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Search Results for: Jim Del Vecchio, Phase A Payments

Patrick Cox is at it again with some teaseriffic promises — this time, we’re told that … “This is a Rare Opportunity to Own a Little-Known Biotech Company that’s Making Medical History…” Of course, nearly everything that passes through the floodgates here at Gumshoe HQ is a “rare opportunity” … otherwise, why on earth would […]

This next teaser stock, we’re told … “Is Proof One Doctor Can Grow New Organs, Regenerate Limbs, and Eradicate Disease “And you can buy shares of his company right now, before anyone else knows it exists.” The tease is to get you to subscribe to Steve Christ’s newsletter, The Wealth Advisory — I’ve written about […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes for our Irregulars about medicine and biotech stocks. As always, he has agreed our trading restrictions, and his words and opinions are his own. You can find all of his previous articles here. And now, for some dim sum….] Greetings Irregulars, and welcome to Stock Gumshoe’s festive second BioDimSum shindig, a periodic round-up […]

Several readers have asked me this week what “Dividend Superstations” are… so that’s the target for the Thinkolator today. The ad comes from Brett Owens for his Contrarian Income Report, which is usually sold as a service that looks for a “secure 8% ‘no withdrawal’ return” for retirement — an admirable goal, and not terribly […]

“On June 15th, 2009, Dayton Superior Corp. is required by federal law to pay investors a 97% ‘Scheduled Distribution’ … “Right now, more than 100 companies are issuing abnormally large, 1-day payouts to their investors … “And while most companies are cutting their dividends – or doing away with them entirely – these ‘Scheduled Distributions’ […]

I’ve had a couple readers ask about this one, and it seems fairly interesting, so I thought I’d look into it even though it doesn’t seem to have been particularly actively promoted. The “tease” came in Steve Sjuggerud’s free Daily Wealth newsletter over the weekend, as bait to tempt subscribers into his True Wealth newsletter […]

These kinds of ads always include some huge numbers that sound really, really impressive… here’s a little bit of the intro from the latest ad for Briton Ryle’s The Wealth Advisory: “*Jim T. collected $23,500 last month from ‘backdooring’ Google’s Account *Ron J. ‘backdoored’ $15,804 from Facebook’s Account *Aaron K. pocketed $6,817 last month from […]

This article was originally published in February, the ad is recirculating with minor updates (mostly that the “deadline” is now April 1, versus previous versions that cited January 1 or February 1), so we’re re-sharing this piece to help answer continuing reader questions. What appears below has not been updated since 2/7/18. I’m sure quite […]

I’ve had a couple readers ask about this one, and it seems fairly interesting, so I thought I’d look into it even though it doesn’t seem to have been particularly actively promoted. The “tease” came in Steve Sjuggerud’s free Daily Wealth newsletter over the weekend, as bait to tempt subscribers into his True Wealth newsletter […]

Pretty much every publisher has jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, and this latest one shouldn’t come as much of a surprise… Jim Rickards has styled himself as a currency guru, with his “Currency Wars Alert” and plenty of pitches about the impending demise of the dollar or other major currency moves in recent years, and […]

No, Balthasar is not a biotech company. Think fast! Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Jaclyn, Farrah and Kate. Kirk, Spock and Bones. Barry, Robin and Maurice. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. History and culture bestow trios upon us because threesomes keep us rapt. The Three Magi, liking the Gummune as they do, have […]

There’s a clear winner in the “what readers are asking about” sweepstakes this morning, and it’s the latest pitch from Charles Mizrahi for his Park Avenue Investment Club (currently $99/yr) — so that ad must really be making the rounds, and we’ll fire up the Thinkolator to get you some answers today. The pitch is […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS is our biotech and medical maven, who writes for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses is own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. You can find all of his previous articles and most recent comments on his Stock Gumshoe page.] Although the drive to […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, […]

This article originally appeared on September 14, when the teaser pitch was circulating with a September 15 “deadline” to get your “extra $1,003 a month in benefits.” We’re getting a lot of questions about it again, so we’re republishing this article… other than the move to a December 15 “deadline,” the ad appears unchanged (and […]

by a currency outside of our country’s control and Trump can’t do a thing about it. Retirees who don’t act will stand to lose basically everything, Disruption in social security payments, medicare along with everything else . Any chance of what this doomsayer is calling for can anything be done to avoid this? Or is […]

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