! The purpose of this thread will be to discuss, identify and follow small or mid-cap biotechs that have credible scientific platforms , big potential target markets, favorable qualified second party medical opinion, and significant stock appreciation potential in a one-to-three year time horizon; and to create and track […]

This thread is designed to allow Irregulars to discuss, share and provide input for calender catalyst events, primarily but not limited to equities contained on the Green Tab of the KSS Da Man! spreadsheet that is maintained by Hi Pockets. The calender currently can be updated only by Benny, Lawrence, Dr. KSS and myself. The […]

I thought this was going to be another pitch for what’s lately been teased very aggressively as invisible “770 Account” participating whole life insurance by the Palm Beach Folks… so I almost tossed the email (there are only so many times you can run through that story). But this is a little bit different — […]

This article originally appeared on January 28, 2015, when the ad was newly released — the same ad, without any major revisions that we noticed, is being distributed widely again and generating questions, so we make this piece available again. The stock teased is at roughly the same price now as it was on January […]

“I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes.”  — Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., Professor of Medicine , Harvard “With all his conscience and one eye askew, So false he […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes for our Irregulars about medicine and biotech stocks. As always, he has agreed our trading restrictions, and his words and opinions are his own. You can find all of his previous articles here. And now, for some dim sum….] Greetings Irregulars, and welcome to Stock Gumshoe’s festive second BioDimSum shindig, a periodic round-up […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I like to call “Doc Gumshoe,” is a medical writer (not a doctor) who shares his thoughts with our readers a couple times a month. He does not generally cover investing topics, but I find his discussions of broader health issues interesting and useful. Enjoy!] Doc Gumshoe would not be […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes for the Irregulars about medicine and biotech stocks. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!] It could be the premise of a tawdry unrated movie that teenage boys sneak glimpses of on Netflix when they’re home alone. […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, and his words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!] His tidily rhyming names perhaps destined him for fame. While Jack Kerouac’s work and popularity were before my time, his cultural and literary restlessness assure him […]

[ed. note: This is an introductory piece from longtime reader Peter Tilton, who has proposed writing a regular column for Stock Gumshoe readers about psychiatry. Not an investing topic (though the behavior of many of us in the markets may well be something that’s in need of a diagnosis), but we thought you might find […]

Has anyone tried this? A search on Gumshoe turned up nothing, but I saw articles on Motley Fool’s site as far back as 2012, pushing this. It enables you to choose your own stocks to create what is like a self-tailored ETF – you can include up to 30 stocks (and ETFs), for a single […]

[ed note: Dr. KSS is a paid contributor to Stock Gumshoe who writes about biotech stocks for (and discusses them with) the Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his alone. Enjoy!] Greetings fellow Irregulars!  You’ve all been waiting for it….our first-ever annual ceremony in which we look back on […]

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