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We’ve looked at rare earth elements before (also called rare earth metals or minerals, and some of them are rare earth magnets), they’re a dozen different rare elements from the periodic table that have specific uses in lots of high tech gear, from batteries to missile guidance systems. China is widely credited with strategically undercutting […]

Byron King is pitching another teensy weensy rare metals stock for his Energy & Scarcity Investor newsletter from Agora, only this time it’s not the rare earth metals but a really light metal that he calls the “Fourth Element.” Which brings to mind several of the periodic table-focused teasers of years past, though particularly the […]

A new study Push Telecommunications for Tele-Medicine (PTT) and M-Health: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021. The 2015 study has 815 pages, 259 tables and figures. Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as the push systems are used inside telemedicine systems and m-health apps to move patient and clinician communication […]

[ed. note: We feature the writings of Doc Gumshoe, our favorite medical scribe, every few weeks here at Stock Gumshoe. He is not a doctor, but we value his insight, research, contrariness and skepticism … and, most importantly, his ability to explain complex health issues for our readers. He generates a lot of discussion with […]

Patrick Cox is at it again with some teaseriffic promises — this time, we’re told that … “This is a Rare Opportunity to Own a Little-Known Biotech Company that’s Making Medical History…” Of course, nearly everything that passes through the floodgates here at Gumshoe HQ is a “rare opportunity” … otherwise, why on earth would […]

We’ve gotten a bunch of questions recently about this pitch from Nathan Slaughter about gas to liquids technology and the “death of OPEC,” so I’m sharing an excerpt from the Friday File article about this teaser that we published a little over three weeks ago for the Irregulars. Don’t worry, it’s the meat of the […]

We’ve certainly seen our share of “next breakthrough” promises from Louis Basenese — he has worked for a variety of publishers (mostly under the Agora umbrella, I think) and is now promoting a service that he calls VentureCap Strategist, published by Wall Street Daily, and now he’s dangling his take on virtual reality in front […]

This is the little ad snippet that sent me down a rabbit hole today: “The $10 Company at the Center of a Revolution: It’s inked four deals with huge players in its sector, and it’s holding the keys to a potential global product. Click here to learn more…” It led to an ad titled “The […]

Curzio teased a little in his show last Friday about a company he went to New York for to do some boots on the groun research. He met with chief of police and spoke of a new weapon that he allowed the police department to demonstrate on him. A new non lethal restraining weapon that […]

This is a late continuation of the predecessor thread titled: “Gold, Silver, and Hard Assets…FALL 2017”…from which, I quote: “Everyone makes mistakes and I make more than my share.”  Well, I nailed that one. In 2018, overall my picks were not successful.  Many of the mining speculations were duds. Plus the commodity price landscape was […]

The next wireless standard to be adopted by telecom service providers might be the biggest one since 3G enabled the first real “high speed” data and reasonably useful internet access by smart phones. And new wireless standards are always of interest to investors, not least because the growth of smartphones has tracked the improving networks […]

And now for something completely different… since it’s been a nutty week in the markets, I’m going to cover a teaser pitch that doesn’t have much to do with Chinese growth fears, interest rates, gold prices, or momentum stock valuations: This one’s all about space. Which itself is in the news today, thanks to the […]

I’ve been mostly sitting on the sidelines during the “Crypto Mania” this year, because, well, anything “manic” makes me nervous and I still haven’t been able to come up with a rational price argument for any cryptocurrency…. … so I haven’t recently dug into all of the recent “Amazon is going to choose a cryptocurrency […]

Kent Moors certainly has some talented copywriters plying his wares… we’ve been seeing his latest “buried treasure” pitch for about a week now, and today I’m finally actually finding the time to read it and get some answers for our beloved Gumshoe readers. The ad is a pitch for Moors’ Energy Advantage (currently $299), Here’s […]

Is this going to be good news, or bad news, or somewhere in between?   On balance, I would say good news, simply because the research and investigation is going on at an intense pace.   Currently there are 1,903 clinical trials underway at some stage, in the US and all over the world. When I first […]

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