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Search Results for: stm

I have to start out by saying that I think these Gumshoe articles are great, & I don’t like putting people on the spot ( or people doing that to me), but I have a question to ask partly out of genuine curiosity, partly out of concern for my stock. Don’t take it as a […]

Ed. note: Here is the third article from longtime reader Myron Martin. Again, we’d love to hear what you think of this feature in the comments section. Myron has agreed to our trading restrictions (he won’t trade the stocks he mentions for three days), but we have not reviewed, approved or screened his stocks or […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. All of his past articles and most recent comments are on his Stock Gumshoe page.] Ho ho ho! And Happy Christmas to all […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, and his words and opinions are his own. You can find his bio and his past articles on his Stock Gumshoe page.] “The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite and […]

Dave Forest has updated his pitch about the “Bitcoin Key” to include some hype about a mysterious factory in the desert, including some aerial photos, so although he’s still teasing the same stocks he was with the first version of this ad back in October, we’re re-posting it with a few updates to help new […]

The latest “ADC” pitch from Michael Robinson has generated a lot of questions from readers this week, and the ad itself seems to be pretty much a carbon copy of the one sent out back in December… so we’re just re-posting this teaser solution for you. What follows is unchanged from when it first appeared […]

It looks like our longtime favorite MEMS company, Invensense (INVN), which I continually wish I had bought on the many times it has dipped to $20 or below, is indeed finally an Apple iPhone supplier. Business has otherwise not been fantastic for INVN as some of their big customers, notably Nintendo, have scaled back in […]

Here’s a little excerpt from the order form that accompanies Michael Robinson’s latest teaser pitch for Digital Fortunes ($99 first year, renews at $199, 30-day refund period), which is another of the newsletters he inherited from Louis Basenese last year: “For the first time in nearly 200 years, railroad history is about to repeat itself… […]

I love the mysterious references to “alien minerals” and “secret compounds” that we sometimes see in teaser ads, and the latest pitch from Trend Trader Daily jumps right out with that in the headline: “50,000 Year-Old ‘Alien Mineral’ Could Hold the Key to Unlocking a $7 Trillion Market” Followed, of course, by the required “one […]

David Gardner has touted and teased many stocks for both his Rule Breakers and his Stock Advisor services — probably, in fact, we’ve covered more Motley Fool teaser ads here at Stock Gumshoe than we have any other publisher (and according to the quick calculations of one of our readers, they’ve had more winners than […]

This article was originally published on December 1, 2020, but we’re seeing new versions with different headlines and that “March 2021” deadline, so we’re re-publishing our comments below. What follows has not been updated or revised in the past month. Lou Basenese is pitching Elon Musk’s next big idea in ads for his Trend Trader […]

James West is promising a new “Sky-Fi” technology using reusable rockets (a la Musk) and the FCC’s new approval for 1 million new Starlink Antennæ. He says it will make 5G obsolete as early as this January. He’s teasing 4 new stocks that go with it. Any ideas? Tease Site:

I listened to a sales pitch last night for over 1 hour that was geared to Paul Mampilly’s Banyan Hill suckers and was waiting for the 3 stocks that would pay returns of at least 100x or better , what I got at the end was an opportunity to sign up for the service for […]

A version of this article was published on January 13, 2020, when Mampilly’s ads first called this his “#1 Stock for 2020”, and though the ad is unchanged we’re seeing it a lot again now — most recently, the ads from Banyan Hill now say that this “$10 Stock Gets ‘All In’ Buy Alert on […]

This ad has been running for a week or so, since Crowdability hosted their “special presentation” to make the original pitch on October 23, and readers have been peppering me with questions… which makes sense, the idea of a “single stock retirement plan” is very compelling (Oxford Club has used it to pitch a different […]

This article was originally published on Halloween, 2018, but we’re getting a ton of new questions about it so they must be running the ad heavily again. The ad has NOT been updated in any meaningful way, but some significant things have changed for this stock over the past year (though the stock price is […]

An earlier version of this article was published on January 30, 2019 — at the time, this was teased as an “inconspicuous $20 stock” that would create one-stock millionaires beginning on February 15. Now, a very similar ad with slight updates is circulating promising “one stock millionaire” status from an “unheard-of tech stock” that can […]

I have to start out by saying that I think these Gumshoe articles are great, & I don’t like putting people on the spot ( or people doing that to me), but I have a question to ask partly out of genuine curiosity, partly out of concern for my stock. Don’t take it as a […]

But what if you could buy one tiny stock today for $10 that is at the center of a growing tech industry experts believe will explode a massive 77,400%? Wall Street legend Paul Mampilly recently identified this Stock of the Century. It is issued by a little-known company he predicts will become the main “chipmaker” […]

Paul Mamipally is teasing this stock that will revolutionize technology by interconnecting machines, cell phones etc. I’ve been looking to see what it is he’s pitching here. I can understand that this could be a huge thing. With these small chips allowing all kinds of devices to communicate with each other…. So what is the […]

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