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Search Results for: income on demand, Zachery Scheidt

Retirees and those who are near retirement are desperate for income — bond yields are ridiculously low, not just for municipal bonds and Treasuries but for riskier corporate bonds, CD rates are too low to take seriously, even dividends are getting lower as more and more investors overpay for income… so the marketplace is ripe […]

Bitterness over the financial bailouts seems to have waned a bit, but there’s certainly a strong vein of anger to mine … and that’s exactly what copywriters are paid to do. This time, it’s in an ad for Jim Nelson’s Lifetime Income Report — and this is the investment idea he’s got for you: “This […]

Roger Conrad has been a well known fan of relatively stodgy income stocks for a long time, with his Canadian Edge and Utility Forecaster both ranking among the top income-focused newsletters according to Stock Gumshoe reviewers for most of the past several years. And today’s he’s teasing us with yet another somewhat unusual income investment, […]

I’ve gotten quite a few questions recently about “income” and “buy stocks cheap” letters that are clearly veiled hints about put option selling… so I thought I’d take a look at one of them. The ad in question today is from Karim Rahemtulla, who calls himself “The Frugal Millionaire” in this spiel and has been […]

Dave Fessler has an attention-getting pitch circulating right now that compares this opportunity to Halley’s Comet — a profitable trade that has “only appeared twice in the last 85 years.” The idea grabs you, naturally — it is designed to. The whole intro is about what it’s like to miss a rare opportunity, and about […]

This ad caught my eye, because Nathan Slaughter (or his ad copywriter) is doing the same thing a lot of newsletter pundits do: Comparing apples to oranges in trying to give the impression that there’s some “secret” alternative to social security that save your retirement. (There is the old “secret” alternative, of course, it’s called […]

This article was originally published in February, the ad is recirculating with minor updates (mostly that the “deadline” is now April 1, versus previous versions that cited January 1 or February 1), so we’re re-sharing this piece to help answer continuing reader questions. What appears below has not been updated since 2/7/18. I’m sure quite […]

Jason Stutman’s “upgrade” newsletter, The Cutting Edge ($1,499/yr), is out with a teaser campaign that promises you the chance at riches from “Charged Ore” … and, in fact, an actual sample of that ore itself as part of your subscription. So what is “Charged Ore,” and what’s this little Nebraska mine that Stutman thinks will […]

This is shaping up to be “bitcoin week” here at Stock Gumshoe — I wrote a bit more about my (befuddled and pessimistic) opinion about bitcoin itself late last week, and we got things rolling on Monday with David Gardner’s “bitcoin backdoor” stock… … and today, we move on to Jeff Brown at Bonner and […]

Ed note: this article was first published in 2015, but the ad continues to run and readers continue to ask about it, so we’re re-posting this teaser solution for you today. What follows has not been meaningfully updated or revised since it was originally published on March 14, 2015, though some minor updates have been […]

Several readers have asked me this week what “Dividend Superstations” are… so that’s the target for the Thinkolator today. The ad comes from Brett Owens for his Contrarian Income Report, which is usually sold as a service that looks for a “secure 8% ‘no withdrawal’ return” for retirement — an admirable goal, and not terribly […]

Hello Travis, I am an Irregular Gummie who loves what you do! It is great to have a place to test and validate (or mostly not) all the wild claims out there. This week I saw a pitch for Weekly Wealth Alert, Alan Knuckman’s ”patent pending” ”weekly paycheck indicator,” which is basically an analysis of […]

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