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[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, and his words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!] His tidily rhyming names perhaps destined him for fame. While Jack Kerouac’s work and popularity were before my time, his cultural and literary restlessness assure him […]

If you ever want a dose of optimism, just read through (or listen to) any of the ads for Breakthrough Technology Alert — Patrick Cox will have you swelling with rosy thoughts about a future without disease or hardship, with a nice dose of 1,000,000% returns thrown in … that, after all, is the raison […]

Today we look, for a change, at a UK company — this teaser comes in from the folks at Fleet Street Publications (the British partner of our favorite newsletter megalopolis, Agora), in an ad for a letter called Dr. Mike Tubbs’ Research Investments. The letter appears to focus on breakout technology and biotech stocks, with […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes for the Irregulars about medicine and biotech stocks. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. He has agreed to our trading restrictions.] Tekmira (TKMR) shares have surged in response to announced use of its anti-Ebola RNAi therapeutic. Despite this, share action has occurred in […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading rules and he chooses his own topics. His words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!] In June 1962, women working in the dressmaking arm of a certain American textile factory were overcome with fear. Rumors began […]

[Ed note: Following is another installment from our favorite medical scribe, “Doc Gumshoe” (no, he’s not a doctor). We feature Michael’s commentary every couple weeks or so, and his thoughts and words are his own. “Doc” doesn’t pick stocks, but FDA decisions are a huge driver of investment success for pharmaceutical and biotech companies and […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. His bio, past articles, and most recent comments can be seen here. Enjoy!] OUT of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, […]

This ad comes to us from Andrew Mickey at Breakaway Investor, who we’ve heard from a few times before. The solution was suggested by a few readers, the first of whom was Randy Last-name-withheld-to protect-the-innocent, and one of them, one of the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars who wishes to remain anonymous (we’ll call him Streetsifter … […]

Well, I’ve now been sleuthing out these companies publicly, and tracking the performance of these advertising emails, for long enough to take a little look back and see if anything interesting has happened to these firms. The most widely hyped pick of the last week, for Porter Stansberry’s London natural resources bank, is probably too […]

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