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Search Results for: Jim Del Vecchio, Phase A Payments

What on earth is this about? In return for your subscription money a fellow who is disgruntled with Wall Street and the hedge fund world gives you nine magic digits and then the company involved has to pay you money. For what pray tell, Doc Gumshoe and the gang of gallant irregulars? By punching in […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS is our biotech and medical maven, who writes for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses is own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. You can find all of his previous articles and most recent comments on his Stock Gumshoe page.] Although the drive to […]

Alpha Contracts! That’s what’s being teased by the Agora Financial folks these days, all as part of a pitch for Zachary Scheidt’s Contract Income Alert. We haven’t covered this particular letter before, but have covered a few income-oriented pitches by Zach Scheidt for his other letters over the years, mostly talking up dividend-paying stocks and […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Gumshoe Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, he chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!] OK, admit it….how many of you have seen the campy films of Baltimore director John Waters? The ones starring the […]

Buy this ‘Under $0.50’ Stock by November 1st, 2013 “This is one of the few times in the history of our business we have recommended a company so small and with such high upside potential. A triple-digit gain within the next 12-36 months is highly possible…. “We’ve been vetting the opportunity for nearly two years.” […]

I’ve got a big ol’ pile of updates and thoughts about a dozen or so companies to get to, but we’re going to start with a teaser solution today. Paul Mampilly of Agora Financial’s FDA Trader apparently sent around a teaser note to his own subscribers (I say “apparently” because I’ve only seen the cut-and-paste […]

When we’re trying to fight against an adversary that is as strong and full of tricks as cancer, what we need to do is look for points of vulnerability – Achilles heels.   We all remember, of course, that the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Styx when he was a tiny boy, […]

Today we have the uncertain pleasure of checking out a teaser pitch from James Altucher, who one of our readers referred to as the “white Don King of the stock gurus” — he’s peddling subscriptions to Altucher’s Investment Network (that’s his “entry level” letter, $79/year), and the bait he dangles out is his “special report” […]

This teaser solution was originally published on January 22, 2019, when we first saw the ad running. The ads have still been running in recent weeks, and we’re getting questions about it again, so we’re re-posting it here for your information. The ad has not changed, and my article below has not changed, though the […]

Here’s the lead-in to the ad that caught our readers’ attention this week: “This ‘Perfect Storm’ Stock Is Set to Deliver Big Pharma a Swift and Devastating DEATHBLOW It Won’t Come Back From… “And Launch This Little Company on A 72-Hour, $8.98 Billion All-Out SPRINT” And there’s a deadline… today, in fact, when there will […]

Another day, another promise of imminent riches from a biotech clinical trial! This time it’s from Ray Blanco, who has made many such promises in his ads, and the pitch is all about a “bio switch” that has the potential to “end diabetes, plus heart & kidney disease (with a twice-a-day pill).” What more could […]

“For such a beastly month as February, 28 days as a rule are plenty,” said the Pirate King.   But you would be surprised at the number of interesting snippets of news in the health-care realm that landed in my inbox during this short month.   I’ll lead off with one that gave me a particular kick. […]

This teaser pitch has been around for a few weeks, but I haven’t gotten around to covering it until now… call it marijuana fatigue, just plain laziness, or a surfeit of other hypetastic pitches, but it just didn’t rise to the top. Questions have rolled in from readers pretty consistently, though, so I’m finally digging […]

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