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Search Results for: chris mayer

“The New Alaskan ‘Oil Gush’ Is Underway… “Forget the greedy oil tycoons of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran… Forget the oil giants Exxon, BP and Chevron… “This Tiny Exploration Company could deliver you a quick and early retirement…” That’s the intro from Chris Mayer in our newest tease — he’s trying to recruit new subscribers […]

For your consideration: I stumbled across Chris Mayer’s tease of “The biggest fire sale in history”. Some highlights: “This is our opportunity. There is no better, more-reliable way to make money than to buy something from someone who has to sell. Bankers are the best people in the world to buy from. Believe me, […]

For your consideration: I stumbled across Chris Mayer’s tease of “The biggest fire sale in history”. Some highlights: “This is our opportunity. There is no better, more-reliable way to make money than to buy something from someone who has to sell. Bankers are the best people in the world to buy from. Believe me, […]

Here’s how today’s ad opens: “The biggest opportunity of the new world economy… “‘Hard Luck’ Scheele’s Discovery Could Quadruple Your Money by July 14, 2010 “Every country in the developing world needs this 231-year-old discovery, but… “Only 10 companies in the world have it… “Only 3 of them are pure plays… “Only ONE can actually […]

Gobble Gobble! It’s that time again! Stock Gumshoe is mostly closed down for the holiday week, but we do have to continue our annual tradition of calling out our “Turkey of the Year” … so take a pause from that turkey brining and join us, won’t you? What is this tradition, you ask? Every year, […]

Today we check in again on Chris Mayer, he’s sending out ads for his Chris Mayer’s FOCUS newsletter ($2,500) over at Bonner & Partners, and his ideas are often interesting. His big focus in recent years has been trying to back-test qualitatively to identify the things that made huge investment successes possible — and specifically […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for our Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. He has agreed to our trading restrictions. Visit his Stock Gumshoe page for more.] Bacteria are prokaryotes. Animal cells, fungi and plants are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes tend to be acellular and […]

I have always had six to eight subscriptions to newsletters. generally in the $50 to $80 range. I am particularly fond of the Agora publication set, but I have other subscriptions, too. Over past 12 months or so, I have decided to end my subscriptions to Jim Rickard’s Strategic Intelligence and True Alpha (formerly Capital […]

Does anyone know the 6 ”Free Stocks” from the watch list that were a bonus for watching the presentation? Due to either technical issues on their end, or my computer, I was unable to watch the presentation. Not interested in signing up for their service, but I was hoping to see what was on the […]

I spent a day and a half in Manhattan to attend the conference run by Grant’s Interest Rate Observer and Jim Grant, and I’ll probably write some additional things about my take on the various presenters and the ideas they might inspire as my thoughts percolate… but these are my initial reactions. First, investment conferences […]

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