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Eric Fry is teasing us about the coming “A.I. Wars,” and the necessity of building more and more advanced AI-ready chips in the United States and reducing our reliance on Taiwan and South Korea, and the heart of his pitch is that some companies will see huge profit opportunities as semiconductor capital spending grows to […]

[ed note: We feature the musings of our favorite health and medicine writer, Michael Jorrin, a couple times a month, and we’ve taken the liberty of calling him “Doc Gumshoe” (he’s not a doctor). You’ll find no stock picks in his pieces, but hopefully will get plenty of insight into the medical matters he explains […]

Curzio teased a little in his show last Friday about a company he went to New York for to do some boots on the groun research. He met with chief of police and spoke of a new weapon that he allowed the police department to demonstrate on him. A new non lethal restraining weapon that […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine biotech stocks for the Gumshoe Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. Visit his Stock Gumshoe page for his past articles and most recent comments.] Assessing biotechnology stocks involves use of lots of mental microscopes and magnifying lenses. But the task […]

Here’s what I can’t tell you: Where the price of gold is going. Here’s what I can tell you: Over the past several weeks, as investor enthusiasm for gold clearly reached the melting point in a big price spike to near $900, I’ve seen almost every gold teaser in the book. Gold is down a bit again today, but the gold bugs are still out in force and certain that they will be vindicated when inflation and dollar devaluation finally rear their ugly heads. What do the experts say now?

The Resveratrol Bust Disappointing, but unsurprising, I say. At this point I’m willing to stake my bet that the wonderful promise of resveratrol isn’t going to pan out. What’s resveratrol? Let’s take a little journey back in our time machine About Resveratrol It goes back at least 70 years, to the discovery by Japanese investigators […]

In past times, what surgeons did was basically removing infected body parts and things that didn’t belong in our bodies, like tumors and foreign bodies. For most of the history of the practice of medicine, surgeons were admired for their manual dexterity rather than for their skill and intelligence in diagnosing and treating disease. The […]

This microblog is for stocks that do not fit neatly in or To get started, Thomas Kelly mentioned NVIV on the “……by-hendrixnuzzles blog “: “…. The Neuro-Spinal Scaffold is an investigational bioresorbable polymer scaffold that is designed for implantation at the site of injury within a spinal cord contusion. The Neuro-Spinal Scaffold provides […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for our Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. He has agreed to our trading restrictions. Visit his Stock Gumshoe page for more.] Bacteria are prokaryotes. Animal cells, fungi and plants are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes tend to be acellular and […]

The good folks at Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor newsletter have another teaser for us … they think they’ve got a “virtually recession-proof” stock for you to buy … in their words: “On Sale Now… a Virtually Recession-Proof Business Poised for 100% Gains… “An investment story like this doesn’t come along very often… “It’s a business […]

“After 98 years of secrecy, the greatest economic conspiracy in history is finally unfolding.” “Learn how you could turn $5,000 into $100,000 (or more) by 2009 with this safe and simple profit/protection plan…” That’s how this latest ad opens, with the threat that the 98-year-old “Jeckyl Island Project” economic conspiracy will ruin your retirement — […]

Your friendly neighborhood Stock Gumshoe tends to focus on US-based investment newsletters and the hype they generate, but that’s not because this phenomenon is restricted to our fair shores. Newsletters and advisories proliferate around the world, even if the center of newsletter land continues to be the area within 100 miles or so of my […]

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