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Search Results for: income on demand, Zachery Scheidt

What on earth is this about? In return for your subscription money a fellow who is disgruntled with Wall Street and the hedge fund world gives you nine magic digits and then the company involved has to pay you money. For what pray tell, Doc Gumshoe and the gang of gallant irregulars? By punching in […]

“Started in 1873 to provide monthly income to widows and orphans in Scotland… “‘Title VI’ Funds Are Now the Preferred Investment Secret of the Super-Rich! …. “There’s a type of fund — a fund that most Americans know very little about — that’s responsible for protecting and growing the wealth of the world’s greatest investors. […]

We can usually count on Dr. Kent Moors to come up with a bombastic big-picture tease for his latest favorite energy stock, and this one’s no different — though it’s less an energy stock and more a steel-industry stock. The spiel for his Energy Inner Circle ($2,000/yr) tells us that this “dull gray powder” is […]

“On October 1st, This Weird Rooftop Pod Will Deliver the Death Blow to ‘The Big 3’ Cable Companies… With One Clean Shot” That’s the opener of the latest ad for Ray Blanco’s Technology Profits Confidential, which is selling subscriptions with the promise that you can get rich and shut down America’s most hated companies at […]

Ugh, another “you get a check!” teaser pitch… these are everywhere nowadays, and they’re getting a little tiresome. But still, we aim to please… and readers are asking, so let’s get to answering. The ad this time around is from one of the Casey Research newsletters, E.B. Tucker’s Casey Strategic Investor ($99/yr), and this is […]

The Infinite Income newsletter last crossed our paths when they were promising “Trump Bonus Checks,” which was certainly silly, and the ad I’ve been looking at today takes a tack that sounds a little bit familiar — they now say you can “piggyback” on the Swiss social security system and get big ol’ monthly checks. […]

Alpha Contracts! That’s what’s being teased by the Agora Financial folks these days, all as part of a pitch for Zachary Scheidt’s Contract Income Alert. We haven’t covered this particular letter before, but have covered a few income-oriented pitches by Zach Scheidt for his other letters over the years, mostly talking up dividend-paying stocks and […]

Have a question in mind that you think is so dumb you’re embarrassed to ask it?  That’s what we’re here for today! This bonus post was inspired by a reader who wanted to know “where to ask a dumb question” here on Stock Gumshoe… and while his question was not actually stupid, and I’m happy […]

We’ve seen a long stream of earnings reports and other worthwhile bits of data on Real Money Portfolio stocks since I last wrote to you, including some that actually included some interesting news, so prepare for a lot of quick updates…. Medical Properties Trust (MPW) reported another quarter of ho-hum… pretty much met the forecasts, […]

I’ve gotten quite a few questions recently about “income” and “buy stocks cheap” letters that are clearly veiled hints about put option selling… so I thought I’d take a look at one of them. The ad in question today is from Karim Rahemtulla, who calls himself “The Frugal Millionaire” in this spiel and has been […]

The talk of trade war with China is bringing the idea of Chinese mineral dominance back to the pages of investment teaser ads… we’ve seen several in the last week or two that focus on rare earths, where China remains dominant and might have some extra negotiating leverage in trade disputes, and this latest pitch […]

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