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Search Results for: blockchain

Question #5: What makes “the next Bitcoin” better than Bitcoin? It has to do with the underlying technology, the “blockchain.” You see, Bitcoin was a pioneer with this technology… however, their blockchain is essentially only usable for currency. On top of that, as I mentioned in my article up top, it’s relatively slow (taking 10 […]

This article was originally published on May 24, 2022, and has not been updated. The ad seems to be circulating heavily again, and Ian King’s video “presentation” is also unchanged since 2022, so we’re re-posting our explanation here to help answer questions. The “next gen coin” has since fallen by about 75%, then recovered to […]

Everybody and his brother seems to have a cryptocurrency-focused newsletter these days, which I guess should come as no surprise — investors see the fortunes that have been made by the lucky early bets on Bitcoin or Ethereum or other cryptos, and they want a piece, which creates a huge demand for anything that might […]

Jason Stutman is peddling his Technology & Opportunity letter ($99/yr) with a new tease about blockchain, so I thought it would be good to take a look at that after we sniffed around in Paul Mampilly’s (older) blockchain tease yesterday. The spiel is all about an “arms race” in bitcoin mining that will be spurred […]

“The $11.7 Trillion “Carbon Web” – The New Technological Revolution Expected to Grow At Least 8,473% Over the Next Few Years.” Here’s the link: by James Altucher Editor, Altucher’s Investment Network

David Fessler from the Oxfordclub is touting The Next Stock of the Decade “The Largest Economic Opportunity of the 21st Century.” and references boxes outside of Walmarts and other stores Looks like some kind of device that produces energy out of thin air here is an excerpt of the pitch Because this company… which […]

David Fessler from the Oxfordclub is touting The Next Stock of the Decade “The Largest Economic Opportunity of the 21st Century.” and references boxes outside of Walmarts and other stores Looks like some kind of device that produces energy out of thin air here is an excerpt of the pitch Because this company… which […]

So currently we are working on the short term 5G, sell-driving vehicles, AI/DL/ML, and electric vehicles.I have strong interest in Blockchain, financial privacy (I am tired of being taxed 5 times for every dollar and for even investments in Crypto). But also it provides a OpenBanking, OpenTrading. Crypto is not just ’coins’ the Blockchain is […]

hello to all. I just finished listening to STANSBERRY RESEARCH video. It’s in regards going from analog to bitcoin and blockchain (digital) the way of our future. Obviously we know about bitcoin but does anybody have any idea which companies he’s referring too? Link below Thank you in advance DM

Hi there guys, Teeka Tiwari is the face behind the newsletter PALM BEACH CONFIDENTIAL. He is now calling the coming event of the halving of the BITCOIN (which happens every four years) the PHENOMENON 5 coins to 5 million. In order to find out what these 5 CRYPTO coins are, you have to subscribe to […]

Stansberry makes a compelling argument about the likelihood of International Currency replacement to Blockchain, Bitcoin, etc. in the recent addition of his ”Innovation Report.” I have ignored all of Stansberry Solicitations and Come-ons for months; I am a subscriber of something of his, so I still get hit, which I typically delete. Today I had […]

Jason Stutman is peddling his Technology & Opportunity letter ($99/yr) with a new tease about blockchain, so I thought it would be good to take a look at that after we sniffed around in Paul Mampilly’s (older) blockchain tease yesterday. The spiel is all about an “arms race” in bitcoin mining that will be spurred […]

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