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Search Results for: 2017

We don’t cover a lot of Australian teaser pitches here at Stock Gumshoe, but every now and then one percolates to the surface as its being heavily promoted by one of the Aussie publishers. This time around, it’s the Australian Small-Cap Investigator newsletter being promoted by Port Philip Publishing (which was started as the Australian […]

I know these discussions are generally about specific stocks, but I wanted to raise the issue of Google Finance’s announcement that their financial portfolio tracking service will cease Mid November 2017. I imagine this will impact many Gumshoe members. I really value Google’s portfolio service. I know it has a few faults and sometimes there […]

This is a pitch from Jason Stutman’s The Cutting Edge newsletter, his higher-end service from Angel Publishing (about $1,500/year), and what caught my eye was the headline promise that Harvard University is “calling for a 29,000% surge for one tiny company you’ve never heard of.” So what is it? Well, it’s appropriate that we’re looking […]

This article was originally published on May 19, and the ad we’re covering has been heavily promoted over the past month, leading up to a big final push before yesterday’s supposed catalyst date of June 13, when Blanco (or his ad copywriter) was certain that Apple would announce some big news about “this tiny company”. […]

This is the intro from the ad we’re considering today: “Jim Rickards: Halfway to heaven, in a location with life-threatening temperatures, a little-known company is about to unleash… “‘God’s Gold’ “15 TIMES the concentration of the average global gold mine, this deposit contains arguably the highest-grade gold on the planet. “And one company trading for […]

We are always, always tempted by anything that promises hope to sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease and their families… not just because we’re humanitarians and love people, and have seen the pain of this disease, but because Alzheimer’s treatment is by far the largest (mostly) unmet medical need in the US, both because the population of […]

No, Balthasar is not a biotech company. Think fast! Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Jaclyn, Farrah and Kate. Kirk, Spock and Bones. Barry, Robin and Maurice. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. History and culture bestow trios upon us because threesomes keep us rapt. The Three Magi, liking the Gummune as they do, have […]

The headline that snagged my attention was this:  ‘Thirty-five Thousand Americans Die of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Each Year” This was based on the Centers for Disease Control’s Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2019, which led off with the statement that more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the US every year, and more […]

Gobble Gobble! It’s that time again! Stock Gumshoe is mostly closed down for the holiday week, but we do have to continue our annual tradition of calling out our “Turkey of the Year” … so take a pause from that turkey brining and join us, won’t you? What is this tradition, you ask? Every year, […]

Most of the attention in the media is now focused on the several forms of cancer treatment grouped under the flattering term “Precision Medicine.”   I find that the term raises my skepticism index just a bit; it’s like eating establishments labeling themselves “Gourmet Restaurants,” the implication being that joints not so identified are just […]

The next wireless standard to be adopted by telecom service providers might be the biggest one since 3G enabled the first real “high speed” data and reasonably useful internet access by smart phones. And new wireless standards are always of interest to investors, not least because the growth of smartphones has tracked the improving networks […]

Marijuana speculation is all the rage these days, with most punters focused on the first legal sales of recreational marijuana that will be taking place in Canada tomorrow and the crazy stock market gyrations of the larger Canadian growers like Canopy Growth and Aurora and Tilray and their ilk… … and what makes some of […]

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