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Search Results for: uranium stocks

We can usually count on Dr. Kent Moors to come up with a bombastic big-picture tease for his latest favorite energy stock, and this one’s no different — though it’s less an energy stock and more a steel-industry stock. The spiel for his Energy Inner Circle ($2,000/yr) tells us that this “dull gray powder” is […]

Here’s the intro to the latest teaser pitch from Nomi Prins… it’s a doozy: “Declassified Government Energy Experiment Set for Commercial Release on March 22 at 9 a.m. ET “‘SMR’ fuel hid in government shadows for 68 years — but it’s about to unlock a new $4 Trillion energy market… and this tiny Oregon firm […]

Before gold and silver started taking off a few months ago, lithium had been the only non-disappointing commodity investment around for quite a while… and we covered a bunch of teasers for lithium producers and explorers over the past year, most of which were built on the “Tesla’s gigafactory is going to need more lithium […]

Sometimes it seems like investment newsletter teasers run in trends… last week we were inundated with “smart metal” pitches, this week the questions are pouring in about Doug Casey’s “Super Metal.” I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, so many newsletter ads try to implant a short little phrase in your head that harnesses their investing […]

The next wireless standard to be adopted by telecom service providers might be the biggest one since 3G enabled the first real “high speed” data and reasonably useful internet access by smart phones. And new wireless standards are always of interest to investors, not least because the growth of smartphones has tracked the improving networks […]

Frank Curzio has graced the pages of Gumshoe quite a few times over the years, under the aegis of several different publishers, but this is the first time he has actively promoted his new self-published “front end” newsletter, Curzio Research Advisory (he launched his “back end” newsletter, Curzio Venture Opportunities, late last year). I don’t […]

Each year I go through all of the stocks that I either own personally or have brought to the attention of the Irregulars (there’s quite a bit of overlap on those lists), and I make sure to update my thoughts and opinion on that stock in an organized and, hopefully, disciplined way — that helps […]

Travis I am fair with all teasers and do diligence and you nack for fine tuning what I am looking for is exceptional. I am a fan of Casey and think he is fair with his projections but I can not find his new or new to me he calls them the : Super Bull […]

Nuclear Awakening By Jeff Siegel | Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 At this very moment, on the ninth floor of a Vancouver office building, a (currently) $0.13 metals company is preparing to revolutionize the global nuclear power industry… In these early stages, it’s a move not 1 in 10,000 investors sees coming. But their discovery is […]

Fukushima Daini proved that nuclear power is very safe. That wasn’t a typo–Daini, not Daichi. Fukushima Number One (Daichi) is the infamous reactor complex. Fukushima Number Two (Daini) is seven miles down the coast and was also hit by the earthquake and tsunami. (Please see this striking images of the tsunami at Daini: ) […]

What would you say if I told you we could generate 20% more electricity from a nuclear power plant generate less waste and at the same time making the power safer? Lightbridge Energy (LTBR) has the recipe. Lightbridge started out in 1992 working on a fuel rod design that used thorium as a complement/alternative to […]

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